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Beware of wolves in Sheep's clothing that come here.


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Here are some articles that have been written regarding Edward Allred:




I have read and heard in numerous sources, including Adventist sources, that Edward Allred claimed to have personally performed at least 250,000 abortions, and he even said that he wanted to abort black and Hispanic children especially, so they wouldn't be a drain on society. 

He even advertised in Spanish, offering Hispanic women discounts that were not offered in English advertisements. 

Can anyone please tell me why La Sierra University named its department of entrepreneurship after a notorious abortion doctor?

Even people who are prochoice on the issue of abortion have, throughout the years, refused to be associated with him, because of the racial comments he's made, of specifically wanting to abort black and Hispanic children.  

Is there a wholesome, Biblically sound reason that can be given as to why La Sierra University named its department of entrepreneurship after Allred?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I have removed three posts from view:

*  The subject matter of those posts was not related to the thread.

*  San has requested that the discussion of the posted subject matter end.  Enough has been said.  Nothing more needs to be said.


Gregory Matthews


Now four (4) posts.



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I have enough life experience to know that no church is perfect. I just happen to agree with Adventist teachings more often than with the teachings of any other church. 

Please read Jeremiah 32:35-44. Even as God chastised His chosen people under the Old Covenant for sacrificing their children to Moloch, He promised ultimately to bless them.

The 7th Day Adventist Church may still be God's remnant church for the end times, even if, for the time being, it has temporarily lost its way. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

There have been official Adventist publications which, based on Genesis 2:7, teach that life begins at first breath. This has been used by pro-choice Adventists to justify abortion rights. I'm not saying they're right or wrong, but there's two sides to this issue. 

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I have a 3-4 people in the last couple of weeks say we should reboot this big time as some of the other independent sites are becoming more and more anti church



If you receive benefit to being here please help out with expenses.


Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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I agree with the current position of this forum that limits the discussion of abortion.


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There are  SDA sites openly promoting homosexuality. I hope this won't become one. Any discussion of the topic will likely attract activist types who want to talk about it, promote it, give Bible studies about it. Posts of that sort should be deleted.

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6 hours ago, GHansen said:

There are  SDA sites openly promoting homosexuality. I hope this won't become one. Any discussion of the topic will likely attract activist types who want to talk about it, promote it, give Bible studies about it. Posts of that sort should be deleted.

That's essentially what happened with Catholic Answers forums - they eventually got enough "activist" moderators to cull posters who advocated / agreed with the traditional Church stance on gay marriage and sex. With Gregory at the helm I don't see that kind of putrification taking hold and metastasizing here. 

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I think that there are valid aspects related to homosexuality that are worthy of discussion.  I question whether or not they can be properly discussed in this forum.

The following are SDA publications that I personally consider to be of value:

1)  Ronald M. Springett, Homosexuality In History and the Scriptures.  Biblical Research Institute (BRI), 1988. 173 pages.  NOTE: It may be purchased from BRI.  I value it for its history and Biblical content.  However, it is dated and does not address common issues of today.

2)  Roy E. Gane, Nicholas P. Miller & H. Peter Swanson, Editors.  Homosexuality Marriage, and the Chruch: Biblical, Counseling & Religious Liberty Issues.  Andrews University. 2012, 578 pages.  This book addresses current issues and seeks to advocate a Biblical approach to working with people

3) Adventist Edition: Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones: For Adventist  Families, Ministry Leaders and All Who Care.  72 pages.    This is actually a SDA edition of material prepared by Bill Henson of Lead Them Home. I consider it to be of value.   It is supposed to be available from the North American Division.  Unfortunately, it is not easily available.   It has been described by Dave Ferguson, of Kinship as " . . . the most compassionate response ever [previously] published by the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, while still maintaining the church's position . . ."


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  • 1 year later...
On 12/13/2013 at 5:54 PM, JoeMo said:


I appreciate your concern here; but I also have a concern. There are some of us here (me for one) that consider ourselves practicing Adventists; but others consider us wolves in sheep's clothing. It's mostly because I question the infallability of EGW and certain SDA interpretations of prophecy. Yet, as I read them, I conform to all 28 pillars of faith. What constitutes a "practicing Adventist" - church attendance, sinlessness, doctrinal purity, all of the above? I'm a little sensitive to this; cuz a member of this forum called me out in public as a wolf in sheep's clothing a while back.

If you ever sit in a Sabbath School class and listen to all the different takes on individual passages of scripture you come to the conclusion that there are no two people alike as far as same exact beliefs. The whole idea of forced conformity of thought is a control mechanism. 

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