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It's worth remembering that Trump has something like 20-30% of registered Republicans, which is something like 6-8% of the American population as a whole. 

It's tempting to get caught up in the media hype, but he represents a rump of angry, scared people who have chosen, through the media they consume, to be angry and scared.

He represents the worst of America, but don't get sucked in to believing that he represents America, a generous country with a great heart.

I remain confident that he will wash out early in the actual Primary process, and that he will not be the candidate. 

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19 minutes ago, The Wanderer said:

Putting in a word for Canada; each situation is different. It is interesting to note that our country did take in over 50,000 Vietnamese refugees in the 70's.

That really isn't the point.Maybe a word should be put in for the US,how many of all nationalities have we taken in?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Saying that our own politicians should be responsible is bot likely to happen anytime soon.

Something I do get a little kick out of in watching this thread is what Trump said and what so many are saying he said. I don't make a habit out of defending him but I am wondering where everyone is making sure that what they are saying is correct.

Trump didn't say that Muslims should be barred forever. He did say until the so called leadership got it's act together and had a little more common sense approach.

This  accusing others that don't see things your way of hate or implying they are stupid because "people like that actually vote",is itself hateful. I don't know any muslim personally to hate or like. Just like anyone else of any color or religion,some I have a negative opinion on and some a positive opinion.Having an opinion doesn't equal hate.

Many muslims I have encountered ,No thanks,I don't want them living near me. Other muslims I wouldn't have any problem with

I don't want a mosque built near me. Not sure what it is like elsewhere but MN has several mosques known to be recruiting places for the young budding terrorist.Also supports the "effort financially overseas"

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Jim Wallis

Christian leader for social change; President and Founder @Sojourners

America's Flirtation With Fascism

Posted: 12/08/2015 4:25 pm EST Updated: 12/08/2015 6:59 pm EST




Our country is in growing danger, and not just from the real threat of terrorist attacks. We are in jeopardy now from the internal fear that capitalizes on America's worst instincts. Caution can be a positive thing in response to serious dangers, but panic and fear can be very dangerous impulses, especially when they are used to incite the hatred of others by false leaders who proclaim their own "strength" -- people like Donald Trump.

Hatred of "the other" because of fear has created some of the most dangerous movements in human history. Donald Trump is appealing to racial and religious fear and hate in order to advance his own success. But an even greater danger than Trump is the growing popular response to him, the standing ovations to his most vicious attacks on racial minorities, immigrants, and now all the members of a world religion. Because of his notoriety and the ratings it garners, the media grants Trump credibility and constant coverage of his continued falsehoods and ugly assaults against those whom he has named as enemies -- who are mostly people of color.

For many years Trump has sought to portray the first black president of the United States as a foreigner and not "one of us." Trump's demonization of immigrants, in sharp contrast to the facts, has changed the conversation in America. After lying about Muslim reactions to 9/11, Trump is now calling America to "completely shut down" all Muslims from entering the country. In other words, he is calling for an unprecedented, unconstitutional, and un-American test targeting people based on their faith.

Donald Trump is strategically stoking the racial fears and hate of a solid segment of white America that fundamentally rejects a diverse American future. The real meaning of his famous "Make America Great Again" motto is "Make America White Again." And with their fears trumped up, his following is itself a dangerous threat to America. Since 9/11, more Americans in the United States have been killed by white extremists than by militant jihadists.

Stopping this hateful spread of Islamophobia and racism must become a bipartisan and trans-partisan issue -- because it is now a moral question. Leaders from both political parties must denounce Donald Trump's statements and distance themselves from his dangerous ideology. Journalism must return to the values of truthfulness, freedom, integrity, equality under the law, and religious liberty in its coverage. His toxic message is becoming a dangerous threat to our most basic American values, and it should be treated accordingly.

From a religious perspective, Trump's "strength" is a falsehood. Arrogance, lies, greed, the will to power, and the manipulation of racial prejudice and xenophobia are not strengths to us, but are contrary to all of our faith traditions. As faith leaders, it is time to call upon our constituencies to reject these false idols of power and division.

It's time to name Trump's dangerous rhetoric for what it is. It is not only racist, but also fascist, with all the dangers that ideology implies. And it's time for American political leaders, and also for American religious leaders, to denounce Donald Trump's appeal to our worst instincts of fear and hate. We must act before his movement grows to become even more dangerous. The truth is that we have seen this before. And it's time to tell the truth.

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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On December 9, 2015 at 3:24 AM, bonnie said:

Jews already living in Canada were placed in internment camps

I was not aware of that, I know Japanese were.

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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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3 hours ago, Stan said:

I was not aware of that, I know Japanese were.

I didn't know Jews were in Canadian internment camps either.  Apparently they were.  http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/how-jewish-enemy-aliens-overcame-a-traumatic-stint-in-canadian-prison-camps-during-the-second-world-war

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike. And former Louisiana Rep. David Duke reports that the businessman has given more Americans cover to speak out loud about white nationalism than at any time since his own political campaigns in the 1990s.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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I live across the road from a mosque. I love it.

My neighbours are quiet, friendly and mutually respectful. I've attended a wedding in the mosque, and they have an international food fair welcoming the community each year. The worshippers are from a huge range of countries, so the cuisine is equally varied, and it's a friendly occasion when our community comes together.

Pretty much all of the fear of Muslims and mosques is based in ignorance, and the best way to dispel that is to go and talk with, eat with and live with other human beings.

Truth is important

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8 minutes ago, Bravus said:

I live across the road from a mosque. I love it.

My neighbours are quiet, friendly and mutually respectful. I've attended a wedding in the mosque, and they have an international food fair welcoming the community each year. The worshippers are from a huge range of countries, so the cuisine is equally varied, and it's a friendly occasion when our community comes together.

Pretty much all of the fear of Muslims and mosques is based in ignorance, and the best way to dispel that is to go and talk with, eat with and live with other human beings.

I  don't have any problem believing that of some.The reality in MN is quite a bit different. Talking with muslims is hardly a solution for those that use the mosque for "duel" purposes. Your opinion does not change the fact that here more than one mosque is as much a recruiting center for radical Islam as it is for what should be the intended purpose.

Those that I have had brief interaction with locally can also be described as quiet,friendly and mutually respectful. From first impressions I would not bat an eye at having them for neighbors.

In other  area's that simply is not true regardless of how you want to paint all muslims.as such.

If I am forced to shop closer to the cities I try to make sure that  these peaceful muslims are not shopping. More than one shopper has simply walked out rather than engage in a shouting,shoving match. I don't have any desire to stand and watch these peaceful muslims reduce the cashiers to tears. Talking with them is virtually impossible as they are only interested in what they want and how they want it.

No other religious or ethnic group behaves in this manner. 

Muslims themselves could do a great deal to change perception.Respect and consideration is a two way street. It will not be given because of boorish,demanding behavior.

    • for those that

    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    This is one of many incidences across the country . Quite frankly ,to bad if muslims don't eat bacon and are offended by advertising. Obviously I don't eat it either but I don't have any right to try to force my beliefs on anyone Like any other religion,Muslims should be free to practice their beliefs,but there isn't anything special about Islam that demands everyone else bow to their demands.

    While those that do this are not identifiable as terrorist they leave a bad taste for many that have to deal with their demands.


    Vermont diner takes down bacon sign after it offends Muslim residents

    The Sneakers Bistro in Winooski, Vt. put up a sign that read 'YIELD FOR BACON' after planting flowers in a traffic median along Main Street, but a comment by a Muslim woman prompted its removal because it offended those who don’t eat pork, she claimed.

    Sunday, August 24, 2014, 4:26 PM
    • A
    The  Facebook page for Sneakers has been taken down, but a cached post by the restaurant shows the sign in Winooski, Vermont that was later removed.FACEBOOK

    The Facebook page for Sneakers has been taken down, but a cached post by the restaurant shows the sign in Winooski, Vermont that was later removed.

    It wasn’t a greasy slab of bacon that stirred up controversy for a Vermont diner, but a road sign advertising that offended a member of the town’s Muslim community.

    The Sneakers Bistro got its pick of a sign to stake into a prime traffic median along Winooski’s Main Street after dolling up the bed with annual flowers for the city of Winooski’s “Operation Bloom” volunteer program.

    The sign that read “YIELD FOR BACON” was installed in June, according to a cached Facebook post, but it wasn’t until August that a Muslim resident of Winooski claimed the sign was insensitive to those who do not consume pork.

    The diner simply took a cue from the thick-cuts, Canadian-style and even turkey bacon listed on their breakfast and lunch menu for the sign’s inspiration.

    The restaurant owners, who have not been identified, contacted the woman who complained and took the sign down out of respect on Friday. The backlash, however, continued over the weekend and led to the takedown of its Facebook page and even Yelp reviews.

    This is the traffic median where the offending sign was installed in Winooski, Vt., in June.GOOGLE

    This is the traffic median where the offending sign was installed in Winooski, Vt., in June.

    “We are here to serve people breakfast, not politics,” the owners wrote on their Facebook page Saturday. “We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community.”

    In an interview with WPTZ-TV, Caleb Wiley, a resident of Winooski, said the restaurant should not have taken the sign down because of one complaint.

    “I respect her religion and her right to believe what she wants but I’m pretty sure the First Amendment extends to bacon and the selling of it,” Wiley told the TV station.

    A call by the Daily News to the restaurant owners was not immediately returned on Sunday.



    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    7 hours ago, lazarus said:

    The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike. And former Louisiana Rep. David Duke reports that the businessman has given more Americans cover to speak out loud about white nationalism than at any time since his own political campaigns in the 1990s.

    I wonder if politico has the same level of concern for ...... Maybe they just forgot to include this behavior on the topic of giving spme Americans cover t

    Rapper Rick Ross Calls For Trump’s Assassination » …


    “Assassinate Trump like I’m] Zimmerman, now accept these words as they came from Eminem,” the song goes. ... Rapper Rick Ross Calls For Trump’s Assassination

    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    Didn't know you like Rick Ross' music.  Lol. Using Rick Ross to defend Trump is unique.

    Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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    how is assassination a defense of Trump?

    Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

    Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

    If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

    Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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    I have never heard his music and I do not believe you took it as defending Trump.If the concern is truly about  inflaming others ,then logic would dictate that the concern of politico was for the behavior that could cause harm to others.

    And no I do not support Trump nor would I vote for him. If we had forced voting in this country and it was between Clinton or Sanders and Trump,yes,then there wouldn't be any question.

    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    3 minutes ago, rudywoofs said:

    how is assassination a defense of Trump?

    It isn't of course. But answering that way ,condemning the black rapper and putting him in the same class is avoided

    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    On 12/11/2015 at 9:56 PM, rudywoofs said:

    how is assassination a defense of Trump?

    Defending the Trump buy saying, look over there....a rapper wants to kill Trump... funny....but of course avoiding the serious point of the article.....that Trump is promoting a white supremacist agenda.


    Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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    6 minutes ago, lazarus said:

    Defending the Trump buy saying, look over there....a rapper wants to kill Trump... funny....but of course avoiding the serious point of the article.....that Trump is promoting a white supremacist agenda.


    It would really be nice if just once you actually responded to what was said instead of how you want to present someone else's words.

    The serious point of the article is inflaming others to violence. If you have a problem with what Trump has said then in all honesty you have to have a problem with any that try to promote a violent or negative agenda.

    As for politico, should their concern be just for Trump or any that do same?

    Personally I think Trump is so full of himself,if he bent over it would run out. However,he did not say ban Muslims permanently. It is not unreasonable to want our government to have a common sense plan. Yes,I know that is hatred here on the forum.

    If Trump is a "Hitler" what would that make Jimmy Carter? Carter didn't even have the same concerns we face today. 

    If one individual is judged guilty for a action,statement,then all that are doing same are as guilty. Skin color,political party affliliation or religion does not absolve some

    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    What few people today know is that in his younger days Churchill was fighting against Muslims in the Sudan. At that time they were trying to annihilate the Christians in the South of the country (things haven’t changed much). In his memoirs he wrote the following:

    "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.
    The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities - but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

    -Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899)


    Here's Winston Churchill quoted above, one of the greatest among world leaders, expressing his viewpoint about Muslims in his time. Today, some would characterize him as a:


    ...fascist...authoritarian, totalitarian, dictatorial, despotic, autocratic, undemocratic, illiberal; extreme right-wing, rightist, militarist; nationalist(ic), xenophobic, racist, jingoistic. ANTONYMS democratic.

    One can only wonder how many Germans seeking asylum were allowed to immigrate into Great Britain during WW2.

    If Mr. Churchill ran for POTUS today, the Left would demonize him and characterize those who supported him as absolute morons, portraying them as hateful, fearful, cowering bigots. Mr. Churchill had the courage to speak his mind, even against derision and ridicule, but in the end, he was right, prophetically right.

    Mudslinging is an unfortunate aspect of politics, but what is most important is to keep the USA and the free world safe from the barbarians of the dark ages, its rivers of blood ever looming up before us. 


    The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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    An Imam In Texas Defended Donald Trump; Wait Until You See What Happened To Him

    Image: KFDM; Imam Nidal Al Sayyed

    Donald Trump has faced a lot of heat after stating that no more Muslims should be allowed in this country until our elected officials can figure out what is going on. He made this statement following disturbing revelations about the San Bernardino terror duo, Syed Rizwan Farook and his Pakastani national wife Tashfeen Malik.

    Among these is the fact that Malik used a fake address on her K-1 fiancee visa, had ties to radical mosques in Islamabad, and was radicalized with dreams of jihad against America long before she was given the okay by the Obama State Department to enter the country.

    While Trump has faced fierce political backlash with the UK pushing to ban him, a Toronto city councillor demanding that Trump’s name be removed from the building that bears his name, and Obama’s paid liar and spokesperson Josh Earnest laughably using the Constitution and the oath a president takes to defend and uphold it as a reason that he and his tyrannical and anti-Constitutional boss, Obama, believes that Trump is now disqualified to run for the Office of the Presidency.

    One very unexpected person came to Trump’s defense earlier this week. Dr. Naidal Al Sayyed is an imam at the Islamic Society of the Triplex in Southeast Texas. Or should I say, he was.

    He served as the mosque’s religious director but faced his own firestorm after saying in a statement to KFDM that he agreed with Trump, but for different reasons than Trump stated.

    “I certainly see it to be wise; that the US government should stop temporarily accepting any new Muslim immigrants (refugees and non refugees) into the United States; But my justification to that is based on the fact that we can hardly distinguish who is Muslim and who is not! Islam is not about an ID card or last name! or shouting “Allahu Akbar!!”

    “I believe the situation nationally is getting mixed up and certainly agree with Mr. Trump on closing the door until further understanding is achieved. This should not prevent the United States to fulfill its duties towards the international partners and humanity calls outside the United States. I certainly advise Mr. Trump; not to agitate and differentiate Muslim versus non Muslim refugees. Refugees are simply hard to identify.  The history tells us; that Terror acts are usually plotted and managed by individuals who are residing, living, and knowing their way around! ; not refugees that are mostly children!”

    RELATED: New Information About The San Bernardino Muslim Terrorist Exposes Yet Another Massive Obama Lie

    Contrary to what Al Sayyed said about the refugees, they are not mostly children. Upwards of 72% of them are fit men of military age.

    Al Sayyed further explained why he believes that Muslims should not be allowed to immigrate to the country until federal authorities can establish a system that will keep America safe, and he didn’t just mean in relation to background checks. He also criticized American Muslims for, as he said, “not doing their job in this country”, no doubt aiming his criticism at those responsible for radicalizing others or noticing dangerous views and saying nothing.

    Al Sayyed explained, “In the holy text of the holy Qur’an says the loss of one life is equivalent to killing the whole mankind.”

    “But the way it happens when you see this mass shooting and when you see some people coming with such a very peaceful background and all of the sudden the … agencies are not able to figure out what’s happening, why all of a sudden this guy or this girl or that lady open fire and kill 15 people, because American Muslims are not doing their job in the country,” insisted Al Sayyed. “So we need to stop, we need to stop taking new ones until we fix the existing situation.”

    Now, Al Sayyed has been forced out of his position with the mosque. He figured it was coming, but it happened even more swiftly than he expected.

    RELATED: TYRANNY! Obama AG Loretta Lynch Reveals Her ‘Greatest Fear’; Here Are 10 GOP Senators Who Voted For Her…

    Though the mosque leaders claim that they are deliberating and will issue an official statement Saturday morning about their decision, a slip of the tongue in a statement made to KFDM shows their decision has already been made.

    The mosque’s director told the station, “The board is still deliberating and will issue an official statement by Saturday. The Islamic Society does take issue with statements made by the former Imam.”

    Previously, Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch said she would not hesitate to strip Americans of their First Amendment rights by prosecuting them if she believed speech against Muslims was hateful. There has been no statement by Lynch or Earnest on whether Al Sayyed will be prosecuted for his words.

    h/t Daily Caller




    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    Or he could be the nominee. I have thought from the beginning that it was a mistake to dismiss him as a spoiler or buffoon. The more attacks and abuses by refugees,I think the more popular he becomes. It isn't just conservatives,democrats as well are jumping ship.


    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    Saying that Democrats are "jumping ship" to support Trump is basically as significant as the Republicans that are jumping ship to support Bernie Sanders.  Sure, there may be some in those categories, but statistically less than significant...

    "Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

    "Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

    "I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

    *Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

    (And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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    1 hour ago, Tom Wetmore said:

    Saying that Democrats are "jumping ship" to support Trump is basically as significant as the Republicans that are jumping ship to support Bernie Sanders.  Sure, there may be some in those categories, but statistically less than significant...

    You may be right.Then again ,many of those in politics that thought themselves so intelligent said exactly the same thing and it is the democrats that jumped ship that gave us a clown for governor.

    Ventura already had name recognition. A lot of people liked his tough guy image,shoot from the hip and take no prisoners style.Like it or not he meant to say exactly what he said and made no apologies. Didn't stammer around.

    In the beginning everyone laughed,then they were insulted,got made and made a lot of noise just as now. Same song and same verse. Democrats were excited as this would surely provide a sure win for MN favorite democrat. Republicans were livid.

    The first inkling of just how wrong all of these really intelligent people were was when you went to vote. Record turnout for a governor race,I think close to 70%. The chatter was all about Jessie.

     There were a lot of shocked "experts" and the scrambling began to try to explain how they could be so wrong.Most humiliating for the democrats is it was their own jumping ship that gave Jessie the win.

    All the laughing and poking at Trump isn't any different. All the huffing and puffing at every sentence he utters and he roles merrily along.

    Time will tell



    Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

    Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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    Indeed it will.

    My prediction: he will no longer be the front-runner by the 5th primary and will be out of the field by the 10th.

    Let's see how far I'm off by, and in which direction.

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    Truth is important

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    8 hours ago, Bravus said:

    My prediction: he will no longer be the front-runner by the 5th primary and will be out of the field by the 10th.

    We can only hope.

    As a Republican, I'm embarrassed by Trump's words and behavior.  There's no way on God's green earth that I'd ever vote for him.

    Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

    Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

    If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

    Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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