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An anti-USA attitude approved by Jesus Christ & the Kingdom o Heaven

Felix Florimon

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Townsend: Libya has been suffering 'fragile' security Libya has been in a "very fragile" state of security for a while, and the U.S. and international community failed in paying the country consistent and adequate attention so that it would grow stronger since the killing of its longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi in October 2011.

That's according to Fran Townsend, a former Homeland Security adviser to President George W. Bush and current CNN contributor who spoke Wednesday morning in the wake of the death of J. Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya. Stevens was killed in an attack on a diplomatic facility in Benghazi on Tuesday.

Libya "really needs the attention and support of the international community," Townsend said. "Unfortunately it will now get the attention it needed before this tragedy."

"I think we [the United States] have supported the freedom movement [throughout the region], especially in Libya," Townsend said. "We supported the strikes. We were a part of the effort by NATO. But it's not enough, right? It's not enough to help people actually get their freedom, overthrow a government. You're going to have to come in behind them and help them as a fledgling democracy."

"The first indication of a working democracy if that it can protect its own people. And Libya is struggling. I was there. To take in the military elements, the ministry of interior and border guards [are] trying to get the equipment they need. And the attention of the international community, quite frankly, has turned elsewhere.

"There are hot spots in Syria," she said. "There are hot spots around the world where we're engaged. Our attention with the Iran nuclear program and everyone has said Libya fell off people's attention. And I must tell you, if we don't want to see these sorts of tragedies, we need to have a longer attention span and commit ourselves to helping fledgling democracies get up and running and be able to protect their own."

She counted Stevens as a friend and said she spent time with him just two weeks ago.

"I was in Tripoli on a business trip," she said. "He was not only a friend, but I think to give our viewers some context, Chris Stevens had a particular sort of affinity for Benghazi," she said. "He [was] in D.C. in 2007 when I was in the White House...He was there with me when I traveled to speak to Moammar Ghadafi. [stevens] knew the rebels in Benghazi. He felt very comfortable there.

"This was not your typical starched shirt ambassador. This was a guy who was a real professional who rolled up his sleeves, who wanted to help the Libyans get the freedom that they have fought for. It's an extraordinary loss, not only for the State Department - and obviously Chris' family - but for the country."

CNN asked, "By all accounts Chris Stevens was a very special man with a very special affinity to Libya. He was a key part in the American role over there over the last year and a half as the rapid changes were happening in the Arab Spring. What does his death then today signify to you?"

"You could tell in talking to people both in the Libyan government and at the U.S. Embassy that there have been real concerns," she answered.

Townsend said there is a city called Derna, east of Benghazi, where there's a growing extremist element.

"People [talked] to me about that while I was there, that this group - this al Qaeda, Islamist, extremist group - is gaining strength in numbers, and they were moving west."

Stevens offered to take Townsend to Benghazi. She couldn't go because she wasn't going to be in the country long enough, she said.

"I give him tremendous credit," she said. "He was willing to go there to talk to folks and to try to help them. But one individual alone, even with the Embassy staff - I don't want to misstate it - it's a terrific staff, very strong, who were very inspired by Chris Stevens' commitment to Libya. But it needs more. It needs a whole government approach.

"It's what we talked about in Iraq. You can't simply go in and break stuff and overthrow a government, pack up your stuff and go home and leave your diplomats there," she said. "


Regretfully, since John F. Kennedy became the 35th US President, the United States has self-appointed herself in fighting the wrongs around the world by using the wrong methods and by doing this the US has always ended with the wrong results. The best method for fighting against the wrongs in ourselves and against all things that are wrong around the world is by taking into account these words inspired by God's Holy Spirit: "...and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).

The United States was wrong by trying to build up a better future for all Libyan citizens by providing military cover and making it easier for rebels to obtain weapons to kill their own government officials in order to get a "free Libya." If we ever fight for freedom, it should be for our freedom in order to be liberated from the power of sin and, likewise, to also help other people to be free from the power of sin. The business of humans killing other humans in order to build a "better" future, "spiritually speaking," is an "outdated technology" that was fully put out of commission, by God with the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This process of decoupling the American nation from the teachings found in the New Testament for helping ourselves and helping other nations on how humans should interact with others and interact with God began on September 12, 1960 with a speech of then Senator John F. Kennedy to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association in Houston, Texas. In that speech, Senator John F. Kennedy did not visualize a God that, through the teachings of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit is able to give us wisdom on how to confront evil and how to confront all the multiple challenges of the nation and how to confront the challenges of life. Jimmy Carter, the 39 US President, continued to ignore the fact that humans first need to be liberated from the power of sin by giving military training to Alqueda in order to liberate Afghanistan from Russian's military might. On September 11, 2012, 11 years after September 11, 2001 we were able to witness in Benghazi, Libya, where NATO jets established no-fly zones last year to blunt ground attacks from then Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi the end result of fighting to liberate other people from a dictator instead of fighting in order to liberate ourselves and liberate others from the power of sin.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A major responsibility why Jesus' gospel has not advanced on this earth as it should lies with us who besides believing in Jesus also believe in Ellen G. White as a prophet of God for His people for the last days of this Earth. In practical terms, we have not lived up to the truthfulness of her message when she wrote that her writings were not more than "a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light" (The Review and Herald, Jan. 20, 1903. Quoted in Colporteur Ministry, p. 125). On the contrary, we have framed the beginning of the end in the battle between God and Satan to Sunday laws and the Catholic Church in coordination with the Apostate Protestantism dictating its religious will to the whole world through the union of Church and State. We need to consider the writings the EGW only as an inspired message from which we could know how certain things will finally work out but her writings where not meant to give us the whole picture in the battle between God and Satan. There are many important details of that battle affecting us that were not written by EGW but could be fully understood when we keep the writings in the New Testament in our minds and hearts.

Taking into account EGW writings, we are able to see that regardless of the fact that Jesus was going to be sacrificed for our sins, an angel was sent to Pilate’s wife, and gave her information through a dream that it was the Son of God in whose trial her husband was engaged, and that He was an innocent sufferer. Pilate's wife then sent a message to Pilate warning him to have nothing to do with that holy man. Likewise, many secular government officials with their political advisers in the USA and throughout the entire world are working in order to liquidate the memory of our Lord Jesus Christ as we have met Him in the NT from all people on this Earth. We have to warn all those people and many others of the deadly dangers of ignoring the teachings of our Lord Jesus and doing just the opposite of everything He taught about.

We should consider the United States of America as "our physical backyard" in which we fully integrate Jesus' teachings in our individual lives and where we get prepared to propagate such knowledge with the purpose of being instruments in the hands of God in order to duplicate the character of Jesus' Christ in the lives of all people on Earth. However, as Seventh Day Adventists believing in EGW as God's messenger, in practical terms, we seem to have forgotten that her message, is just a "a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light" and we have just concentrated in warning the world on how Satan has been planning to use a false day of worship in order to gain the whole world to his side while the Bible while "the greater light" is not paid too much attention in order to use it to teach people how Satan is also using many other things in order to destroy the kingdom of God in our daily lives.

I am not saying that we should not pay a significant attention to how Satan is planning to use a false day of worship in order get the whole world to his side. What I am saying is that God's enemy, with the teachings in the New Testament, can also be detected in also getting the whole world to his side and Seventh Day Adventists are not doing or saying anything against it because there is nothing mentioned "in the lesser light" about it even though by using the teachings of Jesus and the words written by Paul, John, James and Peter, we could truly see Satan's works .

By using the "greater light" we are going to learn to use Paul's line of reasoning when he wrote: "Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come" (1 Corinthians 10:11). This means that the Bible should be regarded as a real history regarding what happens to people when they don't wish cooperate with God's will and even rebel against such will. Now, if use the line of reasoning of the Apostle Paul, who was inspired to write what should be considered as "the greater light," we can easily conclude that the Bible gives us a model on how things written in a secular world and by secular people could give us a better understanding of how these things that happened to them as examples, and how they were also written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come" (1 Corinthians 10:11).

The reason Satan is using the American news media, American politicians and American institutions in order to destroy the American nation is not to discredit the faith of those who see EGW as a messenger of God telling us how the final battle between God and Satan is going to end. Satan's real goal is to have the whole world to his side in his ultimate objective of finally wiping out the knowledge of a loving God and Creator from the mind of every living person on Earth.

By using the line of reasoning of the Apostle Paul one of the messengers within "the greater light" we just need to take into account three US Presidents in order to see how "Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come" (1 Corinthians 10:11). Therefore, we could easily perceive Satan working through the shadow of three United States Presidents in order to destroy the entire American nation as we know it. Those three US presidents are: the 35th US President, John F. Kennedy (who was killed on the November (the 11th month of the year) on the 22nd (2x11) 1963 (1,9, 6+3 related to 1-99 or 1-9x11), the 33rd (3x11) Governor of California who became the 40th US President, Ronald Reagan and finally the 9th US President since John F. Kennedy, the current 44th (4x11) US President, Barack Obama.


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We need to understand that US Presidents are the "main spoke person" for the values of a significant number of American voters and as a means to guide the American nation either to a better path of prosperity or to a path of self-destruction. Now, since we believe that the God introduced to us through the teachings in the Bible is the God of Creation, then we have no choice but to conclude that whatever guide us away from those laws will guide us to a destruction provoked either by ourselves or by our enemies and whatever guide us to the laws of God the Creator will take us toward the creation of a better and eternal future.

Now comes the question, how is that Satan has been working through the "historical shadow" cast by Presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama in order to finally get the United States of America paralyzed, crippled and finally destroyed?

We need to place our attention to the "greater light" where Paul tell us that "these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition;" therefore, we should consider that the experience of the American nation through those men were written by secular minds with secular purposes so those of us guided by One who is Holy could be inspired to truly understand and tell others that God is trying to show how to prevent the destruction of an entire nation and our own possible destruction.

As soon as President J. F. Kennedy came to the US presidency, the enemies of a general awareness of Jesus' gospel gained "the upper hand" as those who wished to eliminate from public consciousness prayer to a loving God and Creator. Since the US Constitution protects our freedom of expression, the enemies of a general awareness of Jesus' teachings were able to begin wiping out a general public consciousness of Jesus' gospel and public acceptance of prayer to God by re-labeling as "church" any verbal or written communication of what God expects from us as well as anything that has to do with praying to our Creator. The enemies of Jesus' gospel were not and have never been interested in a truthful Church-State separation but in destroying any public awareness or acknowledgement of Jesus' gospel of salvation. This is true even though Bible, prayer and Jesus' gospel are not "church" but those things are an open invitation to take a spiritual approach on how we deal with our daily problems. The dominant opinion in the USA became in favor of those who feel that God's Ten Commandments are counterproductive in having a better life here on earth and that those Ten Commandments are counter-productive in the struggle that people should have in acquiring freedom and justice for all. Therefore, under the presidency of JFK, Satan began the process of wiping out the awareness of a loving God and Creator within people in the USA. The USA began a journey of strengthening the secular and political dimensions of the INTELLIGENCE guiding its actions while dismantling the Jesus based spiritual dimension of such INTELLIGENCE. As a result we saw a marked breakdown of the family within the American nation. This was followed by a sexual revolution that guided the killing of many unborn babies through legal abortions; the American nation began a new "love affair" of sending young soldiers to die abroad for a "freedom" that was never really acquired or thanked for by people abroad. Also younger generations who were never exposed in their teaching institutions about the existence of a loving God and Creator began to have a wildfire like exposure to sexually transmitted diseases such as Herpes, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A, B, C and HIV. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of them died of AIDS when there was very little knowledge on how to combat that virus. We could truly say that the legacy of the dominant political thinking when JFK became the 35th US President was a horrendous weakening of the spiritual heritage that made possible the emergence of the American nation as the greatest and most free nation on Earth.

The weakening of the spiritual heritage that made possible the emergence of the American nation as the greatest and most free nation on Earth by the dominant secular and political thinking when John F. Kennedy became the 35th US President opened the way to Ronald Reagan, the 33rd governor of California, to become the 40th US President thanks to the many frustrations and disillusionments that the American electorate had with the 39th US President, Jimmy Carter. President Ronald Reagan, thanks to his great charisma and likeability (that was very well projected by the news media) was able to project a new line of thinking that has fiscally paralyzed the United States Congress since he became the 40th US President. This is to increase domestic expenses, cut taxes and balance the federal budget. Even though President Ronald Reagan has physically passed away, he is remembered with an eternal smile and an aura of optimism that has captivated the heart and imagination of almost anyone wishing to re-capture the White House or gain a seat in the United States Congress. Something that everyone seems to have forgotten is that generosity and forgiveness are traits of character that are strongly encouraged by Jesus' gospel and that the spiritual legacy of the JFK era has provoked a hardening of the American psyche where people feel inclined to be less generous with their taxes regardless how much they make, don't wish to cut down on the level of protection they expect from the government and don't wish to spend a dime in helping non-documented immigrants in being able to become productive individuals contributing to the general wealth of the nation. Therefore, the ever increasing fiscal federal budget that we have inherited from the 40th US President Ronald Reagan is just a natural consequence of an ever growing Jesus Christ based spiritual deficit that we have inherited from the American era initiated by the 35th US President John F. Kennedy. This ever growing "spiritual deficit" plus the ever growing federal budget federal deficit, the need of basic government services regarding domestic safety that only the government should be responsible for and a horrendous gridlock in the US Congress how to tackle the ever growing federal budget deficit is the biggest threat to the survival of the American nation.

To make matters much worse, we have the projected policies in place of the 9th President since JFK captured the US presidency. This is the 44 US President, Barack Obama. Something even more ominous is that there is a "disconnection" between the policies of lowering tax revenues implemented by Ronald Reagan that still have the approval of the American electorate, increasing services by the government through Obamacare and reducing the ever growing budget deficit. Something very strange is that the US Supreme Court of Justice agreed with the right of the government to implement Obamacare with the underlining note that the US Congress has a constitutional right to raise taxes, a right that the US Congress does not wish to implement because, thanks to the Reagan legacy, such taxes would be considered a kind of political suicide to members of congress. Regretfully, the American electorate seems to be having some kind of economic "forgetfulness" while people running for public office just feel that their job is just to get elected and keep themselves in office regardless of the fiscal consequences of poorly thought out policies.

However, a more dangerous Obama policy that increasing government services without a sensible revenue base in order to finance those services is the kind "disconnection" that the Obama American era has regarding marriage and the need that society has of having biologic parents instilling good values to kids from the moment they are born to the moment they have the responsibility to think and act for themselves. The break down of the family as a father-mother-children institution is a result of the negative spiritual legacy of the JFK era that decided to disconnect the American psyche from Jesus' teachings and public prayer by re-labeling them as "church" instead of acknowledging it as a spiritually healthy life style. Such break-down made possible a an increase in crime rate in the USA since 1960 to 1980. http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm Now, there has been a steady decline in the USA since 1981 but this is due to bigger jails and more lengthy sentences; however, before the JFK era, the American nation did not need so many jails in to buy the same domestic security that we have now. The Obama era is a bigger threat to traditional family than the JFK era because the emotional attachment of people with good parental skills is much stronger for their own biologic offspring that they have seen to be born and to grow than the emotional attachment that could be developed between of kids and adopted "parents" of the same sex. Such kind of emotional attachment is very important in the transmission of good values from parents to kids. This could explain how the crime rate in San Francisco, California a "homosexual friendly" city is much higher than in others parts of the state of California http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/san-francisco/crime/ The lack of support for traditional families of President Obama and his supporters for heterosexual family values is a bigger threat to the future welfare of the nation than the damage done by President John F. Kennedy and his supporters against the nation by disconnecting the American psyche from Jesus' teachings and public prayer by labeling such things as "church" instead of acknowledging it as a spiritually healthy lifestyle good for the overall domestic safety and well being of the general American society.


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  • 5 months later...

In order to have an anti-USA attitude that is fully approved by Jesus Christ & the Kingdom of Heaven, we should be fully aware of the kind of faith that we should encourage in our lives and how such faith such shape our beliefs and actions in a way that is consistent with the teachings of our Lord Jesus and the writings of the Apostles Paul, John, Peter and James in the New Testament. We need our voices to be heard in the entire nation regarding how such faith needs to shape our beliefs and actions versus the beliefs and actions of those who don't know by experience how the influence of the Holy Spirit could shape their thinking and behavior. We need to point out to others how their beliefs and actions are putting them in a self-destructive path.

The beliefs and actions of the nation's citizens is what's really shaping the future of the nation. Therefore, in order to have a clear sense of what kind of future lies ahead for the nation, we need to observe what kind of devotion or admiration the American Political Establishment (APE) currently has. APE has been bowing, having devotion to or worshiping what I personally consider the three holy cows of the American Political Establishment. The three holy cows that APE has been bowing to or worshiping are: 1) Money; 2) Very Poor Common Sense; 3) A third "holy cow" with three very dangerous horns: a) Ignorance or Intolerance against God's teachings of how to truly love other people, B) Hate and c) Guns.


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Funny how Jesus never came out with an anti-Roman empire statement. I wonder why that was, and yet He has come out with an anti-US attitude? I guess it's only in the eye-of-the-beholder that some things appear ludicrous.

I've liked your posts for quite some time, Felix, but this thread sort of crosses the line.

In that grand old document which our forefathers set forth as their bill of rights—the Declaration of Independence—they declared: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” And the Constitution guarantees, in the most explicit terms, the inviolability of conscience: “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” {GC 295.2}

“The framers of the Constitution recognized the eternal principle that man’s relation with his God is above human legislation, and his rights of conscience inalienable. Reasoning was not necessary to establish this truth; we are conscious of it in our own bosoms. It is this consciousness which, in defiance of human laws, has sustained so many martyrs in tortures and flames. They felt that their duty to God was superior to human enactments, and that man could exercise no authority over their consciences. It is an inborn principle which nothing can eradicate.”—Congressional documents (U.S.A.), serial No. 200, document No. 271. {GC 295.3}

As the tidings spread through the countries of Europe, of a land where every man might enjoy the fruit of his own labor and obey the convictions of his own conscience, thousands flocked to the shores of the New World. Colonies rapidly multiplied. “Massachusetts, by special law, offered free welcome and aid, at the public cost, to Christians of any nationality who might fly beyond the Atlantic ‘to escape from wars or famine, or the oppression of their persecutors.’ Thus the fugitive and the downtrodden were, by statute, made the guests of the commonwealth.”—Martyn, vol. 5, p. 417. In twenty years from the first landing at Plymouth, as many thousand Pilgrims were settled in New England. {GC 296.1}

What God is against isn't the US, but what is being done to, the destruction of, our founding principles.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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Funny how Jesus never came out with an anti-Roman empire statement. I wonder why that was, and yet He has come out with an anti-US attitude? I guess it's only in the eye-of-the-beholder that some things appear ludicrous...

What God is against isn't the US, but what is being done to, the destruction of, our founding principles.

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Matt 22 "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God's" - our government calls us to render patriotic support and devotion to our nation which we gladly do. Even to the point that in church we thank God for the liberties and freedoms provided for us in this great nation which Providence has raised up.

In fact the two lamb-like principles are Protestantism and Republicanism upon which this nation was founded (according to Ellen White).

So our position is one of affirmation of the founding principles and one of warning about the trend to abandon our founding principles.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Matt 22 "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God's" - our government calls us to render patriotic support and devotion to our nation which we gladly do. Even to the point that in church we thank God for the liberties and freedoms provided for us in this great nation which Providence has raised up.

In fact the two lamb-like principles are Protestantism and Republicanism upon which this nation was founded (according to Ellen White).

So our position is one of affirmation of the founding principles and one of warning about the trend to abandon our founding principles.

in Christ,


This is why this thread mentions "an ...attitude approved by Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven."

The attitude in this thread is an attitude of opposition to self-destruction; this is because, regretfully, based on multiple unwise and counter productive policies, mentioned in this thread, the US is walking into a self-destructive path and if we really wish to render a patriotic support and devotion to our nation then we have a sacred duty to use our freedom of expression to say why the USA is taking a self-destructive path and why we oppose such path that the nation is taking. If we do otherwise, we should not congratulate ourselves of "rendering a patriotic support and devotion to our nation." On the contrary, with friends and patriotic people like that, the nation will not need to have real enemies. The truthful and patriotic friends of the nation are those who either agree with I have written and work against such path of self-destruction or those who disagree after reading the words that I have written, prove me that I have reached a false conclusion by also proving that the nation is on its way to become a better and greater nation. Moreover, instead of allowing me to point out something that is false, that person would help me to be more aware of the truth so that such truth could be defended with our words and actions.


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Originally Posted By: BobRyan
Matt 22 "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God's" - our government calls us to render patriotic support and devotion to our nation which we gladly do. Even to the point that in church we thank God for the liberties and freedoms provided for us in this great nation which Providence has raised up.

In fact the two lamb-like principles are Protestantism and Republicanism upon which this nation was founded (according to Ellen White).

So our position is one of affirmation of the founding principles and one of warning about the trend to abandon our founding principles.

in Christ,


This is why this thread mentions "an ...attitude approved by Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven."

The attitude in this thread is an attitude of opposition to self-destruction; this is because, regretfully, based on multiple unwise and counter productive policies, mentioned in this thread, the US is walking into a self-destructive path and if we really wish to render a patriotic support and devotion to our nation then we have a sacred duty to use our freedom of expression to say why the USA is taking a self-destructive path and why we oppose such path that the nation is taking. If we do otherwise, we should not congratulate ourselves of "rendering a patriotic support and devotion to our nation." On the contrary, with friends and patriotic people like that, the nation will not need to have real enemies. The truthful and patriotic friends of the nation are those who either agree with I have written and work against such path of self-destruction or those who disagree after reading the words that I have written, prove me that I have reached a false conclusion by also proving that the nation is on its way to become a better and greater nation. Moreover, instead of allowing me to point out something that is false, that person would help me to be more aware of the truth so that such truth could be defended with our words and actions.


I guess you never read the US Political forum....

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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This is why this thread mentions "an ...attitude approved by Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven."

The attitude in this thread is an attitude of opposition to self-destruction; this is because, regretfully, based on multiple unwise and counter productive policies, mentioned in this thread, the US is walking into a self-destructive path and if we really wish to render a patriotic support and devotion to our nation then we have a sacred duty to use our freedom of expression to say why the USA is taking a self-destructive path and why we oppose such path that the nation is taking. If we do otherwise, we should not congratulate ourselves of "rendering a patriotic support and devotion to our nation." On the contrary, with friends and patriotic people like that, the nation will not need to have real enemies. The truthful and patriotic friends of the nation are those who either agree with I have written and work against such path of self-destruction or those who disagree after reading the words that I have written, prove me that I have reached a false conclusion by also proving that the nation is on its way to become a better and greater nation. Moreover, instead of allowing me to point out something that is false, that person would help me to be more aware of the truth so that such truth could be defended with our words and actions.


I do agree the USofA is going down a self-destructive path, which by the way has been going on for many years, but definitely not with approval of Jesus Christ & the Kingdom of Heaven. Its called prophecy and its coming true right in front of our eyes!


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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The only path to correction for a nation - is through Gospel evangelism. Our recourse is always the same - tell others about the good news of salvation - and the warnings we have been give so that we need not be deceived.

The entire World is headed toward a 7-last-plagues ending according to Rev 16. We seek to help as many people as possible to avoid "partaking of her sin that ye be not included in her plagues" - as possible. That is true no matter what nation we may live in.

So until the end of the world - "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God's" Matt 22.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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PK I understand your point about Christs approval of this Nations downward path. Allow me to clairify it to some degree. I don't think "approval" is quite the right word. It is prophecy because Jesus knew thats what the country would do, but that doesn't mean it's His will, desire or approval for it to happen.

Consider Nineveh in that regard! It's the classic paradox of the Father desiring one thing but in allowing man free will having to accept something less than that. I see over and over in the bible and the SOP where the future is NOT locked in, it is entirely dependant on the choices of man. Obviously in prophecy those choices are foretold, but I'm talking about the revealed will of God vs mans decisions. Mans decisions are often NOT prophecy, we, the angels, the other worlds, wait to see what the outcome will be. God knowing the end from the beginning in no way alters, forces or changes man's free will. He is "forced" to work with our choices, blessings, curses or just the outcome and circumstances of the laws of nature and spiritual laws are followed. Not everything is simply "allowed" to happen by the Lord, by some kind of direct intervention. "We" are subject to natural and spiritual laws.

To a large degree the Father is also bound by these natural and spiritual laws by allowing us free choice. He can hold in check (limit sinful outcome), but HOW and WHEN He directly intervenes is a delicate thing. His angels and Himself can influence, bring about circumstances, but that is just about the limit of power except in extraordinary circumstances.

Eat ice cream, get fat, natural law, no direct Godly intervention required. Jump off a cliff and fall, it's the law.

When a Nations cup of iniquity is full, God WILL step in with a "cease and desist" order. That is the law.

One more example, Moses didn't have to kill that Egyptian. God didn't need that to happen to get Moses to the sheep for forty years. It didn't happen because He "knew it would happen", it happened because Moses made a bad choice. And God dealt with the results in the best possible "now what" kind of way.

IS it possible this Nation COULD avoid destruction? Not now, because of prophecy we know for certain what the eventual outcome will be. It is NOT dependant of who is President, or what party is in power, or how bad sin becomes in the land. It is entirely dependant on when this Nation passes a Sunday law. THAT is when the cup is full. It will be the "people" demanding such a law that brings it about, regardless of politics or Presidents. Politicains and Presidents will be forced to comply with the will of the people, the Nation will have spoken.

Add to the misleading, red herring, false ideas on prophecy, the "illuminiti". We are told EXACTLY and in no uncertain terms by who and how the Sunday will come about. Not some mysterious group, not some radical party, the PEOPLE of these United States will DEMAND it. The politicians, along with the illuminiti, the Jesuits, wall street, your local bank, the boogey man and everybody else with some semblance of power will fear loosing it if they don't comply with this "grass roots" movement.

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I just have one more thing to say about how this thread is titled, and then I'll leave for good.

If God has an anti-whatever/whoever attitude towards a nation because it is sinning, and it can only be sinning because its leaders and people are sinning, then God has an anti-sinners attitude. Since we know this is not true, I leave it to the reader to judge the attitude of the creator of this thread.

What a difference between this attitude, and Christ's real attitude toward national sinning:

Luke 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

Jesus gazes upon the scene, and the vast multitude hush their shouts, spellbound by the sudden vision of beauty. All eyes turn upon the Saviour, expecting to see in His countenance the admiration they themselves feel. But instead of this they behold a cloud of sorrow. They are surprised and

disappointed to see His eyes fill with tears, and His body rock to and fro like a tree before the tempest, while a wail of anguish bursts from His quivering lips, as if from the depths of a broken heart. What a sight was this for angels to behold! their loved Commander in an agony of tears! What a sight was this for the glad throng that with shouts of triumph and the waving of palm branches were escorting Him to the glorious city, where they fondly hoped He was about to reign! Jesus had wept at the grave of Lazarus, but it was in a

godlike grief in sympathy with human woe. But this sudden sorrow was like a note of wailing in a grand triumphal chorus. In the midst of a scene of rejoicing, where all were paying Him homage, Israel’s King was in tears; not silent tears of gladness, but tears and groans of insuppressible agony.

The multitude were struck with a sudden gloom. Their acclamations were silenced. Many wept in sympathy with a grief they could not comprehend.

The tears of Jesus were not in anticipation of His own suffering. Just before Him was Gethsemane, where soon the horror of a great darkness would overshadow Him. The sheepgate

also was in sight, through which for centuries the beasts for sacrificial offerings had been led. This gate was soon to open for Him, the great Antitype, toward whose sacrifice for the sins of the world all these offerings had pointed. Near by was Calvary, the scene of His approaching agony. Yet it was not because of these reminders of His cruel death that the Redeemer wept and groaned in anguish of spirit. His was no selfish sorrow. The thought of His own agony did not intimidate that noble, self-sacrificing soul. It was the sight of Jerusalem that pierced the heart of Jesus—Jerusalem that had rejected the Son of God and scorned His love, that refused to be convinced by His mighty miracles, and was about to take His life. He saw what she was in her guilt of rejecting her Redeemer, and what she might have been had she accepted Him who alone could heal her wound. He had come to save her; how could He give her up? Desire of Ages pp. 575,576

If this is Christ's reaction to the national sinning of the Jews, and they are just about to kill him, just how does Christ have an anti-US attitude because this nation is rejecting Him?

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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If this is Christ's reaction to the national sinning of the Jews, and they are just about to kill him, just how does Christ have an anti-US attitude because this nation is rejecting Him?

Awesome post, Joe.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In order to be able to have an anti-USA attitude that is truly approved by Jesus Christ & the Kingdom of Heaven we need

to keep in mind and truly understand Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount when He said:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:43-48)

Through those words, Jesus is encouraging us to consider our human enemies no as real enemies but as souls who are victims of the Devil and that we should earnestly pray so they could be blessed with being liberated from the deceiving power of the Devil. When we think about the "enemy" we need to always keep in mind the Apostle Paul's words under the guidance of the Holy Spirit when he wrote:

The last enemy to be destroyed is death (1st Corinthian 15:26).

One of the reasons good standing Seventh Day Adventist church members have been very inefficient God's allies in fighting evil in this world is because we have paid too much attention to important final details in the battle between God and Satan regarding the universal Sunday's laws as predicted by EGW but we have forgotten that before such prediction becomes a reality we need to take a very active part in the following prediction:

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring[a] and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel (Genesis 3:15)
We understand that Christ is the "offspring" of the woman and that Christ will finally give a final "crushing blow" to the "head of the Devil." However, we need to assimilate the teachings of the Apostle Paul when, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he wrote:
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it (1 Corinthians 12:27).
This means that in order to be able to really preach Jesus' gospel to the entire world, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we should be prepared to truly behave as the "body of Christ" on this Earth in order to finally give a "crushing blow" to the head of the Devil in order to neutralize his power of deceiving the whole word and putting unneeded road blocks to preaching Jesus' gospel to every living person in this world, very young people, young people an elderly alike.

Regretfully, Seventh Day Adventist church members in good standing regarding our church doctrines have spent too much precious times in order to try to explain to the non believing world why our church doctrines are much more consistent with biblical teachings than any other church on this Earth instead of trying to teach to the rest of the world how it will be much better off by being fully aware and giving very serious consideration to God's teachings through the Bible. We have not worked under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to fulfill His mission on this world, according to Jesus, when Jesus said:

When He comes, He will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8)

Something that I see very wrong in my fellow Seventh Day Adventist members (that are in very good standing with the doctrines of our church) is that they spend too much time lamenting the moral decay of the whole world including of this nation and we spend almost no time in asking those who shape the direction of the nation and the direction of the entire world the following question: Why you allow yourself to be guided in putting the nation and the entire world in a self-destructive mode?

Let us examine the issue of same-sex marriage and quoted words from members of the US Supreme Court of Justice: for instance, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy seems to be in favor of people of the same sex marrying in the state of California when he said: "denying marital status to gay couples potentially harmed at least one group: their children, of whom there are nearly 40,000 in California. 'They want their parents to have full recognition and full status. The voice of those children is important in this case, don't you think?' Justice Kennedy said." The problem with Justice Kennedy's position is that he is just putting his attention on the here and know. He is not really looking to the future. Just let use some common sense: If those children of gay couples think that is "normal" to marry people of the same sex this will mean that they will have near zero ability to marry people of the opposite sex when they become adults and have their own biological children and love them for life like regular hetero sexual couples do. Now if this kind of life style is encouraged in the entire nation, with all the abortions, homicides and the inability of same sex couple to procreate their own biologic offspring that they truly love and the very restrictive immigration policies of the nation, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy seems to put the "desire" of children of gay couples (has anyone really asked those children if they truly love having "two parents" of the same sex?) ahead of the nation's ability to have happy families who could truly bring biologic children to this nation that they really love and children who will grow up, have their own biologic children and will help the US nation keep its status throughout the world. I truly believe that this kind of thinking is a real invitation to put the nation on a path toward a social collapse before the next five decades.

A very painful question that comes to my mind is the following: What wrong has the United States of America done to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in order for him to agree with those who could not care less about pushing the nation into a path toward a very dangerous social collapse in less that 50 years?

Now let's examine how Justice Elena Kagan feels about this issue regarding the significance of same sex marriage:

JUSTICE KAGAN: Well, suppose a State said, Mr. Cooper, suppose a State said that, Because we think that the focus of marriage really should be on procreation, we are not going to give marriage licenses anymore to any couple where both people are over the age of 55. Would that be constitutional?

MR. COOPER: No, Your Honor, it would not be constitutional.

JUSTICE KAGAN: Because that's the same State interest, I would think, you know. If you are over the age of 55, you don't help us serve the Government's interest in regulating procreation through marriage. So why is that different?

The problem with Justice Elena Kagan's view expressed above is that she is putting her focus on the phrase "regulating procreation through marriage." Even though we know that the government makes regulations regarding marriage the government's main focus should not be on "regulation" but it should be in creating policies that "encourage any human behavior" in a way that is truly beneficial to the rest of society. For instance, if two individuals of the same sex wish to live together, this is part of their freedom of choice that has been given to them by creation but it does not means two people of the same sex who "marry" when they are in their sixties should have the same approval as a heterosexuals married when they are also in their sixties because they can not procreate. The issue here is not procreation. The issue here is what message or signal we are sending or giving to younger generations of people who could really procreate and bring biologic offspring that will be better equipped to love their parents from their earliest childhood to their grave. The kind of love between biologic children and their parents is something that is better equipped to generate a more stable society and a better future for the nation. Moreover, such kind of society will be better equipped to give more freedom to Jesus' teachings regarding how we should behave with other people and with God, our Creator. With the teaching of Jesus throughout the world, "the body Christ" in this world will be better equipped to give "a crushing blow" to the head of the Devil and the Devil will be less able to inspire humans to assassinate, maim, rob or rape fellow humans. This does not mean that a universal false day of rest will not be finally instituted because the "body of Christ" (the truthful church) will have its heel "crushed" according to Genesis 3:15 and people from false religions will be able to out run it in order to gain positions of influence in government. This will give false religions the ability of establishing a false day of worship in a very short time just before Jesus comes again. However, by having been able to truly preach the gospel throughout the whole world, we will have the great joy of having many former fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortionists who were sanctified, were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God finally inheriting the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).


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Regretfully, Seventh Day Adventist church members in good standing regarding our church doctrines have spent too much precious times in order to try to explain to the non believing world why our church doctrines are much more consistent with biblical teachings than any other church on this Earth instead of trying to teach to the rest of the world how it will be much better off by being fully aware and giving very serious consideration to God's teachings through the Bible.

i don't know Felix. I have never seen this. Faith comes by hearing hearing comes by the word of God.

every doctrinal teaching meets the errors that would rob us of protection, God's revealed will, and the very character of God in dealing with the sin problem.

i don't think we are fighting to be the superior church.

the work of convicting the world of sin and righteously and of the judgement on the prince of this world, is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Awareness of and consideration of the Principles of God throughout scripture are in all the doctrines.

when people throw off the restraint of the Holy Spirit they have no resistance to doing evil. Where ever it exists evil joins with evil in the destruction of the good.

it is an individual choice. and there is nothing we can do as a church to control all those choices. before Christ comes we will live through the ripening of the earth for good or evil.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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Regretfully, Seventh Day Adventist church members in good standing regarding our church doctrines have spent too much precious times in order to try to explain to the non believing world why our church doctrines are much more consistent with biblical teachings than any other church on this Earth instead of trying to teach to the rest of the world how it will be much better off by being fully aware and giving very serious consideration to God's teachings through the Bible.

i don't know Felix. I have never seen this. Faith comes by hearing hearing comes by the word of God.

every doctrinal teaching meets the errors that would rob us of protection, God's revealed will, and the very character of God in dealing with the sin problem.

i don't think we are fighting to be the superior church.

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Our relationship with God is like a marriage. If you have a spouse that you like to hug and kiss but (every time you do so) you find that your spouse begin making faces and show some discomfort when you do so then you are going to stop liking to be kissing and hugging your spouse. In order to have an intimate relationship with God that could be useful to change other's peoples lives, we need to learn to enjoy God changing our own lives in order to please Him in everything we do. Then when we see the moral decay that is around us, instead of taking for granted that things are going to get from bad to worse, we will ask God, in earnest prayers, to help us become His instrument in order to begin changing things around for His honor and glory.


very precious words FF

thank-you for sharing these.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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Regretfully, Seventh Day Adventist church members in good standing regarding our church doctrines have spent too much precious times in order to try to explain to the non believing world why our church doctrines are much more consistent with biblical teachings than any other church on this Earth instead of trying to teach to the rest of the world how it will be much better off by being fully aware and giving very serious consideration to God's teachings through the Bible.

i don't know Felix. I have never seen this. Faith comes by hearing hearing comes by the word of God.

every doctrinal teaching meets the errors that would rob us of protection, God's revealed will, and the very character of God in dealing with the sin problem.

i don't think we are fighting to be the superior church.

the work of convicting the world of sin and righteously and of the judgement on the prince of this world, is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Awareness of and consideration of the Principles of God throughout scripture are in all the doctrines.

when people throw off the restraint of the Holy Spirit they have no resistance to doing evil. Where ever it exists evil joins with evil in the destruction of the good.

it is an individual choice. and there is nothing we can do as a church to control all those choices. before Christ comes we will live through the ripening of the earth for good or evil.

Outstanding post, debbym. You're 100% correct.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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...it is an individual choice. and there is nothing we can do as a church to control all those choices. before Christ comes we will live through the ripening of the earth for good or evil.
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While the entire civilized world has its attention fixed on North Korea, its leader and the response that United States of America and the United Nations are having against North Korea, those who have and anti-world and anti USA attitude that is truly approved by Jesus Christ and the kingdom of heavens feel no choice but to look what is happening from a very different perspective.

People who truly believe in Jesus Christ, usually don't see other people as their enemy. They just see them as victims of Satan's deceiving power and as agents that the Devil is waiting for in other to convert them in agents of death.

Our real enemies are not people like us made of flesh and bones. We have five real enemies and they are: 1) spiritual illness, 2) emotional illness (in extreme cases psychiatric illness), 3) physical illness, 4) death and finally, 5) the Devil. It is very easy for the Devil to turn us into his agents when our minds and thinking is captured by the first two enemies. When we get captured by enemy # 3, our ability to hurt or to do well to others gets inversely proportional to how severe our physical illness becomes; this is the more physically ill we are, the less able we become to hurt or to do well to our fellow humans. When we get captured by enemy # 4, our abilities to hurt, to do well to others or to repent from our sins is voided. This is the goal that nations wish to accomplish when they go to war; this is to kill their enemies or to cripple them so badly that they become unable to fight back.

The problem is that the political leaders of North Korea and the political leaders of the United States of America have something in common. This is that, in both nations, they have been captured by enemy # 1 which is "spiritual illness." However, the spiritual illness of the leaders in North Korea is so severe that no one has any right to say in public that their "dear leader" is wrong because that person would very easily land in jail and end up in being killed by the North Korean regime. This is no so in the United States of America because when the American nation was born, those leaders involved in the birth of the new American nation were fully aware and in full acceptance of Jesus' teachings in Matthew 20:25-27. This is how the American nation has coined the term "public servant" when it refers to any member of government. However, we do no congratulate ourselves with the thought that the spiritual illness of the American nation is much less intense than in North Korea, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. This is because we know that the American nation is heading itself to a horrendous future by repudiating or ignoring the principle stating that we are God's creation and that the Bible gives us the best guide of how to interact with our Creator and with or fellow brothers and sisters, by creation, in order to shape a better future for ourselves and our posterity.


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Now, the real problem in the US of United States born American citizens guiding the American nation to an ominous path of self destruction is not in the American political leaders or in American registered voters. The real problem is that the proportion of people in the USA knowing what Jesus taught or what He did not teach has had a significant drop in this nation since this nation was born to this day. Jesus said about Himself: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). This lack of knowledge or disregard of Jesus' teachings is leading the American nation and the entire world to a severe state of spiritual illness where the political process leading to the election of national leaders is being tainted by a great deal of national hypocrisy.

Even though we call our government leaders as "public servants," the process by which they become elected officials is being shaped by a disdain and ignorance of basic guidelines of God's approved kind of human behavior according to what we find in the New Testament in the Bible.

For instance, in the USA, we have many people believing in other humans committing homicide as a way people should have for disposing of potential adversaries. However, they don't dare to say so in a clear an unambiguous language. They don't even say that they are interested in concentrating the power of the accuser, the jury, the judge and the executioner in a single individual so that such individual could have the ability to kill or cripple any potential foe. When those individuals write letters of support to people running for public office, they just talk supporting "self-defense;" nonetheless, they don't really care that the total number of humans being killed with guns is going to be much higher when the general population, that is unaware of Jesus teachings, have a higher level of access to firearms. This is the kind of hypocrisy that we see in the American Political Establishment. This hypocrisy is being fueled by the fact that the worldly future of the American nation will not be decided by elected American officials but how a younger American generation is led to distinguish between good and evil.

Another prominent instance of great hypocrisy in the American Political Establishment is the issue of "tolerance." However, this issue of "tolerance" is not really tolerance. This is just another instance of hypocrisy within the American Political Establishment. For instance, the Bible does not talk about homosexuality as a "right." but it condemns it as a sin. According to Genesis: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (Genesis 1:27-28).

However, due to such deep lack of knowledge about what the Bible says, we are experiencing what should be labeled as the "anti-God" and "anti-human reproduction lobby" using a mask of hypocrisy by calling themselves "pro-tolerance" at the same time that they could not stomach a pastor truly believing what the Bible teaches about homo-sexuality praying to a God during President Obama second presidential inauguration. This is just sheer hypocrisy of the American Political Establishment. This accepting intolerance from those requesting tolerance.

In the United States of America the "anti-God" and "anti-human reproduction lobby" is cornering the United States of America toward a corner of self-annihilation that is much worse for the long term future of the nation than what whole North Korean army could to the American nation. Just let us think for a moment: If either of our parents were born in a era that it was normal for them to marry for life to someone of the same sex and they did so, we would not had been born to ponder this issue and the number of American people populating the nation would be much less than we have today. Just let us look to Russia: In 2006 they were complaining of a declining birthrate. (http://geography.about.com/od/obtainpopulationdata/a/russiapop.htm). The question would be: What would happen to the birth rate in the USA and what would happen to the blood-related family structure in the USA if young children were taught by their parents and at the school they attend that it would be "quite normal" for them to chose to marry someone of the same sex? We could say in a non uncertain term that a kind of spiritual illness generating hypocrisy in the religious leaders in the nation of Israel when Jesus was born is the same kind of spiritual illness generating hypocrisy in the American Political Establishment during this twenty first century. The hypocrisy of the politico-religious way to thinking of the leaders of the nation of Israel during Jesus time led to a new generation of individuals that made the Roman authorities to think that Rome would be better off by destroying the nation of Israel than keeping it as a part of their kingdom. Today in the USA, the hypocrisy of the "anti-God" and "anti-human reproduction" lobby in American politics is already putting the American nation in an unsustainable path where more and more fragile elderly individuals will have to be supported by an ever diminishing pool of younger working individuals believing that we should honor our father and our mother because this something established by God in one of the Ten Commandments.


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Regarding the killings and the injuries caused by the twin bombs on 4-15-13 at the Boston Marathon:

Our real enemies are not people like us made of flesh and bones. We have five real enemies and they are: 1) spiritual illness, 2) emotional illness (in extreme cases psychiatric illness), 3) physical illness, 4) death and finally, 5) the Devil. It is very easy for the Devil to turn us into his agents when our minds and thinking is captured by the first two enemies. When we get captured by enemy # 3, our ability to hurt or to do well to others gets inversely proportional to how severe our physical illness becomes; this is the more physically ill we are, the less able we become to hurt or to do well to our fellow humans. When we get captured by enemy # 4, our abilities to hurt, to do well to others or to repent from our sins is voided. This is the goal that nations wish to accomplish when they go to war; this is to kill their enemies or to cripple them so badly that they become unable to fight back.

Anyone truly understanding what the New Testament tells us regarding how people are guided to commit acts of evil will truly realize that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 (who was found holed up inside a boat) and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26 (dead after shootout in Watertown) were victims of a kind of "contagious spiritual illness" that allowed them to plant twin bombs on 4-15-13 at the Boston Marathon. These twin bombs killed 23 years old Lu Lingzi, a Boston University student from China, 8-year-old spectator Martin Richard, and 29-year-old spectator Krystle Campbell. Besides those three that were almost immediately killed, it also injured more than 170 people: runners, couples, spectators, children. Some were reported to be in grave condition; others lost limbs or senses; all their lives will be forever touched by the bombings.

The best way to fight against this deadly disease that is capturing the minds and hearts of religious, non religious and atheists who turn against fellow unsuspecting people in order to kill them is by having their minds "inoculated" with the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ when they are so young that their minds are beginning to learn to differentiate right from wrong and good versus evil.

The reason that many humans become cold blooded assassins is because enemy # 5 or the Devil is very good using the same strategy that he used in Genesis 3:4-6. This is by inflating the ego of members of the human race. This strategy is generating enormous dividends to the Devil. This lack of spiritual immunization in Muslim nations is the secret why people who don't have any obvious kind of mental or psychiatric illness are able to carefully plan and carry out the death of many individuals in a way that would grab public attention and national or international headlines of most major news media organizations. This lack of spiritual immunization is also an explanation of how a political popular US president would be defeated in his effort to be able to sign into law a bipartisan compromise on expanded background checks for gun and powerful fire arms sales in the Senate. The issue is not whether a person is a secular American citizen or a radical Muslim. The issue is whether during their formative years people are allowed to drink of the fountain of knowledge of our Lord Jesus that would allow them to form enough and efficient "spiritual antibodies" against a very sinister spiritual virus named "hate" which has the ability of infecting most people living on this Earth.

In the same way that the Devil tried to inflate the ego of Eva making her to think that she would be able to be better than God wished her to be, the Devil has inflated the ego of educators, lawyers and policy makers in the United States of America in order create policies that would prevent young developing minds in the USA to drink (during their schooling years) from the fountain of knowledge of our Lord Jesus that would allow them to form enough and efficient "spiritual antibodies" against a very sinister spiritual virus named "hate" which has the ability of infecting most people within this nation and throughout the world. The end result is the same: The same killing spree that we see in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan by religious radicals people who are ignorant of the love of God through Jesus is very similar to the killing spree that we see in the United States of America by demented non religious individuals who are empowered to get lethal weapons by people who are guided by their interest in gaining political influence within the nation. This political influence of the gun lobby is made possible by the horrendous lack of knowledge of God's teachings through Jesus Christ of how all humans should love one another because we are all children of the same Creator. However, the leaders of the American nation do not feel like that. This is why we were able to observe the following reaction of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry praised law enforcement in their hunt for the Boston Marathon attack suspects. "I think it is fair to say this entire week we have been in pretty direct confrontation with evil," he said. "In the past few days, we have seen the best and we have seen the worst of human behavior, and it is the best that all of us really want to focus on." In a nutshell, the response of the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, tells us why the United States is failing in winning the battle against evil which has caused the premature death of hundreds of thousands of Americans during the last few decades: American political leaders wish us just to focus on "the best of our human behavior." Regretfully, the best of our human behavior will not prevent Americans killing fellow Americans. Only by focusing in the love of our Lord Jesus working in our lives, we will be able to prevent so much senseless killings in this nation and throughout the world.


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During two different speeches heard by millions of people, President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama stated that "Islam is a religion of peace." However, even if we truly believed such kind of statement (to some people this would be a very big "if"), we would find out that such statement could never be better than just one half of a whole truth. Therefore, such statement would be found to be more misleading and dangerous when we don't also keep in mind the "other half" of the truth. The other half of the truth is that regardless if one is an atheist or a Christian (Jesus said: "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven." Mathew 7:21), Muslim, Buddhist, Agnostic, etc., such person without proper guidance will easily end up in depravation and self destructive behavior.

In order to avoid falling into a deceptive, depraved and self destructive behavior, all humans (including those of us identifying ourselves as believers), need to be guided by the same One that Jesus left to take His place on this Earth when Jesus went back to Heaven: "...the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you" (John 14:25).

This is why we need to truly understand that the future for a better world does no lies in politics or in any warfare fought with lethal firearms. The secret for a better world lies in the "Advocate, the Holy Spirit," the same One sent by the Father in Jesus' name. However, such Advocate or Holy Spirit should be allowed to transform our own personal lives. Moreover, such transformation such be allowed to be transmitted to any person we come into contact with. This is why Satan has worked so hard to neutralize the ability of those who know about Jesus to share such knowledge to every living person on this earth. We need to learn to become effective "spiritual warriors" who under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet and with the invincible weapon of love could begin to "blow up" and "destroy" all the roadblocks against the advance of Jesus' kingdom and teachings in the minds and hearts of every living and thinking creature on this Earth.


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