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Another transgender bathroom use case is working through the courts in Alabama. This issue is really more about bathroom culture than transgender rights. In some Asian countries, there is one bathroom in, for example, a restaurant. The washroom part of the set up is accessed through a large entry way. There are a number of sinks for people to wash their hands. The part of the facility containing the toilets is accessed by all who enter--male, female, transgender, gay, lesbian and others. Each toilet is an enclosed space with a door that reaches to the floor. In other words, there is privacy provided for elimination but not for handwashing. If bathrooms in schools and other places were designed this way, there would be no need for court cases.





I know of one 14 story medical office building associated with a university. Long before this transgender stuff got started, they had solved the issue. One the ground floor there are four single use bathrooms each with a sink and toilet. They are first come first serve and are gender neutral. The floors above were designated men's or women's, although I have not been there for a while and likely this has changed. This is likely a trend of the future with many single use restrooms with the number depending on the size of the building and anticipated needs.

This could be the trend in many establishments that have a mens and women's restroom. I was in a Trader Joes recently and the formerly labeled men's and women's restrooms are now labeled for both or gender neutral. They are single use. I went into one and it was all nicely decorated with pictures and stuff. My assessment was that this was the former women's room. Check the other restroom for curiosity showed that this restroom was quite plain with no decorations and was likely the former men's room! Many restrooms and changing rooms have nothing in them which would be specific to a particular sex and it follows that there is no need to label them for either sex.

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism


Gender neutral is...well, it's ok by me. HOWEVER, according to my husband, men's restrooms are generally a bit disgusting. Women don't (often) stand to urinate. Some "hover", but hovering can be difficult for children, for elderly, and for those with strength or stability difficulties. 

I will look for dedicated women's restrooms whenever I can for this simple reason: clean(er) toilet seats and floors. 

24 minutes ago, Morwenna said:

Some "hover", but hovering can be difficult for children, for elderly, and for those with strength or stability difficulties. 

For school age young people, no problem. "Hovering" is assumed in some locales; also, recall that there are different types of toilets in different parts of the world. The transgender toilet issues in the States can be easily resolved with some cultural tweaks. Some restrooms, e.g., airports,  include an attendant who makes sure the experience will not disgust  vis-a-vis sanitation.

  • Like 2
  • 5 months later...

I think people should built cubicles in the toilet and there won't be any problems

  • 4 months later...

Considering that bathrooms for both genders are standard in other parts of the world, there is no reason for people in the States to make such a big thing about where to go to the bathroom. Kind of reminds me of the problems with the execution of criminals. Aside from the morality of the death penalty, existing law does require execution in certain cases. The problem has been the medicalization of the death penalty. Like the bathroom conflict, it's a cultural matter, one that could be easily resolved by firing squads. Executing someone is not a medical matter. It should not involve physicians and nurses and pharmacologic agents. It is a matter for law enforcement personnel and bullets.

Many hospitals have special nurses to start intravenous lines. Not every nurse can do it; nevertheless, prisons employ individuals who are likely not specialists in starting IVs to start IVs on inmates who may not only have difficult veins due to a history of substance abuse, they are likely highly stressed, which also makes venous access more difficult.  

Just as there is nothing wrong with bathrooms designed for everyone to use, there is nothing wrong with execution by firing squad

  • 1 year later...

I tend to agree with Ghansen, in the area I live these genderless bathrooms are called "tranny cans". Ironically tranvestite's appear to not like this idea as it "endangers women" by allowing men to do their business next to females. Odd I know but this is the culture we find ourselves in these days.


I realize that all have sinned! Be in the world but not part of it. Judge not but treat all with love and kindness. Take them to the water but let THE HOLY SPIRIT led them to drink. Bathroom should just say bathroom and have several of them for all people-end of story! No Gender is needed!

15 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

I realize that all have sinned! Be in the world but not part of it. Judge not but treat all with love and kindness. Take them to the water but let THE HOLY SPIRIT led them to drink. Bathroom should just say bathroom and have several of them for all people-end of story! No Gender is needed!

I agree with you here. 

  • Like 1

If we be kind and loving and stand for truth. All sinners who want to change will change. Our help is to lead by example and let THE HOLY SPIRIT do the rest! Blessing!

On 5/30/2024 at 9:21 AM, Gustave said:

I agree with you here. 

A little curious as to what "all being guilty of sin" has to do with the discomfort of my granddaughters sharing the same bathroom facilities with men?  Or why transgender rights now take priority ?   Why isn't a unisex bathroom sufficient for those that want to share a bathroom with the opposite sex?

18 minutes ago, bonnie1962 said:

A little curious as to what "all being guilty of sin" has to do with the discomfort of my granddaughters sharing the same bathroom facilities with men?  Or why transgender rights now take priority ?   Why isn't a unisex bathroom sufficient for those that want to share a bathroom with the opposite sex?

I want to leave no doubt on this when I say Transvestites should NOT have access to children. My personal take on this issue is that there is only two options - severe mental illness or unabashed perversion whereas Tranny'ism is concerned. 

That being said I also firmly believe that sin is sin therefore just because I'm not dressing up as a woman and stuffing things up my backside and trying to bugger kids I am in just as much danger of hell fire as is anyone else be they straight or in the LGBTQQAA++ community.

If I was in charge of things I would insure there were men's and women's bathrooms and in proximity there would be a tranny-can (unisex). Your granddaughters should NOT have to share a bathroom with a man masquerading as a woman. 

I have to constantly remind myself that someone else's sin isn't worse than mine (just because it's not my sin). A straight person sins are no less offensive to God than a Tranny-man's sins - both need God to make it to the eternal kingdom.


That being said I also firmly believe that sin is sin therefore just because I'm not dressing up as a woman and stuffing things up my backside and trying to bugger kids I am in just as much danger of hell fire as is anyone else be they straight or in the LGBTQQAA++ community.

What you have said is 100% true. However when my granddaughters were or are with me the sin I am most concerned with is the one that could impact their lives forever more. I don't know that I have ever heard any that are opposed to same sex bathrooms dispute what you are saying. But when this issue is and the safety of my granddaughters  are concerned I really don't care at that time about the severity or consequences for other sins.

It is always curious to me that any discussion surrounding sex, transgender, gay etc almost always goes to "well all have sinned". OTOH, it is generally unsupervised children that are harmed  sexually most often . Jesus had something very specific and serious to say about those that harm children.

Being opposed to same sex bathrooms is not judging or whitewashing other sins


Bonnie1962 said: I don't know that I have ever heard any that are opposed to same sex bathrooms dispute what you are saying. But when this issue is and the safety of my granddaughters  are concerned I really don't care at that time about the severity or consequences for other sins


From what I understand Tranvestite's are the ones that don't appreciate genderless cans - they appear to want the traditional men's / women's bathrooms. 

You are well within your rights to demand the safety of your granddaughters - I would support you in that 100%. In my view disordered lifestyles should not be advertised / celebrated in the way they are now - I don't believe these types of lifestyles are healthy for kids. 

I watch these catch a predator video's on instagram and it's not surprising all the rainbow flag symbols I see on hats, shirts and sunglasses being worn by the predators - they do indeed like suckling pig. 


You may be right on transvestites. As for one bathroom serves all I am curious why those that are not transgender are such champions of sharing a bathroom. Unless you are living under a rock somewhere you can't have missed the news reporting  a uptick in assaults or the discomfort and assaults that occur in high school. Regardless of the practice in other countries that hasn't any bearing on what we do.

I have to constantly remind myself that someone else's sin isn't worse than mine (just because it's not my sin). A straight person sins are no less offensive to God than a Tranny-man's sins - both need God to make it to the eternal kingdom.

Mostly 100% true. I am still curious as to why the rush to state the above when this topic comes up and not nearly so much  on other issues . Following the Sandy Hook shooting I did not hear "all have sinned" Personally I believe God will deal harsher with a active pedophile than those committing other sins.

Aside from that what makes transgender so special that those that object to one bathroom for all  are viewed as narrow minded bigots. After all they do so in other countries. Being  forced to forfeit their comfort level and bow to the wishes of transgenders. Why is it so offensive to some to expect transgenders to respect our wishes and privacy?

A unisex bathroom along with the existing would provide a peaceful solution.

Those that choose to use facilities with the opposite sex do what would be your response to a daughter needing to use a public restroom and would you encourage her to use the facility you see men going into?

Regardless of my sins I can almost guarantee you that if I were aware someone had just molested my granddaughter, remembering "all have sinned" isnt what would be first to come to mind.




From what I understand Transvestites don't want to share a bathroom with another man, they want to share it with women, excluding the men. I know this sounds odd given that tranny's are in fact men but it is what it is. 

Bonnie, I agree with you about the seriousness of messing with Children. 100%

What I said was meant to be in the context of Transvestite drag queen shows, the Enumclaw Animal sex farm in Washington state that made the national news where men were dressing up like women and having horses carve up their pumpkins - I was talking about stuff like that. 

I know when I see the various parades we have where I live I do get disgusted but have to remind myself I have plenty of beams in my own eyes I need to work on before I am judgmental on a man in panty hose wearing a wig and lipstick getting Rodger'd by a horse. 


Thank you for your response. I  understood where you were coming from. I simply fail to understand why this topic brings out the "do not judge crowd" because of their personal opinion being stated. Any discussion, statement that is made in opposition to supporting rights for transgenders, transvestites, gays or lesbians do not judge follows quickly. Most that oppose this are not judging anyone. It would be a pretty simple solution to offer a unisex bathroom.  That isn't what this group is after, they want their lifestyle to be viewed as acceptable and completely normal and those that oppose are bigoted, judgmental "christians". Doesn't take long for the "do not judge crowd" to start admonishing.  Aren't they  by stating their opinion and taking the opposition to task committing the very sin they are attributing to others?

Personally I don't care what they do in other countries. I would not allow my granddaughters to follow my grandsons into the bathroom here in my home or elsewhere. Or my husband to follow a granddaughter. Why would I be comfortable and support that behavior with strangers? If that is judging then so be it. A unisex bathroom takes care of the problem. No one is forced into a situation that would make them uncomfortable. So as not to risk appearing judgmental and unchristian one can choose the facility that will expose them to both sexes.  Leaving the traditional restrooms to the bigots. 


Bonnie said: That isn't what this group is after, they want their lifestyle to be viewed as acceptable and completely normal and those that oppose are bigoted, judgmental "christians". Doesn't take long for the "do not judge crowd" to start admonishing.  Aren't they  by stating their opinion and taking the opposition to task committing the very sin they are attributing to others?

I can't find fault with or disagree with a single word you said there. 

  • 3 weeks later...

When I was a little girl, I knew a woman who was a twin. She was about to get married, and she started looking different. Her face changed, and she developed a slight beard. I learned she was in the hospital. My mother, who was close to her, explained it to me. She was supposed to be a boy, but the female hormones overtook the male. Now, the male hormone was coming on strong. The doctor told her that she had to make a choice, to either be a male or stay a female. She chose to stay a female despite the challenges she would face. She would not be able to bear children. The man she was about to marry left her. But she found happiness. She got married to a wonderful, spiritual-minded man. They adopted children, and she lived a full life, passing away at a good old age, surrounded by her loving family. That was in Connecticut, where I grew up!

Then, I met a female when I returned to Georgia, my birthplace. She looked like a woman, but she had two sex organs. Sometimes, she wanted a woman, but mostly a man. The reason I know is I was in a place of sin, and they took her back into a room, and men were paying to see her genitals. I felt so sorry for her, and she had to take medicine, but she died early. I could not understand the awful things these two ladies went through for a long time! Then the HOLY SPIRIT gave me this Scripture:

 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I YAHWEH thy ELOHIYM am a *zealous EL, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (Ex 20:5 WOY)

*Now I look up the Paleo-Hebrew word to its root, and it is Zealous, and Strong tried to make this word to be bad to become jealous. YAHWEH is not jealous of who Satan! Satan is jealous of THE MOST HIGH, Isa 14:12-14 and Eze 28:14 prove who covet and killed HIS CREATOR, YAHSHUA, THE SON OF ELOHIYM! Zealous is a strong passion. Check it out for yourself!

Iniquity is sin and falls on the third and fourth generations of people with sinful desires. If Satan can mess up certain plants, he has the power to offset people's hormones and things we cannot explain. I do not feel the same about homosexuals who choose, just like a prostitute, murderers, or people committing the same sexual acts that homosexuals do but with their heterosexual spouses: liars, haters, backbiters, gossipers, and so many more. I am not the judge YAHWEH IS, and I have helped many gay people, and they knew where I stood. They respected me, and I them. Transgender are not gay people. Their bodies are messed up, and many have a lot of complications.

I do not see that a bathroom is where predators go and rape people or children! Most predators are heterosexual men and women who commit these awful acts. Why do we always blame everything on gay people? Anyone without sin casts the first stone. I pray for them like someone prayed for me. My mother and I had never been gay, but I did other things that were wrong out in the streets. Sin is sin, and we need to treat sinners like YAHSHUA did. He told Mary not to sin anymore, and HE made her feel decent. Change does not come overnight.

I would worry about my daughter, but I would watch her friends and the people she socializes with. These social media on the phone are outrageous, bullying, and more, causing young people to kill themselves. Sexual predators are on the phone, and we should not let them be own late at night or at dinner. Limit their time. Bathrooms are for people to use to excrete their fluid and waste. I prefer an unisex bathroom because you do not have a whole lot of people in there; I want privacy. More companies are making it that way so one person at a time can use it. They are making several of them now in restaurants and other places. Happy Sabbath!


This is only one small part of this whole issue. Neither is it passing judgement . Nor was the gay community being labeled predators.

This issue involves much more than which bathrooms transgenders use. As for the bathrooms ,it should not be a difficult issue. There are public places that have a choice, men. women and unisex. For those that strongly support the transgender agenda and claim it is judging another if you don't, you can publically do that by following the transgender users in frequenting the unisex facility. I certainly would not lose any sleep over whatever choice was made.  By extension this presents a problem for students and those using gym facilities in being placed in a position to shower with those they see as the opposite sex. For those in sports competitions of any kind. Again let them have a choice. Have transgender competition and male and female competition. So those that have the biological strength of men or not competing with women of naturally less  physical strength .

Why is it that if someone disagrees with those of more liberal leanings in these areas  that party is accused of judging ,being a bigot, homophobic etc. 

For those that Judge others so freely for judging for having a different point of view  the day might come where you are Judged for the point of view you hold., For in the same way you judge others you will be judged.

A point of view or an expressed opinion is not passing judgement. Accusing those that do of judging is however passing judgement


The point that was being made was the misunderstanding about transgender people. They do have biological and hereditary problems. It is not psychological, as scientists try to imply. It does affect the psychologically, and it also brings on depression. If I am not mistaken, I agreed with the conversation about a no-gender or unisex bathroom. What I'm afraid I have to disagree with is that they are included in the LGBTQ community. There is a difference between a disease that causes the body to go off course and a person who wants to change their sex organ for a sinful act! The Bible says we are not judged; that is where I stand. Also, the Bible makes it known what is a sinful act.

 Wherefore ELOHIYM also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:  Who changed the truth of ELOHIYM into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.   For this cause, ELOHIYM gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was fit. And even as they did not like to retain ELOHIYM in their knowledge, ELOHIYM gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fit; Rom 1:24-28

My concern is these scriptures are not just dealing with homosexual acts! People are blinded to the entire truth that Paul is speaking about here. Paul refers to married couples who dishonor their bodies between themselves are also vile affection. Women who are changing their natural use against nature with their husbands! In Genesis, ELOHIYM says to be fruitful and to multiply. Putting your mouth where it does not belong between a husband and wife is just as unnatural as the homosexual, which ELOHIYM is stating next! When Paul says likewise, which means similarly saying that now it is two men or two women, things are more unseemly participating in the very act of using their mouths and bodies in error. Why? Because they are of the same sex, where the first horrible act is between husband and wife!

We need to review in the beginning what Paul is explaining about disobeying and concludes that all sinful individuals who do sinful things will be destroyed!

For the wrath of Yahweh is revealed from heaven against all wickedness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.  Because that which may be known of Elohim is manifest in them; for Elohim hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and majesty; so that they are without excuse:  Because that, when they knew Elohim, they esteemed him not as Yahweh, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And changed the magnificence of the incorruptible Elohim into an image made like corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,  Backbiters, haters of Yahweh, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents. Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of Elohim, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. (Rom 1:8-23, 29-32)

When people do not try to understand that their faults and sins are no different to YAHWEH! YAHWEH  is not concerned about a liberal or conservative. It is when one tries to make one sin worse than all the world's sins. No one should try to make sin a political issue. It is a sin issue like all sin issues. Many are going to be surprised that an LBGT person, male or female when changes just before YAHSHUA comes, and the other will not because they do not try to understand. I agree with the no-gender bathroom to cut down a lot of hatred.

Finally, I want to be clear: no one, be it a married homosexual or a murderer, cannot become a member if they are still committing a sinful act! This is becoming a problem, and we need to pray. We all need to humble ourselves and look at ourselves before putting anyone down. Let our lives speak for us, being merciful, humble, and grateful that we are working out our soul salvation and witnessing to others so THE HOLY SPIRIT can save us all! 


The point that was being made was the misunderstanding about transgender people. They do have hormonal and hereditary problems. It is not psychological, as scientists try to imply. It does affect them psychologically, and it also brings on depression. If I am not mistaken, I agreed with the conversation about a no-gender or unisex bathroom. What I'm afraid I have to disagree with is that they are included in the LGBTQ community. There is a difference between a disease that causes the body to go off course and a person who wants to change their sex organ for a sinful act! The Bible says we are not judged; that is where I stand. Also, the Bible makes it known what is a sinful act.

 Wherefore ELOHIYM also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:  Who changed the truth of ELOHIYM into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.   For this cause, ELOHIYM gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was fit. And even as they did not like to retain ELOHIYM in their knowledge, ELOHIYM gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fit; Rom 1:24-28

My concern is these Scriptures are not just dealing with homosexual acts! People are blinded to the entire truth that Paul is speaking about here. Paul is also referring to married couples who dishonor their bodies between themselves and are also committing vile affection. Women who are changing their natural use against nature with their husbands! In Genesis, ELOHIYM says to be fruitful and to multiply. Putting your mouth where it does not belong between a husband and wife is just as unnatural as the homosexual, which ELOHIYM is stating next! When Paul says likewise, which means similarly saying that now it is two men or two women, things are more unseemly participating in the very act of using their mouths and bodies in error. Why? Because they are of the same sex, where the first horrible act is between husband and wife!

We need to review what Paul is explaining about disobeying at the beginning and conclude that all sinful individuals who do sinful things will be destroyed!

For the wrath of YAHWEH is revealed from heaven against all wickedness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.  Because that which may be known of ELOHIIYM is manifest in them; for ELOHIIYM hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of HIM from the Creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even HIS ETERNAL POWER and MAJESTY; so that they are without excuse:  Because that, when they knew ELOHIIYM, they esteemed HIM not as YAHWEH, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And changed the magnificence of the incorruptible ELOHIIYM into an image made like corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,  Backbiters, haters of YAHWEH, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents. Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of ELOHIIYM, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. (Rom 1:8-23, 29-32)

When people do not try to understand that their faults and sins are no different to YAHWEH! YAHWEH  is not concerned about a liberal or conservative. It is when one tries to make one sin worse than all the world's sins. No one should try to make sin a political issue. It is a sin issue like all sin issues. Many are going to be surprised that an LBGT person, male or female when, changes just before YAHSHUA comes, and the other will not because they do not try to understand. I agree with the no-gender bathroom to cut down a lot of hatred.

Finally, I want to be clear: no one, be it a married homosexual or a murderer, cannot become a member if they are still committing a sinful act! This is becoming a problem, and we need to pray. We all need to humble ourselves and look at ourselves before putting anyone down. Let our lives speak for us, being merciful, humble, and grateful that we are working out our soul salvation and witnessing to others so THE HOLY SPIRIT can save us all! I have made corrections!


When people do not try to understand that their faults and sins are no different to YAHWEH! YAHWEH  is not concerned about a liberal or conservative. It is when one tries to make one sin worse than all the world's sins. No one should try to make sin a political issue. It is a sin issue like all sin issues. Many are going to be surprised that an LBGT person, male or female when, changes just before YAHSHUA comes, and the other will not because they do not try to understand. I agree with the no-gender bathroom to cut down a lot of hatred.

Finally, I want to be clear: no one, be it a married homosexual or a murderer, cannot become a member if they are still committing a sinful act! This is becoming a problem, and we need to pray. We all need to humble ourselves and look at ourselves before putting anyone down. Let our lives speak for us, being merciful, humble, and grateful that we are working out our soul salvation and witnessing to others so THE HOLY SPIRIT can save us all! I have made corrections!


This has nothing to do with a sin I, you or anyone else is dealing with. No one that has any objection to sharing a restroom, gym showers, or dressing rooms with those they identify with the opposite sex has made the claim or implied they were sinless. That is being projected onto others to make themselves look more righteous. 

Unisex bathroom or shower or changing  area's  would solve the problem without the finger pointing. For those that want to show their solidarity in this you would have the opportunity to steer your children, spouse or SO  to follow the men and women, transvestites or ?? into the unisex bathroom while leaving the men/women restrooms to those that don"t choose to follow you. 


The point that was being made was the misunderstanding about transgender people. They do have hormonal and hereditary problems. It is not psychological, as scientists try to imply. It does affect them psychologically, and it also brings on depression. If I am not mistaken, I agreed with the conversation about a no-gender or unisex bathroom. What I'm afraid I have to disagree with is that they are included in the LGBTQ community. There is a difference between a disease that causes the body to go off course and a person who wants to change their sex organ for a sinful act! The Bible says we are not judged; that is where I stand. Also, the Bible makes it known what is a sinful act.


Right or wrong the LGBTQ community and transgender community are usually lumped together.  As more girls/women are molested by men vs little boys/men it really should be a no brainer to figure out that being a pedophile does not automatically mean gay.  Nor do I recall anything like that being said in this discussion with the exception of once and made more like a judgemnt.

MOst people claim or believe that being gay or lesbian is something you are born with  not  a choice to commit sinful acts" there is a difference between a disease that causes the body to go off course and a person who wants to change their sex organ for a sinful act! "

The Bible says we are not judged; that is where I stand. Also, the Bible makes it known what is a sinful act.

I cannot find anywhere in this topic where 99% has judged anyone. Nor has anyone debated whether the bible describes what sin is.  Nor have those that oppose made any reference to a sinful act.  Again simply projecting onto others something that makes the opposing side sound more righteous

For those that stand  with  the "Bible says we are not judged; that is where I stand " and use that statement frequently to others perhaps care should be taken how that is used. I assume you meant we are not to judge

I don't care what anyone else chooses, to many feel the need to cram their  opinion down the throat  of others as  biblical. 

Whether it is in school bathrooms, gym , public restrooms or at home, I would not  have allowed or required my four sons to share those same type of facilities  with their girl cousins living in our home. What the supporters of this law do with their families I have no control over. Just stop trying to control those that oppose


When people do not try to understand that their faults and sins are no different to YAHWEH! YAHWEH  is not concerned about a liberal or conservative. It is when one tries to make one sin worse than all the world's sins

This is uncalled for in this discussion. It is a stretch to accuse or imply that anyone has tried to make one sin worse than all the worlds sins.  Nothing remotely like that in this topic but for some it can be effective in deflecting and making it sound as if that is what those that oppose this law are doing

19 hours ago, bonnie1962 said:

This has nothing to do with a sin I, you or anyone else is dealing with. No one that has any objection to sharing a restroom, gym showers, or dressing rooms with those they identify with the opposite sex has made the claim or implied they were sinless. That is being projected onto others to make themselves look more righteous. 

The problem with people who feel that gay or transgender people are so awful is that they do not understand nor try to understand the meaning of love. Love the person, hate the sin. States that have made sound so much like hating black people that different fountains were made. Self-righteousness is a sin, and it has covered lies on Kanaan. Noah was drunk, but certain people felt that was ok, and a young child was accused of touching his grandfather. The Paleo Hebrew word states he was a child. Then here comes the big lie accusing his father, when the Bible said clearly he saw his father's nakedness and turned and called his brothers. Where were they? They were standing outside the tent! So, now certain people can label all blacks should be enslaved. Noah sinned and cursed a young child, and certain people could not see the truth for lack of understanding. That day, Noah lost his grace. And feeling disgusted because of a choice, yes, a choice gay people made gives anyone to act repulsive. We are NOT THE CREATOR; YAHSHUA IS! I have not seen them participate in their act in a gym with other children. None is taking up for their sin; it is thinking that one person is better than the other.

Sodom and Gomorrah knew YAHWEH, and the Bible proves it. The king of Sodom was standing right next to Melchizedek, the black, Kanaanite King-Priest of Ursalim. Abraham praised along with Melchizedek YAHWEH EL SHADDAI and then returned the tithe that the king of Sodom had stopped giving. It was from the king's loot Abraham gave Melchizedek the tithe. The point is that YAHWEH would have saved all the wicked people if ten were righteous in the city. Then take Lot, his wife was a Sodomite, and YAHWEH spared them. What did his oldest daughter do? She talked her sister into having sex with their father. That is incest! Ruth was a Moabite, and Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah. Both of his sons, YAHWEH destroyed. Judah blamed Tamar; traditionally, his third son was supposed to marry her. When he became the right age, Judah went back to what he Tamar. She dressed as a whore in a city where he brought his sheep. This city did not have any whores. Judah gave her his ring, bracelet, and staff. He did not have the funds to pay or know who she was! They had sex, and she became pregnant and had twins. He did send his servant to pay the whore, but they said they had no whore. When Tamar started showing, the first thing Judah wanted to do was to have her stoned! He confronted her, and she gave him his collateral. He admitted that Tamar was more honorable than him. One of this Kanaanite woman's sons, Pharez, is the lineage of YAHSHUA. Tamar and Judah never had another relationship. Pharez's descendant, Salmon, married Rahab, the whore, and they had Boaz, who married Ruth, who is from the incestual Moabite people! Their son was Obed, who had Jessie, and he had David. David killed Uriah for sinning with Bathsheba. The baby did not live, but Bathsheba, a Kanaanite, had Solomon! Only these four Kanaanite women are mentioned in Matt Chapter One! This proves that Noah could not curse anyone and had no right. He knew that the birthright was given to Kanaan instead of Kush! Just look at the sinful line of YAHSHUA! Gay people lived in Sodom! Black people came through the line of YAHSHUA! THE HEAVENLY FATHER is no respect of people, be they gay, transgender, committing oral sex, whore, liar. Peace breaker or whoever! Love the person, hate the sin. Many gay people will be saved and accept the truth, just like all other sinners will have that opportunity.

Finally, what I see today is people who are members of churches and have shown more hatred of others, just like Matthew Chapter Twenty-Fours said! "The love of many will wax cold." It is trying to be above THE MOST HIGH, HIS SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Hebrews called IsraEL, which means to overcome! YAHWEH warned them that HE first gave them blessings if they would keep HIS Covenant. They didn't, were cursed in Deut Chapter Twenty-Eight, and were totally destroyed. They do not exist anymore! Japheth is dwelling in Shem's tent! (Gen 9:27) These are the Jews who accepted the Pharisee's belief over YAHSHUA, THE MESSIAH'S TRUTH. It is called the Rabbinical Judaic belief. Their belief in the Mishina, the Talmud, more than the Torah! So, I will stand and speak out and stop hating people because of what they do or how they act. YAHWEH is the JUDGE, and be careful; you can be judged, the Bible said!

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