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Cardinal sentenced to 5 1/2 years in Vatican's financial 'trial of the century'

Cardinal Becciu and 8 others were convicted of financial crimes.



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Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples that must not resemble marriage

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis formally approved letting Catholic priests bless same-sex couples, the Vatican announced Monday, a radical shift in policy that aimed at making the church more inclusive while maintaining its strict ban on gay marriage.



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After approving blessings for same-sex couples, Pope asks Vatican staff to avoid ‘rigid ideologies’

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis urged Vatican bureaucrats Thursday to avoid “rigid ideological positions” that prevent them from understanding today’s reality, an appeal made days after he formally allowed priests to bless same-sex couples in a radical change of Vatican policy.



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Some Catholic bishops reject Pope’s stance on blessings for same-sex couples. Others are confused

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — In an extraordinary pushback against Pope Francis, some Catholic bishops in Africa, Poland and elsewhere say they will not implement the new Vatican policy allowing blessings for same-sex couples.



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Pope Francis calls for a universal ban on surrogacy. He says it exploits mother and child

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis called Monday for a universal ban on what he called the “despicable” practice of surrogate motherhood, as he included the “commercialization” of pregnancy in an annual speech listing threats to global peace and human dignity.



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The Vatican’s top expert on AI ethics is a friar from a medieval Franciscan order

ROME (AP) — Friar Paolo Benanti wears the plain brown robes of his medieval Franciscan order as he pursues one of the most pressing issues in contemporary times: how to govern artificial intelligence so that it enriches — and doesn’t exploit — people’s lives.



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The keeper of the Vatican’s secrets is retiring. Here’s what he wants you to know

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican has been trying for years to debunk the idea that its vaunted secret archives are all that secret: It has opened up the files of controversial World War II-era Pope Pius XII to scholars and changed the official name to remove the word “Secret” from its title.



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The Vatican’s problematic process to address clergy sex abuse cases, explained

VATICAN CITY (AP) — One afternoon in mid-December, Pope Francis had a meeting that wasn’t on his official agenda or otherwise recorded, that underscored the utter dysfunction of the Catholic Church’s response to the global clergy sex abuse scandal.



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📸 1 for the road
Photo: Andrew Medichini/AP

The Vatican has begun a yearlong, $750,000 restoration of St. Peter's Basilica.

  • Above: Scaffolding surrounds the 17th-century, 95-foot-tall bronze canopy by Gian Lorenzo Bernini over the papal Altar of the Confession.


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📚 Pope to publish autobiography
Pope Francis during the General Audience in Vatican City yesterday. Photo: Grzegorz Galazka/Archivio Grzegorz Galazka/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images

Pope Francis' new memoir defends his decision to let priests bless same-sex couples, which was met with sharp criticism from some conservative members of the church.

  • "I just want to say that God loves everyone, especially sinners," he writes.

✍️ The autobiography, "Life: My Story Through History," is set for release next week. In addition to addressing criticism from his right, the pope writes that he has no plans to retire and is in good health.


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Pope exposes confidential details of past conclaves and settles scores with Pope Benedict XVI’s aide

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has exposed the political “maneuvers” used to sway votes during the two most recent elections of popes, while denying he is planning to reform the process for future conclaves, in a book-length interview published Tuesday.



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Vatican’s top diplomat begins a 6-day visit to Vietnam aimed at normalizing relations

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — The Vatican’s top diplomat began a six-day visit to Vietnam on Tuesday as a part of efforts to normalize relations with the communist nation.



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Vatican complains after French court rules in favor of nun dismissed from religious order

ROME (AP) — The Holy See said Saturday it formally protested to France after a court there ruled that a former high-ranking Vatican official was liable for what the court determined to be the wrongful dismissal of a nun from a religious order.



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📺 CBS News' Norah O'Donnell sat down with Pope Francis ahead of the Vatican's inaugural World Children's Day, to be held in Rome on May 25-26. Part of the interview will air tonight on the "CBS Evening News." (O'Donnell will anchor a special edition, overlooking the Vatican). An extended version will be shown Sunday on "60 Minutes."


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🛶 1 for the road: Pope afloat
Photo: Alessandra Tarantino/AP

Pope Francis — visiting Venice, Italy, for the first time — is greeted by gondoliers yesterday. He traveled to the lagoon town to see the Vatican's pavilion at the prestigious Venice Biennale contemporary art show.


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Arlington nuns fight Catholic control
Illustration of a stained glass window with a fist emoji design.

Arlington nuns are at odds with a Fort Worth bishop over control of their cloister. Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios


A cloistered order of Carmelite nuns in Arlington is fighting what they call a "hostile takeover" by a Fort Worth bishop and the organization the Vatican has appointed to govern them.

Why it matters: The nuns are fighting for their organization's independence within the Catholic Church, where the highest level of governance is almost entirely male.

  • The Carmelite order wrote that they "are not 'things' to be traded or given away in back-room deals."

The big picture: The conflict has garnered national attention in part due to claims of broken vows of chastity, abuse of power and allegations of drug use.

  • The Carmelite order has been locked in a legal and church dispute with Fort Worth Bishop Michael Olson for over a year, stemming from his allegations that the prioress of the cloister broke her vow of chastity. She has denied it.
  • The order says the bishop overstepped his bounds and interrogated Reverend Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach while she was "medically unfit." They no longer recognize the bishop as having authority over them.

The latest: The nuns are seeking to prohibit Olson, the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth and the Carmelite Association of Christ the King from entering the monastery.

  • The nuns allege that their Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity is a separate entity from the diocese and that the Vatican did not communicate directly with the nuns about the appointment of the association as their new governor.

What they're saying: The nuns claim in a request for a restraining order that the Fort Worth diocese is "trying to utilize a religious back door" to gain control of the monastery and its property, per the Fort Worth Report.

  • They say their religious profession doesn't deny them the right to "justice according to the law."

The other side: The diocese calls the monastery's statements "sad and troubling," per an online statement.

  • "This is an internal church matter that the former prioress continues to attempt to exploit in the civil court — in which it has no standing."

What's next: A hearing on the restraining order is scheduled today.



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🕊️ Pope lashes right
Photo: Adam Verdugo/CBS News

In a rare interview, with Norah O'Donnell on "60 Minutes," Pope Francis denounced conservative American bishops — and called efforts by Texas to shut down a Catholic charity that offers migrants humanitarian aid "madness."

  • Why it matters: It's the first time Francis spoke at length with an English-language American broadcast network.

The progressive pontiff has become a frequent target of conservative Catholic clergy based in the U.S.

  • The pope said a conservative, in that context, is "one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that."
  • He added: "It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past. But quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box."

Full segment ... Transcript.


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Pope's rare apology
Pope Francis leads a mass on World Children's Day at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican on May 26. Photo: Filippo Monteforte/AFP via Getty Images

Pope Francis apologized after reports surfaced that he used a homophobic slur during a private meeting with Italian bishops last week, Axios' Jacob Knutson writes.

  • Why it matters: The pope has sought to make the Catholic Church more welcoming to LGBTQ+ people, while at the same time upholding its historical views on the sacrament of marriage.

Francis was quoted in Italian media using offensive slang while stating his opposition to allowing gay men to enter seminaries.

  • Matteo Bruni, the press office director for the Holy See, said in a statement that the pope was "aware" of the reports and "never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms."

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Pope apologizes after being quoted using vulgar term about gay men in talk about ban on gay priests

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis apologized Tuesday after he was quoted using a vulgar and derogatory term about gay men to reaffirm the Catholic Church’s ban on gay priests.



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The former nuncio to the US says he faces schism charges from the Vatican

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican’s former nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, said on Thursday that he has been summoned by the Vatican to face charges of schism.



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Vatican chief of staff testifies in UK finance trial, admits to false invoice and blames a deputy

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis’ chief of staff became one of the highest-ranking Holy See officials to testify in a foreign court Thursday, telling a British tribunal about the negotiations at the heart of the Vatican’s so-called “trial of the century,” admitting he filed a false invoice and pointing a finger at his one-time deputy who escaped the scandal unscathed.



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