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The Special Resurrection


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The 7th and last plague involves the atmosphere being purified to the point where "the elements melt"! SOP tells us the 144K will walk among the flames, as did the three Hebrew worthies in their time. No then living person on earth, except the 144K, will survive the 7th plague, they ALL die! Who then are these people we see so often in pictures of people gretting Jesus in the clouds of glory upon His return (the Parousia)? Many of them are all dressed up and looking, clean, with pressed suits and lovely dresses. This cannot be the 144K who have survived by hiding in the mountains, or released by angels from imprisonment. That group will be a rag tag bunch who have suffered immensely. Suits and nice clothes? No way! Not until the moment they are "changed in the twinkling of an eye" and are rising to meet Jesus in the air.

Probation closes, with the fulfillment of Daniel 11:45 ("And AT the TIME...", when it DOES: see Daniel 12:1) It will take "some days" (EGW) following the close of probation, when Jesus leaves the Temple, makes the final preparations and journey to earth is completed. When the "fires burn down" (EGW) then there is a special resurrection. Who are these people? Primarily, they are SEVENTH-day Adventists! "All those who died under the 3rd angels message and keeping the Sabbath" (paraphrased, EGW). No doubt there will be some others, along with the SDA, whom Jesus wants to especially honor in personally seeing His return. Which is first seen as a "small black cloud, about half the size of a mans fist" (EGW).

Who else is present at this time? So far we have: the 144K, SDA from 1844 forward, and a select number of others resurrected. Along with an assortment of the wicked, among them, "those who pierced Him". The resurrected come up just as they were when they died (EGW), as did Lazarus. With all their human frailties, etc.

When the "fires die down" the earth is broken up, islands have disappeared, mountains have sunk, cities lay in ruin, there is devastation in every place. The survivors (144K) along with the wicked, continue on the earth for "some days". At some point, there is a voice from heaven announcing the "day and hour" of Christs return. It is the Father of Christ who makes this announcement. There is nothing in the bible or the SOP that suggests the commonly held misunderstanding that Jesus, since His ascension, knows the "day and the hour". Jesus specifically told us, only His Father knows. I take Him at His word, just as it is written. When the announcement is made, the wicked hear only thunder. The 144K, the SDA and a select number of other resurrected clearly hear the announcement. AT the time of His appearance, THEN there is a "general resurrection" of all the Saints from all time.

"God is the Father of Christ", EGW. I take her at her word, just as it is written. "Christ is the Son of God", EGW. Jesus said, to Ellen White, "I am the express image of my Fathers PERSON". Jesus showed His PERSON, His body, to Moses in the cleft of the rock. He is the express image of His Father, they both have bodies. How then can they be at more than one place at a time? They can't! It is by the power of the Holy Spirit, who is without body, who represents them. There is one God, says the bible, from whom all things have come; He is the Father of Christ, says the prophet. I believe the inspired text, bible and SOP, just as it is written.

The Jews, God's people, refused to believe, and they murdered Christ. Do you believe the bible and the SOP, just as it is written? I do, I confess that Jesus is the Son of God.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings ReturntoDar,

On 12/28/2022 at 5:19 AM, ReturntoDar said:

The 7th and last plague involves the atmosphere being purified to the point where "the elements melt"! SOP tells us the 144K will walk among the flames, as did the three Hebrew worthies in their time. No then living person on earth, except the 144K, will survive the 7th plague, they ALL die!

I have read through all of your article a number of times and tried to make sense of it from my own understanding of the Bible, and even from what I considered to be the average SDA view. Perhaps that could be where I am wrong, and what I ask is whether what you are presenting here is the standard SDA view? I was going to highlight a few of your specific statements, but decided to leave this as is until you or other members of this forum respond to my question..

Kind regards Trevor

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All of the above, that I posted, is based on what Ellen White has to say: "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” [2 Peter 3:6, 7, 10.] This scene has been presented before me as fully as I could bear to behold it.” {Ms159-1903.20}

I would urge all to see Ms159-1903 in it full range on this subject. She says the 144K will walk through the fires as did Daniel friends. The fire will purifiy the earth BEFORE the Parousia, and BEFORE the "special resurrection". It appears that very few SDA have read this SOP report and let it sink in just what it means. This directly relates to the Seven LAST Plagues which begin with Daniel 12:1. the close of probation. At the time of Daniel 12:1 there are only 144K living saints who remain on earth. Every other saved person has been martyred, died a natural death or had a deadly accident. Is 144K a literal or symbolic number? Ellen White certainly suggests it is literal, as does Rev. 7 and 14. But, you decide. As for me? It's literally 144,000 saints on planet earth are the only saints left alive at the time of Daniel 12:1, the close of probation.

The ONLY survivors are the 144K, who are "translated", having never seen death. Special resurrection: All those who died under the 3rd angels message AND keeping the Sabbath. Some days will then pass, we don't know how many, but certainly a number of days. THEN the PAROUSIA, when ALL the Saints are raised and ALL the wicked who were raised in the "special resurrection" are then slain.

I am not guessing, this is 100% solid Testimony of Jesus are given us through His prophet, Ellen White. I have no expanded or enhanced ONE aspect of the above.

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Revelation 19:20 “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.”

This is the FIRST lake of fire, not the LAST lake of fire at the end of the 1,000 years. The papacy (beast) and false prophet (apostate Christianity) will not even exist nor are they brought to view AFTER the millenium. It is just one vast throng of wicked people united to literally attack the city of God now on the earth.

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Greetings again ReturntoDar,

On 1/7/2023 at 3:52 PM, ReturntoDar said:

I am not guessing, this is 100% solid Testimony of Jesus are given us through His prophet, Ellen White. I have no expanded or enhanced ONE aspect of the above.

By quoting such erroneous statements endorses the fact that Ellen G White was a false prophet, and my impression is that you are in effect revealing her error.

Kind regards Trevor

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For SDA, the first step in apostasy, is to give up their faith in the Spirit of Prophecy, that is, Ellen White. If your not SDA, you really need to reconsider your spiritual position. God gave us a prophet because in these last days error and misinterpretation of scripture would be rampant. How rampant, without the Spirit of Prophecy even the very elect will arrive at false conclusions and misinterpretation.

“Men fall into error by starting with false premises and then bringing everything to bear to prove to bear to prove the error true…they adopt the methods of Satan.” 2T 129.

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A note on Revelation 19:20. "These both (beast/false prophet. Catholcism/apostate Christianity) were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone..." This lake of fire is the ending of the 7th and last plague. The 144,000 walk through flames, as did the three worthies, Daniels friends! There is a lake of fire, pruifying the earth, at the beginning of the millenium and the last "lake" at the end.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/9/2023 at 9:22 PM, ReturntoDar said:

For SDA, the first step in apostasy, is to give up their faith in the Spirit of Prophecy, that is, Ellen White. If your not SDA, you really need to reconsider your spiritual position. God gave us a prophet because in these last days error and misinterpretation of scripture would be rampant. How rampant, without the Spirit of Prophecy even the very elect will arrive at false conclusions and misinterpretation.

“Men fall into error by starting with false premises and then bringing everything to bear to prove to bear to prove the error true…they adopt the methods of Satan.” 2T 129.

This sounds like a variant of the Rapture as taught in many Evangelical "Bible" Churches. 

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Prophets have rarely been accepted by their own people, let alone others! Nothing new here... I don't know the percents, but I suspect a high percentage of SDA do not "fully" (that being the key word) accept Ellen Whites gift of prophecy. Obviously those who are outside the Church or on the edges have, at least, questions. God gives each of us time, and evidence, to make an intelligent decision. I find the evidence is profound, Ellen White is indeed a true prophet. In the same way as were the prophets in the Bible.

At any rate, the prophets (EGW) counsel is clear: the first step in apostasy is to reject that she is a prophet!


[A review of the history of the developing SDA denomination would lead one to believe that EGW was used by God to inform and instruct.  This instruction was primarily administrative.  In actual fact, the SDA denomination today would not be what it is today if it were not for that administrative guidance from EGW.  However, EGW clearly taught that the Bible was superior to her.  The Bible was the norm.  The Bible was the standard by which her writings were to be judged.  God in the person of the Holy Spirit leads all of us in understanding The Word of God--the Bible.  So, yes, it is true that God in working through the Holy Spirit led Ellen White. In our study of the beliefs of Ellenl White, as found in her writings, we can see elements of her Methodist background, and also the beliefs of her husband James, Uriah Smith, and Willim Miller, as well as those of common religious authors of her day.  This position is not a rejection of her place in this developing denomination.  It is actually the position of the Bible that the Bible is the norm for all belief and the means by which God has communicated about salvation and the work of God on this Earth--Gregory Matthews.]

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9 hours ago, ReturntoDar said:

Prophets have rarely been accepted by their own people, let alone others! Nothing new here... I don't know the percents, but I suspect a high percentage of SDA do not "fully" (that being the key word) accept Ellen Whites gift of prophecy. Obviously those who are outside the Church or on the edges have, at least, questions. God gives each of us time, and evidence, to make an intelligent decision. I find the evidence is profound, Ellen White is indeed a true prophet. In the same way as were the prophets in the Bible.

At any rate, the prophets (EGW) counsel is clear: the first step in apostasy is to reject that she is a prophet!

Wayne Bent of the Lord our Righteousness Church (AKA Strong City) did also. Michael Christ (the X-SDA Pastor head of the cult) proceeded to plow cult members wives and children.  Nat Geo did a documentary on it. 



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Gregory Matthews says Ellen Whites counsel was: "...was primarily administrative..." The suggestion is that the PROPHET is inferior to the Biblical prophets. The first step to rejecting the Spirit of Prophecy is to undermine its place and value. Gregory, God does not have "junior" prophets. Ellen White was a prophet, in the same sense Moses was a prophet, or she was not a prophet at all. There is no middle ground.

When making our spiritual position clear to the world, "bible and bible only", because they do not recognize the gift of prophecy in Ellen White. We could not even understand the bible without it!!! To SDA, Ellen White, as a prophet, is everything. To diminish the gift of prophecy in any degree is the first step to rejecting it. This is a serious mistake.

[You tell us that God does not have junior prophets.  Well God had prophets whose writings were not part of the Bible.  Several are actually mentioned in the Bible.  There were others. You clearly do not know your Bible when you tell us that EGW could not be a prophet if she was not like Moses.   Just as God choses the prophet, it is God who chooses the role that the chosen prophet will have.  It is not up to you to tell us what God has to do with that prophet.  If God could choose Gad to be a prophet, and yet not write anything to be recorded in Scripture (the Bible) so also God could give EGW a role that did not include elevating her writings to the level of the Bible.  Your position indicates that you do not understand either the teachings of the Bible of of Ellen White--Gregory Matthews.]

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"I am now instructed that I am not to be hindered in my work by those who engage in suppositions regarding its nature, whose minds are struggling with so many intricate problems connected with the supposed work of a prophet. My commission embraces the work of a prophet, but it does not end there. It embraces much more than the minds of those who have been sowing the seeds of unbelief can comprehend." (Letter 244, 1906 [see also Selected Messages 1:31-35]).

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Gregory M.

I agree completely that the Bible introduces many prophets who were not authors of the biblical record. It certainly is not a requirement. John the Baptist is one such example, Jesus called him the greatest prophet! Ellen White, like all prophets, can indeed be compared directly to Moses, as all prophets are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

John the Baptist by announcing the first coming of Christ, was declared to be the greatest of prophets (including Moses). I suspect we will find that Ellen White, like the Baptist holds a very special place among the prophets. She, her calling, like the Baptist, was to announce and prepare a people for the 2nd coming!

Two of the most momentous events in the history of the Universe! A very special calling indeed.

She tells us exactly what her work was: "My commission embraces the work of a prophet, but it does not end there. It embraces much more than the minds of those who have been sowing the seeds of unbelief can comprehend." (Letter 244, 1906) She was MORE than a prophet.

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)Pastor Matthews,

It would probably be better if you wrote your responses as separate posts. Some folk may have already read what the poster wrote before you added your response and will miss it completely.  I think it also generates a notification if folk are reading that thread, that there is an update.♥)

On 1/13/2023 at 7:57 PM, ReturntoDar said:

A note on Revelation 19:20. "These both (beast/false prophet. Catholcism/apostate Christianity) were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone..." This lake of fire is the ending of the 7th and last plague. The 144,000 walk through flames, as did the three worthies, Daniels friends! There is a lake of fire, pruifying the earth, at the beginning of the millenium and the last "lake" at the end.

Really? Catholicism /apostate Christianity are not people.  So how can they be cast in?  They can't. They are belief systems,  And as for walking thru flames, I think that is a figure of speech.  Being tried in the fire is our spiritual growth- getting rid of the dross in our life.

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Theophilus, here is what the prophet says about the fire at the end of the 7th and last plague. Which destroys, kills, every remaining person on earth who is found among Catholicism or apostate Christianity. Not one wicked person survives!

"Everything will be penetrated by fire. The tainted atmosphere will be cleansed by fire. The fire having fulfilled its mission, the dead that have been laid away in the grave will come forth—some to the resurrection of life, to be caught up to meet their Lord in the air; and some to behold the coming of Him whom they have despised, and whom they now recognize as the judge of all the earth. All the righteous are untouched by the flames. They can walk through the fire, as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked in the midst of the furnace heated seven times hotter than it was wont to be heated. The Hebrew worthies could not be consumed because the form of the fourth, the Son of God, was with them.... The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” [2 Peter 3:6, 7, 10.] This scene has been presented before me as fully as I could bear to behold it.” {Ms159-1903.20}

The "day of the Lord" is the Parousia (2nd coming).


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Catholicism, apostate Christianity, Muslims, all the false religions of the world, these are all "thrown into a lake of fire". When and where is this "lake"? There are two, one just before the return of Christ at the end of the 7th and last plague. Any and all surviving wicked persons are then consumed: "Everything will be penetrated by fire. The tainted atmosphere will be cleansed by fire". Ms159-1903.20

Manuscript 159, September 4, 1903, “A Message to Leading Physicians.” par. 17
Also: {8MR. 347.3} (MR is Manuscript Release)


Also: Upward Look, 261.6

The best site to research EGW writings:

Just type in your search request at the top left box.

The LAST "lake of fire" is AFTER the 1,000 years, when the wicked try to take the New Jerusalem then located on earth. At this point, there are no Catholics, Christians, Muslims, etc. There is only a vast horde of wicked from all ages of the earth. This is the last and final judgment.


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Systems of worship, Catholicism, etc. are of course symbolic of being thrown into the lake of fire. All these false systems of worship are fully destroyed at the end of the 7th plague. Though symbolic, those associated with these religions are of course real people. Note what Ellen White says of this. The "fires" are NOT symbolic, they are real, they purifiy the earth, even the elements melt! The 144K literally walk through the fires!

First lake of fire:
"In the day of His coming, the last great trumpet is heard, and there is a terrible shaking of earth and heaven. The whole earth, from the loftiest mountains to the deepest mines, will hear. Everything will be penetrated by fire. The tainted atmosphere will be cleansed by fire. The fire having fulfilled its mission, the dead that have been laid away in the grave will come forth (Special resurrection of SDA) —some to the resurrection of life, to be caught up to meet their Lord in the air; and some to behold the coming of Him whom they have despised, and whom they now recognize as the judge of all the earth. {Ms159-1903.17} 
All the righteous are untouched by the flames. They can walk through the fire, as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked in the midst of the furnace heated seven times [hotter] than it was wont to be heated. The Hebrew worthies could not be consumed because the form of the fourth, the Son of God, was with them. So in the day of the coming of the Lord, smoke and flame will be powerless to harm the righteous. Those who are united with the Lord will escape unscathed. Earthquakes, hurricanes, flame, and flood cannot injure those who are prepared to meet their Saviour in peace. But those who rejected our Saviour, and scourged and crucified Him, will be among those who will be raised from the dead to behold His coming in the clouds of heaven, attended by the heavenly host—ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands".

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First lake of fire:

“In speaking of the flood in Noah’s day, the apostle Peter declares: “Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished: but the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. ... The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” [2 Peter 3:6-7, 10] [Ms-159, 1903, Par. 19]


Second lake of fire:

At the end of the 1,000 years, false religious systems will no longer exist, they were "burned up" in the first lake of fire. It will be one vast horde of wicked with one goal, take over the heavenly city, then located on earth. All the wicked from all the ages of the earth, perfectly united to fight against God.

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Prophets are all equal in inspiration, but they have different jobs. The Bible writers give us the universal truths over time and history. The prophets who's writings were not included in the Bible have a job of applying Bible principles, pointing out lost messages from the Bible, and give church guidance for that period. This is what we find in people such as Joachim of Italy who restored the concept that we needed to stop reading the Bible as allegory, but to read the Bible and to use historism in applying the Bible over history, and that the earth was indeed traveling to a literal second coming of Jesus, and that the Pope could either use his office for church reform, otherwise the office will be used by Satan. And finally he gave advice that if followed could have lead to the second coming around his time.  Harriet Tubman had visions on where to go to evade those after her.   Hilgard of Bingen tried to call people away from superstitions and rituals in dealing with health issues and to turn to learning health principles. Julian of Norwich tried to return to the Bible in having salvation be through the love of God rather than the fear of hell. Joan of Arc gave messages of freedom, and living at the time she lived in history, she appealed to the church and state to implement freedom. Her martyrdom shook Europe preparing hearts for the 95 Thesis and questioning the roles of church and state and liberty; as we study more this may have lead us to the ideas of Roger Williams, and the American Revolution, especially the views of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and as carried on in history. John MIlton pointed our minds to the fact of the Great Controversy, which he presented in poetry.  William Miller fused together the views of freedom of Williams, Jefferson, Madison as deepened in the age of Jackson with the views of historism that evolved out of Joachim of Italy's ministry. Ellen White picked up Miller's fusing of the messages of Joachim and Joan of Arc, and added making the issues of the Great Controversy into a philosophy, revived Hildegard's health message and Julian's focus on the love of God and not the fear of hell. She updated these to what we had learned over history, and gave us guidance in applying these Biblical truths. She gave us messages in how to form and develop the Seventh-day Adventist church. She taught us how to work cities. She included the publishing and educational work. These were molded by the principles and framework of the Great Controversy. 

What confuses us is that we try to fit Mrs. White, along with the Bible, and other prophets from history, to fit the mold of ideas that may have been subconsciously developing and officially was developed in the mid to late 1800s of Fundamentalism. The problems that Mrs. White runs into is through us trying to filter her through the concepts of Fundamentalism. We tend to end up in one of two camps, those who try to explain how she really does fit the mold of fundamentalism; or those who throw her out because she does not fit their Fundamentalist views. While not as popular now, in the early 20th century there were people like William Spicer who believed that there were two types of inspiration. That the Bible fit the Fundamentalist mold, but that people like Mrs. White get a second type of inspiration that does not fit the Fundamentalist mold. I believe that there is one type of inspiration, and it would look more like Spicer's second of his two views which I'd apply both to the Bible prophets and the local prophets. 

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Interesting points Kevin. I am reminded of Ellen White commenting that her work was "more than a prophet"! I have often wondered just what she meant by that short, simple statement. I think it was in response to some who suggested because she never claimed the office of prophet for herself, maybe she wasn't a prophet? I think this is what she wanted to clarify. And now its clear as mud. lol

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2 hours ago, ReturntoDar said:

Interesting points Kevin. I am reminded of Ellen White commenting that her work was "more than a prophet"! I have often wondered just what she meant by that short, simple statement. I think it was in response to some who suggested because she never claimed the office of prophet for herself, maybe she wasn't a prophet? I think this is what she wanted to clarify. And now its clear as mud. lol

Some prophets were considered "The Lord's Messenger" This was considered a representative as an observer to the heavenly counsel to report on what he/she had witnessed for heaven's decisions for this time. There were prophets such as Harriet Tubman who's visions were on how to get her group to safety. I have not read this for sure but I've heard that Sojourner Truth had visions, so could have well been a prophet (and she also became a Seventh-day Adventist.) I'm not sure about his status in his public ministry, but William Foy stepped back to allow our forming group to grow. For a long time we had the mistaken belief that he was not faithful, gave up faith and soon died. But in the 1970s there was research on his life. He showed the spirit of Jonathan to David. He left Boston and moved out to the backwoods of Maine. There he spent the rest of his life seeking out those living in the back woods of Maine to form churches  for them to worship and minister to their needs. I would not be surprised if God gave him additional visions to find some of these people.  (I can't wait to see his crown when we get to heaven He will have the stars from his regular pastoral and prophetic work, and he will have the stars that he shared with the Seventh-day Adventist church for his spirit of giving us room to grow and do our work, but there will be some of his stars that are going to stick out among the others; I don't know it it will be in color or brightness or shape, but we are going to be awed by however they appear, these are the stars of the people living in the backwoods of Maine who he spent the rest of his life ministering to.)

But again, Harriet Tubman in being told where to get through safely, Sojourner Truth in her messages for civil rights and women's rights, and if William Foy continued his prophetic ministry in God showing him were in the woods there were souls for him to minister to, was different from the wide range of Mrs. White's visions in first encouraging us not to give up our Millerite experience and saying that they were not being lead by God, the organization of the church, publishing work, health message, educational work, how to work cities, to study the Bible deeper, the world wide work of the church was a bit bigger and longer lasting than a vision on how to escape slave catchers or where there was someone living lost in the woods of Maine, or Joan of Arc trying to work with the church and state for freedom and being advised on warfare in the process is different from the more deeper Bible study. Also, another thing that MIGHT play a part is the visions Mrs. White had on the Civil war. The Whites were friends of Fredrick Douglass, who was friends and advised on the war to Abraham Lincoln. 

A second thing is a lot of people who were doing a special job in awaking people to issues: Martin Luther, William Miller, Fredrick Douglass, later Dr. Martin Luther King, have been called prophets for their wake up calls to the population. These are people of deep insight waking us up, but apparently was not taken off into vision. These people were still inspired by the Lord, but they were indirectly inspired. Mrs. White was including that there were actual visions from God that many of these faithful servants of the Lord did not have.  

I've mentioned a few of the people who church history, and Adventist Theologians have suggested may have been true prophets of God. Some of these may have been the Lord's Messenger for their day (Maybe Joachim of Italy), but others had more specific topics that they dealt with. Mrs. White was chosen to be allowed to witness the heavenly counsel and share her observations with us. All of these were equally inspired, all of them were "local prophets" but they also had different roles in whether or not their job was inclusive enough to be the Lord's messenger or not. 

A third thing that she had in mind is that people were just grouping her with others claiming to be prophets, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, etc. and she wanted to point out that while they were bringing "New Truths" that she was different. Her appeal was to bring us back to the Bible, that the Bible is the only place to get truths, and that her role as "The Messenger of the Lord" was not to bring new truths, but to bring back from heaven an appeal to the Bible. 

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The SDA Church would not exist had not God raised up a prophet, specifically Ellen White, to establish the foundation of its doctrinal positions. 

"One thing is certain: Those Seventh-day Adventists who take their stand under Satan’s banner will first give up their faith in the warnings and reproofs contained in the Testimonies of God’s Spirit." Selected Messages 3:84 (1903). {LDE 177.4}

"The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God’s remnant people in the true testimony." Selected Messages 1:48 (1890). {LDE 177.5}

"My commission embraces the work of a prophet, but it does not end there. It embraces much more than the minds of those who have been sowing the seeds of unbelief can comprehend." (Letter 244, 1906)

There is something about Ellen Whites gift of prophecy that goes much deeper than her work as a prophet...

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