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Will Waldo Be Saved?


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What we have here are 4 non-SDA's who reject much of what SDA's believe, talking about why SDA's are so bad. All of you have hobby horses to ride. If we reject them, then you send us long-winded angry barbs to stoomp us into our rightfull places. I am frustrated and irritated over the way you treat the rest of us here.

Your friend,

Dave M

>>>>C'mon DaveM! Relax. This is a 'forum' open to all apparently. If you don't like hearing the opinion of others, then, have the Administrators 'close' this forum to all but those who worship God via the mind of EGW. There are some forums who apparently do that.

Generally speaking a "forum" is a place where different ideas and beliefs are discussed. Some agree and some disagree. That's the way 'forums' are!

Please don't wear your feelings on your 'sleeve', so to speak. Nobody is forcing YOU into a belief or system of beliefs you don't subscribe to. Are you forcing anybody into your beliefs? I haven't noticed that you have. You've stated your opinion--and that's OK!!

Are you afraid to have the position of the church and/or EGW on any subject be examined and critiqued? She says in several places of 'the writings' that we are not to think we have it all figured out just right and nothing could ever change.

You say you've read 'most' of her writings--I think that was you who said that. Well, if so, then you know what references back up the fact that she says we have some things to learn and many many things to 'unlearn'.

So...if we follow her advice on that, why should it upset you and make you feel 'stomped on' personally? We are not attacking you, or anybody on a personal basis!!! No----we are not attacking EGW! That's just YOUR perception apparently.

When I say that IMO EGW should be classed as 'pastoral' rather than 'prophetic', do you consider that to be attacking her? Didn't she say she never claimed to be a 'prophet'? Yes, she did! So, if I agree with her, is that attacking her?

Relax---THIS is a 'forum'!!!!



(Now, what were you saying? smile.gif )

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So, what about the many generations of American Indians before the Jesuits came and made them believe in Jesus or get a hand or foot chopped off? Are all of them lost who tried to be decent, fair, and kind, just because they didn't believe in Jesus?

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Restin, that is a good question but since there is no extremely specific and clear comment in the scriptures on the point, I have decided to not worry about it---for the God of the Universe will do what He decides is right. I am the 'pot' and He is the 'potter' and I have no right as the 'pot' to tell Him what to do with His clay!

Sooooo........since that isn't really the problem in the US anymore, I discuss what we who are living here now should believe and do.

BTW according to family 'lore' my mother was the illegitimate child of an American "Indian" and her cauc boyfriend in 1887. She was adopted by the sister of the 'boyfriend'. I have the original adoption papers signed by a lady named "Emma Boles" in Cherokee, IA. Since this is 'lore' I have no proof and there are no birth certificates available.

When I am asked "What tribe of Am. Indians?"

I always say with tongue in cheek, "Digger"---for that is what Uriah Smith said was one of the class of people EGW meant when she spoke of the 'amalgamation problem' [my term---not hers]


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I appreciate your answer.

One of my personal problems is that all my life I have been by sheer will-power held in my feelings. As a result the muscles across my chest actually hurt most of the time. I have attended Emotions Anonymous for several years. There I am learning to stop supressing my feelings and thoughts because of fear of rejection.

What I said was an attempt to let you know what was going on in my mind. If any discussion is to be helpful to all participants, we need to be able to react with the heart, not just the mind.

What others believe intellectually does not bother me. It does not threaten my beliefs. What bother me about most threads is that only the mind is involved. But the real person lives in the heart. You may see this view as a weakness. I see it as a strength.

Your friend,

Dave M

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So, what about the many generations of American Indians before the Jesuits came and made them believe in Jesus or get a hand or foot chopped off? Are all of them lost who tried to be decent, fair, and kind, just because they didn't believe in Jesus?

Man looks upon the outward appearance the Lord looks upon the heart. (1 Sam. 16:7).

We are held accountable for the truth we have been shown. Only. Abba Father judges the heart, and I praise Him and thank Him that HE ALONE is our judge. For He is an Abba both just.... and merciful.

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth [it] not, to him it is sin.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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