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"We Shall be Found wanting"


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The Inspired Message hit me hard in my Head today. it reads..

"Through divine grace, all men may live in harmony with the requirements of God's law. It is not enough that we have not blotted the page of life with revolting crime; unless the record bears witness of noble deeds, of self-denying efforts to save not only our own souls but the souls of others, we shall be found wanting." {Sign of the time April 21, 1881}

Are we doing our part in saving souls of others?

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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The Inspired Message hit me hard in my Head today. it reads..

"Through divine grace, all men may live in harmony with the requirements of God's law. It is not enough that we have not blotted the page of life with revolting crime; unless the record bears witness of noble deeds, of self-denying efforts to save not only our own souls but the souls of others, we shall be found wanting." {Sign of the time April 21, 1881}

Are we doing our part in saving souls of others?

That bears repeating!

His child Henry 

Bible student/Author https://www.loudcry101.com

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Thanks hch.

This is more on rhetorical question but rather very important to answer.

The text shows that we got to do more, work while its day time..when the night is come..all work should have been done!


The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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But MariaS, I thought works were of no importance in our salvation. In fact we have been told that our own works actually get in the way of our salvation, making the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of none effect.

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Hey MariaS, Rom. 5:8 says 'Then as one man's trespass led to condemnation for all people, so one man's act of righteousness leads to acquittal and life for ALL people.' And how about Rom. 11:25-26? Isn't it clear that ALL of Israel will be saved even though they never did keep all of the law? And, since Paul also said that there is no difference between a Jew or a Gentile, and all have been predestened to be saved, then why worry about keeping any law?

Since these words are found in the bible, can't we count on them being true?

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Yes Indeed. ALL are predestined to be saved. That was before the foundations of the earth. But that does not mean that all will be saved.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Dr. Rich

The curse of the law no longer applies to those in Christ. But the law is in their hearts.

Signing off

Dr. Woody

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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But MariaS, I thought works were of no importance in our salvation. In fact we have been told that our own works actually get in the way of our salvation, making the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of none effect.

Works keep us focused on Christ. In this way .... we don't end up going on the way of Satan. If we are idle in our works ... it is more likely that we could reject Christ. Then we would 'lose' our salvation. So, in a indirect way ... works ARE tied to our salvation. That is unless one believes in 'once saved always saved'.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Dr. Rich

The curse of the law no longer applies to those in Christ. But the law is in their hearts.

Signing off

Dr. Woody

Dr. Rich and Dr. Woody........ LOL

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Dr. Rich and Dr. Woody........ LOL

watch out there buster. How dare you laugh at me.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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There buster? Where? :)

Unless you are a bump on a log, you are going to end up doing some kind of works! May as well make them good ones!

If you are walking with Christ, with the Holy Spirit guiding you, you will notice that something will happen with the works that you do. You will find yourself caring about others and the like.

Fear-induced works can TRY to copy those, but it's not the same.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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There buster? Where? :)

Unless you are a bump on a log, you are going to end up doing some kind of works! May as well make them good ones!

If you are walking with Christ, with the Holy Spirit guiding you, you will notice that something will happen with the works that you do. You will find yourself caring about others and the like.

Fear-induced works can TRY to copy those, but it's not the same.

I give the full Dr. Woody stamp of approval on this post.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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But MariaS, I thought works were of no importance in our salvation. In fact we have been told that our own works actually get in the way of our salvation, making the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of none effect.

Dear Musicman, If it is so, please explain the below text:

REVELATION 21: 12-14

012: And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

013: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

014: Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.


If you are a married man, you may recall your vow on your wedding day to be with her till the end ..."till death do us part". How ever if you dont keep loving her like before..no sweet words, having another woman...not coming home (because you are coming to someone's home)..dishonored her, take her things without her permission...spread false acusation...wanting her to be someone that she is not...not remembering her birthday or important dates...abuse her emotionally..physically..what will happend? You may loose her one day for many reason. This is a Simple ilustration on keeping a relationship alive so not to LOOSE it. By the way, those examples I gave is something to do with the commandements of God. Salvation is FREELY given, FREELY received and yet to be maintained to keep oneself fitted for HEAVEN.

A murderer will be in a wrong place in heaven...why God bother to put a miserable person in heaven who prefer to be in a wrong place?

I bet you know the answer!

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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Hey MariaS, Rom. 5:8 says 'Then as one man's trespass led to condemnation for all people, so one man's act of righteousness leads to acquittal and life for ALL people.' And how about Rom. 11:25-26? Isn't it clear that ALL of Israel will be saved even though they never did keep all of the law? And, since Paul also said that there is no difference between a Jew or a Gentile, and all have been predestened to be saved, then why worry about keeping any law?

Since these words are found in the bible, can't we count on them being true?

My earlier quotation did not say that the above bible texts you quoted aren't true. Its complimenting to each other. However, if you just take Rom.5:8 and Rom. 11:25-26 as a stand alone text for your salvation, I am afraid you are missing the big piture of Salvation. I urge you to study more on this subject, should you be sincere to know the truth, God will reveal to you the truth. Are you an SDA by the way Dr Rich?

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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Huh??? saywa

What are you trying to say Honey?

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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Yes Indeed. ALL are predestined to be saved. That was before the foundations of the earth. But that does not mean that all will be saved.

Are you sure about the predestined to be Saved Woody? Salvation is FREE but only to those who received it. Its not imposed to anyway who do not want to be saved.

Otherwise I agree with you that not all will be saved (The good news is, God will do all He could to save us). Hebrew 7:25 says "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them".

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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Dr. Rich

The curse of the law no longer applies to those in Christ. But the law is in their hearts.

Signing off

Dr. Woody

Dr Woody, what kind of advice you are giving to Dr Rich?

If you get into the Mud yesterday, it has already been cleaned when you took shower last night.

However, your wife will be very upset with you if you got into the mud again today and sleap with it because you said that the previous night's shower has cleaned all the mud and dirt on you.

It will be good if you study deeper this text: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree." -{Gal: 3:13}.

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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Originally Posted By: Musicman1228
But MariaS, I thought works were of no importance in our salvation. In fact we have been told that our own works actually get in the way of our salvation, making the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of none effect.

Works keep us focused on Christ. In this way .... we don't end up going on the way of Satan. If we are idle in our works ... it is more likely that we could reject Christ. Then we would 'lose' our salvation. So, in a indirect way ... works ARE tied to our salvation. That is unless one believes in 'once saved always saved'.

Yes Dr Woody, Salvation has to do with our work (but not work alone). Read the inspired message below:

The hidden selfishness of men stands revealed in the books of heaven. There is the record of unfulfilled duties to their fellow men, of forgetfulness of the Saviour's claims. There they will see how often were given to Satan the time, thought, and strength that belonged to Christ. Sad is the record which angels bear to heaven. Intelligent beings, professed followers of Christ, are absorbed in the acquirement of worldly possessions or the enjoyment of earthly pleasures. Money, time, and strength are sacrificed for display and self-indulgence; but few are the moments devoted to prayer, to the searching of the Scriptures, to humiliation of soul and confession of sin. {GC 487.3}

Satan invents unnumbered schemes to occupy our minds, that they may not dwell upon the very work with which we ought to be best acquainted. The archdeceiver hates the great truths that bring to view an atoning sacrifice and an all-powerful mediator. He knows that with him everything depends on his diverting minds from Jesus and His truth. {GC 488.1}

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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Come on MariaS, You can't be serious!

Sure, my wife and I had an agreement you could call a marriage covenant, but so what? Isn't it just enough to tell her I love her and for her to tell me she loves me and knows that I love her? Why does anyone need a marriage covenant? After all, it just gets in the way because I love my wife and want her to be happy and she loves me and wants me to be happy!

A few months ago she told me that she was going to Hawaii with a man friend she met at work and would be staying together with him for a week. But then she told me that she loves me and knows that I love her and want her to be happy, so I must agree with her and allow her to have her fun. After all, the main thing is that I LOVE her and she LOVES me--right? Those silly things written in the OLD covenant are outdated so now we now have a NEW covenant that is in our hearts.---Right? I mean, haven't you ever heard of an OPEN marriage? Everyone is doing this now, so why not join them because they surely can't be wrong.

That old marriage covenant was outdated and it was just a curse to us because no one could keep it anyway. It sure is a good thing that LOVE fixes everything and just having faith in my wife and her having faith in me is enough for both of us. Right? And besides, why can't I love other women too? Don't they need to be happy knowing that I love them too? Why is it that I must only love one woman? How stupid of me to even think that I should be the husband of only ONE woman? What was I thinking? Dosen't LOVE do no wrong? The more I think about it, why limit it to women? What would be wrong for me to just LOVE everyone unconditionally? FREE LOVE for everyone! Isn't that what the world needs?

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I said what I said to make a point. I did not say I believed what I said was true. Dr. Rich made a good comparison between two different kinds of marriage covenants which I though was quite well taken.

The Covenant of the Kingdom is just like a marriage covenant between husband and wife. What breaks this covenant? Infidelity. Infidelity occurs when one party in the marriage has illicit association (whether sexual or not does not matter) with someone of the opposite sex, for the purpose of some form of gratification. If this happens then the covenant is broken.

Now the covenant can be renewed between the two parties, but it is always renewed based on the original commitment to the covenant; the covenant doesn't change, a person must change themselves to fit the covenant.

This is EXACTLY what God told ancient Israel in Jer. 31-31-34. The word in Hebrew for 'new' used here is: 2318 chadash khaw-dash' a primitive root; to be new; causatively, to rebuild:--RENEW, repair.

In this context God is NOT saying that He is replacing the Original (not old) Covenant with a brand new covenant. He is simply saying that when He invites Israel back to become again His Kingdom/Bride that He will RENEW the covenant NOT on Tables of Stone but on the Heart and in the innermost parts.

The Covenant/Law was NOT done away with when Jesus died on the cross, in fact it want not modified from it's original purpose at all, save the location was to be INSIDE a person not outside.

Keeping the Covenant is the sign or MARK that you belong to God; saying that the Covenant is no longer in force and does not matter in salvation is the sign or MARK that you do not belong to God, but that you belong to the false God that speaks of Lawlessness-this is the Mark of the Beast.

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Dr Rich and Music man,

Unfortunately a real SDA does not see spiritual things the way you two see it, but I respect your oppinion.

You can create all your rasionals..no one is responsible but you yourself for your own salvation. Back to the context I posted earlier..are we doing enough to help other to be saved? What are we arguing here?..Does arguing to put through human oppinion helping other to be saved?..I doubt it will. So here I share..and hope you enjoy the precious bible text below.

Matthew 7:6 "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you".

The precious pearl of God is for those who appreciate it, take it as it is, who will not trample it under their feet.

Should you want to make further comment, comment on what have we done to help other's to be saved..unless if of course you dont think that is necessary to do.

God Bless

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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I do not see how it does any good for a person to 'help' someone to be 'saved' is they (themselves) don't know how to become saved, or worse, if they THINK that they know how to be saved but don't.

Jesus said that this was 'The blind leading the blind'.

Blind guides are of no value.

"Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” Matt.15:14.

You have also made and accusatory statement that I am not a REAL SDA because I don't believe as do you. God wants us to judge ourselves against His requirements for salvation to SEE where we measure up and where we don't. This is appropriate. God never said we were to judge others in that same way, as you have just done. This is NEVER appropriate. Not to make it overly personal, but I wonder who the REAL SDA really is, you or me?

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Hi Musicman, I am sorry about the accusation and that you feel it.

You are right on blind leading the blind will lead to no way except to the pit. We ourselves know if we are blind.

Have a nice evening

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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I think in most part of the world, there are many people doing lots for the Lord. some open up their houses for bible studies, some open up their offices for bible studies and some give a piece of Land for the mission to build churches.

We dont have to look far, its should be done in our family..at work..in our local church. At times..I am asking myself.."am I representing Jesus right at work?"..Good Lord be merciful to us sinners.

The rules of life

- Love and serve God

- Remember choices, not circumstances, determine the flavor of our lives

- Live each day so that you'll never be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday

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