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With Israel in turmoil, group of US rabbis visits with a mission: to listen and learn

Over the last few weeks, while Israel has been roiled by demonstrations involving hundreds of thousands, and President Isaac Herzog has warned about the possibility of civil war, American Jews have been watching with grave concern.



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Netanyahu withdraws his decision to fire his defense minister, citing violence

(JTA) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu withdrew his firing of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, citing a sharp rise in violence in recent days, and suggested that proposed changes to the country’s judicial system that have sparked widespread protest were no longer imminent.



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‘Two Israels’: What’s really behind the judicial reform protests

(JTA) — When Benjamin Netanyahu put his controversial calls for judicial reform on pause two weeks ago, many thought the protesters in Israel and abroad might declare victory and take a break. And yet a week ago Saturday some 200,000 people demonstrated in Tel Aviv, and pro-democracy protests continued among Diaspora Jews and Israeli expats, including those who gather each Sunday in New York’s Washington Square Park. 



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Kevin McCarthy to address Israeli Knesset amid chill in relations between Biden and Netanyahu

WASHINGTON (JTA) — House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will address the Israeli Knesset on his upcoming trip to Israel — the second speaker of the House to address Israel’s parliament.



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Over flight intercom, El Al pilot links Israel’s judicial reform to the Holocaust

(New York Jewish Week) — A pilot for El Al, Israel’s flagship airline, took to his plane’s public address system on Yom Hashoah, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, to express solidarity with anti-government protests in his country.



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U.S. Jewish Leader Joins Mass Protest Against Netanyahu’s Judicial Overhaul

Former Education Minister Limor Livnat, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party and an outspoken right-wing critic of the government's judicial overhaul plan, accused the government of promising "security, peace and governance" while solely focusing on the "coup to crush the legal system."



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‘We will not give up’ on judicial changes, right-wing protesters at Israel’s largest pro-reform rally are told

JERUSALEM (JTA) — The right-wing protest that took some 200,000 people to Jerusalem’s streets on Thursday night to demonstrate in favor of the government’s judicial overhaul felt bizarrely familiar.



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Why a liberal Zionist rabbi isn’t taking to the streets over Israel’s judicial reform plan 

(JTA) — Israel’s 75th anniversary was supposed to be a blowout birthday party for its supporters, but that was before the country was convulsed by street protests over the right-wing government’s proposal to overhaul its judiciary. Critics call it an unprecedented threat to Israel’s democracy, and supporters of Israel found themselves conflicted. In synagogues across North America, rabbis found themselves giving “yes, but” sermons: Yes, Israel’s existence is a miracle, but its democracy is fragile and in danger.



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Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan testifies at Netanyahu corruption trial over ‘supply line’ of gifts

JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli producer of Hollywood blockbuster films took the stand in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial Sunday, describing how he routinely delivered tens of thousands of dollars of Champagne, cigars and other gifts requested by the Israeli leader.



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Netanyahu to advance partial version of Israel’s judicial overhaul as protests continue

(JTA) — The Israeli government is poised to advance its proposal to weaken the country’s Supreme Court, even as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he had dropped the plan’s most prominent provision.



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Israeli protests reignite as Netanyahu pushes new justice bill

Demonstrators are back on the streets after Netanyahu relaunched his quest to control the country’s judiciary.



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Cracks are emerging in Israel’s military. Reservists threaten not to serve if government plan passes

JERUSALEM (AP) — Cracks are emerging in Israel’s military.



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In fiery address, Netanyahu doubles down on judicial overhaul while calling for unity

TEL AVIV (JTA) — In a primetime address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to press on with his government’s effort to weaken Israel’s judiciary, accusing some of the legislation’s opponents of “endangering democracy.”



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Israel judicial crisis: Thousands march to Knesset to stop key bill vote

Protesters seek to stop a crucial vote next week that would curtail judicial oversight over parliament


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Hundreds of thousands march in Israel against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul

JERUSALEM — Tens of thousands of protesters marched into Jerusalem on Saturday evening and hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv and other cities in a last-ditch show of force aimed at blocking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's contentious judicial overhaul.


In Jerusalem, defiance and despair among protesters on fateful day for Israeli judicial reform

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Standing next to a patch of sidewalk filled with the names of fallen Israeli soldiers, Ayelet Bargur embraced a friend and, pointing to a stack of poster paper, asked her if she’d like to add the name of a relative who was killed in service.


Israel passes first law weakening Supreme Court following months of civil strife

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel’s government has passed a law restricting the Supreme Court’s ability to strike down laws, the first piece of a proposed overhaul of the country’s judiciary that has led to massive street protests and a growing movement of civil disobedience.


‘When there is a crisis over there … we feel it viscerally here’: New Yorkers march in solidarity with Israeli protesters

(New York Jewish Week) — The hundreds of Israelis and American Jews broke out into song as they filed from the wide crossing of the Brooklyn Bridge through a small passageway: “Kol ha’olam kulo, gesher tzar meod,” “The whole world is a narrow bridge; the main thing is to have no fear.”


‘A time of emergency’: What you need to know about the fight over Israel’s court system

TEL AVIV (JTA) — In the coming days, Israel’s parliament is due to vote on a measure that, advocates on both sides say, will determine the country’s fate — or whether it can even survive.


With Israel in turmoil, Netanyahu undergoes pacemaker placement

(JTA) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a pacemaker installed Sunday morning, amid growing civil strife over his coalition’s effort to weaken the country’s judiciary.



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🇮🇱 1 big thing: Chaos in Israel

Israel's parliament passed a highly controversial judicial overhaul today despite mass demonstrations and warnings from the White House, Axios' Barak Ravid reports from Tel Aviv.

Why it matters: The legislation slashes the authority of Israel's Supreme Court — and is so polarizing that Israeli fighter pilots and other reservists have threatened not to report for duty in protest.

  • Hundreds of thousands of Israelis filled the streets to pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his hard-right government to back down. President Biden personally lobbied Netanyahu on the eve of the vote.

What they're saying: The White House said it was "unfortunate" that Israel's Knesset passed the law "with the slimmest possible majority."

  • Netanyahu, who has repeatedly attacked the courts for alleged judicial overreach, called the law "a needed democratic step." However, he also said he'd reach out to the opposition "to start a dialogue" before proceeding with additional changes to the judicial system.
  • Opposition leader Yair Lapid claimed Netanyahu was being "held hostage" by far-right members of his own government and was only proposing dialogue to calm the protests. Lapid declared that the opposition “will not be part of a charade."

State of play: Huge demonstrations are underway in Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv. Israel's biggest labor union has also taken a preliminary step for a possible strike, and multiple NGOs have filed appeals to block the law.

What to watch: Further waves of unrest are likely.

  • The next phase of the judicial overhaul may focus on changing the system of appointing judges to give politicians full authority, rather than the current system in which existing judges also play a role.

Go deeper.


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After pivotal judicial reform vote, US Jewish groups unleash their newfound voices on Israeli domestic policy

WASHINGTON (JTA) — For months earlier this year, mainstream American Jewish groups waffled on how much to weigh in on Israel’s internal political debates, something many had studiously avoided in the past.



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White House calls passage of Israel’s first judicial reform bill ‘unfortunate’

WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Biden administration said the Israeli government’s decision Monday to restrict the Supreme Court’s ability to strike down laws was “unfortunate” and said the United States remains hopeful that there can be compromise ahead.



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Israeli parliament takes first major step in Netanyahu’s contentious overhaul, deepening divisions

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s parliament on Monday approved the first major law in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s contentious plan to overhaul the country’s justice system, triggering a new burst of mass protests and drawing accusations that he was pushing the country toward authoritarian rule.



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Opponents of Israel’s judicial overhaul see parallels in Tisha B’Av, this week’s Jewish day of mourning

(JTA) — The image started circulating almost as soon as the Israeli government finished voting to approve a divisive piece of legislation this week. “Shisha B’Av,” it said in white Hebrew letters against a black background – Hebrew for the Sixth of Av.



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Israel’s Supreme Court will hear challenge to law limiting its power, potentially teeing up constitutional crisis

TEL AVIV (JTA) — The Israeli Supreme Court has announced that it will hear petitions challenging a new law that limits its ability to strike down government decisions.



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All 15 High Court justices to convene for judicial reform law hearing

Likud: The governments of Israel have always respected High Court rulings while the court has always respected Basic Laws.


Israel’s Supreme Court hears case against a law protecting Netanyahu from being removed from office

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Supreme Court heard a petition on Thursday against a law that protects Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from being removed from office over claims of a conflict of interest due to his ongoing corruption trial.



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Wall Street billionaire ends funding for think tank behind Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul plan

(JTA) – The Jewish American billionaire known for bankrolling an influential Israeli right-wing think tank said he has stopped doing so because of concerns over the future of Israeli democracy and the disunity within Israeli society. 



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ps:This is pretty interesting

How the Bible anticipated Israel’s fight over the judiciary

(JTA) — For those following the judicial reform crisis in Israel, this week’s Torah portion is almost too on the nose.


For those following the judicial reform crisis in Israel, this week’s Torah portion is almost too on the nose. 


Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18 - 21:9) is part of a long section of legal instructions given by Moses to the people of Israel. Among other things, it sets up three seats of power: an independent judiciary, a divinely sanctioned king, a class of lawmakers. And because the portion is keenly aware of the potential for the abuse of power, it immediately puts limitations on all three. The judges “shall not take bribes.” The king can’t keep a stable of horses, a harem of wives or a trove of silver and gold, all marks of privilege that suggest a ruler is out of touch with his people. And the priests, who could derive new laws from old laws, are also reined in.


Judaism, wrote the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, “is an argument for the limitation, secularization and transformation of power.” The genius of this week’s portion lies in a sort of pragmatic cynicism: It understands how power corrupts, how easily judges might be swayed, how kings might put self-interest ahead of the will of the people, how lawmakers are vulnerable to special interests.


Defenders of the Israel’s judiciary reform call it a corrective measure meant to rein in a high court that too often flouts the will of the democratically elected Knesset. Critics see it as an assault on democracy — particularly in removing the checks and balances that are the hallmarks of Western democracy.


You should probably be wary of relying on the Bible as a guide to contemporary politics. You can probably find evidence for any political idea or decision in its pages, and plenty of people have.


But as a piece of political wisdom, Shoftim is hard to beat. 


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