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On Racial Issues

Gregory Matthews

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1 hour ago, bonnie said:

I would like to ask a favor of you, PLease stop with the My Dear Bonnie, I am not your dear anything and rank  that the same as I do with the frequently used and abused SDA phrase of My dear sister or brother. I have always felt losing a friendship over politics was about the silliest. UNTIL THIS YEAR. I have chosen to cut ties with someone that I had been friends with over 30 years.  Every conversation,no matter what the topic would soon be berating Trump. Changing the topic didn't work,then it was an accusation of a cult like following of Trump. 3-4 times a week got to be more than I was willing to put up with. One thing that SDA's I know that hate Trump always assure is that I don't hate Trump.I don't hate anyone. I hate what he does. I didn't believe her and rarely do I believe anyone that feels the need to assure everyone of that as they obsess over Trump  

Please forgive me, I will not say dear again. What is so sad that you allow yourself to cut ties with a friend over politics! Politic will not save you and you allow it to interfere with a long life time friend. I truly have a problem with that you would put worldly things over friendship period. I have a friend who left the church and married a Baptist minister, we do not agree but we are still friends. I pray for her but I lover her no matter what. I have friends that are SDA and we but heads at time but we are still friends. The love I have for my friends is deep and is the love that the Bible speaks on. I hope and pray that you will make up with your friend!

Take Care!

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4 hours ago, B/W Photodude said:

Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters

Wow that was a waste of time!! How does he know that they are white liberals??? He never asked any of them!! So basically he's just either guessing or assuming and we know what assuming breaks down to??

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By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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18 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:

Please forgive me, I will not say dear again. What is so sad that you allow yourself to cut ties with a friend over politics! Politic will not save you and you allow it to interfere with a long life time friend. I truly have a problem with that you would put worldly things over friendship period. I have a friend who left the church and married a Baptist minister, we do not agree but we are still friends. I pray for her but I lover her no matter what. I have friends that are SDA and we but heads at time but we are still friends. The love I have for my friends is deep and is the love that the Bible speaks on. I hope and pray that you will make up with your friend!

Take Care!

I expect friends to honor personal boundries.  There is a lot more to my life/interests than politics and Trump. Nor will I put up with listening to a vote for Trump is "following a cult". Once, twice, three times,and more I can deal with but when you persist when I have suggested you not do that the friendship is one sided in my opinion and not worth pursuing. It isn't any different than you throwing "worshiping Trump" around.  No one owes me an explanation of how they vote or why, I don't consider those that vote differently than I do less than. I do not owe anyone an explanation of how or why I vote and but have come to accept that I am less than because of my choice.  Ten minutes of CNN or a conversation with you makes that very clear. I  cut ties because of a lack of respect for our friendship, the accusations of cult following and how can you vote for Trump and call yourself a christian. I do not need your counsel 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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11 hours ago, phkrause said:

Wow that was a waste of time!! How does he know that they are white liberals??? He never asked any of them!! So basically he's just either guessing or assuming and we know what assuming breaks down to??

He knows the same way any conservative or generally honest person would know - by their answers

It would be no different than taking a poll 200 A.D. where people were asked if Mary was the Mother of God or not. Orthodox Christians would say YES while Gnostics, and religious Jews would say "NO". You'd know based off the answer which side of the fence they were on the Jesus question. Same thing going on with the video photodude posted. They were white liberals


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10 hours ago, bonnie said:

I expect friends to honor personal boundaries.  There is a lot more to my life/interests than politics and Trump. Nor will I put up with listening to a vote for Trump is "following a cult". Once, twice, three times,and more I can deal with but when you persist when I have suggested you not do that the friendship is one sided in my opinion and not worth pursuing. It isn't any different than you throwing "worshiping Trump" around.  No one owes me an explanation of how they vote or why, I don't consider those that vote differently than I do less than. I do not owe anyone an explanation of how or why I vote and but have come to accept that I am less than because of my choice.  Ten minutes of CNN or a conversation with you makes that very clear. I  cut ties because of a lack of respect for our friendship, the accusations of cult following and how can you vote for Trump and call yourself a christian. I do not need your counsel 

Bonnie: It appears that you do not see kindness giving to you and not counseling. You do not see yourself and you unkind attitude. I am not perfect and I have made many mistakes and sometimes I could not see things straight. My friend could see what I couldn't and I woke up to see what she saw and we cried together. I realize now that you do not want that kind of friendship. Others do view Trump's followers as an occult because of his character that you sadly refuse to see. I heard Joe on MNBC and other Republicans who have left the Party because of Trump. They tried to talk to their families or friends who they see have change. Politics were here before and after Trump, but he invoke hatefulness and anger that I personally have never seen before. I personally have seen people change and I will completely be honest with you, so just like the Bible said the lack of love. I have seen how those who choose Trump attack and become vicious, mean, relentlessly taunting and so more. They do not show love, empathy or kindness at all. They can talk about Democratic Presidents and other Democrats with vicious contempt and spue out hatred I never thought to see. But if you talk about Trump character, not his politics you are being attacked like those people attack the Capitol. Where is THE SPIRIT OF YAHWEH in this kind of attitude. I do not go alone with everything the Democratic Party does and do not agreed at all with the Republicans because of the Freedom of Religion. YAHWEH IS THE JUDGE not people, you cannot force your religious views on others you do not have that right! 


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11 hours ago, phkrause said:

Wow that was a waste of time!! How does he know that they are white liberals??? He never asked any of them!! So basically he's just either guessing or assuming and we know what assuming breaks down to??

There really isn't any need to ask. The people being questioned were obviously white and by their answers are obviously liberal, I have never been able to understand why a liberal is offended by being called a liberal. I am conservative and have never been offended by being called a conservative.

If I were person of color I would be offended, very offended by white liberals basically telling me that I was to stupid, based on my race to obtain the proper ID. Regardless of who or what race, if they do not have the desire to obtain the proper ID, you don't vote. Simple as that.  If they have a bank account, SS, Medicare, Insurance, etc, they have ID and know how to go about the process.

I ordered 1 yard of fabric from Wal-mart, delivered to the store here. I forgot to bring my photo ID. This was a whopping 4.95. I know a couple of the managers there and asked them each if they would vouch for me. No go. This is something so unimportant compared to voter ID that it isn't even in the same ball park.

If I were black and considered to stupid to know how to obtain a photo ID do you think they would have given my order to me? When they would not, which is what would have happened, would that be considered racist.

Regardless of race or color, you do not care enough to have the proper ID,stay home,don't vote

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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35 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:

Bonnie: It appears that you do not see kindness giving to you and not counseling. You do not see yourself and you unkind attitude. I am not perfect and I have made many mistakes and sometimes I could not see things straight. My friend could see what I couldn't and I woke up to see what she saw and we cried together. I realize now that you do not want that kind of friendship.

Your privilege to believe my attitude is unkind. I believe there is a time to withdraw from some friendships.  And I believe this was one. When only one respects the boundries, and one constantly hammers on one topic, practically frothing at the mouth then I will withdraw before it creates more hard feelings. It was made very obvious the constant hammering on Trump was not going to stop. This unbalanced hatred hasn't accomplished anything positive for race relations. It is almost funny now, a well worn and abused phrase by liberals is circling,,,,,,,,,,I am sure you will recognize it

I don't hate her( meaning me) I hate what she stands for and her defense of Trump  Others do view Trump's followers as an occult because of his character that you sadly refuse to see. I heard Joe on MNBC and other Republicans who have left the Party because of Trump.

This is pure unadulterated BS. Do not deflect your feelings, prior statements on "others". 

ou are being attacked like those people attack the Capitol. Where is THE SPIRIT OF YAHWEH in this kind of attitude. I do not go alone with everything the Democratic Party does and do not agreed at all with the Republicans because of the Freedom of Religion. 

The above pargraph is just plain ludicrous.



Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Unfortunately race relations has been going down the tube. Cancel culture, the riots that you deny was BLM and Antifa, destruction of historical statutes  etc. If a phrase, sentence, act can possibly be tortured and twisted to refleck  racism you can bet it will.  None of the events of the past year have added up to better  race relations only making things worse. I have had three people the past couple of weeks make statements concerning race that just floored me.

Two of the  kindness most reasonable people I know told me very emphatically,    DO not talk to me about......... I have had it with them and have come to the point I will leave them alone if they leave me alone. Never in the decades I have known them heard so much anger. That wont go away any time soon

It is really sad. So many get so much satisfaction from chewing and chewing on slavery/racism and regurgitate it  to chew it again, on a regular basis.

I worked with a very diverse group. Most got along really well, except for those constantly chewing on racism . I really enjoyed the job and the group I worked with.  I would think long and hard before I would work with a mixed group like that again. To have to watch every word, every gesture does not sound like fun

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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19 minutes ago, Theophilus said:

I am a liberal, and so are most of my associates, and none of them has a problem being called a liberal.

I did not mean to imply all. Many do. We have some here that have frequently objected to being "labeled"

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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My experience is often those who want a multi-cultural Church actually want to have a multi-coloured Church.

Case in point the North Eastern Conference is primarily a West Indian Church, very few African Americans end up joining or staying.

The leadership needs, in my opinion, an outreach to African Americans, and it will not be done successfully by West Indian Culture.  this is an example of it is not colour that is the issue it is the Culture.

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11 hours ago, Gustave said:

He knows the same way any conservative or generally honest person would know - by their answers

It would be no different than taking a poll 200 A.D. where people were asked if Mary was the Mother of God or not. Orthodox Christians would say YES while Gnostics, and religious Jews would say "NO". You'd know based off the answer which side of the fence they were on the Jesus question. Same thing going on with the video photodude posted. They were white liberals.

Sorry but that is just plain guessing, there are no true conservatives or liberals only!! We are all some of each!! All it seemed to me was that the so-called white "liberals" had no clue as to what African Americans voting habits were or if they carried IDs or not!! So according to your judgement conservatives are the only honest people?? Than in that case all liberals are not?? Wow talk about being judgmental!!


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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On 3/7/2021 at 5:45 AM, Gustave said:

He knows the same way any conservative or generally honest person would know - by their answers

It would be no different than taking a poll 200 A.D. where people were asked if Mary was the Mother of God or not. Orthodox Christians would say YES while Gnostics, and religious Jews would say "NO". You'd know based off the answer which side of the fence they were on the Jesus question. Same thing going on with the video photodude posted. They were white liberals


It's ok PHK, I know you exercise that confused emoji quite a lot. I'll just roll with it.

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12 hours ago, phkrause said:

Sorry but that is just plain guessing, there are no true conservatives or liberals only!! We are all some of each!! All it seemed to me was that the so-called white "liberals" had no clue as to what African Americans voting habits were or if they carried IDs or not!! So according to your judgement conservatives are the only honest people?? Than in that case all liberals are not?? Wow talk about being judgmental!!

More than enough exist to form political parties, PAC's, etc.  I can assure you that at a liberal PAC you will not be hearing about how people should prove they are eligible to vote prior to doing so. If you know of such a stance that's being promulgated by the Democrats than by all means please let me know about it - I would most certainly love to see this. 

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I have been accused of been rude and not trying over to reach out to those who voted for Trump. Which is not true. I started comment in this thread first after Pastor Matthew started it. Culture is one thing is has nothing to do with racism. I will provide what I and others said when I first came in on this topic. I will show those who agreed as well.

On 9/4/2020 at 11:40 AM, Gregory Matthews said: Sadly, our congregations may not welcome those who do not look exactly like their members. This may be more than race and skin color.

That is true but your topic is on racism! If you notice that not many here on the forum have come and commented. Adventist have a problem with systematic racism. Many voted for Trump knowing his character. But, I say this clear and loudly that what's truly in your mind will come out in the light. Many SDA have had a problem with racism that is why most of our them in a America are separated between Black and White conferences. I have seen churches in the Georgia Cumberland Conference start leaving when the West Indians or Afrikan move into the area and go to their churches. It is sad but is true. You tried to bring up the thought on racism and two people have commented. Sad!

JoeMoe said: I think all people have a problem with systemic racism.  I define systemic racism as an internal opinion that your ethnic group is superior to any other ethnic group.  The country can make all the laws they want; and most people can control their external behavior to a great extent.  I also believe that some mistake cultural ignorance for racism.  Take the word "picnic" for example.  Most Caucasians growing up anyplace but the south have no clue about the origins of this word.

Anyways, there is no way the government or denomination can totally eliminate systemic racism which lives inside people; but not necessarily on the outside.

I also don't think what some people consider racism is real.  For example, I have heard it said that all old white men are racist.  That's BS.  Also, concerning black vs. white conferences.  My wife and I wander around SDA churches here.  Most of the Black people at the Black conference churches that I have met are happy (at least okay) with it.  African American churches are definitely more enthusiastic and participatory than most white churches here.  One's not more correct than the other; it's just different - in a good way.


I said :Well as I predicted, look what happen in North Carolina! Pepper spraying a group of voters that were diverse  and a helpless woman in a wheelchair also, children! There nothing more dramatic than racism and it is time that the speak out about it on this forum, please do not dismiss it! My heart is heavy because hatred is a sin and many on this forum have demonstrated this injustice. Racism is when one party tries everything it can to suppress the vote, why? What are you afraid of voting should be the right of every citizen. Stacking the courts to take away people's health care, especially in a pandemic is sinful and shameful. Accusing peaceful marches of diverse color with children is outrages! Surrounding your opponent bus and almost running a car with the bus off the road shows no relationship with THE MOST HIGH! THE ALMIGHTY ONES sees it all and the messengers of Heaven is taking note. People who are united of all color, nation and people will not be imitated any longer! We will stand with truth and justice on our side so that the truth of THE MOST(HIGH)WORD will be finish and HIS SON will come. Hatred, violence, and mistreatment will never win over truth and justice!

On 10/31/2020 at 11:05 PM, stinsonmarri said: Well as I predicted, look what happen in North Carolina! Pepper spraying a group of voters that were diverse  and a helpless woman in a wheelchair also, children! There nothing more dramatic than racism and it is time that the speak out about it on this forum, please do not dismiss it!

 On 11/1/2020 at 7:22 PM, JoeMo said: I'm sorry to see that.

Photodude said: During the Minneapolis riots, a woman in a wheelchair was sprayed with an fire extinguisher by the rioters. But I guess that was OK because Black Lives Matter. And it wasn't racism either.

Posted November 1, 2020 You keep throwing stuff up like mud on the side of a barn hoping it will stick. You continually accuse the President of racism and yet you have never listed one thing that he did that was racist and ignore everything he has done for the black community.

On 11/1/2020 at 1:02 PM, JoeMo said: Take the word "picnic" for example.  Most Caucasians growing up anyplace but the south have no clue about the origins of this word.

Photodude said: Posted November 1, 2020 Spreading these kind of stories that are less than the truth is a character issue.

I think I know where you are going with this, but it has been debunked.

https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-picnic-origin-lynchings-idUSKCN24E21V JoeMo agreed

On 11/1/2020 at 4:16 PM, stinsonmarri said: Pepper spraying a group of voters that were diverse  and a helpless woman in a wheelchair also, children!

Photodude said: Posted November 2, 2020 Even the CNN article I read said no one was sprayed in the face.  In fact, the pictures I saw showed police spraying the ground in front of the protesters.  The cops weren't even wearing any protective gear, which they would have been wearing if they were spraying pepper spray into the air at people.  It seems like the protesters were blocking traffic.  This was according to CNN - an anti-Trump liberal propaganda machine.

On 11/1/2020 at 4:16 PM, stinsonmarri said: Pepper spraying a group of voters that were diverse  and a helpless woman in a wheelchair also, children!

JoeMoe said: Posted November 2, 2020 Even the CNN article I read said no one was sprayed in the face.  In fact, the pictures I saw showed police spraying the ground in front of the protesters.  The cops weren't even wearing any protective gear, which they would have been wearing if they were spraying pepper spray into the air at people.  It seems like the protesters were blocking traffic.  This was according to CNN - an anti-Trump liberal propaganda machine.

On 11/1/2020 at 10:05 PM, B/W Photodude said: I think I know where you are going with this, but it has been debunked.

JoeMoe said: Posted November 2, 2020 This origin of the word picnic has been described to me by several African American friends; not a Caucasian news service.  I don't have it on some authority on black history; just African American friends who have no reason to deceive me.  Could be true; could be African American urban legend.

On 11/2/2020 at 10:21 AM, JoeMo said:

Even the CNN article I read said no one was sprayed in the face.  In fact, the pictures I saw showed police spraying the ground in front of the protesters.  The cops weren't even wearing any protective gear, which they would have been wearing if they were spraying pepper spray into the air at people.  It seems like the protesters were blocking traffic.  This was according to CNN - an anti-Trump liberal propaganda machine.

Posted November 7, 2020 I said: Joe: I don't just watch CNN a lot. I watch other news media including Fox. What I said was true. Just watch the video do (not) judge by the cover.

On 11/1/2020 at 10:05 PM, B/W Photodude said: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-picnic-origin-lynchings-idUSKCN24E21V

Stinsonmarri said: Photodue this is nonsense and only you would come up with this! You have never heard me or anyone on this forum mention this. It is where you mind it at just like your leader you worship. You throw out anything to see if it stick to divide. This is a shame. Like I said a lie does not matter who tell it. That's go through skin color and hits at hatred and sin. Many unfounded Black hates also and I don't take up for them either. Whoever tells something that is not the truth is allowing Satan to use them, period!

On 11/1/2020 at 9:45 PM, B/W Photodude said: Stinsonmarri said: You keep throwing stuff up like mud on the side of a barn hoping it will stick. You continually accuse the President of racism and yet you have never listed one thing that he did that was racist and ignore everything he has done for the black community.

Spreading these kind of stories that are less than the truth is a character issue.

stinsonmarri said. Its mud to you because you and your leader are losing. No matter what the Republican legislatures of each the states that Biden is winning, they cannot stop the MAIL IN VOTE! It was all a rue to send out these ridiculous charges that the courts have thrown out!

You know, I cannot believe that so many people who claim they love the truth and YAHWEH, has become total opposite of THE LIFE of YAHSHUA when HE was on the earth. It is beyond me to see the Republican Party accept this QAnon!

QAnon has become the most potent force in American politics that most Americans have never heard of. In a few short years, QAnon-associated accounts have metastasized on Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok at an unprecedented rate. The pandemic has further fueled its growth, uniting anti-vaxxers and COVID deniers with the Sandy Hook skeptics already part of QAnon’s growing coalition. That coalition apparently also includes everyone from Roseanne to porn queen Jenna Jameson to former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. (The general, a QAnon icon, recently released a video of himself and his family earnestly reciting the QAnon pledge.).

The basic premise of QAnon is this: “Q” is a top government insider close to the president who has proof that global elites secretly enslave and torture children and extract from their blood what they believe is a life-extending chemical named Adrenochrome. Q’s targets range from Democratic politicians like the Clintons, Adam Schiff, and the Obamas to globalist moguls like Bill Clinton and George Soros to celebrities like Tom Hanks and Chrissy Teigen. Trump and his military allies are working secretly to unmask all these evildoers and make sure that they are carted off to Guantánamo and hanged for their crimes. The enemies of QAnon are, in nearly every case, enemies of Trump, which experts say is no coincidence. “At the end of the day, this conspiracy theory is targeting the Democratic establishment,” says Cristina López G.

The group’s followers also include some mentally unbalanced people who have latched onto the QAnon ideology with a fervor that has broken into real life in dangerous ways. Defense lawyers for the man charged in the murder of the underboss of the Gambino crime family in New York City, say their client is obsessed with conspiracy theories and believed the mobster was a member of the “deep state.” (The same man had previously attempted to make citizen’s arrests of Schiff and Congresswoman Maxine Waters.) The landscaper arrested for igniting the 2018 wildfire that burned nearly 20,000 acres of Orange County and destroyed a dozen homes had posted dozens of conspiracy videos on his Facebook page, including some about a satanic cult that ruled the world and a mysterious U.S. intelligence insider who is working with Donald Trump to thwart it. A QAnon believer and self-identified member of the alt-right Proud Boys in Seattle killed his brother in January by stabbing him in the head with a four-foot-long sword, later claiming he thought his brother was a lizard. In June of last year, an armed man inspired by a QAnon post barricaded himself in an armed vehicle and blocked traffic on the Hoover Dam bridge for hours. He was demanding the Justice Department release a (nonexistent) secret report on Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server that a QAnon influencer had claimed was being stashed at the dam. Los Angeles Magazine

This party think Trump is god and you know they are right. I do not believe in that word. If you trace it points back to Zeus and then to Satan. YAHWEH said very clearly HIS people will know HIM by HIS NAME! That is and always be YAHWEH and HIS SON said that HE came in HIS FATHER'S NAME!

I am come in MY FATHER'S NAME, and ye receive ME not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. John 5:43 

That is exactly what happen and if you truly love YAHWEH, you can see it. Trump was not a builder. He sold his name, that was his brand. He wanted to be worship as a god. He like Satan don't care about no one but themselves. Trump others to do his bidding and to worship him. We here in this world saw what took place in Heaven with Lucifer.

 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon The Holy Mountain of ELOHIYM; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Eze 28:14

 How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer (Helel), son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars (messengers/angels) of EL: I will sit also upon The Mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like THE MOST HIGH. Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol (grave), to the depths of the pit (prison or dungeon).Isa 14:12-15 

Both Satan and Trump throw messengers or people under the bus. Satan was not going to be kicked alone so he pointed his sympathizers who now will die with him. Guess what they were thrown in prison first, and can only be release under the permission of YAHWEH! YAHSHUA also sent the legion who begged not to return to prison but to go into the pigs. The pigs could not stand the torture and killed themselves. They still had to return to prison. Trump has done the same thing, but it the WILL of YAHWEH to let all who defy HIS NAME to fall!

Trump is going to do the same thing. He is going to throw all the Senators who are now moving away from him under the bus. He want fire the FBI Director after the election because he stood up against the p boys and other white supremacist terrorists. Like the two who came from Virginia to Pennsylvania with guns believer in QAnon! Well Trump has fallen and Biden/Harris has won. Time to finish the work of YAHWEH!


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On 3/7/2021 at 10:17 AM, bonnie said:

This is pure unadulterated BS. Do not deflect your feelings, prior statements on "others". 

Here you prove my point. Now, since Trump you want to cuss. You have sad: " this is pure unadulterated not true. This reflect your character and it shows that cursing Trump's follower are doing the same things he does. You would say the the words but Stan has made a wise move against it. Those letters are not what you said in your mind. The Bible says as a man thinketh so is she/he.

Unfortunately race relations has been going down the tube. Cancel culture, the riots that you deny was BLM and Antifa, destruction of historical statutes  etc. 

I guess Nimrata Nikki Haley was wrong to move the confederate flag too, right Bonnie!When you say the things you said it shows who you really are. First, the Confederates were against the government of United States of America. They lost the war! That's in history too and you should read it! Every statue should be removed and I hope soon they will. The confederate names will be moved from the bases as well. Any statues that depicts racism to the Native Americans, the Asians, African Americans, South Americans should be moved and burned or destroyed.

Those who called themselves "conservative," do not understand what the word means!

Conservative (adj.) late 14c., conservatyf, "tending to preserve or protect, preservative, having the power to keep whole or safe," from Old French conservatif, from Medieval Latin conservativus, from Latin conservatus, past participle of conservare "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard," from assimilated form of com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-), + servare "keep watch, maintain" (from PIE root *ser- (1) "to protect").

From 1840 in the general sense "disposed to retain and maintain what is established, opposed to innovation and change," or, in a negative sense "opposed to progress." Etymology Online Dictionary

Wow, what a change from the 14 century to 1840! 

As a modern political tradition, "antagonistic to change in the institutions of a country," often especially "opposed to changes toward pure democracy," conservatism traces to Edmund Burke's opposition to the French Revolution (1790), but the word conservative is not found in his writing. It was coined by his French disciples (such as Chateaubriand, who titled his journal defending clerical and political restoration "Le Conservateur").

Conservative as the name of a British political faction first appeared in an 1830 issue of the "Quarterly Review," in an unsigned article sometimes attributed to John Wilson Croker. It replaced Tory (q.v.) by 1843, reflecting both a change from the pejorative name (in use for 150 years) and repudiation of some reactionary policies.

Strictly speaking, conservatism is not a political system, and certainly not an ideology. ... Instead, conservatism is a way of looking at the civil social order. ... Unlike socialism, anarchism, and even liberalism, then, conservatism offers no universal pattern of politics for adoption everywhere. On the contrary, conservatives reason that social institutions always must differ considerably from nation to nation, since any land's politics must be the product of that country's dominant religion, ancient customs, and historical experience. [Russell Kirk, "What is Conservatism," introduction to "The Portable Conservative Reader," 1982] Etymology Online Dictionary Under Conservative

Keep in mind I seems to find the historical truth about meaning of English words. My professional credential were always on my profile for others to see. But it is okay because again, YAHWEH knew I was telling the truth and I have the diploma to prove it. It is sad how people think they knew the the true meaning of English and they really don't. This is not something to puff up and brag about because souls being saved are important to me. I feel that so much truth is lost because of accepting the ideologies of the world religions and not the Bible. I am sad because I treasure another friend who has looked out for me here. But because the world uses certain words, we as SDA do not search the Scriptures to see if they are so!

EGW in EW said clearly that she saw words were changed in the Bible. She said that so call learned men when few copies were printed (Bible scholars from the 12th century), they felt that they were making it plain. Instead, mystifying it with their traditions. Here we come instead of see the traditions in their writings and also in the Bible; like the pioneers saw. We are a higher learned people today, should have prayed like them and search and research to see the errors as EGW said in TM p. 105.

Because we didn't, creeping compromising slowly moved into the church. Politics and religion merged into a frenzy opposing truth. Putting down the Liberty Magazine and choosing to side with the new Evangelical Protestants. Who believe they have authority to shape YAHWEH'S WORDS and change the truth of the Bible. Oh, how sad!


Happy Sabbath.

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                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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1 hour ago, B/W Photodude said:

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So true,soon there will be another target for their hatred

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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2 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

Here you prove my point. Now, since Trump you want to cuss. You have sad: " this is pure unadulterated not true. This reflect your character and it shows that cursing Trump's follower are doing the same things he does. You would say the the words but Stan has made a wise move against it. Those letters are not what you said in your mind. The Bible says as a man thinketh so is she/he.

As a mind reader you are a complete failure time and time again. So is taking the right that does not belong to you and judge.  That you never fail at. What is meant by that to me and others is saying that is complete and utter nonsense or is completely untrue.. But on the OTH what you said was not what was in your mind while accusing me. Take it up with Stan if you believe you know what was in my mind. 


2 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:


I guess Nimrata Nikki Haley was wrong to move the confederate flag too, right Bonnie! When you say the things you said it shows who you really are.

I looked to find where I said Nikki Haley was right or wrong. Can't find it so assume it is another of your imagining.

First, the Confederates were against the government of United States of America. They lost the war! That's in history too and you should read it!

Amazing, I never knew that the confederates lost the war, I will have to read that.

Every statue should be removed and I hope soon they will. The confederate names will be moved from the bases as well. Any statues that depicts racism to the Native Americans, the Asians, African Americans, South Americans should be moved and burned or destroyed.

There is much more to most of the historical figures than slavery.  For you race  seems to be the  single issue that drives you. 


2 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

Those who called themselves "conservative," do not understand what the word means!

Conservative (adj.) late 14c., conservatyf, "tending to preserve or protect, preservative, having the power to keep whole or safe," from Old French conservatif, from Medieval Latin conservativus, from Latin conservatus, past participle of conservare "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard," from assimilated form of com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-), + servare "keep watch, maintain" (from PIE root *ser- (1) "to protect").

From 1840 in the general sense "disposed to retain and maintain what is established, opposed to innovation and change," or, in a negative sense "opposed to progress." Etymology Online Dictionary

Strictly speaking, conservatism is not a political system, and certainly not an ideology. ... Instead, conservatism is a way of looking at the civil social order. ... Unlike socialism, anarchism, and even liberalism, then, conservatism offers no universal pattern of politics for adoption everywhere. On the contrary, conservatives reason that social institutions always must differ considerably from nation to nation, since any land's politics must be the product of that country's dominant religion, ancient customs, and historical experience. [Russell Kirk, "What is Conservatism," introduction to "The Portable Conservative Reader," 1982] Etymology Online Dictionary Under Conservative

You know as well as everyone else what people mean when they claim to be conservative. I am sure you think all the stuff you post is impressive but it just shows pettiness.

Keep in mind I seems to find the historical truth about meaning of English words. My professional credential were always on my profile for others to see. But it is okay because again, YAHWEH knew I was telling the truth and I have the diploma to prove it. It is sad how people think they knew the the true meaning of English and they really don't.

Most people with impressive credentials do not have to keep reminding everyone how well educated they are

This is not something to puff up and brag about because souls being saved are important to me.

Then please stop puffing up 

I feel that so much truth is lost because of accepting the ideologies of the world religions and not the Bible. I am sad because I treasure another friend who has looked out for me here. But because the world uses certain words, we as SDA do not search the Scriptures to see if they are so!

I don't care what you feel . Not sure what ideologies of the world religions I have accepted but I am sure you will tell me. Again please step down from your religious high horse, you do not know who searches the scriptures and who doesn't. 


2 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

EGW in EW said clearly that she saw words were changed in the Bible. She said that so call learned men when few copies were printed (Bible scholars from the 12th century), they felt that they were making it plain. Instead, mystifying it with their traditions. Here we come instead of see the traditions in their writings and also in the Bible; like the pioneers saw. We are a higher learned people today, should have prayed like them and search and research to see the errors as EGW said in TM p. 105.

I seriously doubt if "conservative" was a word EW  was concerned about, and even without much education I believe she would have understood what was meant by that word as it relates to personal beliefs and behavior

2 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

Because we didn't, creeping compromising slowly moved into the church. Politics and religion merged into a frenzy opposing truth. Putting down the Liberty Magazine and choosing to side with the new Evangelical Protestants. Who believe they have authority to shape YAHWEH'S WORDS and change the truth of the Bible. Oh, how sad!

How sad you are.  Again who is siding with new Evangelical Protestants.  Conservatism is not a Evangelical Protestant tenant.

I don't think there is anything in SDA rule book that says a SDA must agree with everything Liberty or other SDA magazines prints.

PLease stop pretending you do not know what is meant by conservative principals versus liberalism. 




Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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You will always believe racism is behind every disagreement with you.   To look for racism under every rock, behind every tree, dissecting every word to make sure you can make a connection has to be really depressing.

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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2 hours ago, bonnie said:

So true,soon there will be another target for their hatred

Another generalization.  I must tell you that i am elated Biden won. I'm afraid the win may be short lived though.

I have to ask. This is quite an upsetting subject. We all have our opinions Almost all of us here are perturbed, and that is understandable. My question to you, is do you carry this frustration and anger throughout your Sabbath? It is kind of sad to set aside the cares of the world, and spend time with the Lord, when one is upset, and drawn to this.

Does this affect your Sabbath worship? I know if I were on here during Sabbath, on this thread, mine would be affected. I'm not you, and i know that. I am just curious.

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1 hour ago, Theophilus said:

Another generalization.  I must tell you that i am elated Biden won. I'm afraid the win may be short lived though.

Really. Pretty accurate if you have been following the news.. Even poor Pepe Lepew is on their radar now. Coco Cola is to white, even poor Dr Suess. Sounds like Peter Pan will be next

I must tell you that I don't care how happy you are about Biden. I didn't bring Biden into this. I have a hard time believing there is one ounce of humanity in the Biden administration with what they have caused and accept at the border or the layoffs the first day of his presidency. Those poor children. I am sure tho that must be Trumps fault WE do agree tho, I doubt that he can maintain the presidency very long. If this is so, this was apparent to the Dem leadership when they suddenly moved him from last place? to the presidential nominee. I do believe the possibility is very strong that Harris will be the first woman president.

1 hour ago, Theophilus said:

I have to ask. This is quite an upsetting subject. We all have our opinions Almost all of us here are perturbed, and that is understandable. My question to you, is do you carry this frustration and anger throughout your Sabbath? It is kind of sad to set aside the cares of the world, and spend time with the Lord, when one is upset, and drawn to this.

I am sorry if you are upset. But do not project that onto me. I am neither frustrated or angry. My question to you is why ask me. It would make more sense to assume someone that had been going over this for days, 6 days after I had left it alone, might be angry and frustrated.  This is a opinion you might voice to the other party. It is kind of sad to set aside the cares of the world, and spend time with the Lord, when one is upset, and drawn to this.


1 hour ago, Theophilus said:

Does this affect your Sabbath worship? I know if I were on here during Sabbath, on this thread, mine would be affected. I'm not you, and i know that. I am just curious.

It might if I were angry or passing judgement on another but No it doesn't.

  • Sad 2

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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21 hours ago, B/W Photodude said:

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All who think this is funny laugh now, stand before the judge later. All I can do is pray for you! FATHER PLEASE FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DO?

[Stinsonmarri:  You need to stop being so judgmental--GM.]



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16 hours ago, bonnie said:

Really. Pretty accurate if you have been following the news.. Even poor Pepe Lepew is on their radar now. Coco Cola is to white, even poor Dr Suess. Sounds like Peter Pan will be next

I must tell you that I don't care how happy you are about Biden. I didn't bring Biden into this. I have a hard time believing there is one ounce of humanity in the Biden administration with what they have caused and accept at the border or the layoffs the first day of his presidency. Those poor children. I am sure tho that must be Trumps fault WE do agree tho, I doubt that he can maintain the presidency very long. If this is so, this was apparent to the Dem leadership when they suddenly moved him from last place? to the presidential nominee. I do believe the possibility is very strong that Harris will be the first woman president.

I am sorry if you are upset. But do not project that onto me. I am neither frustrated or angry. My question to you is why ask me. It would make more sense to assume someone that had been going over this for days, 6 days after I had left it alone, might be angry and frustrated.  This is a opinion you might voice to the other party. It is kind of sad to set aside the cares of the world, and spend time with the Lord, when one is upset, and drawn to this.


It might if I were angry or passing judgement on another but No it doesn't.

Yes, you are correct hatred and angry do not keep the Sabbath or any of the Laws of YAHWEH. YAHSHUA said there would be in the last days the lack of love. Paul also talk about being delusional that you believe a lie. I know this is true cause two people here has used the two letter used for cussing. It is not me or anyone who is trying to reach their heart. YAHWEH  sees what they are thinking and the actual word are thought up first. HE is the JUDGE, all we can do is pray for them. No more discontent, nor more going back and forward. They have made their choice and some of us has made our's. So, you laugh, cuss and do whatever, YAHWEH sees it all and for me, I will serve THE MOST HIGH! 

Prayer is needed!

[Stinsonmarri:  This is exactly the kind of judgmentalism that we do not want posted here.  Please stop posting this--GM.}

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1 hour ago, stinsonmarri said:

All who think this is funny laugh now, stand before the judge later. All I can do is pray for you! FATHER PLEASE FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DO?

PLease you need to lighten up a bit.  It is humorous while at the same time pointing out a obvious fact. The left is running out of objects, words and people to hate the past year. The game of I Spy Racism is humorous while at the same time pathetic.  It will be interesting to see where they go next  now that Dr. Suess and Pepe Lepew are properly taken care of. I did hear Peter Pan was next. We shall see.


As for this......All I can do is pray for you!

I hope you have placed yourself first on the list before moving onto others


Why dont you explain this.....Paul also talk about being delusional that you believe a lie. I know this is true cause two people here has used the two letter used for cussing.

What am I delusional about and what lie am I believing? and what has bs have to do with being delusional?

I know that those that believe they can read hearts and minds cannot grasp that they don't have the ability, that belongs only to God

YAHWEH  sees what they are thinking and the actual word are thought up first. HE is the JUDGE, all we can do is pray for them. 

What God saw was much different than you are claiming. He is the judge ,however you only remember that when convenient. 

When I used that it was exactly as I explained. UTTER NONSENSE, NOT TRUE. Sure is easy to see where your mind went, shame on you.


WE do know what actual word  you thought of first, yup I agree God saw that. Until you come almost a week later and accuse me of something I had not said or thought. And yes you are right Prayer is needed!

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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