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The Civil Rights Movement 2.0

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Thieves, thugs lies and liars?  This country was founded on lies and thuggery.  The police told a lie when they said they warned twelve year old Tamir Rice.  They just drove up and blew that kid away in less than two seconds.  After that tackled his 14 year old sister then handcuffed her and threw her in the back on a squad car.  Dang, makes me proud to be an american.


 They lied to the native americans, numerous times.  Lying & thuggery is in this countrie's historical and biological DNA.  Like the time Abe Lincoln backed off a deal with the Santee Sioux in Minnesota in 1862.  Promised them 1.6 million for a whole bunch of land, and some food.  Gave the good food to white settlers and gave the indians spoiled food not fit for a dog. When some of the hungry indians stole some eggs from the settlers in that area the result was 38 Sioux getting lynched, in the largest mass hanging in one day, in American history, that we know about anyway.  Ole honest abe wanted to hang 300 or more, but he was concerned that the european countries would join the South in the civil war.

If that ain't being a thug I don't know what is.  They made up for that in 1890 when they massacred 200 or so at Wounded Knee.


Ole Unc is a hypocrite.  The founding fathers talked bill of rights, and all that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness while all the time holding slaves.  They talk taking the high road when all along the cia is torturing prisoners, using water boarding, etc.


They talk about being a christian nation but all the time speaking like a dragon.  


When u talk about riots and lies in ferguson you should be used to it.  It is in your history and DNA.

There have been enough atrocities committed against native americans  that it really shouldn't be necessary to fabricate.The 38 that were hanged were not hanged for stealing eggs. The injustices that led up to the uprising certainly played a part in the murdering,raping and taking hostages of white settlers.





white settlers. 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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What facets of white male culture create so many mass shootings



All of a sudden it doesn't matter. The point of the article that I posted was that white society talks about white crimes in a totally different way. When it is a black criminal it is pathologised when it is a white criminal then there is some kind of mitigation. So the question remains.....What facets of white male culture create so many mass shootings?

What facets of black male culture creates so many that kill one another? When blacks talk about the many black on black murders it is totally different than than the way they talk about white on black murders.One difference is the nasty white man is responsible for all the ills of the black criminal,poverty and almost anything else you can name 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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There are good people and bad people in every culture and ethnic group.  While there are difference among cultures (what some cultures consider acceptable behavior, other find unacceptable), most cultures generally follow a similar code of conduct.  Yes there are differences between Caucasians and African Americans (and Latinos and Native Americans and Asians) There are differences between members of the same ethnic group (e.g., poor folk and rich folk).  We will achieve breakthrough on racism and discrimination against the poor when we all can learn to accept and appreciate the diversity among us rather than fear and criticize it.


This whole thread is beginning to sound a little racist in both directions to me - each side trying to point out the flaws and deficiencies in the other sides' thinking.  Both the deaths and the protests are bad news.  There is enough blame to pass around on both sides.  By clinging to offense and racial mistrust, and generalizing the behavior of a few thugs into general racial characterizations, we are all hindering God's desire to provide healing for all of us.  It is God's standard that we should be defending and proclaiming; and that should be the same for all believers, regardless of their ethnicity.


Pardon the allusion, but there is a line in the Rolling Stones' song "Sympathy for the Devil" that says "every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints". How true is that?


BTW, Laz, You were correct for calling me out above.  You said "many white people " and I implied (rather I stated) you meant "all" in my response .  My bad; and my apologies.

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What facets of white male culture create so many mass shootings?



All of a sudden it doesn't matter. The point of the article that I posted was that white society talks about white crimes in a totally different way. When it is a black criminal it is pathologised when it is a white criminal then there is some kind of mitigation. So the question remains.....What facets of white male culture create so many mass shootings?



As a white person, this is the reason I've made Heaven as my goal. Justice here on this earth, even in the countries where there are almost no Caucasians? Are we kidding ourselves?


God is Love! Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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Perhaps in the near future law enforcement officers with light skin will be ordered to wink at criminal suspects and perpetrators who have dark skin, rather than try to stop them from committing crimes, kind of like the National Guard's failure to prevent rioting and looting in Ferguson on more than one occasion. I suspect the NG was ordered to not act by individuals highly placed in our national government.

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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I came close to getting shot by a policeman five years ago.  It was all my fault.  It happened like this: I had just gotten off work one Friday evening about 7pm. It was in the springtime and it wasn't dark, but like at dusk.  I work at a dmv office, or what people in most states call a dmv office.  I am around cops all the time.  State troopers work there, officers from other agencies come in and get their licenses renewed.  I was told by the troopers who ran the dmv to give other police and first responders priority.  See them first so that they can get back out there and serve the public.  That's what I did; I had no problem with that.


The dmv office that I worked at had the bright idea to keep us at work late, until 7pm every evening, mon - fri, doing mostly nothing.  So, I was really happy to be leaving the office that evening. I had the stereo on a little loud. Not extremely loud because I don't have an amp or big speakers.  I was driving faster than the speed limit, but nothing unusual.  I was going North on a street, then I turned at a stop sign heading East.  I sort of rounded the stop.  I never really stopped.  There was not a car in sight, nowhere, or so I thought.


 Next thing I know there were flashing lights behind me.  HPD was telling me to pull over.  I see HPD officers all the time at the dmv office.  With that in mind I had the naive idea that I could get out of my truck, go talk to the officer, whom I probably had helped in the past, and be given a warning, instead of a ticket.

Instead the officer told me over his speaker to get back into my truck, which I did.


By then I had snapped back to reality.  I got my license & insurance out, let the window down, and place both hands on the wheel.  It took to me what seemed like a long time for the officer to approach.  I knew he was checking me on the radio and computer.  I had nothing to hide.  The truck was mine, I have no traffic warrants, or any other kind.  Never been to jail a day in my life, other than to visit.  


Finally the cop came over, looked at my id, and asked me repeatedly why did I get out of the vehicle.  i had no plausible answer.  He then asked me where I was coming from.  It was an asian officer, by the way.  When I told him I was coming from work at the local dmv office he calmed down.  He went back to his car, I guess to call off the back up, I don't know.  Then he came back and wrote me a ticket.  The ticket he wrote was less severe than it could of been.  I paid it, took defensive driving.  It never went on my record. 


I gained some valuable insight from that event. I realized officers are hyper concerned when they pull you over.  You may see yourself as an innocent, naive sabbath keeping mostly law abiding citizen.  They see you as a potential felon or whatever.  Was my race a factor?  Probably.  Race is always a factor, like it or not.   The results could of been worse.  The next time I am pulled over I will not get out of the vehicle unless told to do so.

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I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Glad to see Pastor Barry Black making a stand.

The protests over the lack of indictments in the Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases have expanded to Congress. Congressional staffers walked out of their jobs Thursday afternoon in a symbol of solidarity with protests taking place in the streets, on the basketball court and on football fields across the country.

The walk out was led by Senate chaplain Barry Black. Staffers stood on the steps of the Capitol holding their hands up.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Alien, let us clear things up a bit about the National Guard:


1) The National Guard has a dual role.  When it is Federalized, it works under Federal control and when it is not Federalized it works under the control of the Governor of the State. Do you know whether or not the NG was Federalized.  According to the news, it was ordered into action by the Governor.  That tells me that it actions were not controlled by Federal authorities.   They were controlled by the State Governor.  On this basis, it was the Governor who told them what to do and what not to do.


2) The National Guard has very limited training as to how to act in cases of civil unrest.  To have sent those poorly trained people for the task that has been suggested would likely have resulted in further injury and potentially death.  Would you have wanted that?


3) The decision was made to have the NG provide certain security and that alone, which then freed up local police to attempt to handle the civil unrest and were better trained for that function.


NOTE:  Self-disclosure of a possible bias.


In a prior life I have been a National Guard officer (chaplain).  I know something about their mission and training.


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Right or wrong, this has a potential to blossom into something America hasn't seen since the 1970's.  Right or wrong, people seem to be  ramping for another civil rights movement (on top of all of the other latent unrest in the country/world.  We live in interesting times.  Hasn't been this volatile since the late 1960's.

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Alien, let us clear things up a bit about the National Guard:


1) The National Guard has a dual role.  When it is Federalized, it works under Federal control and when it is not Federalized it works under the control of the Governor of the State. Do you know whether or not the NG was Federalized.  According to the news, it was ordered into action by the Governor.  That tells me that it actions were not controlled by Federal authorities.   They were controlled by the State Governor.  On this basis, it was the Governor who told them what to do and what not to do.


2) The National Guard has very limited training as to how to act in cases of civil unrest.  To have sent those poorly trained people for the task that has been suggested would likely have resulted in further injury and potentially death.  Would you have wanted that?


3) The decision was made to have the NG provide certain security and that alone, which then freed up local police to attempt to handle the civil unrest and were better trained for that function.


NOTE:  Self-disclosure of a possible bias.


In a prior life I have been a National Guard officer (chaplain).  I know something about their mission and training.

Sounds like the late 1960's and early 1970's.  National Guard shooting down students and Kent State; bayonetting kids at University of New Mexico.  Maybe the government learned its lesson back then and won't turn untrained guardsmen loose to join the fray and possibly escalate issues far beyond where they already are.

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The NG, according to some news accounts, guarded the cop shop, landmarks, and several empty buildings in downtown Ferguson.




Yet Mr. Nixon also emphasized that the Guard’s role would be limited to providing protection for the police command center, which the authorities say was attacked. Gregory Mason, a brigadier general of the Guard, described the arriving troops as “well trained and well seasoned.”


After the riots, the NG could be seen guarding the rubble of burned-out buildings.


I don't believe that mob mentality and destruction of businesses having nothing to do with the issue will bolster anyone's cause. Now if the protesters, looters, arsonists, and others united to create peaceful political change, that would be respectable. If one doesn't like the way police treat suspects or defend themselves against attacks, then become a police officer or city official or governor, etc. to make things better. Instead of destroying business and the jobs they provide, they should be involved in creating them. These people just suffer from a lack of vision of what is possible and instead subscribe to victim mentality. They have emasculated themselves by embracing welfare mentality instead of "pull yourself up by the boot strap" mentality.


I don't think the issue is so much a clash of skin color, but a clash of culture. Skin color just offers a convenient pretext on the surface of a much deeper issue. Without respect for everyone's lives, property, and basic human rights, members of society cannot expect peace and prosperity for all.

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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Sounds like the late 1960's and early 1970's.  National Guard shooting down students and Kent State; bayonetting kids at University of New Mexico.  Maybe the government learned its lesson back then and won't turn untrained guardsmen loose to join the fray and possibly escalate issues far beyond where they already are.

The Jackson State U shootings always get left out.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Kent State was the first shooting; so it was the "run of the news" already when the Jackson State shootings occurred.  I was at UNM when the stabbings happened (in a protest march).  It was very bloody and personally traumatic; so I naturally remember that clearly. My apologies for leaving out Jackson State.  That was as horrendous as Kent State and UNM.


The point I was making is that this is not the first time race relations broke down.  It was way, WAY worse then than it is now. That is not an excuse or platitude for what is happening now.

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The Jackson State tragedy always gets overlooked.  Not just by you, but by almost everyone.  It just so happens I was around then and I remember it happening.


Before Kent State there was an earlier police vs students clash that happened in 1967 at Texas Southern U here in Houston.  That incident is labeled in history not as a student protest, but as a riot.  Go figure.  During the melee over three thousand rounds were fired (3,000).  They were fired by the police.  The students had no guns.  I think one student was injured.  One police officer was killed, probably from friendly fire.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Kent State was the first shooting; so it was the "run of the news" already when the Jackson State shootings occurred.  I was at UNM when the stabbings happened (in a protest march).  It was very bloody and personally traumatic; so I naturally remember that clearly. My apologies for leaving out Jackson State.  That was as horrendous as Kent State and UNM.


The point I was making is that this is not the first time race relations broke down.  It was way, WAY worse then than it is now. That is not an excuse or platitude for what is happening now.

To be honest I had never heard of the UNM bayonet situation until you mentioned it here.  


I've been to Las Cruses & I've seen the NM St campus.  I've never been to North NM and Albuquerque.  I have relatives in Alamagordo, NM.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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I know something about their mission and training.


In a prior life I have been a National Guard officer (chaplain). 

I've heard that Shirley McClain also had a prior life. Doesn't sound like something you'd want anyone to know, unless of course you're pushing the belief.


God is Love! Jesus saves! :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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LHC, you have given us a great example as to how you distort what people say.  Thanks for doing so.


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LHC, you have given us a great example as to how you distort what people say.  Thanks for doing so.

I just didn't want to have you run out of people you felt need of correcting. :offtobed:


God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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Blacks are by far more likely to be killed by another black in America, and a black being murdered by a white runs a distant second, according to some statistics. A black being killed by a white policeman is barely on the radar, yet the media has created a huge circus based on hearsay, dubious testimony, and incomplete information. The media doesn't promote the fact that black men who attack police officers trying to enforce the laws of the land are essentially committing suicide, suicide by cop.


Perhaps after the dust settles, officers of the law who are not men of color will be required to blow kisses at black men breaking, or suspected of breaking, the law, including murders of other blacks. That will be the New Civil Rights for Blacks, that they can commit crimes with impunity while law officers stand by and wink at them.


Yet, the number of blacks killing blacks pales in comparison to the massive genocide the race suffers yearly from black women aborting their unborn babies. We're talking millions of dead babies since abortion became legal, according to the statistics I've read. If they had lived, perhaps half of them would be crowding our prisons due to their lack of respect for the lives and property of others.


Maybe something really big will happen to the USA, soon, that will make black civil rights, or anyone else's, not matter. We'll all be dead.

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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Alien: Anyone can play your game.....Whites are far more likely to be killed by whites too! 87% of white murder victims are killed by whites. What ideas do you have to stop white on white crime. 41% of the 50 million babies that have been aborted are white. Why are som many white women killing their babies?

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Blacks are by far more likely to be killed by another black in America, and a black being murdered by a white runs a distant second, according to some statistics. A black being killed by a white policeman is barely on the radar, yet the media has created a huge circus based on hearsay, dubious testimony, and incomplete information. The media doesn't promote the fact that black men who attack police officers trying to enforce the laws of the land are essentially committing suicide, suicide by cop.


Perhaps after the dust settles, officers of the law who are not men of color will be required to blow kisses at black men breaking, or suspected of breaking, the law, including murders of other blacks. That will be the New Civil Rights for Blacks, that they can commit crimes with impunity while law officers stand by and wink at them.


Yet, the number of blacks killing blacks pales in comparison to the massive genocide the race suffers yearly from black women aborting their unborn babies. We're talking millions of dead babies since abortion became legal, according to the statistics I've read. If they had lived, perhaps half of them would be crowding our prisons due to their lack of respect for the lives and property of others.


Maybe something really big will happen to the USA, soon, that will make black civil rights, or anyone else's, not matter. We'll all be dead.

An unarmed black man was shot and killed by the police here Friday. They say he reached under his seat so they shot him.  Who knows if that was the truth. No videos to refute anything.  it would not of mattered anyway.  Then eyewitnesses say he got out of his car and stumbled around, probably in shock, failed to respond to police commands.  With three bullet holes in you that is understandable.  So the police shot him again, this time fatally.  Forget about a grand jury.  The good main stream citizens don't care.  I doubt seriously if they care about aborted babies either.  Not black babies.  


Maybe black women who get abortions know something you don't know.  They know society is going to give her grief as she tries to get assistance raising her child.  She knows there's a good chance that same child could get murdered or killed.  Black lives are cheap.  It is cheap to many other black people. It is cheap to the police officers who know they can blow them away anytime they want, and no one will say anything about it.  It is cheap to society at large who cry about aborted babies, but could give a flip about the babies, or 12 year olds, or black college students who get shot at in a dorm, to the tune of 3,00 thousand rounds.  


Personally I don't think you really care about abortions.  It is just some cause you latched onto so that you can make a shrill noise about it.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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You can be sure if the perpetrators of the knock out game are caught, as opposed to being shot on sight, they will be sent to trial by the grand jury.  Once they are sent to trial they will most assuredly convicted.  They definitely won't get away with it.


No worries though.  There's a more sure trial on going.  Nobody on this earth, white, white cop, black cop whoever really gets away with anything.  A better judicial system.  An account of every word, every thought.  All the skeletons will come out of the closet.  Seventy years, or however long somebody lives,  of so called moral and social superiority will seem like not even a drop in a bucket compared to eternity.  

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I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Maybe someone here has seen the recent video of a white cop stopping a car with two black men inside. While he is dealing with the driver, the man in the passenger seat jumps out and shoots the cop over the roof of the car.


If I were a cop, I would tend to be a little trigger happy, too, if I wanted to go home to my family that night after trying to make the city a little safer place. If I were a cop, I would be extremely upset, that after putting my life on the line every day to catch criminals and keep people safe from lawbreakers, I would be portrayed as racist and brutal. I might just quit my dangerous, stinking, thankless job and let the gangs, pimps, drug dealers, carjackers, robbers, thieves, thugs and murderers overrun the city.


The ultimate solution, here on Earth, at least, would be to persuade everyone to respect and obey the laws of the land. Then no one would need to be arrested or shot because there are no cops and no crime. Until that day, though, blacks are by far more likely to be killed by another black than a white policeman. Women getting pregnant with no male breadwinner either abort them or lose them to lawless gangs. There's no daddy to tell the boys that if a cop stops you, be respectful, be honest, and don't make any sudden or suspicious moves, because that cop wants to stay alive, too.


Rather than portray his clientele as innocent victims of brutality, the Rev. Al Sharpton should be encouraging them to respect the law, other people, their property, and their lives, don't wave guns around, and above all, never, ever, attack a cop or resist arrest.

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The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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White people steal cars, and whatever else and shoot and kill police officers. Hispanics steal cars, carry guns and shoot and kill cops.  White people drive drunk, and kill people.  Upper middle class white people at that.  I work in a dmv office.  I see it all the time.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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