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Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter

Neil D

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Neil D said:


Not everyone gets to go on a hunting trip with the vice-president.

Yeah, and not everyone gets to get shot 15 minutes after the sun goes down with a man who sees thru eyeglasses. While there may still be light, it aint as light as sunset nor even daylight.

Oh, and regarding this "hunt", maybe you best read how Cheney hunts from this article....


Vice President Dick Cheney went pheasant shooting in Pennsylvania in December 2003, but unlike most of his fellow hunters across America, he didn't have to spend hours or even days tramping the fields and hedgerows in hopes of bagging a brace of birds for the dinner table.

Upon his arrival at the exclusive Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier Township, gamekeepers released 500 pen-raised pheasants from nets for the benefit of him and his party. In a blaze of gunfire, the group—which included legendary Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach and U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), along with major fundraisers for Republican candidates—killed at least 417 of the birds. According to one gamekeeper who spoke to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Cheney was credited with shooting more than 70 of the pen-reared fowl.

"Cheney's canned hunt"-the rest of the story

Yeah, Cheney knows how to hunt....gucci style...

You know if so many of you weren't so eager to find that which you could use to belittle, critize, and complain you would stop to realize just how silly a complaint this one happens to be, along with the quaint little ditty by bravus.

At this point in time most rational people whether they like Cheney or not understand he cannot hunt in the same way his fellow hunters across america do. My husband no longer hunts, but the very last thing he wanted when he did, was an army of people with him when he did. This is what would have to be with Cheney whether democrat or republican if he went on a regular hunt.

What vice president can you name would be allowed to go off tramping the woods with a gun by himself or without the secret service in sufficient number to guard all avenues to the VP. Every animal within a mile would hear them coming. You may not approve of hunting, so be it, but use a little rational thinking when you ridicule. If you are opposed to an animal being killed first, make sure you eat no meat, second make sure you wear no leather, or have any leather anything in your home or automoblies. Also make sure you use no medication that has first been tested on animals. All have died in cold blood for your comfort and benefit. If Cheney chose to maintain any tie with the sport of hunting it has to be in this way, an army of people with him. Medical personal and secret service. There wouldn't be a quail within miles

Quail would be especially impossible for him to hunt in any other fashion. Quail is a very elusive little bird, they cannot be tamed. We raised quail for years. Not for meat, just because we liked their musical whistle out in the field. After hatching and turning them loose we could never get near them again. The best we could do was to sit motionless for a very long time and they would come to the edge of the field. Cheney could not hunt quail with an small army with him. An army that is there, democrate or republican. From all reports from those that know him in the area where he is from that is not his preferred style of hunting.

Nor is this type of hunting reserved for those of prominence and fame. It is becoming more and more common.

BTW Neil, while gun safety may have been taught differently to your relatives, here it is also taught in how to avoid accidental injury. Namely how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of an accidental shooting.

The area that I am from originally is prime hunting country. Accidental shootings are not rare. Some don't even make the news.

Rarely is anyone charged if it is clearly an accident. The last one I recall involved a man that made a foolish move and a man that made a foolish shot. One ended up shot in the back thru the shoulder. No charges were filed for the accidental shooting, but both ended up before the judge paying a hefty fine and 30 days in jail {suspended} for poaching deer. Neither were rich, famous, or corrupt.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Why hunt at all? What pleasure should there be in shooting created creatures just for the heck of it? I am not

talking necessary culling nor in case of necessity for food. If they want to shoot, go to a gun club and shoot targets.

OK this is off topic - but what I believe.

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Quail are not a necessary target in MN. Deer however are. If deer hunting were left only to the culling process it would be a whole lot tougher on the deer and the people involved in the accidents they cause. Hunting is a culling process. This is why you need a liscense and cannot shoot any number you choose at will.

I have family that live in WY, the state Cheney is from. Several times we have gone out in the spring of the year and hundreds of antelope carcasses are laying in piles by fences where they have frozen to death. And I do mean hundreds and hundreds. How much better for them to have been quickly shot for the most part than that.

This vision of an ideal paradise for animals if it weren't for the blood thirsty hunter is a little false. It is no longer the garden of Eden where nature is in balance and they graze peacefully ever after.

The area that I am from has much healtier wild life with rigorous hunting than they do without it. Regardless of all the hype to the contrary, most hunters are some of the best conservationists around. They usually have far more respect for nature and what it demands than those that get their knowledge from what someone else says.



Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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BTW, some years ago, we had the equivilant of Cheney's canned hunt for quail here, only it was for deer. They had virtually taken over an area where hunting had been off limits. Some folks that thought they knew best and actually knew nothing off wild life, fed them for a couple of years. Soon there were so many, property was being destroyed, dogs were pulling them down and leaving them injured to die in the snow. When the hunt was announced and the area was cordoned off the bleeding hearts started bleeding all over the place. It was murder, cowardice, you name it. Some tried to get court orders to stop it, but not of these bright folks had a solution to the mess they themselves had created. In the end the "canned" hunt took place. Dozens of deer were killed, what wasn't killed were trapped and taken up north, Prior to the "hunt" there were to many to trap.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Bonnie, obviously some of what you are describing would qualify as necessary culling, in a broader sense. When the natural balance of predator and prey is disturbed, some intervention may be needed.

But that does not explain why birds should be cage reared then sent out to be targets.

Are the hunters hunting because they like to shoot or because they have the animals' benefit, in the widest possible sense, at heart? Or are they glad to think their enjoyment and the natural good happen to coincide?

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Nan said:

Bonnie, obviously some of what you are describing would qualify as necessary culling, in a broader sense. When the natural balance of predator and prey is disturbed, some intervention may be needed.

But that does not explain why birds should be cage reared then sent out to be targets.

Are the hunters hunting because they like to shoot or because they have the animals' benefit, in the widest possible sense, at heart? Or are they glad to think their enjoyment and the natural good happen to coincide?

Personally, If it is canned hunting I am sure it is because they like to "hunt". Altho I am not certain in that case I see the hunt part. I am not saying I agree that is what I think would be the sportsmans way to hunt. That wasn't really my point. It is this almost gleeful rubbing the hands together when it appears we have another critism we can lob no matter how little sense it makes. This would be the only way I believe Cheney could hunt if he chose to hunt, not because he was privileged or even probably preferred it that way. But out of necessity for the office he holds. The medical personal alone should be understood for anyone over ten I would think, let alone the secret service. Then try to imagine guarding someone in miles of woods or brush hunting. Then imagine that amount of manpower being quiet enough to not scare the wildlife. Not going to happen. Doesn't take much to figure out why the canned hunt if you are going to hunt, or at least it shouldn't.

Raising animals for hunting is not a isolated or uncommon thing anymore. Why people shoose to hunt thses way, I can't answer,But then I don't know why a lot of people do what they do. We even have them stocking small private lakes with walleye for fishing in the same manner. The lake will not sustain them in the winter time in Minnesota as it will freeze out. When that happens they chop holes in the ice and the walleye practically jump up thru the hole for the oxygen. Can't explain it to you.

Most hunters do not hunt that way. Most are responsible sportsmen whether you agree with hunting or not. They do not wantonly shoot and let lay. They do not shoot out of season . They are conscious of safety. Yet accidents do happen, and yes, they are accidents despite what some may say. Just as after drivers ed there are car accidents. People are injured and people die. As in gun accidents, not all involved in car accidents are charged either. Some are, and sometimes contrary to what has been said here, the blame is actually split.

I don't defend or understand hunting that way. What I took exception to was making it such an issue for one person because he is rich, famous, VP, and a republican. All the while I think it obvious a man, democrate or republican in this political office, choosing to go hunting would have to do so the same way.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Hunting is a continuous culling. To wait till the need for culling is staring you in the face is a little late. That is why there are hunting liscenses with what you can shoot and when.

That is to keep the problem down before it has become a problem.

We are now starting to have a problem with black bear because of the bleeding hearts that love to feed the fuzzy little things. Now they can set up a howl as they get shot during bear hunting season because of what they have helped create.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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When I lived in Minnesota I even saw deer on city streets. Sometimes the police would have to hunt them in the off season to keep them out of town.

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bloodlust has to be appeased.

Male bonding too.

"lets kill something together!"


the two men lying in the grass together looking up at the sky and see a bird fly by.

Then Cheney gets up on his elbow and says while twisting his bangs in a curl "wouldnt it be dreamy to take the life out of a poor defensless idiot bird?"

and the lawyer gets excited at the thought and says in a delighted squeel " ooo Yes! U just read my mind!"

then wackiness ensues...

I guess they wont share that much with the press.

Just a thought!

God bless u all.


All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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I guess they wont share that much with the press.

No, I guess they won't! laughhard.gifthumbsup.gif

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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i alternate between thinking of Cheney as a Elmer Fudd .. a caracter and a real human being and maybe a child of God.

I cant stand the policies and the mindset behind it. But I dont know him as a real person.

Its easy to critisize and get upset with people we dont know. Its so easy. Imagine being that way with someone u do actually know and love.

What does That look like?

anyhoo, Cheney is a real human being who I know not but disagree with his policies. Im glad America lets me say this at a price.

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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