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💰 Stat du jour: DeSantis' spending spree
Illustration of Ron DeSantis' head poking out from a pile of money.

Illustration: Maura Losch/Axios


Ron DeSantis and his financial backers spent $168 million (not a typo!) on his failed presidential campaign.

  • The stunning sum earned DeSantis a second-place finish in Iowa — 30 points behind former President Trump — and a one-way ticket home to Florida.

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ps:Like I mentioned a few posts above, "What a waste of money!!!!!" Also this one says $168 million, whereas above it says $158 million!!


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Cornel West forms new political party ‘Justice for All’; he plans to be on FL ballot in November

Academic, author and independent presidential candidate Cornel West announced this week that he has formed a new political party called the Justice for All Party that is working to get on the presidential ballot this fall in Florida.



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President Biden’s certain to win SC’s primary. So, why the all-out push?

COLUMBIA — President Joe Biden is again counting on South Carolina to change the trajectory of his campaign.



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Nikki Haley: The next president will be a woman. Voters are choosing between her and VP Harris.

COLUMBIA — Former Gov. Nikki Haley continued Thursday to pitch herself as an alternative to a November matchup between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.



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👀 1 big thing: Biden's documents fear

President Biden's team fears special counsel Robert Hur's investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents will hurt his re-election campaign.

  • Why it matters: Biden aides don't expect criminal charges in the case. But they believe Hur's report will include embarrassing details — possibly with photos — on how Biden stored documents, Axios' Alex Thompson reports.

Catch up quick: In late 2022, Obama-era classified documents were discovered in Biden's garage at his home in Delaware and in a private office he used.

  • Biden aides believe Hur's probe is done and that his final report could come any time — as soon as this week.

Even if there are no criminal charges, Biden aides expect the report's details to be politically damaging.

  • Biden has defended storing documents from his vice presidency in his garage, saying: "By the way, my Corvette is in a locked garage, so it's not like they're sitting out on the street."
  • Any photos of those storage practices could cause a political storm.

Biden aides believe Trump will use Hur's report to try to argue equivalency with the felony charges he faces.


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🚨 Trump's Nevada risk
Illustration of a map of the western United States with red scribbles covering Nevada

Illustration: Natalie Peeples/Axios


Former President Trump is virtually assured of winning all 26 of the delegates available in Nevada's GOP caucuses next Thursday. But his team is worried that the state's plan to hold a primary two days before the caucuses could wind up embarrassing the former president, Axios' Sophia Cai reports.

Why it matters: Nevada's confusing combination of a state-run primary and party-run caucuses has set up a scenario in which Trump could get fewer votes in the caucuses than rival Nikki Haley does in the GOP primary.

  • That's possible because Nevada's GOP decided that candidates can appear on either the primary ballot or the caucuses ballot — but not both. Trump is on the caucus ballot; Haley is in the primary.

🔎 Zoom in: Nevada law requires the state to hold a primary if more than two presidential candidates are on the ballot. Nevada's GOP, led by Trump loyalists, opted to hold the caucuses to award the party's delegates.

  • That was widely seen as a move to ensure that Trump would win all of the delegates who will help determine the GOP presidential nominee. Republican caucuses typically are attended by the party's most enthusiastic, MAGA-leaning supporters.

But now Trump's team is concerned that voter turnout in the caucuses might be dwarfed by that of the primary the state is promoting — a scenario that could throw cold water on Trump's delegate haul.

  • Trump advisers and the Nevada GOP fear that turnout for the caucuses might not even match the 50,000 voters who already have voted early in the state-run primary.


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🗳️ Biden wins S.C.
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), a national co-chair of the Biden campaign, speaks to a watch party in Columbia, S.C., yesterday. Photo: Meg Kinnard/AP

President Biden won the South Carolina Democratic primary with 96% of the vote yesterday, in the Palmetto State's inaugural run as the first state on the official Democratic primary calendar.

  • Why it matters: The contest was a first test of Biden's momentum, as polls show him struggling to generate enthusiasm, Axios' Erin Doherty writes.

🔭 Zoom in: Black voters play a key role in the state's primaries, comprising half of the Democratic electorate in the 2020 contest.

Behind the scenes: How AP called it.


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Trump floats RNC shakeup

Former President Trump, in a stunning public rebuke of a longtime ally, suggested on Fox News today that RNC chair Ronna McDaniel should get the boot, Axios' Alex Thompson and Erin Doherty report.

  • The RNC reported this week that it had its worst fundraising year in almost a decade last year — entering 2024 with just $8 million in cash.

Why it matters: It's a sign of Trump flexing his muscle as the de facto head of the Republican Party, even though the soonest he could clinch the nomination is March.

  • The comments also reflect growing friction between Trump and the RNC, even as McDaniel has faced criticism for publicly trying to push Nikki Haley out of the race to consolidate around Trump.
  • A shakeup at the RNC would be extraordinary just five months before the Republican National Convention.

Driving the news: Trump distanced himself from McDaniel on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."

  • "You have to understand, I have nothing to do with the RNC, I'm separate," Trump told host Maria Bartiromo.
  • "I think she did great when she ran Michigan for me, I think she did OK initially in the RNC. I would say right now there will probably be some changes made," Trump said when asked about McDaniel.


Data: FEC; Chart: Axios Visuals

Zoom in: The RNC raised $87.2 million in 2023 and ended the year with $8 million left in the bank, according to its year-end FEC filing.

  • The DNC raised $119 million in 2023 and ended the year with $21 million in cash on hand, according to their FEC filing.
  • The Democratic Party and three affiliated fundraising committees entered 2024 with over $117 million on hand.

State of play: The DNC and Biden have built up a large money lead by leveraging the benefits of incumbency and hosting joint fundraisers with Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

  • Some RNC members tried last month to declare Trump the party's nominee with Haley still in the race, which would have given him full access to the committee's data apparatus and fundraising.
  • Before Biden was the nominee during the 2020 cycle, the RNC and Trump amassed a huge fundraising advantage over the DNC.

Zoom out: If Trump clinches the GOP nomination soon, the 2024 election could be the longest and most expensive election cycle in history.

  • That's after a 2020 campaign in which each side spent more than $1 billion among the campaigns and allied committees.
  • The RNC got a boost in January 2024, reportedly raising $12 million.
  • "The RNC is not only raising the necessary funds, but we're making strategic investments early in battlegrounds to win up and down the ballot this fall," RNC spokesperson Anna Kelly said.


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🌊 Biden's show of force

President Biden's landslide victory in South Carolina yesterday gave him exactly the visual he wanted — and needed — as the starting gun fires for a marathon general election campaign.

Why it matters: Biden did not face serious competition from Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and Marianne Williamson. But with more than 95% of the vote in all 46 of South Carolina's counties, an incumbent president couldn't have asked for a stronger show of force.

  • It's a vindication of Biden's decision to award South Carolina the first slot on Democrats' primary calendar, after the state's Black voters helped resurrect his campaign in 2020.
  • And while his approval rating remains dangerously low, Biden will welcome the contrast of a united Democratic Party with a GOP still clashing over the near-inevitable nomination of former President Trump.
Biden's primary challenger Dean Phillips acknowledges his defeat. Screenshot via X

Between the lines: Watch for the Biden campaign and its allies to attempt to use the results to discredit negative polls, a tactic they relied on after Democrats over-performed expectations in 2022 and 2023.

  • "The best way to predict how people will vote is to look at how they voted. Last night Biden beat polls by 20% in SC, and got 96% of the vote," Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina tweeted.
  • Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), Biden's top surrogate in South Carolina, said on CNN that the president's dominance in heavily Black areas "demonstrates to me what I have been saying all the time: that Joe Biden has not lost any support among African Americans."

Zoom out: Just 24% of Democratic voters turned out compared to South Carolina's competitive 2020 primary, and real challenges lay ahead in a general election in which Biden will face a far stiffer challenge.

  • A new national NBC News poll out today found Trump leads Biden by five points — with the former president boasting huge advantages on the border (+35), the economy (+23), and being competent and effective (+16).
  • "On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined. Most damning, the belief that Biden is more likely to be up to the job — the chief tenet of the Biden candidacy — has evaporated," Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt, who conducted the survey, told NBC.


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🚀 Scoop: Nikki Haley's fundraising takes off

Nikki Haley had an eye-popping month of fundraising in January, hauling in almost as much cash as the prior three months combined, Axios' Erin Doherty reports.

Why it matters: The Haley campaign has the money to keep her long-shot presidential bid alive, even as many leaders in her party have called for the GOP primary to come to an end.

  • Haley raised $16.5 million in January, including $11.7 million from grassroots supporters, according to her campaign.
  • The campaign also added 69,274 new donors last month.

Zoom in: Haley brought in more than $5 million in online grassroots donations the week after New Hampshire. She saw a surge in support after Trump threatened to bar any Haley donor from "MAGA camp."

  • "It was just a sort of gasoline on the fire," said Mark Harris, the lead strategist for the pro-Haley super PAC Stand for America.
  • Haley has 10 fundraisers over the next two weeks in California, Florida, New York and Texas to continue to make her case to mega-donors who were key to her rise.

The intrigue: As part of an aggressive media strategy, Haley made a surprise appearance on "Saturday Night Live" last night — typically not friendly ground for Republicans.

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👀 New No Labels warning
Illustration of the Capitol Dome with falling bars and broken stars behind it

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios


A bipartisan group of former lawmakers is warning No Labels that its third-party presidential campaign might cause a "constitutional crisis" by throwing the election into the House of Representatives, Axios' Hans Nichols reports.

Why it matters: Most of the previous criticism of No Labels has focused on its perceived weakness, raising the possibility that it could siphon off just enough votes from Biden in key states to tip the election to Trump.

Zoom in: The new line of attack acknowledges the potential strength of a No Labels ticket — and the prospect that it could win a few states outright.

  • That would translate into actual votes in the Electoral College. If the two major party candidates are each kept under 270 electoral votes, the newly elected House would choose the president in 2025.
  • In a "contingent election," the 12th Amendment gives each state one vote for president. The Senate selects the vice president.

Driving the news: In a letter to No Labels' leaders, former lawmakers — including Sens. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) and Jack Danforth (R-Mo.) and House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) — are warning the process could get messy.

  • "Because the procedures are not set in the Constitution, the party with a narrow majority in the House at the start of the 119th Congress could, no doubt, adopt biased rules that advantage their favored candidate — even if the voters clearly preferred someone else," they write.
  • "A contingent election would be calamitous."

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Haley requests Secret Service

Nikki Haley has applied for Secret Service protection as a result of increased threats she's faced as Trump's last remaining opponent in the GOP primary, the former UN ambassador confirmed to the Wall Street Journal.

  • "We've had multiple issues," Haley said after a campaign stop in her home state of South Carolina, which will hold its Republican primary on Feb. 24.
  • "It's not going to stop me from doing what I need to do."

The big picture: Haley has unloaded on Trump in the weeks since her second-place finish in New Hampshire. Her path to winning the nomination remains exceedingly narrow, but that hasn't stopped her from raking in a flood of new donations.


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🗣️ Biden's border run

In a stark reversal of his campaign messaging, Biden vowed to tell voters "every day between now and November" that Trump and his GOP allies are the "only reason the border is not secure," Axios' Hans Nichols reports.

Why it matters: In blaming Trump for blowing up the Senate's bipartisan border security bill, Biden is trying to turn a policy setback into a political asset.

  • "This bill won't even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump," Biden said in remarks from the White House today. "He'd rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it."
  • "The American people are going to know why it failed," Biden pledged. "I'll be taking this issue to the country."

The big picture: Biden's goal is simple, but his challenge is immense. He has nine months to pull it off.

  • With his full-throated endorsement of a Senate bill that Republicans have effectively killed, Biden is guaranteeing that illegal immigration will take center stage in the 2024 election.
  • That's political terrain Trump has long favored. He rode his signature "Build the wall" slogan to the White House in 2016.

Zoom in: The task for Biden is to use the trappings of the presidency to convince an angry electorate that he's more serious about fixing the border than Trump is.

  • Biden is armed with soundbites from Trump's fellow GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley and congressional Republicans that Trump would rather keep the border as a political issue than give Biden a policy win.
  • "I cannot vote for this bill. Americans will turn to the upcoming election to end the border crisis," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), the No. 3 Senate Republican, said in a statement today.

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🗳️ Nevada's odd election
Nevada primary ballot

Nevada's GOP primary ballot. Screenshot via MSNBC's Steve Kornacki


Reminder: Trump is not on the ballot in today's Republican primary in Nevada, where polls close at 10pm ET.

  • That's because Nevada's GOP decided candidates can appear on either the primary ballot or the caucuses ballot — but not both. Trump is on the caucus ballot on Thursday; Nikki Haley is in the primary.

Even weirder: Since 1975, Nevadans have had the ability to vote for "None of These Candidates" on their ballot — an option that actually placed first in the 2014 Democratic primary for governor.


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🐘 Trump's power plays

Former President Trump — whose odds of facing a pre-election felony trial are rising fast — is flexing political power even before formally clinching the GOP nomination, Axios' Sophia Cai and Hans Nichols write.

  • Why it matters: He's throwing preemptive punches and sowing chaos in Congress before getting bogged down by the realities of an intense court case.

Trump has made a series of rapid moves that emphasize his domination of the GOP:

  • He commanded congressional Republicans to kill the bipartisan border bill — which they quickly did.
  • Trump indicated he wanted an RNC shakeup that would remove chair Ronna McDaniel. The N.Y. Times reported last night that she now plans to step down after South Carolina's primary later this month.

He's also hitting President Biden as if the election were next week, rather than Nov. 5:

  • Trump — who has avoided debating any of his foes for the Republican nomination — challenged Biden to debate "now."
  • After Biden passed on an interview with CBS during the Super Bowl pregame, Trump volunteered on social media: "I WOULD BE HAPPY TO REPLACE HIM — would be "RATINGS GOLD!"

⚖️ The backdrop: A D.C. appeals court yesterday unanimously rejected his argument that he should have immunity from charges in his Jan. 6 case.


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Haley vows to stay in race following 'embarrassing' Nevada defeat

Feb 7 (Reuters) - Nikki Haley's presidential campaign on Wednesday brushed off her mortifying defeat in Nevada's primary and said the former United Nations ambassador would press ahead with her long-shot challenge to former U.S. President Donald Trump.


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Biden's GOP surrogates

The Biden campaign is strategically harnessing sound bites from top Republicans in Congress — some seething, some celebrating — to bolster its arguments about the collapse of the Senate's border bill.

Why it matters: President Biden vowed yesterday to remind voters "every day" that former President Trump's political gamesmanship is the "only reason the border is not secure." Some Republicans are at risk of becoming unwitting surrogates on behalf of that message.

Driving the news: Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), the lead GOP negotiator, criticized Republicans on the Senate floor today for allowing presidential politics to influence their vote.

  • "I had a popular commentator ... that told me flat out, 'If you try to move a bill that solves the border crisis during this presidential year, I will do whatever I can to destroy you,'" Lankford revealed ahead of the Senate's failed vote to advance the bill.
  • Within minutes, the Biden campaign was clipping and broadcasting the remarks on its rapid-response social media channels — quickly racking up tens of thousands of views.

The big picture: In one of Congress' most dysfunctional weeks in recent memory, the Biden campaign repeatedly has struck viral gold by seizing on moments of candor and frustration aired by Republicans.

  • "If we have a bill that, on net, significantly decreases illegal immigration, and we sabotage that — that is inconsistent with what we told our voters we will do," the campaign clipped Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) telling CNN.
  • Another viral clip showed former Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin in disbelief: "House Republicans — at Donald Trump's direction — are tanking [the border bill] because he wants to be able to campaign on solving it."
  • The campaign's rapid-response account has even retweeted Nikki Haley's attacks on Trump on multiple occasions, using the former president's remaining GOP rival as a cudgel against him.

Flashback: Last July, a Biden campaign ad that featured excerpts from a speech by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) generated more than 44 million views on X.

  • "Joe Biden had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs. That is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete," Greene said in remarks meant to be critical.
  • "I approve this message," Biden tweeted.

The other side: As amusing as the strategy may be to Biden's supporters, the stark reality is that the president's approval rating remains at a record low — with especially poor marks on his handling of the border.

  • Republicans who helped kill the Senate's border bill believe Democrats will struggle to flip the script on immigration, given how voters view the past three years of Biden's policies.
  • A key test of both parties' immigration messaging will come next Tuesday, when New York holds a special election to fill the seat vacated by Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.).


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Marianne Williamson suspends her presidential campaign, ending long-shot primary challenge to Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Self-help author and spiritual guru Marianne Williamson on Wednesday announced the end of her long-shot Democratic challenge to President Joe Biden.



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🗳️ Biden's Michigan peril

Senior White House officials are rushing to meet with Arab American leaders in Michigan today in an attempt to avert electoral disaster over President Biden's policies on Israel, Axios Detroit's Samuel Robinson writes.

  • Why it matters: Michigan is home to the country's largest Arab American population. Biden's narrow win there in 2020 means he has little room for error in the key battleground state

Between the lines: Arab leaders rejected an attempt by Biden campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez to meet last month.


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Donald Trump wins Nevada’s Republican caucuses after being the only major candidate to participate

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Former President Donald Trump won Nevada’s Republican presidential caucuses Thursday after he was the only major candidate to compete, winning his third straight state as he tries to secure his party’s nomination.



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Biden’s campaign joins TikTok, even as administration warns of national security concerns with app

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign is now on TikTok, even though he has expressed national security concerns over the platform and banned it on federal devices.



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📺 RFK Jr.'s expensive nostalgia
Screenshot: American Values 2024

A super PAC backing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid ran a Super Bowl mirroring a 1960 presidential campaign ad for his uncle, former President John F. Kennedy, Axios' Erin Doherty reports.

  • Why it matters: The ad ran just before halftime and generated online buzz for the long-shot presidential candidate.

The 30-second ad cost $7 million, American Values told Axios.


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Trump’s pick to lead the RNC is facing skepticism from some Republicans

WASHINGTON (AP) — In pushing Michael Whatley as the next leader of the Republican National Committee, Donald Trump zeroed in on the North Carolina GOP chairman’s dedication to “election integrity,” baselessly suggesting he would ensure the 2024 race “can’t be stolen.”



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