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12 Symptons of a Spiritual Awakening!


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"... Wherever a soul reaches out after God, there the Spirit's working is manifest, and God will reveal Himself to that soul. For such worshipers He is seeking. He waits to receive them, and to make them His sons and daughters." Desire of Ages 189


the 12 step support.fellowship/assembling system moves the healing of yourself

Step 1 - Honesty
Step 2 - Hope
Step 3 - Faith
Step 4 - Courage
Step 5 - Integrity
Step 6 - Willingness
Step 7 - Humility
Step 8 - Love
Step 9 - Justice
Step 10 - Perseverance
Step 11 - Spirituality
Step 12 - Service


and this kind of Consistent Prayer Life releases Joy that the MEME speaks of!

When you go into your prayer closet and thru out the day..among all the tears and disappointments of yourself/others and lifting up and blessing others before HIM and Worship of HIM  ..In Thanksgiving and Praise.... imagine GOD Himself delighting in you as you are and where you stand.  Understanding Wherever you go HE is there with you Whatever you are doing whatever you are thinking (good.bad.indifferent) .. HE  Is In your face with NonCondemnation.

God's thoughts of you are so precious as many as the sands of the sea(Psalms 139). There is no where you can go without HIM..HE by your side Even in your complete darkness He is there! No matter how far you run (into self pity or addiction or self loathing or loathing of others) He is not going to leave you.. HIS right Hand holds you!!!   He sings and dances over you regardless of who u r or what you have done..Cause that is How HE IS..That's what LOVE Does!    To get this ..gets everything the Spirit has promised you. It is your jumping off point every morning and thru the Day! It is what draws others to you .. and to HIM and that Brings even more JOY.  More of this draws you to HIM in abounding Joy. And being around others who are so JESUS Center  also spurs you on even more so in your Healing and Growth..One of the great  Reasons to FELLOWSHIP!

It is irresistible! If I (JESUS) be lifted up .. I will draw all!





For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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1 hour ago, Jessie-Jess said:

Please show us from the Bible, or at least the Biblical references to these.


 I think for the sake of discussion ..people will automatically chime in with a plethora of Scriptures reflecting their walk with GOD..

I myself provided a huge one reflecting Rejoicing in the Lord in Prayer to start us off (Psalms 139) and all the 12 steps in AA are based on Scriptures also!


1.We admitted we were powerless over alcohol ... that our lives had become unmanageable. "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." (Romans 7:18)  

2.Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. "... my grace is sufficient for you, for my POWER is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9)  

..for it God Who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose.. (Phil. 2:13)

3.Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of GOD as we understood Him."... If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23**)  

4.Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. "Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord." (Lamentations 3:40)  

5.Admitted to GOD, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16)  

6.Were entirely ready to have GOD remove all these defects of character. "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land." (Isaiah 1:19)  

7.Humbly asked Him to remove all our shortcomings."Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up." (James 4:10)  

8.Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift." (Matthew 5:23, 24**)  

9.Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. Give and it shall be given you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38**)  

10.Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. "For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith GOD has given you." (Romans 12:3)  

11.Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with GOD as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will, and the power to carry that out. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)  

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." (Col. 3:16)

12.Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and practice these principles in all our affairs. "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:1-2)  

**The words of Christ  

- See more at: http://alcoholicsvictorious.org/12-steps#sthash.6tnHj4Ls.dpuf


and hi Jessie-Jess Happy New Year!

Thank you for asking!

there is so much out there to explore!

Jessie-Jess have you found the MEME to be true in your healing and growth?

I won't steal the Joy of someone here to share any one of the 12  they have found to be true and the scriptures behind it that can hit people right in the forehead as it has with me.

May the Joy of the Lord be your Strength!


 # the Book "SERVANT GOD"


For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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My heart fluttered when i read the MEME ..everything listed is in the Holy Bible!

My spirit rejoiced and had to share!

Number 11 got me! I just read Paul saying that and it hit me right between the eyes!..  1 Cor 4:3

And I have experienced the thoughts in the MEME  but not enough or I would rise above the slights ..Desire of Ages pg 301

Far great expanses between the tiny moments in its totality.


I take my eyes off of JESUS too often.



# Spouses/Family/Friends/Strangers can always push buttons and bring you down to earth! :P

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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20 hours ago, GayatfootofCross said:


"... Wherever a soul reaches out after God, there the Spirit's working is manifest, and God will reveal Himself to that soul. ." Desire of Ages 189



How does God do that?

When they read the Bible, they take it that God is speaking to them directly.

When they pray, they listen for God to speak to them directly.


Long time no hear from GayatfootofCross :) 

I hope all is well with you.

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37 minutes ago, Wingnut said:

How does God do that?


when i was preparing this most succulent thread

I thought of this quote by EGW

This thread is deeply spiritual and her quote opened the door to start with this most wonderful meme i posted then my mind jumped to the Spiritual 12 steps..

I see a great big picture here!

Its too wonderful for me to even weakly convey

There are people here who Love Jesus with great minds and I can't wait for their input!

and Hi Wingnut! Happy New Year!

good to see u 2!

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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spiritual awakenings .jpg


The Closer we get to when JESUS comes the more we will experience this!

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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Hey Gay,

Great thoughts here!  I agree that the list you provided is a pretty good indication of spiritual awakening.  If 13 wasn't an unlucky number, I would add "An insatiable love for Jesus and a desire to be with Him always.  I especially like the thought that wherever I go - good, bad, or indefferent - He is always there.

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5; Deut.31:16)

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The Love Cure for Addiction
As I researched infant bonding for my latest book, a far-reaching reality slowly dawned on me: God created us for a peace found only in love. Here’s that reality in neurological terms: A baby’s brain has only two modes, based on two entirely dependent variables (meaning that either both variables are present or neither are). The variables are security and attachment, or put in the negative, anxiety and detachment. Picture baby skin to skin with mommy, cooing contentedly, then baby pulled away from mommy, flaccid little arms flailing, immediately emitting the gurglely squawk of tiny newborn vocal cords. Babies can’t have peace outside of relationship, and neither can big babies like you and me.

Amazing things keep popping up to validate this. For starters check out a TED Talk video https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=johann+hari+ted in which a man named Johann Hari studies addiction and concludes that we’ve got it wrong. He cites a fascinating study where researchers put two water bottles in a rat’s cage, one with plain water and the other heroin-laced. The rats quickly drink themselves into junkies. Then the researchers ask if perhaps the stark, lonely cage itself contributes to the rats’ addictive tendencies, and create instead a rat playground, complete with bits of cheese, colored balls, and lots of other rats. This time around the rats almost never drink the heroin water. One observer says that maybe we shouldn’t call it addiction, but rather bonding. It just so happens that in the absence of healthy bonds, we bond with inanimate things that mimic the brain chemistry of relationships. Therefore the best preventative for addiction to drugs is “addiction” to healthy, godly, happy love.

Reading this type of thing can increase the despair of already-lonely people, who, according to John Cacioppo of the University of Chicago, are multiplying by the day. Cacioppo says loneliness has increased from 20 percent in the 80s to 40 percent today.

A generation after social media took over, the research about its use correlating with loneliness has begun to pour in, validating the strange phenomenon that the most technologically-connected generation is also the least actually-connected. I recently shared a talk about loneliness with a group of older folks and they really resonated with these findings. They remember the days when people sat around the dinner table and talked.

Let me speak into the despairing cycle into which many of us have tumbled. We know we need to love and be loved. We feel the absence of it in our lives. But the sheer momentum of broken relationships and failure to bond causes us to wonder if we were the ones Thoreau spoke of when he said, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” The hippies called for peace and love but achieved neither. Humanists believe that we can generate these goodnesses, but, try as we might, we come up empty. It would have been cruel of God to create us with this yawning chasm of need and then allow us to tumble into a fallen, loveless world to scratch out our existence in futility if—and if is a big word here—He hadn’t met the emergency with Himself. When horizontal relationships fail, and they will, we can still go vertical. “He reached down from heaven and took hold of me,” Ps. 18:16. God reached down in sending Jesus to re-bond heaven and earth. He reached down in inspiring His Word, His love letter to all people. God reaches down moment by moment through His Spirit to re-bond with you. When human relationships fail, there is still love. “Every soul is as fully known to Jesus as if he were the only one for whom the Savior died. The distress of every one touches His heart. The cry for aid reaches His ear. He came to draw all men unto Himself. He bids them, ‘Follow Me,’ and His Spirit moves upon their hearts to draw them to come to Him.” Desire of Ages, 480.

You don’t have to spend your life in anxious detachment, the infant within wailing for a warm embrace. No matter what, where, and who you are, because of Him, you can love and be loved.

How has God revealed His love to you lately?

Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, LPC
Director ABIDE Counseling

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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ahh the Fruit! always always the fruit ..  follow the FRUIT!

I John 4:20



love  for others believe  _n.jpg

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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  • 2 weeks later...

A Friend wrote this:

"Once upon a time, a famous story was told of 10 Virgins who all fell asleep while waiting for a Bridegroom to come get them for a huge Wedding Feast. Night had fallen, and Darkness loomed because all of their lamps burned low, almost about to go out completely.

Reality Check:
Don't blame yourself for falling asleep; but decide (quickly!) whether or not you want to change your life attitudes, values, & actions once you awaken.

For example, will you love Money or God more? Will you embrace community, and the 'least of these', or just ignore the culture we all helped create because you are too busy to worry about anything besides making sure you get yours? Inward true heart condition, not outward religious trappings, will determine whether or not He recognizes you.

But as for me ... :
I choose to Awake (i.e. Renew my Mind, setting aside the old patterns of this world.) I'll continue to add more items from the right list to my life. I have the authority, & responsibility, to change my life, my heart, my paradigms & worldviews, sometimes even my politics!

What my politicians, family, friends & neighbors choose to do is important, but not critical. First I have to change how *I* respond to this situation. I trust that the heart of the king can be directed by God for the rest. (Consider Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, or even Herod as easy examples.)

What will you do? In this, I can't help you. You must decide for yourself.
Choose wisely".




I love how my friend chose the Parable of the Ten Virgins.

It goes deeper that.

Someone in C/A chat over a month ago told me this and it has spring boarded something deep in my heart I've been ruminating over.

The Oil in the Lamp is simply and beautifully our love for others.(1 John 4:20)

So when I hear fellow Adventist see "something wicked this way comes"... and in panic or instruction say "GET READY GET READY"

I now hear... Do you love the Brethren? Do you love the marginalized? Do you love the haters?

Do you see Jesus and unsurpassable worth in every disagreeable face?

" We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death. " 1 John 3:14

Are you ready to die?

Are ready for Jesus to come?

Have you had a Spiritual awakening?


Is the oil in your Lamp full?


On 1/1/2016 at 5:11 AM, Jessie-Jess said:
On 1/2/2016 at 0:11 AM, Wingnut said:
On 1/6/2016 at 8:09 AM, JoeMo said:




 And also everyone else!


May the Joy of the Lord be your Strength!

O how we need to know how loved we are to do and be any of this!

    1 John 4:9


For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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  • 2 weeks later...

"God calls us to hold one opinion of each other and ourselves.

God's beloved and of unsurpassable worth.

It will literally free up your thoughts.

Your stress level will go down.

Your gratitude will go up.

You will see more clearly God's awesome goodness.

You will love God even more.

You will love yourself even more.

You will love on others even more.

Thus fulfilling His Law!

And the need of the Mediator will diminish.

For you have seen beyond the Veil into God's Own Heart."



# casting down imaginations and every high thing

that exalts itself above the knowledge of GOD

and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of  CHRIST  - 2 Cor 10:5

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For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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What makes the love of God a wonder for me is that it just gets better with time. Better... And bigger

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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

love grreatest theology n.jpg


JESUS is not kidding!

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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  • 2 weeks later...

true story56c74d0942ae8_gracecan-dosin.png.cec8d7f

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For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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  • 1 month later...


For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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what i deleted was just another post that fits in with my intent of the OP

but looking at it i thought it would make a great new thread.

So put I it up here



For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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I love finding sources that say better what I fail to convey



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For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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  • 3 weeks later...

We are not made to love GOD.

We are made to be loved by GOD!

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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  • 1 year later...



“God is LOVE!” -1 John 4:8 MBT. “Love keeps no record of wrongs.” -1 Corinthians 13:5 NLT. Are a few of many New Covenant verses that bring light into the truth about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. But also the author of Hebrews, most likely Paul, wrote this to the Jewish church who had been under the Old Covenant of Moses, ” By that one perfect sacrifice he has perfectly sanctified sinful mankind forever. This is exactly what the Holy Spirit now endorses in us having already foretold it in scripture. (Prophesied in Jeremiah 31: 33, 34) This is my covenant that I will make with you during those days, says the Lord; I will greatly advantage you by giving my laws in your hearts and engrave them in your inmost thoughts sanctified sinful mankind forever. This is final: I have deleted the record of your sins and misdeeds. It is not possible to recall them. Sins were dealt with in such a thorough manner that the idea of having to add any further offerings in future would never again be considered. Nothing that we can personally sacrifice could add further virtue to our innocence. Brethren, this means that through what the blood of Jesus communicates and represents, we are now welcome to access this ultimate place of sacred encounter with unashamed confidence. A brand new way of life has been introduced. Because of his flesh torn on the cross.” -Hebrews 10:14-20 MBT"

For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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