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According to Adventist Today online, there has been a mass mailing of the book GREAT CONTROVERSY by Ellen White to a large segment of the population in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.   Also according to this report, several newspaper articles in Philadelphia have come out against this as being illogical or wrong.


I guess those who live in Philadelphia are bothered by the account of persecution, torture, etc., for religious reasons found in this book.


I wonder if this might not be doing more harm than good to our Adventist ministry in Philadelphia.   [I know what feelings arise in me whenever I'm forced to accept a copy of "The Watchtower" publication given to me by a stranger.]


Perhaps it would have been better to use those books in one-on-one contacts, after an interested person asks for it.

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Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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My personal belief is this. Doing that is wrong with that book.  I am for sharing that book with friends after I tell them what it is about.


BUT their methods, is so "IN YOUR FACE"


EGW did not want any of her books printed in cheap newsprint.

Their will be people who have changed lives, their will be more that view this as tacky and worse.


Just my opinion..

Edited by Stan
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I was approached by an independent ministry this week that is trying to raise $150 Million to mail the Great Contraversy to every home in America.  I didn't donate.

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Not only Great Controversy distributed by Remnant Publications, but 50,000 copies of a DVD by Stephen Bohr in a Secrets Revealed two hour video on end time scenarios; one million GLOW (Get ? Out the Word) stickers by Steve of Whitehorse Ministries, 650,000 copies of GC distributed by Ron Goss' Project Restore, and at least two million magazines by other independent ministries such as Amazing Facts. I was at several meetings with at least seven of these leaders and they not only have my blessing but I contributed more than I could afford. Here is the jest of the whole thing: the final acts of this earth will be propagated by God's people doing exactly what He has asked them to do--primarily share the tree angel's message which is the gospel and the contents of GC. I have family in that area and the literature is being received just as you have said-- some want more info, some want to burn it. 

Striving for a better relationship with Him!

Gus Foster

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JoeMo-- David Mould has been trying to do that for years-- with the New Illustrated Great Controversy---- he has several new videos out and anyone can go to YOUTUBE and watch some of them.

Striving for a better relationship with Him!

Gus Foster

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Sounds like lots of folks have the same idea - spread the Word!  The ministry to which I was referring is out of Jamison, AL.

I'm just not sure that stuff written over 125 years ago  is still timely information.  I don't know if people will take the time to read a 600 page book written in an arcane victorian style.  I don't know how many Christians at large will cotton up to "the papacy is the AntiChrist" theme.  I'm not criticizing EGW; I'm questioning how "times have changed" since her day, and some of the topics contained in the GC might be considered politically incorrect to some at the least, and downright offensive to others.

I'm with Stan and Jeannie.  If you want to share the Graet Contravesry with someone, do it one-on-one, not by some annonymous mass mailing.  People are more likely to be at least "interested" in the topic if it comes from someone they care about rather than some annonymous mystery ministry.

Personally, I throw away most unsolicited material that I get in the mail.  That's a lot of dead trees that end up in landfills.

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My personal belief is this. Doing that is wrong with that book.  I am for sharing that book with friends after I tell them what it is about.


BUT their methods, is so "IN YOUR FACE"


EGW did not want any of her books printed in cheap newsprint.

Their will be people who have changed lives, their will be more that view this as tacky and worse.


Just my opinion..

Would you consider this "in your face"?

   To Every Country and Clime

—Publications must be multiplied, and scattered like the

leaves of autumn

. These silent messengers are enlightening and molding the minds


thousands in every country and in every clime.—

The Review and Herald, November 21, 1878


{CM 5.2}

In Every Language—From city to city, from country to country, they [canvasser-evangelists] are to carry the publications containing the promise of the Saviour’s soon coming. These publications are to be translated into every language, for to all the world the gospel is to be preached. To every worker Christ promises the divine efficiency that will make his labors a success.—Testimonies for the Church 9:34 (1909). {CM 5.3}

While there perhaps have been times in the past when a pile of leaves dumped on me may have been a little much, but if I were in danger, while driving at night rapidly approaching a cliff I could not see, my momentary disapproval at the momentary disruption of my travels would be more than compensated for by the relief I experienced when recognizing my life had just been saved from irreplaceable loss had I continued without Someone concerned whether I lived or died.

I'm satisfied we're living in that time.

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :D

Lift Jesus up!!

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My experience is that The Great Controversy is a very valuable book for people who are interested in history. But the vast majority of people are not accessible this way. We need a much more popular method with more general appeal to reach people. It does have to be based on Bible prophecy, to establish confidence in the authority of the Bible. But I think we should start with Revelation chapter five, recognizing that it does in fact present the same pre-Advent judgment brought to view in Daniel 7. When we acknowledge this, then this provides the logical context for the applicatiton of the prophecies of the seven seals--which should be seen as beginning in 1844. I have found in my studies, that the prophecies do fit very well with the events of modern history, from 1844 up to the present. This would provide much more arresting and appealing evangelistic appeal to the general public. Our evangelistic campaigns would be transformed with far, far more immediate relevacy.

I have written two books about this, detailing how the seven seals, seven trumpets, and Daniel 11:40-12:13 apply to modern times and the very near future, in ways that are clearly meaningful. One is Genuine New Light From Revelation and Daniel, available from Teach Services and from Amazon.com, and more recently my novel of the end times: Angel in the End of Time: A Parable of the End Times, available as an E-book from Amazon.com.

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I suspect that the presentation of the teachings of Christ would cut through most, if not all, doctrinal resistance. He tells us what to think, do, say, and pray. His is a message that can transform our thinking and our way of life if we make the effort to believe it and live it. Maybe some good will come of stuffing mailboxes with 600-page GC's, but I think that the money could be better spent on a non-sectarian presentation of the Kingdom. It's the Kingdom that we should all ultimately want to join, not just a particular denomination.

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The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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This book has a lot of important things in it that people need to know. It was written in a style that first included things that were understood at that time. Mrs. White complained that what she wrote about Catholics could be taken to an extreme that she was not comfortable with. Yet needed to point out some things about them. This tends to be what too many of us focus on with that book. We miss what it teaches about the 3 deceptions of Satan, why was sin permitted (a good companion issue to the origin of Evil-- The strong points and weak points of the two chapters complement each other.)  and her views of liberty of conscience and hell fire.

If we give this book with in a personal context and knowing some of the background it is a wonderful book to share. But I do not believe that the mass mailing is the best way to share it's message.

Now I do wish that our church would make a binding together under one binding the 3 chapters "The Origin of Evil" "Why Was Sin Permitted" and " It is Finished."

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Maybe they could have done it differently and maybe some other thing would be more effective in that way, but they are trying to do something positive. Maybe there are other things we could do that would be more helpful to mass mail such as Kevin's idea. I also love the chapter The Invitation from the Desire of Ages. I think it is the Glow tract A Promise of Peace. So if we think it could be done better, maybe we can in some way use literature we find appropriate to reach people in ways within our ability, even if it is just at the check out line at the grocery or leaving it along with the tip in a restaurant. I hope even if our methods are different, we can seek to make a positive impact in our own way.

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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I suspect that the presentation of the teachings of Christ would cut through most, if not all, doctrinal resistance. He tells us what to think, do, say, and pray. His is a message that can transform our thinking and our way of life if we make the effort to believe it and live it. Maybe some good will come of stuffing mailboxes with 600-page GC's, but I think that the money could be better spent on a non-sectarian presentation of the Kingdom. It's the Kingdom that we should all ultimately want to join, not just a particular denomination.

John 1, for example,  is so life changing. Printing it as a tract with a website offering Bible studies could  be a good form of outreach.

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Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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To all:  One of the mass mailings was not a 600 page book.  Rather it was a 378 page version that had been abridged to contain only what the senders wanted sent.

Edited by Gregory Matthews


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Maybe going through the history of Christianity will inspire someone to become one. The religion of Christianity today, though, is a deviation from the Kingdom of YHVH as revealed in the days of Moses and the book of Revelation. Although Jesus Christ showed us that ultimately, love triumphs over evil: the love of man for God, and the love and care of God for those who choose to become his servants, but once the Kingdom is established, disobedience will not be tolerated, and can no longer exist.

A most important message to share with the world would be: Join the Kingdom of YHVH, become servants of God and mankind and be saved, but if not, the oblivion of death is reserved for those who transgress the Laws of YHVH and harm others.

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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As far as I am concerned it wasnt right what these rogue individuals/ministries have done with this book. Just because it is a good book it does not follow that one can do whatever they want with it, and cal it "working for God."  People who want to be "independent" always gravitate to the theatrical like this and do more harm than good. Obviously God is not to be out done and He will have ways of reaching people inspite of this but the mass mailing thing is a lost art and should be kept to the Museum archives.

Do you have a good substitute for this advice?


The night


trial is nearly spent. Satan is bringing in his masterly power because he knoweth that his time is short. The chastisement


God is upon the world, to call all who know the truth to hide in the cleft


the Rock, and view the glory


God. The truth must not be muffled now. Plain statements must be made. Unvarnished truth must be spoken, in leaflets and pamphlets, and these must be scattered like the

leaves of autumn


Testimonies for the Church 9:231


{ChS 147.3}  

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :D

Lift Jesus up!!

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In the time of EGW, the majority of people were Christian.  They had some basic understanding of Christian principles.  This in no longer true today in much of the world.  Even among Church members, many lack a basic understanding.  Many while claiming to be members seldom attend services.  Sadly much of this is true for those who claim to be SDA.  These people need to be converted to a basic level prior to being approached with content such as in the GC.  Mass mailings, of that book generally do more harm than good.  Yes, they may  bring in an occasional person.  But, they all to often turn more people against the SDA Church and the result is that they are less receptive. 

The bottom line is that all to often we are using methods that are not effective.  People who recognize this and attempt new, experimental, methods are all to often criticized by those who sit on the sidelines and are not involved.

Classic case:  The One Project.


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I agree, i have also noticed radio programs where the message is clearly preaching to the choir.  i appreciate  the concern  that a basic knowledge of Christianity is fading from the general population.

there is such great fear of those communicating Christianity in contemporary terms, and this issue is nothing new.  Roger Bothwell would tell the Bible stories in a new way.  I recall a about 25 years ago, a woman who was deeply alarmed about this at camp meeting,  expressing her fear, as tho it was heresy.  I took her to speak her concerns to the pastor trying to bridge the communication.  I explained she was used to just entree and salad, vegetable and potato, and if she could not recognize these foods in the sermon she was really lost.   I don't recall that she was able to become comfortable.

Change is not easy to come by in matters of faith and i think it is like conditional learning.  if we learn under certain conditions, and those conditions change then we cannot recall the information.  Like those who come to Christ with the organ music and the gentle drone of the evangelist, and when they leave that situation they cannot get back to their connection to Christ.  This is why for some it is too hard to change the church services from traditional church, with the doxology and same order of service.

was it Paul who said i become all things to all people?


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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There was something that did not cross my mind on other posts but that they chose Philadelphia because of the Pope's visit. This adds to my concern. The basic beast in Revelation 13 is any organized group that replaces Christ in our life. The 7 heads are the 7 periods of empires: Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece, Rome, the Holy Roman Empire (with Papal Supremacy) the deadly wound (no world empire but independent nations. The crowns are on the horns not a head) and the deadly wound being healed. Revelation 18 teaches that the healing rather than being another political empire is a cooperation around the merchants of the earth (the corporations and banking).

Sadly Adventist tradition does not see this. We tend to see the Pope as the WHOLE beast. We are expecting to return to the 5th head instead of moving on to the 7th head.

Also, we have two attitudes fighting inside of us. That which thinks we are for ourselves by making less of the outside world and that in us which wants to love the world as Jesus has loved it.

Many use religion as a way to encourage our sinful nature. We look out and see ourselves as the chosen few and look down on the rest of the outside world. The people who tend to go for this tends to find their salvation and religious experience in seeing what is wrong with others. The gospel of the good news that the church is going to hell in a hand basket. I fear that this mailing is not to teach the principles of liberty of conscience that Mrs. White was teaching; but they want to use her to bash the pope. It is the same spirit as the billboards that has pictures of the pope and Vicarius Filii Dei.

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Well, I'm no fan of independent ministries but  neither am I a fan of mainstream Adventism.  Both, in my view, are not preaching "the everlasting gospel".  Before you can preach against "Babylon" you must rid the gospel you present of the principles found in the teachings of Babylon. 

Here are some warning, from Ellen White,  dealing with compromise and worldly conformity:

"The work* (the preaching of the three angels message) which the church has failed to do in a time of peace and prosperity she will have to do in a terrible crisis under most discouraging, forbidding circumstances. The warnings that worldly conformity  has silenced or withheld must be given under the fiercest opposition from enemies of the faith. And at that time the superficial, conservative class, whose influence has steadily retarded the progress of the work*, will renounce the faith (apostatize, i.e., be shaken out)." 5T 463 (1885).

"I asked the meaning of the shaking (apostasy) I had seen, and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the True Witness to the Laodiceans. This will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver, and will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth. Some will not bear this straight testimony. They will rise up against it, and this will cause a shaking among God's people." 1T 181 (1857).


Edited by Robert
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There is an important lesson in the life of Paul. We tend to see Paul as our hero so what ever he does we cheer. But in Acts 18 Paul was teaching in the synagogue in Corinth. Some people came and opposed him. Paul left the synagogue with some very harsh words and began teaching in another building. But many from the synagogue, including the rabbi came and continued to study with Paul. We miss the point that Paul felt bad about the words he said and God had to give him a dream to keep him in the ministry. In Acts 19 we find Paul in Ephesus. He is again teaching in the Synagogue (Oops, I thought he said that he would not longer teach in a Synagogue). He again runs into opposition, but this time instead of leaving with harsh words, he decided that he does not want to cause any problems. He said that he will teach someplace else and if anyone wanted to continue to study with him that they can go there. And later when there was the riot it was pointed out that in all those years he was in Ephesus he never once spoke against the false goddess Diana. Does the Pope deserve to be treated worst than that pagan idol? Are we more like Paul in Acts 18 or Paul in Acts 19? In Acts 19 Paul does not put down others but just teaches what he sees as truth and allows people to listen and choose.

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I think that the apology goes to far to an extreme. We have concerns about the Papacy, The Papacy played a major role during the 5th head, and will be playing a role in the 7th head.  Mrs. White talked about the difficulty she was having maintaining a balance of criticism and warning yet respecting them as believers. She wrote in a time where there was more emphases on the problems, as this apology points out but she also worried about her writings being too hard.

The mistake is that in tradition the Papacy has turned into the entire beast and too many Adventists have a view of the last days of us returning to the 5th head instead of moving on to the 7th head.

There is definitely a place for a similar letter of apology. But while the mass mailing of the Great Controversy goes to one extreme the words of this apology go to the other extreme.

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