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An anti-USA attitude approved by Jesus Christ & the Kingdom o Heaven

Felix Florimon

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One of the major problems in the war between good and evil is that most of Jesus’ followers on earth have learned to be spiritual fighters just “at the local level” and do not feel any kind of alarm on how the devil is conquering more and more people to His side against God; by this I mean as He is revealed in Genesis 1 & 2 and in John 3:16. Therefore, our enemies have multiplied in numbers, strength and influence while we are only growing in numbers but our strength and influence in making positive changes in the world where we live is steadily being destroyed by individuals having a great animosity against Jesus’ teachings.

The political process within the United States of America, atheists (by this I mean all those who do not believe in Genesis 1&2) throughout the world and radical Muslims have been joining forces in order to make sure that Jesus’ words of having His teachings to be known by every human creature on earth do not become a reality. Their only interest is to have a love-hate way of dealing with humans and having death as a final arbiter on who should be living in this world.


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Throughout the years, we have been able to see a consistency on how truthful followers of Jesus Christ and how the world’s political process (being dominated at this time by the American political process) have been conducting their own behavior in the unavoidable war between good and evil that we all have been brought to fight in.

All humans participating in the war between good and evil cannot avoid to have intelligence and love to guide most of their actions. The real problem is that those who are on the side of Satan and evil use their love and their intelligence in way as to make evil to have more weight in the decision making process of many individuals.

Those who truthfully follow Jesus are guided first by love, second by intelligence, third by life. I mention life as the last priority because after Jesus was crucified, truthful followers of Jesus have been more than willing to give their own physical lives without any kind of destructive resistance against their enemies with the hope that other people including those enemies could later change their ways and later be included within the ever growing number of Jesus’ followers.

The United States of America and all atheists on this world (by this I mean all those who do not believe in Genesis 1&2) are guided first by intelligence, second by a love-hate relationship within people (this is how on this world we see so many people with a socio-pathologic personality are able to legally acquire lethal weapons) and third by death. Through this kind of thinking, the retributive anger of the human mind should be empowered in order to have lethal weapons to kill those who are perceived as a potential threat and then leave to the courts the decision whether the killer was right or wrong after the victim has been killed.

Those who are labeled “terrorists” or “radical Muslims” with a very dominant religious-political agenda are first guided by a “love and hate” kind of relationship (they have the ability of showing a great loving affection to members of their own families and members of their community while having a very deadly impact on any one that they perceive to be on the opposite side of any ideological fence); second, they are guided by death since they fight against the love of Jesus, the author of life, they have not choice but to fall in the trap of trying to change any unacceptable status quo by death; this means that they feel that the adversary needs to be killed even if with the death of this adversary brings their own death and the death of those they have a friendly relationship with. Third, they are guided by intelligence; however, their intelligence is only for the service of their love-hate kind of relationship with other humans and in order to ensure the death of their adversaries regardless how high the cost may be.


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The United States of America and all atheists on this world (by this I mean all those who do not believe in Genesis 1&2) are guided first by intelligence. Through their “intelligence” they pretend to define what God is not whether God has any right in pointing out to us, through any means, if we should have any particular kind of habits or behavior. Through this kind of attitude they are putting themselves in a place that belongs to God. This kind of business began first with the church when it gradually acquired political and religious power and then decided that it was equal to God in determining what the fourth commandment should or should be and what day of the week should be dedicated to rest and to worship God. The fourth commandment is worded in such a way, in Exodus 20, as to create a “historical bridge” between worshiping God and the creation of the this world. After this historical bridge was burned down in the minds of successive generations of Christians, the number of atheists and agnostics has grown in an exponential way on this world. Now, the United States of America and all atheists on this world (by this I mean all those who do not believe in Genesis 1&2) are using their “political intelligence” in order to determine that couples living together should have the ability of having and bringing up children even if both members of the same believe in sexual relations even though they both have female or male reproductive sexual organs. This kind of thinking has been gradually evolving after the United States used its legal power in order to take the account of the creation of this world given by Genesis 1&2 out of the reach of new young minds coming to this world.

Now, many Muslims have a great suspicions that the United States of America is determined to destroy their religion. However, this is not the real issue. The real issue is that the United States of America, all Muslims nations and all atheists of this world are working under the influence of an invisible enemy in order to destroy the concept of love given to us in John 3:16 and the concept of family given to us in the first few chapters of Genesis. Regretfully, Jesus’ followers seem to show very little interest in praying so the road blocks set up by Satan (in order to have the words of the Bible to reach every human mind during their first 20 years of thinking development) could be taken out.


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In this worldwide spiritual warfare that has been on this world for over 6,000 years, PRAYER is the real key for victory. Therefore, in order to put ourselves on a way of obtaining full approval from Jesus Christ and the kingdom of heaven in having an anti-USA attitude, we need to learn a way of praying taught by Jesus in a prayer widely known as “the Lord’s prayer” where He taught us to pray saying: “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name…” (Matthew 6:9-13). We also need to pay very close attention to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:1-26 and Daniels’s prayer in Daniel 9:3-19. These three prayers have the same message: In order to be enemies of the world including the United States of America in a way that is fully approved by the Lord Jesus and by the kingdom of heaven, we need to fully understand that God is the one doing the war against evil, we have to do nothing, just to call on His name and wait on Him. The only action that we need to do is clearly pointed out in (Matthew 6:12): This is “to forgive those who have done bad things against us in the same way that we expect God to forgive our sins against Him.” The worse sinners we are, the more and more we are going to pray in a similar way as prophet Daniel prayed. However, the more and more we get successful in breaking away from our sinful habits, the more and more we are going to be like Jesus and the real tone and message of our prayers will look much closer to Jesus’ prayers in Matthew 6:9-13 and in John 17:1-26. Then we will finally be able to overcome in this war in changing the enemy through the power of love instead of trying to do it through the power of hate, death and destruction in a way that his majesty Satan is leading the USA and the entire world to do.


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We are to submit to the powers that be for they are instituted of God to control those who cannot control themselves, unless, of course, they infringe upon the conscience. Then we are to obey God rather than men.


"The merits of His sacrifice are sufficient to present to the Father in our behalf." S.C.36.

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We are to submit to the powers that be for they are instituted of God to control those who cannot control themselves, unless, of course, they infringe upon the conscience. Then we are to obey God rather than men.


That is an absolute truth (even though the “wise” people of the world don’t believe in the existence of absolute truths or of immutable moral principles). God does not believe in bloody revolutions in which people advocate the violent overthrow of governments or where citizens get armed to hurt and kill their fellow citizens. When Israel was slave in Egypt, her freedom was due thanks to the fact that Moses was someone that allowed himself to be led by God and allowed the Creator to warn Pharaoh of the horrendous consequences of not allowing God’s people to go out of Egypt to freely worship God. We already have illness and death killing all of us, so it doesn’t make any sense to make a bad situation much worse by adding more injured and dead people to the number of individuals dying due to illness and natural causes.

The war in Libya was inspired by Satan in order to make much more difficult the message of love of our Lord Jesus Christ; however, look what happened. We had the American news media and American policy makers applauding rebel forces “raising up against the dictator in order to gain freedom.” However, what freedom do people have now in Libya? Today we have more people being tortured for political reasons than before the armed Libyan revolution. Also we have more young people killing each other with lethal weapons in order to settle scores than the number of people the government killed in order to keep itself in power before the Libyan revolution. It was also Satan that led the American political process to wipe out of American teaching institutions the teachings that we all come from a loving Creator and teach instead that the existence of the human race has nothing to do with the planning INTELLIGENCE of a God and Creator.

It seems that the American political process feels that the love taught by Jesus Christ is something too boring to live by. This American political process feels more excited to believe not just in love but in a love-hate relationship. This is why it has been willing to give political support and even to send young American soldiers to die in foreign lands in order “to give the freedom” to the enemies of Jesus’ gospel need in order to have “democracy” and be “able to elect” their temporary human leaders.

Under the guidance of Satan, the first rebel in the entire universe, the American political process is doing a work of trying to get more “friends” made up of nations that believe in hating those of a different religion while making more difficult the work of those who truly believe in peace through teaching others to love and pray for their enemies because we are the end product of a loving Creator who descended to this earth to be born as a human person and to live and die showing us that love and God should be first, up to our last breath in our lives. Moreover, under the guidance of Satan, the American political process is doing the work having younger generations to forget the commandment stating “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land...” in order to give children in adoption to people believing that there is nothing biologically, socially or morally wrong when people with the same gender marry to have intimate physical relationship.

Our real job is just wait on God and become like Jesus by praying and telling those who are at our right, at our left and those in front of us that by defying the commandments of a God and Creator we have nothing to gain but to transform our lives into something that will steadily become much more painful and miserable.


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Felix..........Have you ever read David McCullough's book "1776"? How can you not believe General George Washington was not led by God to lead in the American Revolution and thus overthrow British rule and fulfill Biblical prophecy. We today are the recipients of their sacrifice. Washington himself spoke of Providence leading in what seemed an impossibility. I am sure God would never have wanted sin to enter this world and thus bloody revolution but unfortunately it has been necessary on many, many fronts.

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Felix..........Have you ever read David McCullough's book "1776"? How can you not believe General George Washington was not led by God to lead in the American Revolution and thus overthrow British rule and fulfill Biblical prophecy. We today are the recipients of their sacrifice. Washington himself spoke of Providence leading in what seemed an impossibility. I am sure God would never have wanted sin to enter this world and thus bloody revolution but unfortunately it has been necessary on many, many fronts.


God is always more than willing to lead us to fulfill His purpose in spite of our limitations. Bloody revolutions to overthrow an oppressive system usually brings more evil more than goodness. Even though George Washington prayed to the same God we pray to, the goal of the American revolution was just to set up a government that would be more representative of people’s secular needs. Such goal was obtained. However, this does not mean that bloody revolutions are the only way of getting rid of an oppressive government. We need to keep in mind that people killing others and getting killed are not really enjoying a better quality kind of freedom while they do that. Moreover, their sacrifice becomes meaningless if real power is taken by an elite of individuals who just think about themselves without taking into account the needs of other people. The American Revolution did not turn into something ugly and tyrannical because the people who initiated it did not divorced themselves from a biblical, New Testament concept of God and because within the general population there was more respect and knowledge of God’s love as it is documented in the gospel’s message. Such experience was not a reality during and after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the 1945-1950 North Korean Revolution, or the current “Arab Spring” in the Middle East.


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You are correct. I recently finnished reading a biography of John Adams. He among others (but not all) held themselves to a high standard. Usually biblically based, sometimes based on the classics, but quite different than what we see today. We now have in the White House a foggy, quasi, sort of religion in which most anything goes and what is said pertains to harvesting votes. Very dangerous for a Constitutional Republic. IMHO

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You are correct. I recently finnished reading a biography of John Adams. He among others (but not all) held themselves to a high standard. Usually biblically based, sometimes based on the classics, but quite different than what we see today. We now have in the White House a foggy, quasi, sort of religion in which most anything goes and what is said pertains to harvesting votes. Very dangerous for a Constitutional Republic. IMHO

You are right. The real problem is that we are having a White House that is being in the process of being captured or recaptured by citizens without any sense of spiritual or moral direction. This is because the current political process is guided by people who have never come across with very basic principles of human behavior taught by the Lord Jesus Christ and three of His first followers: The Apostles Paul, John and Peter according to the New Testament in the Bible.

No matter how advanced a society is when compared against other societies, it cannot escape the fact that societies are made up of families. We cannot safely divorce families from the concept of a reproductive unit or building block bringing in new citizens to our world. Families work much better when they have a biologic and a good emotional bond that goes from the cradle to the grave. Now, the commandment stating “honor your father and your mother…” has positive implications for society that go beyond the family unit. It permeates a whole society and nation; moreover, it is a basic building block in the respect people learn to have for authority and for the rule of law. When we take out that building block, we are in a process of generating a collapse of the whole society that will regretfully become a reality just few generations away in a not too distant future.

When we see the two individual who are in the process of capturing or re-capturing the White House, we just see two American citizens whose only objective is just to say what they feel it could grab the major number of votes for the presidency regardless of the long term consequences the nation may suffer. They are tied up to a political machinery just interested in making a big party by bringing in more and more votes without thinking if their stance on the family (as a biologic and moral building block) is good for the good long term future of the nation. In this instance, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romey are on the same side of the issue. President Obama is just somewhat ahead of the game but both of them are being energized by the same political process. Both of them believe that there is nothing biologically or morally wrong if two people with the same sexual gender bring up children and teach those children by words by their example that there is nothing biologically or morally wrong with two people of the same gender having intimate physical relations even if, biologically speaking, there is nothing good to be brought out of it. Even the NAACP has come up in favor of such idea. This means that the future of this nation is gradually being taken by an elite of people that just “speaking in a secular sense,” do not believe that we are an end product of biologic and physiologic laws. This elite of people do not believe that if we try to divorce ourselves from those laws, we are cursing ourselves and future generations to a very horrendous future.

The United States made war to England and became independent. This independence brought in good results because the nation decided to continue its dependence from God the Creator. However, having a nation trying to become independent of the biologic and physiologic laws bringing in new citizens to this world is a real formula for disaster. Regretfully, the American political process is unwilling to take into consideration the disastrous consequences for the whole American nation of poorly thought out national policies. According to the American political process, the best policies are the ones that are going to bring in more favorable votes in the next political election.

The American political process is putting the whole nation in the same path leading up to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the 1945-1950 North Korean Revolution, and the current “Arab Spring” in the Middle East. The only thing to prevent this is to have people praying. Those prayers should be by followers of our Lord Jesus Christ who, with real honesty in their hearts, could tell in their prayers to our Father in Heaven that this world should suffer no more in order to have Jesus Christ second coming in glory. We need more of Jesus followers working day and night in coordination with angels sent from heaven in order to limit the influence of Satan on the leaders of this world instead of having followers of Jesus Christ arguing among themselves how much suffering we need to get from the Devil or how many more times the Devil needs to be able to generate in us an indescribable kind of suffering before Jesus comes again.


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We should never forget this verse: “Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring —those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus” (Revelation 12:17). The meaning of that verse is that Satan is at war against us. Moreover, since he was once created as the most powerful and wisest angel in heaven, it is impossible to win this war that God’s enemy has against us unless we allow God to guide us in every aspect of our lives.

God’s enemy uses two primary means to win this war against us: 1) Our own weakness and imperfections; 2) human agents.

Besides having God’s help, we will never be able to win in the war the “dragon” has against us without proper use of intelligence. Now, since God’s enemy is using human agents in order to eliminate God’s children on this earth and because God has a purpose of wining all humans to His side, we are left with no choice but to love and pray even for our own enemies on this earth. This means that our love should take a first place in our lives. However, love without intelligence is an invitation to disaster in this war that God’s enemy has against us.

We need to keep in mind that one of the reasons that the Devil has been able to greatly diminish our influence in bringing more people to believe and accept Jesus Christ as their savior, redeemer and friend is because, at this time, we are sharing many similarities with unbelievers on how we handle love and intelligence; this is specially truth on how we all handle the issue of love.


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John 3:16 is a very good example of how we need to deal with love. We need to remind ourselves that, in humans, love has four dimensions: Agape, fraternal, filial and erotic. Satan has used his intelligence in turning many humans toward erotic love becoming much more dominant than the other three dimensions of love; this is why physical adultery is one of the primary means that Satan has used to take people out of God’s church. Now, Satan is using homosexuality in order to take people out of God’s plan regarding how families should be created and how those families should grow. This means that Satan is making war on how societies should made up through basic building blocks called “families.” Filial love is like the love a child feels for his or her parent. A child would feel very unhappy losing sight of his or her parent in a shopping mall full of strangers or in the wilderness with no one around within a jungle.

If we go back to John 3:16, we are going to find that the most predominant dimension in our ability to love should be “agape.” Before we approach any other person regardless of whether that person is a foe, a friend, a family member or someone unknown, our first and most predominant love we should experience toward that person is a love defined as “agape.” Since is God is also love, this love should be a “prayerful love.” This “prayerful love” is going to invite us to action. In this action, our love is going to acquire a fraternal dimension by doing or giving something that person needs. This is seen when God gives His only Son. Fraternal love is a mutual love between two individuals that know each other very well; this is like the love between a father and a son that wish to be good one to another. After fraternal love has been shown, then it is time for filial love to develop: This is following the same order shown in John 3:16 “…that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life;” this is in order this promise could become a reality: “…I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:3). The reason Satan is inflicting great damage within our church and getting away in the destruction or dissolution of many families is because many couples get together because of a desire to be close to each other (filial, physical and erotic love) without giving themselves the opportunity to develop a strong emotional bond among themselves where agape and fraternal love become the most important kinds of love in their lives.


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The same process that is putting the United States of America in a path toward self-destruction is, regretfully, the same process working in the minds of many people going to church on a regular basis. We are following the same script in the song “looking for love” interpreted by Johnny Lee as seen in the “Ralph Emery Show” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoobOMbmr9Y Many of us, regular Seventh Day Church members and many United States politicians running for public office --and always working in order to keep themselves in office-- are just looking for love in all the wrong places. Moreover, regretfully, as the song says, we are also “looking for love in too many faces” but we are not trying hard enough to see in God and Jesus as the only truthful source of love and we are not teaching the world about God and Jesus as being the only truthful face of love.

However, in order to reach any goal on this side of eternity, love is not enough. On this side of eternity, to have love alone, without a proper intelligence on how to deal with it, is just to be waiting for a very bad disaster to take place. Just by ourselves, we can never be a match to Satan’s diabolical wisdom.

One of the reasons why Jesus took for granted that many of His followers were going to be killed (see John 16:2) is because there was a misuse of the intelligence given to the human leaders of God’s people who were given the job of representing Him on this earth. Regretfully, the leaders of Israel during Jesus’ time are not alone in misusing the intelligence given by God to us on how to be on His side and fight the good fight against evil in this world. Very sadly many of us, who consider ourselves as regular Seventh Day Adventist Church members, in coordination with most politicians within the United States of America are misusing the intelligence God has given us in order to make this a better place to live in while we wait for God to wipe out suffering, illness and death so, through His power we could finally enjoy eternal life.

Like love having four dimensions as mentioned above, intelligence also has four dimensions. Many of our churches, like many of our families are suffering because we have not been willing to learn how to have love working properly within those four dimensions as taught by the Lord Jesus and three of His earliest followers: The Apostles Paul, John and Peter. Likewise, the inability of many regular SDA Church members to enter in the kingdom of Heaven when Jesus comes again goes hand in hand with the very ominous and certain destruction that the United States of America is inflicting upon herself because we have been misusing and having a very poor equilibrium within the four dimensions of the INTELLIGENCE leading our daily lives.


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The United States of America is gradually painting herself into a corner of a very painful and ominous destruction it cannot escape. We can clearly see this since John F. Kennedy became the 35th US President; we could certainly see this whenever we see the American nation getting into wars that have become winnable like the war in Vietnam, the wars in the Middle East against fanatic Muslims, the war against drugs and finally the war against an ever growing fiscal federal budget deficit that is posed to generate major economic dislocations that could be easily fatal to the welfare of many American families. Likewise, many members within the Seventh Adventist Church are also painting themselves into a corner of attaining a very limited influence on the rest of the world in which it is impossible for them to be “the light or the salt of the earth.” Regretfully, in the war between Jesus Christ and Satan, many individuals who consider themselves as Jesus' believers are in the process of becoming very “irrelevant;” therefore, they have no choice but to fulfill Jesus’ words when He said “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (Mathew 5:13).

In the same way that Satan has been tampering with the INTELLIGENCE leading the United States of America as a nation, Satan has also been tampering with the INTELLIGENCE of many Seventh Day Adventist attending church in a regular basis. This INTELLIGENCE has four dimensions: 1) Spiritual. 2) Emotional. 3) Secular. 4) Political. We all need a good balance of those four dimensions of intelligence in order in order to attain a good working relationship with God, family members, all people for which we feel a great deal of love and affection and for those who have more authority or influence than us in our jobs, school or church.

Since according to John 4:24 “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth,” then the most important dimension of the INTELLIGENCE leading our lives should be the Spiritual Dimension. Now, since the Devil is also spirit, the Spiritual Dimension leading our lives should squarely rest on whatever Jesus, the Apostle Paul, the Apostle John, and the Apostle said according to the New Testament. Jesus only had 3 ½ years of public service and to use only one phrase of the Lord Jesus while completely disregarding whatever Paul, John and Peter said about the same issue is just to pretend that we have a better understanding of Jesus’ words than those three Apostles; that would be very dangerous for our legitimate growth as a church. Now, in order to always keep winning new friends while keeping the affection of family members and all those truly loved by us we need to give a second place to the Emotional Dimension of the INTELLIGENCE leading our lives. The Secular Dimension is needed in order to be able to put food on the table and having all those physical accessories (our own physical bodies, computers, cars, printers, house boilers, etc.) being able to work in an optimal way. The Political Dimension of the INTELLIGENCE leading our lives is needed in order to get one or more individuals to become willing to be under God’s government according to the teachings in the New Testament of the Bible.

Jesus said: “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels” (Like 26:9). Regretfully, those words of the Lord Jesus are not waiting for His coming in glory in order to be fulfilled. After the United States of America has shown to be ashamed in having schools children to know about Jesus’ teachings regarding how our behavior should be toward God and toward our fellow men, the United States of America has been shamed in legislating and enforcing laws that that have allowed emotionally disturbed and ill people to legally acquire lethal weapons in order get close to a shooting distance that has allowed the injuring or killing of tens of thousands of American citizens including high federal government officials such as John F. Kennedy, President Ronald Reagan and his Press Secretary James Brady, Judge John Roll and US Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Moreover, the United States of America has felt ashamed in advocating for freedom of religion regarding accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in Muslim countries; therefore, the United States has to accept the morally shameful fact of having to see the reality of the killings of innocent children in order to take out of action, through lethal means, fanatic Muslim radicals whose lives are a threat to the lives of American civilian and military personnel all over the world. Likewise, Seventh Day Adventist who go to church on a regular basis but who have family lives very different from the teachings of Jesus, Paul, John and Peter (according to the New Testament) have to feel very ashamed of an American government advocating people of the same sexual gender to marry and have children being taught that it is not emotionally, biologically and morally necessary to have been born of specific sexual gender in order to be a “father” or a “mother.”

The tragic reality is that “shame” belongs to anyone having a “sensitive” INTELLIGENCE leading his or her life. However, under the guidance of God’s enemy, the United States of America in coordination with the rest of the civilized world is in the process of creating an “acceptable moral infrastructure” of human behavior without any kind of remorse or shame in which many people in a non too distant future will continue to be more than willing and able to generate “a time of distress and anguish worse than anything seen from the beginning of nations until then.” However, if we allow God’s Holy Spirit to truly work in our lives, we will become instruments in making our way to Heaven a much less painful experience to ourselves and to others


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God, as we meet Him through the Bible and through prayer, is a God that would never violate our best understanding of how things should be accomplished in order to move forward. This is why it is so important to pray and to study His written word, the Bible, on a regular basis.

One reason why it is becoming so difficult to evangelize the world is that we have not even tried to imitate our Lord Jesus on how He approached God the Father through prayer. In our experience, we would probably be able to meet many brothers and sisters who have followed Jesus’ example on how to keep the Bible in their hearts and minds in order to live an exemplary Christian life and avoid sinning against God. However, there is another side of Jesus’ personality that we have not yet tried to fully emulate regarding the work of advancing the kingdom of God on this world. This “other side of Jesus” that we have been very poor in imitating is the aspect on how He prayed and fasted in a consistent way in order to advance God’s kingdom on this Earth.

After Jesus, read and kept in His memory what the Holy Scripture says, He then prayed and fasted in order that God’s promises could become a tangible reality in the experience of those who decided to follow Him. Jesus even went further, he observed the daily secular experience of those interacting with Him, how they worked in order to put food on the table, pay for their daily needs and Jesus used those “mundane things” in order to better illustrate how the kingdom of God really is. Jesus used the mundane earthly experience of His listeners in order to get them closer to the realities of Heaven. However, today the reverse is taking place. Due to our very poor imitation of how Jesus prayed and fasted in order to advance God’s kingdom on this earth, instead of the church converting the world through the same method used by Jesus, the world is converting the church in the belief that people disconnected from the word of God could have a better contribution in making this world a better place to live in than Jesus’ own teachings. Therefore, the church has embarked herself to the proclamation of Jesus’ second coming while preaching that the world is going to get worse and worse without even trying to get God’s kingdom closer and closer to people’s consciousness.

Obviously, Satan is using the political and thought leaders of this world in order to make the advance of Jesus’ teachings more and more difficult. The SDA Church is very good in the love of preaching to the world and having pastors who are very knowledgeable of God’s word. However, the demonic intelligence of the Devil in making our work more difficult and at times impossible is not being detained through a good spiritual intelligence that we could all obtain if we pray and fast enough after keeping in mind the Bible, EGW writings such as the Desired of Ages and other writings pointing us the strategies used by the Devil in order to destroy God’s church on this Earth.

The “politico-religious” leaders during Jesus’ time taught that their way of thinking and the actions they demanded from the people was the best way to get God’s blessing on this earth and the best way to Heaven. However, thanks to His connection with the Holy Scriptures and His connection with the Father through fasting and prayer, just by using very simple words, Jesus was able to prove how those religious leaders (who led the political way of thinking on how to deal with Rome) were wrong, Moreover, since Jesus was always willing to connect people with the Heavenly Father, through words and example, our Heavenly Father always responded in a positive way; the response of the Heavenly Father brought Lazarus back to life besides many other miracles that corroborated the words of Jesus because Jesus’ goal when talking to sinners or reacting to them was to make them feel how much they were truly loved by God.


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I truly believe that that the SDA Church should use 99% of its assets in preaching God’s word or Jesus message to lay people, poor and wealthy, uneducated and educated throughout the world and just 1% of its assets in trying to get a more “Jesus friendly” nation. However 99% of our prayers should be in order to get a better understanding from God on how to make everyone one on earth to have a “Jesus friendly attitude” and just 1% those prayers should be on how to get those people converted to the gospel. This is because having everyone with a “Jesus friendly attitude” (in at least listening what Jesus taught) will open the way for more and more people to be guided by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus as their savior.

Hundreds of United States politicians, who feel to be the “best pro-USA people on earth” are spending thousands of millions of US dollars in order to convince American voters that they are the best solution for a better tomorrow for this nation. However, since Satan has used well educated minds of this world in order that Devil’s way of working becomes undetectable to them through ignorance of biblical teachings, those United States politicians, including the United States President and all those “viable candidates” for the US presidency are putting the entire nation toward a path of unavoidable self-destruction.

The fact that “pro-USA” politicians are putting the nation in an unavoidable path of self-destruction is something so easy to grasp that no one needs to have the genius of a rocket engineer scientist in order to truly understand it. This destruction of the American nation is being provoked by “conservative” and “liberal” politicians.

Let’s examine those who feel very proud of being called “conservative.” Those “conservative” politicians feel very proud to label themselves as “pro-life” and would do anything in the world in order to prohibit abortion. The question comes what is wrong with that? The reply is that Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). This means that if these children are born, we should have a way to educate them so they could truly honor their parents and that they could taught about loving God above anything else and loving all other people as they love themselves. The real problem is that those “conservative” politicians don’t really have a “Jesus friendly attitude” and they could not care less if those children could be taught what is the best way to learn about loving God and their fellow humans. Now (since we all are sinners by nature), this means that many of those children who are not guided by someone with very good parenting skill or neither are taught the responsibility of loving God the Creator and their fellow human creatures, many of those children will belong to violent gangs and criminals making the lives of their fellow citizens a very scary kind of hell. However, since those “conservatives” that are “pro-life” don’t want higher taxes to cover for the jails and police force needed to keep those future criminals in check, then they become “pro guns” so even people who were taught to become lawyers, nurse, teachers and musicians could feel the need to buy guns in order to blast out of existences those fetuses that 20 years later became young adults without the guidance of someone having good parental skills or someone putting in them the love for all people advocated by the Lord Jesus Christ. This is something that has already happened in California. According to:

Sixteen reasons to move away from California:

“Vallejo is still in bankruptcy. The police force has shrunk from 153 officers to 92. Calls for any but the most serious crimes go unanswered. Residents who complain about prostitutes or vandals are told to fill out a form. Three of the city’s firehouses were closed. Last summer, a fire ravaged a house in one of the city’s better neighborhoods; one of the fire trucks came from another town, 15 miles away. Is this America’s future?” http://www.yolohub.com/economy/16-reasons-to-move-away-from-california

Now, what about “liberal politicians”…? Regretfully, “liberal politicians” are as “Jesus unfriendly” individuals as conservatives could be. For instance, “liberal politicians” pride themselves in having the “real brains” in figuring out how to best run the nation. They are less likely to be “pro-guns” or “anti-abortion.” However, many times they forget that the human body is also a machinery that has an overwhelming tendency to reproduce itself through sexual activity. However, they are “so liberal” that they pretend that kids should not be encouraged to avoid any kind of reproductive sexual behavior until they are mature enough to have good parental skills and are able to provide food and shelter for those children procreated through such sexual behavior. Moreover, “liberal politicians” are also “so liberal” that they pretend to outsmart nature by having people of the same sex marrying each other and then be able to adopt children in order to teach by example and words that there is nothing biologically or morally wrong with two people of the same biologic gender to engage in the biologic and physiologic “rituals” of reproductive behavior. According to these “liberal politicians” if any one is wrong it is either God or Mother Nature for giving a body to someone who biologically wants to be identified with the opposite sex.

However, in God’s eyes, it is very natural for sinners to do what is very destructive and very unnatural whenever they are disconnected from the One who is the Master Designer and Creator of nature. This is one reason making Him so willing to forgive us for any of our sins. However, God only comes to our lives through a steady invitation. He will never come through an invasion into the lives of people who just wish to have and on and off type of relationship with Him. Speaking in a figurative terms, I truly believe that God’s angels have to be scratching their heads, and pulling their hairs in disbelief when they see many faithful Seventh Day Adventist (who truly keep Jesus’ words in their minds) spending very little time praying and fasting. This is order to have God to dissipate and revoke any influence that Satan has on world leaders for creating road blocks against the spreading of Jesus’ gospel throughout the world.


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In order to be able to attain a truly anti-USA attitude approved by Jesus Christ & the Kingdom of Heaven, we first need to understand that the Seventh Day Adventist Church is primarily made up of four kinds of people with four different kinds of goals. 1) We have those who would do anything that it takes so that they could be good followers of Jesus Christ. 2) We have SDA Church members who would do anything that it takes to be considered as good members of the church. 3) We have those that while belonging to the SDA Church, their most important commitment is just to always do and say whatever is in full agreement with their own best judgment. 4) We have SDA Church members who don’t feel any serious commitment to be good followers of Jesus Christ; they neither wish to do anything that it takes to be considered good members of the SDA Church. They are SDA Church members gifted with very good social skills; they come to church in order to “hang around” with people they feel very comfortable with; when they speak or do things, they do it with the primary motivation of just pleasing their most favorite audience.

The biggest immediate threat to the unity and growth of the SDA Church are those people belonging to the third group of people. This does not mean that there is something wrong in saying or doing things according to our best judgment. This means that regardless how “good” we are, our own best judgment is not always the real best judgment. Moreover, since we all may have conflicting ideas of how things should be, the divisions and ideological fights within the SDA Church are generated by people belonging the third group of individuals. The ability of the third group of individuals to inflict damage to the SDA Church is derived from their lack of commitment to be good followers of Jesus Christ so that through prayer and fasting, their “best judgment” could be entirely consistent with Jesus’ prayer to God: “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). They have a truthful lack of commitment to Jesus’ teaching stating: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). Their major motivation is just to get “these things first” this is “to get their points across.” They truly feel that the kingdom of God and its righteousness is something that can really wait and that more tangible things should always have first priority.

While the most immediate threat to future and growth of the SDA Church comes through members belonging to the third group of members, the threat to the future of the SDA Church comes from people belonging to the fourth group. They are the best asset Satan has in gradually converting the Church to the world and destroying God’s goal of converting the entire SDA Church into a bright light for the rest of the world.


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In the eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ, the most immediate obstacle in advancing God’s kingdom on this world are not people belonging to the 2nd group of individuals mentioned above that would do anything that it takes to be considered “good SDA Church members.” The most immediate obstacle are neither those who belong to the 3rd group bringing divisions and ideological fights within the SDA Church. The most immediate obstacle is neither those with “good social skills” but who just belong to the 4th group of SDA Church members mentioned above. The most immediate obstacle in advancing God’s kingdom in this world is within those of us wish to be identified within the first group of SDA Church members that would do anything that it takes to become good followers of Jesus Christ. This is because even though we may abstain from committing spiritual or physical adultery, even though we may try to always attract new members to our church, even thought we always feel happy in bringing our tithes and offerings to the SDA Church, we have not yet developed a genuine commitment to change things around through prayer and fasting as Jesus told His disciples to do (Matthew 17:21).

Like a man who had a son possessed by a demon in Matthew 17, the entire American society is being afflicted through many demons. We could say that even on how the future of the nation is being mapped through political campaigns. This entire process began on September 12, 1960 with a speech of then Senator John F. Kennedy to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association in Houston, Texas. In that speech, Senator John F. Kennedy did not visualize a God that is able to give us wisdom on how to confront the multiple challenges of the nation and the challenges of life. He was just able to perceive his own judgment against the judgment of religious leaders from different religions. This was a real landmark speech in American politics given by Senator John F. Kennedy two months before winning the USA presidential election. On that speech, the American political machinery began to set the wheels in motion of a process through which future millions of American citizens would not be familiar with prayer as talking to God like a friend and to Jesus’ teachings as a guidance to daily human behavior. On that speech, Senator John F. Kennedy gave a very strong signal that if he won the election, he would not take the word of anyone guided by any religious persuasion either catholic or protestant on how to fight against any kind of human injustice. His own best judgment will be his guide and mentor. He wished to end religious intolerance in this nation without doing anything against intolerance toward religious views. He affirmed his belief in favor of an absolute separation between church and state. However, he did not wish to do anything that would prevent an absolute separation between the God and Creator from the Bible and the hearts and minds of the American people.

The September 12, 1960 speech of Senator John F. Kennedy was a powerful signal given to the United States Supreme Court of Justice and to the entire American judicial government to start a process of judicial decisions that would separate the entire American nation from the knowledge of God if he won the election on November, two months after that speech. This began a process of spiritual blindness in government that allowed the American nation to send to their death in Vietnam tens of thousands of young American soldiers to die to “fight communism” without gaining any freedom for the people in that region of the world and without the ability to gain a friendly nation into the sphere of American influence. This also began a process through which there has been a dangerous fall in traditional family values and an increase in hostility toward biblical spiritual values while there is also an increase in the acceptance of “new family formation” that by creation are incapable of bringing new people through the natural process of birth.

I am afraid that many SDA Church members in “good standing” within the church oppose the idea of prayer or reading the words of Jesus in the Bible in a public school because they are more interested that someone from a different religion does not teach other school children about Jesus Christ than they are interested in having all people on earth to hear about Jesus in any possible opportunity. However, neither the attitude of Senator John F. Kennedy on September 12, 1960 nor the attitude of many SDA members in “good standing” is the real problem. The real problem is that those of us who wish to become good followers of Jesus Christ do not even pray so that the established principle of Church State separation stop into becoming a separation between young developing minds and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should pray and fast that freedom from religion does not become intolerance toward communicating to all people on earth Jesus’ teachings regarding how we should relate with each other and how we should have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit that He promised before ascending to Heaven. Otherwise, his majesty Satan will be able to generate innumerable political and legal roadblocks that will not allow the fulfillment of Jesus’ great commission in Matthew 28:19-20 and Jesus’ prediction in Matthew 24:14 will never become a tangible reality.


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It is very sad, but the wildfire in Colorado has put our focus of attention on the hundreds of thousands of people suffering due to the devastating tragedy in Colorado and in the Christian ministry “Focus on the Family.”

Even though during the last twenty years “Mother Nature” has been taking a very deadly course against the United States mainland, we need to pray that in the midst of all those tragedies Jesus’ followers could truly fulfill Jesus’ mission outlined in Matthew 25:31-40. We also need to pray day and night that the power of a very influential political minority (that is turning away the nation from our God who created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day) could be broken down so there could not be roadblocks against teaching children and young people every where and anywhere in the entire nation to keep the Ten Commandments and our Lord Jesus in their hearts and minds.

It is sad but many people in Colorado who never prayed before are learning the hard way the usefulness of prayer in order to get God’s angels involved in their own protection, the protection of their loved ones and the protection of their earthly properties.

We need to pray for the people in Colorado and that while many people are losing their homes, Christians could be a good example of what truthful love truly is.



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You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us? But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you (James 4:2-8).

Today after the Sabbath worship service, on my out of church, a fellow brother from church began to tell me how wrong the SDA Church leadership has been in not making the church aware of the latest changes in this nation about the Sunday laws and how wrong the SDA Church is in not preaching the truth as it is such that the prophesy against the persecution against the church could become a reality much sooner. Something that I find very painful is that the brother telling me such opinion is a very faithful church member that lives according to the church’s message and based on his words and daily actions (known by all other church members), could be easily judged as a faithful follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I replied to him that even though we know that universal Sundays laws will become a reality, we need to be reminded that Jesus’ promise was that His gospel will be preached to the entire world; only after that, He would come to take us to heaven. Therefore, we need to spend more time praying that all the impediments created by Satan against teaching others how God created this world in six literal days and how He will return so He could live with us forever could be brought down. Therefore, the complaint of the Apostle James becomes a reality in our lives. We pray and our prayers are not listened to because we pray just for our limited comfort but do not pray so God’s kingdom on this earth could further advance. Many times, just by default, we are more interested in gaining a more friendly relationship with the rest of the world instead of feeling motivated in becoming spiritual leaders helping all other people in this world to be liberated from the power of the Devil.


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Those impediments created by Satan against teaching others how God created this world in six days were initiated in 1925 with the Scopes Monkey Trial formally known as “The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes” (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopes_Trial).

That trial was initiated by nominal Christians who were hungry of exercising political power. Within the state of Tennessee, they tried to use the power of the state in order to prohibit teaching of evolution in any state funded school through the Butler Act. This was something initiated by God’s enemy. He moved the minds of nominal Christians to put into law the Butler Act in the state of Tennessee. He later moved nominal Christians to use this law in order to get the court use a judicial decree in order to wipe out any reference regarding evolution in any state funded school in Tennessee. However, Satan was not really interested into banning evolution and just teaching biblical creation in the state of Tennessee or anywhere within the United States. Satan’s interest was to use people with a secular way of thinking (who did not believe in gift of the Holy Spirit as our guidance in the search of truth) being able to impose their way of thinking through the power of legislation and judicial decisions.

The “Scopes Monkey Trial” was a win-win situation for Satan. Either way the court decided, Satan would be the real winner. Nonetheless, since God’s interest is to have people learning to be guided toward truth through the gift of the Holy Spirit, good reason prevailed in the court and the outcome of this trial ensured that any teacher was free to teach about evolution if something like this sounded much more sensible than something that we are able to understand only through faith according to the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 11:3. However, the “Scopes Monkey Trial” became a landmark American legal case through which Satan has been misguiding American policy makers in creating a thick false wall of separation between Church and State. I say that it is a false wall of separation because evolutionists have used the legal authority of American courts in order to prevent any textbook teaching the possibility of six days creation reaching any science classroom funded with state or federal taxes. God has the patience in having His children to learn through their best judgment how to reject errors through the gift of His Sprit acting on their lives. Evolutionists don’t think that they have the luxury of time for having everybody to fully agree on their “truth” about evolution. They just depend on political and legal decisions in order to reach and then keep a majority of people accepting evolution as the final truth on how and why we live on Earth.


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The wall of separation between Church and State is a disguise used by Satan in order to erect and enforce a separation between the American psyche and the teachings of love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan has never been interested in such Church and State separation. He just uses such label in order to distract people’s attention away from Jesus’ teachings and focus everybody’s attention in the actions guided by him and carried out by people in church and out of church. We are not talking about a real separation between Church and State. We are talking about mislabeled separation between the American psyche and Jesus teachings of love while giving Jesus proper credit for such teachings.

As mentioned in other posts above, the INTELLIGENCE guiding the actions of the USA has four dimensions: Political, Emotional, Secular and Spiritual. The future of the United States of America is not really guided by whom or what political party is going to win in any November election which is usually decided by registered American voters. There is a real and dreadful warfare among the four dimensions of the INTELLIGENCE guiding the American nation. Since the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925, Satan has shown a more visible interest in guiding the entire American nation in rebellion against the Creator of the universe and through this rebellion, the USA is being lead into a path of self-destruction. If we do not take an anti-USA attitude approved by Jesus Christ & the Kingdom of Heaven we are going to make our own salvation a more painful and difficult business. This is because even though it is possible that we may enter the kingdom of Heavens, Satan is going to enlist the best minds in the nation in order to make the advance of God’s kingdom an almost impossible business in our own minds and in the minds non-believers.


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Satan has been using the Political dimension of the INTELLIGENCE leading the nation in order to wage war against a widespread knowledge of Jesus’ teachings. This process took a landmark course on September 12, 1960 with a speech of then Senator John F. Kennedy to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association in Houston, Texas. Satan was interested in using the brilliant political intelligence of Senator John F. Kennedy in order to begin a divorce or “wall of separation” between the American psyche and the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, when God’s enemy came into the thoughts of Senator John F. Kennedy and into the thoughts of news media reporters asking him questions, Satan ignored Jesus’ teachings while taking into account attitudes of personal or social discrimination approved by church leaders that could not be defended by any teachings within the gospel. During that speech, Senator John F. Kennedy talked about the great importance regarding the wall of separation between Church and State. However, Satan has been using such clause in order to enforce a heavy wall of separation between the teachings of love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the American Psyche.

That landmark speech of then Senator F. Kennedy has been used by his majesty Satan in order to ensure that the Spiritual Dimension of the INTELLIGENCE dealing the nation prior to September 12, 1960 is finally “muscled out” by the other three Dimensions: Political, Emotional and Secular Dimension.

This is how on Friday July 20, 2012, twelve people were killed and 58 were injured in Aurora, Colorado, during a sold-out midnight premiere of the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" when 24-year-old James Holmes unloaded four weapons' full of ammunition into an unsuspecting crowd (http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-07...ing-requirement). At this time, there is “thick and heavy wall of separation” regarding Jesus teachings and the laws allowing people with borderline personality disorders to buy weapons that could be a threat to hundreds of unsuspecting American citizens. Jesus’ view that the law exist to benefit men and no the other way around (see Mark 2:27) has been disregarded in order to protect the right to buy weapons by people that have an unsuspected personality disorder that could be a real threat against the lives of many unsuspecting individuals.

The response of both presidential candidates President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and the response of the US Congressional leaders to the Colorado shooting is a living testimony of the course of American politics leading the nation to a path of self destruction. This is because the future of the nation is led just by political and emotional considerations. This kind of response disregards what a good, experience based, secular of thinking and/ or a Jesus, faith based, spiritually guided way of thinking would lead people on how to create rules regarding the legal ability of all people acquiring fire arms. In a way that is the opposite of Jesus way of thinking when He was on this Earth according to Mark 2:27, many American registered voters feel that their “constitutional rights” to buy arms, at any time, is much more important that their own collective security whenever they find themselves within any crowd of people.


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It is very sad that the leaders of the American nation were more concerned with getting a dictator out of power in Libya that they were concerned in having the Libyan people to have absolute freedom to know about God’s love through Jesus Christ. However, since the American nation has been erecting “a wall of separation” between the knowledge of God’s love through Jesus Christ and the new emerging generation of people since the 1960’s it is not unexpected that American Political Establishment was just interested in bombarding a dictator out of power and in sending lethal weapons to Libyan rebels while it had not interest at all in sending New Testaments so the Libyan people learn more about loving their enemies so they could have learned against killing people of their own government and fellow citizens of different religious or political persuasion.

This is what happens in any nation where people bring down their government through the use of force while in that nation no one believes and freely teaches their fellow citizens the words of Jesus according to the Matthew 5:1-45, in the Lord’s Prayer according to Matthew 6:9-13 and God’s gift to the human race according to John 3:16.

It is very sad that individuals in all societies accept immunization against polio, measles, mumps and rubella but there is not any real public awareness that the best vaccine against hate and violence is a full knowledge and acceptance of Jesus’ teachings quoted above.

The link below shows what happens to societies that wish to change a prevailing political order through violence instead of being interested in having absolute freedom for those believing in Jesus to come and teach others about God’s love for humanity through Christ.



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It is impossible to have real freedom, democracy and truthful respect for human life in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan and Iraq as long as people living in those nations are not able to abandon the religious spiritual darkness imprisoning them and accepting the teachings of God, the Author of life and the Author of freedom of choice, who came to Earth with the humanity of Jesus Christ about over 4,000 years with after the fall of the human race in sin. Those citizens should have an unrestricted freedom to accept the teachings of love of our Lord Jesus Christ or accept something that in their minds is better than Jesus’ teachings for real love and happiness on Earth for their posterity after they cease to exist on this world.

However, the real problem is not in those nations that have created a religious culture giving moral support to suicide bombers in order to destroy any political landscape they disagree with. The real problem neither lies in American political leaders who are both spiritually and politically blind. We need to remember that the spiritual blindness of American leaders has been imposed on them by secularists and atheists manipulating the courts of this nation in order to create a wall of separation between the teachings of love of Jesus Christ and the American psyche. However, their political blindness is a self-imposed blindness because they still don’t wish to recognize that nation building is an impossible business in any nation that does comply with Articles 18, 19 and 20 of “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” Article 18: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” Article 19: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Article 20: “Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.”

The real problem of why the world is as it is and Jesus has not returned in order to give us eternal life lies in those of us who claim to be believers in Jesus Christ and to be His truthful followers on this Earth. Taking a “collective perspective” on how we do business regarding advancing the teachings of the gospel on this Earth, in real practice we have disregarded Jesus’ words to Nicodemus in John 3:14-15. “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” Therefore, we have no yet acquired the ability of fully fulfilling the following words about 2,000 years after Jesus mentioned them: “The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” (John 14:10-14).

I knew about the gospel since my very early childhood of 3 or 4 years of age through a single mother who was my aunt and who living with us because she had been abandoned by her husband after getting pregnant or having their daughter born. I became baptized at the age of 11 on a Saturday afternoon during a very strange date of September 11, 1965 with other 11 individuals including my father and a younger brother. However, when I do a memory search and take into account all very good Christians within and outside the Seventh Day Adventist Church, I am not able to remember a single person who have literally been able to become a living fulfillment of Jesus’ promise in John 14:10-14.

After a great deal of soul searching of why Jesus’ promise in John 14:10-14 has not been fulfilled in any of us and after looking to my own personal experience during all these decades of faithful weekly church attendance, I have reached the very uncomfortable conclusion that we all have an ability and many times a dreadful tendency of reaching false spiritual conclusions even when we are gifted with many gems of truth from Jesus teachings and from the writings of Ellen G. White. Therefore, we have miserably failed to saturate the world of the love of Jesus. Even worse, we have many times by words and by example helped to erect a thick wall of separation between Jesus teachings of love and the American secular culture that is currently mapping a path of self destruction for the American nation and for the entire civilized world.


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