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Black Holocaust

Dr. Shane

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Every day in the US 1,500 black babies are aborted.

Although the black population of the United States is only 13% of the population they account for 35% of the abortions performed. In the state of Mississippi blacks make up 37% of the population abd account for 73% of abortions.

Is there a reason for this? More than 78% of Planned Parenthood's abortions centers are in or near minority neighborhoods. It is a chilling truth that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood (1939), promoted sterilization and birth control among blacks becaused she believed that "the procreation of this group should be stopped."

Read it here Black Genocide


Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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2002 36M Blacks => 18M females.

Each female is likely to have about 2 kids per lifetime =>

one kid every 30 years => 1/30 births per year / female => 0.6M pregnancies per year

30 years * 0.5M pregnancies => 18M pregnancies in the period in question. So women are getting pregnant at about twice the rate that they want to.

Actual data:



"88% were performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy"


This implies that both Black and non-Black women are getting pregnant more often than they want to. Why is this?

Contraceptives are not perfect.


"An estimated 2% to 5% of condoms tear during use"

Normal error rates are around 1% of women on contraceptives will get pregnant PER YEAR. And that is if they are used and used properly.

CONCLUSION: The ONLY way to get the birth rate down to where adult people want it to be is a combination of education, poverity eradication, contraception, and abortion.

To argue that abortion should be banned is to argue that the world population should be allowed to increase without limit causing vast famines. However much can be done to decrease the current rate - which is acting the role of a VERY expensive form of birth control.

ONE: We must do more to eradicate poverty and ignorance.

This means we should be spending money on schools, not the US military. This is why Bush's current budget plans are such a huge disaster - he is taking money AWAY from the area of biggest need and giving it to MILITARY HARDWARE companies and their stockholders, and worse still to companies such as Haliburton with no-bid contracts for buying Kuwaiti oil at $1 per gallon, pay Pakistani's to drive it to Iraq, and sell it to Iraqi's at $0.05 per gallon - while taking vast profits off the top.

Instead we get irrational diatribes against abortion.


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Nice try at trying to justify murder but God didn't put a clause in sixth Commandment for overpopulation. How many genocides have been justified by overpopulation?

Exposing the Overpopulation MYTH

Did you know that over 50% of the US population lives with 150 miles of the coast? Did you know that well over 50% of the food consumed in the US is consumed by animals? Did you know it can take 15 pounds of grain to make one pound of beef? (Most food fed to animals goes in the front end and out the back)

Fact is the reason the US is facing a Social Secuirity crisis is because we don't have enough people to pay for those now preparing for retirment.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Nice try at trying to justify murder

God, whose commandments you are quoting,

(a) ordered the killing of millions,

(B) said nothing in His list of rules about the common Middle East practise of exposure, and

© created a world where 10% of all conceptions end spontaneously in abortions

It is YOU, not the Bible, you is deciding that a <12 week termination of pregnancy is murder.

It is also YOU, not the Bible, that advocates and supports the killing of over 100,000 Iraqi's to 'defend' the USA.

It is also YOU, not the Bible, that defends George W Bush's current attempts to increase the poverty level inside the USA and to reduce the current aid given to millions of mothers, thereby causing a major increase in the death rate of children born healthy and alive.

It is also YOU, not the Bible, that is trying to increase the burden on the world to quarantee huge famines.

If you really cared about keeping people alive, you would advocate

(1) Stop wasting tens of billions of dollars on Halliburton and other military-industrial ventures in the Middle East

(2) Start trying to improve the situation in the countries where the death rate is highest - Africa

(3) and advocate more poverty eradication programs in the USA also.

Instead you salve your conscience by kicking the weak.


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Brother Bevin, did the thin ice crack? Is the water that cold? Your post sounds like you are treading in icy water - grasping at straws.

You want to compare acts of war, including those ordered by God, to killing innocent and defensless children? That water must be cold!

Poverty in America? I grew up in what is considered poverty. We lived in low-income housing and the government gave us food stamps and paid our energy bills. The firemen brought us Christmas presents. We had two TVs, a telephone, a microwave and a car. Take a trip south of the border and you find people living without refrigerators in plywood shacks with dirt floors and no running water. I would say poverty in America has been eradicated.

Try to come up with something reasonable next time.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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to killing innocent and defensless children

More than 80% of the abortions are before 12 weeks.

A 10 week old fetus is NOT a child.

Something has cracked - and it ain't the ice.


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ps: A lot of the Iraqi's the American's have killed in Iraq were innocent and defenseness children. Living, breathing, walking, and loved by their families.

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A child is thought of as a human being under a specified age. That is why many consider a fetus a child. There is no denying that it is human life and quite young.

Again you try to compare this infantcide to causualties of war. No innocent women or children are targeted in Iraq. The women and children that die are civilian causualties that the US has spent millions of dollars to minimize.

Try to keep focused. We are talking about abortion. The willful taking of human life. Moreover we are talking about an organized industry that targets young, scared women and convinces them to abort. I do not believe that most women that abort their children fully understand what they are doing. Planned Parenthood is not trying to protect a woman's right to choose. They are trying to convince women to choose abortion. And it appears they are quite successful with black women. Now why is that?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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© created a world where 10% of all conceptions end spontaneously in abortions

No. God created a world without death.

Lucifer introduced sin and death.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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A child is thought of as a human being under a specified age. That is why many consider a fetus a child. There is no denying that it is human life and quite young.

Let me give you a simple introduction to biology. I know you don't actually like facts, because they refute your attempts to salve your conscience by kicking the weak, but listen anyway.

A mommy cell and a daddy cell combine to make a single cell. This single cell then sucks in nutrients from its surroundings and gets bigger. It then splits in half to make two cells. Each of these steps repeats for the two cells, making four cells. And again. And again. This process repeats until there are billions of cells.

Along the way the cells begin to change into different kinds of cells. Nerve cells, muscle cells, ligaments etc. This same process happens for mice and men.

There is NO AMAZING POINT where it changes from 'just a cell' to 'a conscious an alert human being'. Indeed, if you split the two cells apart, you get TWO human beings. You, Shane, are the result of the NON-CREATION of an identical twin. Half of you could have been A DIFFERENT PERSON!

All we had to do was get into your mother's womb and split the cells, and - hey presto - two human beings.

Early abortion is not murder. Forcing someone else to raise a child that they do not have the resources to care for is both theft and neglience. You are stealing their resources to salve your conscience, and neglecting your duties to provide properly for humans that you have forced to exist.


No innocent women or children are targeted in Iraq.

Nonsense. The US Military uses weapons that it knows full-well demolish complete buildings containing whole families. Furthermore the US Military knows full well that its intelligence is flawed. Furthermore the US Military will deliberately hit a building that contains suspected insurgents even if it knows there are women and children in the building - and is not certain it contains insurgents.

We have killed over 100,000 Iraqis. We said there were only a few thousand insurgents. That means there is over 95,000 civilian deaths. They were not accidents.

They were a direct result of a huge screw up by the Bush administration - and the Bush admin was told in advance from many directions that they were screwing up.


And it appears they are quite successful with black women. Now why is that?

Maybe because they aren't getting the government support that they need - the support that Bush is cutting heavily into so Halliburton can make gross profits.


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Say, Shane, are you being humorous here? I can't tell, you ain't using your icons....

Well, here is something serious on your subject, even if you are being humorous...

[:"green"]Five Ways to Prevent Abortion (And One Way That Won't)

[:"blue"] Table Of Contents:[/]

* 1. Make contraception more easily available.

* 2. Give young people a better teacher than experience.

* 3. Increase the involvement of men.

* 4. Create new birth control methods.

* 5. Make America friendlier to children.

* The Way That Won't Work

The way to prevent abortion is not to make it illegal. That won't work. It never has. Whenever governments have made abortions illegal, they have not stopped them. Throughout the centuries, when women have felt abortion to be their only option, they have had them. Whether they were legal or not. In the two decades before abortion was legal in the United States, nearly one million women went "underground" each year for illegal operations. Thousands died for lack of medical care. Tens of thousands were maimed. All were forced to behave as if they were criminals in order to do what they felt was right for themselves. We hope those days are gone forever, even though anti-choice extremists are determined to turn back the clock.

But regardless of where we stand on the abortion issue, most of us would like to see the need for abortion reduced. This will only come as the natural result of reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood has worked for decades toward that goal. We advocate the following ways to prevent abortion.

[:"blue"] 1. Make contraception more easily available.[/]

The quickest way to reduce the number of abortions in America is to increase the availability of contraception. The shocking fact is that millions of Americans do not have access to contraceptives or know how to use them. For many others they are prohibitively expensive.

There are more than three million unintended pregnancies each year.

Easier access would prevent hundreds of thousands of unintended pregnancies and abortions. New methods of birth control are also needed.

Since the early 1970's, Title X, the national family planning program, had been strongly supported by all Democratic and Republican administrations, until recently. It has also received broad bi-partisan support in Congress. It has established thousands of community family planning centers, serving millions of low-income women and teenagers. Each year, publicly funded programs help avert 1.3 million pregnancies and 632,000 abortions. A tremendous financial savings also results: every public dollar which goes to

family planning saves more than three dollars, in the next year alone, that would otherwise be spent for health and welfare services associated with unintended births.

One would expect anti-abortion leaders to embrace this program. But the same people who speak loudly against abortion have fought to eliminate all government support for family planning services.

So far, Congress has resisted the pressure. But if the anti-family planning forces should ever succeed, the results are predictable: less contraceptive use, more unintended pregnancy, and an increase in abortions.

[:"blue"] 2. Give young people a better teacher than experience.[/]

The people who oppose abortion and contraception also oppose sex education programs for teenagers. They apparently think that by saying nothing at all, teen sexuality will go away.

From our work with hundreds of thousands of sexually active teenagers, we can tell you that a shocking number of them know nothing at all about how reproduction works, how their own bodies work, and how to prevent pregnancy. Their teacher is trial and error. Plus television, movies and misinformation from peers.

Anti-abortion leaders argue that information about sex should come from parents. Agreed. But are parents doing it? Do they know what to say? Or when to say it? Research shows that many parents feel uncomfortable discussing sex with children. When they do, important information is often omitted.

Almost all parents though, regardless of how comfortable they are discussing sensitive matters with their children, support the idea that sexuality education programs should be offered in schools and other community settings.

These programs provide young people with a comprehensive understanding of the facts. And a basic element of sexuality education programs is to help teens understand that waiting until they're ready to have sex — and not succumbing to peer pressure — is a legitimate option.

Sexuality education does not increase sexual activity; it increases knowledge and responsibility. The net result: fewer unwanted pregnancies and fewer abortions.

[:"blue"] 3. Increase the involvement of men.[/]

No woman ever made herself pregnant. Yet for centuries, men have ignored their responsibility in preventing unwanted pregnancies. "I've got no kids—that I know of" is an all-too familiar male expression.

Fortunately, change is in the air. That change must be encouraged. Many family planning agencies now run programs which help men recognize their equal responsibility in all aspects of sexuality: decision-making, obtaining and using contraception, and handling any crisis which occurs.

[:"blue"] 4. Create new birth control methods. [/]

By far the most common method of birth control for married couples is sterilization, because it offers the best protection against unintended pregnancy. But sterilizations are permanent.

Among the "temporary" methods, none is perfect. Unless there's a dramatic increase in government support, new methods will not be available to American women any time soon.

[:"blue"] 5. Make America friendlier to children.[/]

A study by The Alan Guttmacher Institute found that the U.S. has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in most of the industrialized world.

The countries with the lowest rates were found to be those with a more realistic and accepting attitude toward sexuality, and open access to family planning services. Other factors cited were economic opportunity for young people and the encouragement of self-esteem.

Americans need to face the fact that the environment in which our children are raised — the quality of housing, child care, education, understanding and acceptance — are all factors which affect how they feel about themselves and their ability to cope with the pressures of life.

For many young people today, sexual expression is often the only way to feel loved. Becoming pregnant, or causing pregnancy, is a tragic outcome of that quest for intimacy.

Studies support the premise that young people with high levels of self-esteem are the least likely to compromise their futures by taking the risk of unintended pregnancy.

To help young people avoid this we must provide them meaningful alternatives: a better understanding of human sexual development, a better education, real career opportunities, job development, training, placement and hope for a better life.

[:"blue"] The Way That Won't Work[/]

Public opinion polls show that a strong majority of Americans favor preserving safe, legal abortions, but there is still a vocal minority that does not. They want to make abortion a crime, robbing women of the right to decide for themselves when or whether to have children. Some of these people have been accosting women who enter reproductive health centers. Others have planted bombs. None of this will succeed in preventing abortions. Whenever women feel abortion is absolutely necessary, for whatever personal reasons, they have them, even if they are illegal, even in circumstances that are dangerous, expensive and humiliating. We must never return to those dark days when government could force women to choose between compulsory pregnancy or dangerous, back-alley abortions. But while we protect women's right to choose safe and legal abortion, we must work to reduce the need for abortion. Planned Parenthood has always worked toward that goal. You can too.

These are five ways to guarantee far fewer unwanted pregnancies and far fewer abortions. Shouldn't the anti-abortion movement support these efforts? Shouldn't the government? Shouldn't we all?

The anti-abortion movement is increasingly hostile to the actual concerns of real people. They fail to acknowledge that lives are being ruined every day. Not by legal abortion, but by lack of education and access to contraception, by the lack of more effective, safer contraceptives, by men who refuse to share responsibility, and by society's inattention to the fundamental needs of our young people. Reversing this situation would prevent unintended pregnancies by the hundreds of thousands. [/]

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Tell me, Shane. Since you are so opposed to killing any and all forms of human life, do you approve of this...



Egyptian doctors said they removed a second head from a 10-month-old girl suffering from one of the rarest birth defects in an operation Saturday

Abla el-Alfy, a consultant in paediatric intensive care, told Reuters at the hospital in Benha, near Cairo, that Manar Maged was in a serious but improving condition after the procedure to treat her for craniopagus parasiticus -- a problem related to that of conjoined twins linked at the skull.

"We are still working on the baby. After surgery ... you get unstable blood pressure, you get fever. But she is stabilizing," Alfy said. "We have some improvement."

As in the case of a girl who died after similar surgery in the Dominican Republic a year ago, the second twin had developed no body. The head that was removed from Manar had been capable of smiling and blinking but not independent life, doctors said.

Video footage provided by the hospital, a national center in Egypt for children's medicine, showed Manar smiling and at ease in a cot with the dark-haired "parasitic" twin, attached at the upper left side of the girl's skull, occasionally blinking.

After the 13-hour operation, Reuters journalists saw the baby, her head swathed in bandages and body wreathed by tubes, in an intensive care ward. A separate twin sister, Noora, is healthy after initial problems with the birth on March 30.

Alfy said the 13-strong surgical team separated Manar's brain from the conjoined organ in small stages, cutting off the blood supply to the extra head while preventing increased blood flow to Manar's heart, which would have risked cardiac arrest.

Benha, 40 km (25 miles) north of Cairo, was chosen for its equipment and proximity to the girl's family. "The family of the child are from near here, we have the equipment, we assembled a team, so why not have the operation here?" she said, explaining the choice not to work in Cairo or at centers abroad with more experience with conjoined twins.

After all, that second head could have developed into a complete human being if things were just a little different, and may well have developed into a fully capable rational being as things were.

You are opposed to killing much smaller and less intelligent fetuses.

You should be opposed to this operation also.


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I understand biology and agree with your narative. Where we disagree is on the value placed on human life. You see a human embreyo with no more vaule than that of a chicken or frog. I see it as much more valuable. Christ Himself said we are more valuable than sparrows.

Women have reproductive rights even in countries where abortion is illegal. Except in cases of rape and child molestation the woman makes the choice to get naked, spread her legs and let a man jump on her. She does this knowing full well that the biggest side effect of hetrosexual relations is pregnancy. If a woman doesn't want to have a baby she doesn't need to have sex. She has the choice. She has the control. To say otherwise is insulting to women. To say a woman has no choice to have sex because she is lonely, horny or under peer presure is really quite insulting to women as a whole.

Miscarriages were never part of God's plan any more than an infant dying of a childhood disease. To advance the idea that God wills some pregancies to be aborted is to say He is guilty for the consequences of sin.

Outlawing abortion will not stop it. That is true. Outlawing murder hasn't stopped it either. Outlawing drugs haven't stop them either. Outlawing child molestation hasn't stop it either. However outlawing these things does reduce their occurance. Prohibition is a fine example. Alcohol consumption dropped dramatically during the 12 years of prohibition and took over 30 years after being legalized to return to the rate it was before. Abortions in countries where it is illegal are dramaticlly less than in nations where they are legal. The best way to reduce abortions is to make them illegal. The punishment for getting an abortion should be minor (probation or no more than one year in jail). The punishment for performing abortions should be 5 to 10 years in prison first offense and 15 to 30 years in prison second offense. That would dramatically reduce abortions in America and give the black population a chance to grow again.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Public opinion polls show that a strong majority of Americans favor preserving safe, legal abortions, but there is still a vocal minority that does not.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

You must be reading the polls taken by salon.com. Actually slightly over 50% of Amaricans polled favor abortion being illegal. That number varies from year to year between 48% and 52%. The number of Americans that want abortion legal ranges between 43% and 47% as it changes year to year as well. However the inner polls are what get interesting. Of those that say they want abortion to be legal, over 50% believe it to be morally wrong. That means if it were ever to come to a vote, prolife groups could be successful in moving many now in the pro-choice crowd over to the pro-life crowd. The militant pro-choicers know that and fear the day the Court allows the people to make the law.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Those who do not read history are condemned to repeat it.

Your goal and mine is to , at the very least, reduce the number of abortions.

The fact of the matter is that women who feel the need for an abortion will get it. It is a fact that you can not get around. And what you are doing is making a stigma and a crime for those women who do get abortions. You feel that any woman who bleeds out from a backyard abort gets what she deserves. It's justice for a murder.....

While I disagree very strongly with your assumptions, and I also feel that you have no heart for the downtrodden, especially women who have no hope, and I hope that you can live with your decision to criminalize abortion...Cause that is what you are goinna get....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

The fact of the matter is that women who feel the need for an abortion will get it.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

That is not a fact. A fact is something that is proven. For example when we boil water it evaporates. We can repeat this process over and over and the result will always be the same.

Far from being fact, your suggestion is a hypothesis - something not yet proven. Studying nations where abortion is illegal suggests that your hypothesis is false.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

You feel that any woman who bleeds out from a backyard abort gets what she deserves.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Quite honestly, Brother Neil, she gets what we all deserve. Doesn't she? The wages of sin is death. Do you really want to talk about what we deserve? I think when a woman dies after an abortion it is a tragidy. Two lives are lost. Don't fool yourself. It doesn't just happen after "back yard" abortions. Legal abortions may be relatively safe but are not like getting a tooth pulled. There are women that die even after having a legal abortions and many are never able to get pragnant again.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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However the inner polls are what get interesting. Of those that say they want abortion to be legal, over 50% believe it to be morally wrong.

It takes way over 50% to enforce your personally immorality on others. If 51% try to impose a rule on 49%, the 49% can make life VERY miserable for the 51%.

Haven't you learned anything from Bush's stupidity in Iraq?

Christians like you really scare me. You are so enthuisastic about enforcing your religious preferences on others, you would vote for the return of the Inquisition.


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You miss the point so let me repeat.

If the question is asked "Should abortion be legal or illegal?"

50% roughly now favor abortion being illegal

50% or a little less favor it being legal (some are undecided or don't care)

If the question is asked, "Is abortion immoral?"

Over 75% answer yes! Some say no and some say they don't know.

So it really isn't about 51% enforcing their morality on 49%. Less than 25% think abortion is acceptable and not everyone in that 25% is actively getting abortions. The law wouldn't be that hard to enforce.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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You can probably get similar numbers for many activities.

A majority of people do not believe in forcing their morality onto other people. 50% think it is wrong to force this particular piece of morality onto others.

You need more than 90% to avoid a major fight.

Strange how you value human life so much you will force other people to spread their limited resources across two mouths/minds instead of one, yet you support a regime that is spending $300B to kill >100,000 civilians, while at the same time cutting assistance to millions of Americans, and ignoring the plight of tens of millions of Africans.

It is easy to spend someone else's money. It is even easier to spend someone else's money and kill someone else's people to protect your family.

It is hard to come up with a set of priorities that make sense. But you should try.


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That is not a fact. A fact is something that is proven. For example when we boil water it evaporates. We can repeat this process over and over and the result will always be the same.

Far from being fact, your suggestion is a hypothesis - something not yet proven. Studying nations where abortion is illegal suggests that your hypothesis is false.

"Those who refuse to listen to history are condemned to repeat it."

It is a cold hearted fact, Shane. You forgot the 40'a and 50's and 60's where women in desparation sought out those backyard abortions. In fact, I read, this past weekend, a book on herbs that the Indians used. Did you know that there is an herb that Indian women used to induce abortion? So, the fact of the matter is, Shane, there are women from all ages who sought out ways to induce abortion.


Quite honestly, Brother Neil, she gets what we all deserve. Doesn't she?

Maybe....But it is a sin of ommission to allow as many lives to be lost over this issue when we can learn and save one life. It is human nature to save as many as we can, but what is hard is making the decision to allow a life to certainly die when it is within our power to save it. Why kill 2 when you can save one? Why force a woman to kill herself in desparation, when we can make abortions safe? It is illogical and it is heartless.

Your counter arguement is "well, what about the child? It is heartless to kill the child." And your arguement is well recieved....But you don't understand the concept of "triage"...A woman who is willing to kill herself to kill a baby shows desparation. The baby is dead anyway. Why loose the woman also?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

You forgot the 40'a and 50's and 60's where women in desparation sought out those backyard abortions.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

No I didn't forget about that. I also know the number of women that did seek illegal abortions is greatly exagerated by Planned Parenthood.

We don't have to look at history. We can look at nations where abortion is still illegal. They have statistics of how many women die from botched abortions and how many are treated due to botched abortions.

What the radical Left misses is odd. The radical Left is always accusing coorporate America of being after profits and sacrificing the working man to get them. They claim we went to war because of oil and that Bush helps big companies ship jobs overseas. YET THEY MISS THE ABORTION/BIG BUSINESS CONNECTION. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America and the loadest advocate for pro-choice. Does anyone on the Left see a conflict of interest there?

If there are 1.3 million abortions performed each year at $500 each that is $650 million. That is a large industry and Planned Parenthood has the largest portion of it. Does anyone think it is just a coincidence that black women get more abortions that other races? Obviously they are targeted by the industry.

We can bury our head in the sand and say that would never happen. Wake up. Look at what is being proven about the tobacco companies and how they marketed their products for years. Does anyone think the abortion industry has a higher ethical standard than the tobacco industry?

Fact is a lot of women that get abortions are talked into it at Planned Parenthood centers. A single woman gets scared and goes to Planned Parenthood. When they tell her she is pregnant they ask if that is good news or bad news. When she replies that it is bad news they tell her they can make it all go away. It isn't about reproduction rights. Pull your head out of the cloads for goodness sake. It is all about the money. $650 million a year.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Fact is a lot of women that get abortions are talked into it at Planned Parenthood centers.

FACT???? Prove it.


ps: You are STILL ignoring the two-headed baby. Why? Because it violates your cute 'never abort' stupidity.

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Don't you think that would be hard to prove? The biased press doesn't do a lot of stories on that.

I have had two personal experiences with abortion (I won't give more detail than that). In both cases Planned Parenthood took advatage of the situation and talked the ladies into getting abortions. (Both later regretted it)

Since that time my association with Pregnancy Crisis Centers has taught me that is all too common of a story. Time to pull our heads out of the sand and wake up, isn't it?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Just to reply to the baby question. That baby also had a live birth twin in addition to the parasitic head. We dont know the income level of the family nor the medical care level available to them. Without access to sonograms or ultrasounds, the parents wouldnt have known of the problem.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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