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The US is bracing for complex, fast-moving threats to elections this year, FBI director warns

McLEAN, VA. (AP) — The United States expects to face fast-moving threats to American elections this year as artificial intelligence and other technological advances have made interference and meddling easier than before, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Thursday.



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How Homeland Security Is Undermining Faith in U.S. Elections

Now that the party nominees for president have all but been decided, America’s entire election infrastructure is under assault, from foreign governments, hackers, and extremists. Or at least that’s the frenzied message being conveyed from on high these days. Russian warning lights are flashing. Think tanks are working overtime to grind out panicked reports about cybersecurity and disinformation. Fearmongering proliferates on both sides of the political aisle.



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States rush to combat AI threat to elections

This year’s presidential election will be the first since generative AI — a form of artificial intelligence that can create new content, including images, audio, and video — became widely available. That’s raising fears that millions of voters could be deceived by a barrage of political deepfakes.



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South Carolina to hold 2024 congressional elections with map previously ruled unconstitutional

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A federal court on Thursday ruled that this year’s congressional elections in South Carolina will be held under a map that it had already deemed unconstitutional and discriminatory against Black voters, with time running out ahead of voting deadlines and a lack of a decision on the case by the Supreme Court.



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Dems dream of turning Florida
Illustration of a red and blue check mark in the center of an outline of the shape of Florida.

Illustration: Victoria Ellis/Axios


Democrats think they might have a chance to turn Florida back into a battleground state, following a seismic ruling on abortion yesterday from the state's highest court.

  • Florida's Supreme Court cleared the way for a near-total abortion ban to take effect next month, while also giving voters a chance to undo the restrictions in November.

💡 The big picture: Abortion rights have won every time they've appeared on the ballot since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Axios' Yacob Reyes writes.

  • Democrats hope Florida's ballot initiative will boost energy and turnout among liberal voters.
  • "There is a well-founded belief that a lot of money will come into the state now, and that's going to be good for the entire Democratic column," Democratic elections analyst Matt Isbell said.

🧐 Reality check: Republicans in Florida have a staggering lead in active voter registration and a robust political infrastructure. Gov. Ron DeSantis won re-election by nearly 20 points in 2022.


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Scoop: Democrats' fundraising surge flows down ballot
a donkey and a dollar

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios


The Democratic campaign arm working to win control of statehouses has notched back-to-back months of record grassroots fundraising, helped by a first-of-its-kind donor program, Axios' Stef Kight has learned.

Why it matters: Changes to state voting laws, debates over school curriculum and the Supreme Court decision ending the right to abortion have juiced state-level Democratic election efforts.

  • The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee set a new all-time record in grassroots fundraising for a first quarter to start this year, DLCC staff told Axios.
  • The cash flow was helped by a new program launched at the start of the year called "Down Ballot Defenders," which has brought in a tranche of new, monthly donors to boost Democrats' state-level efforts.
  • DLCC hopes to leverage more consistent, monthly donations to strategize and plan ahead as it tries to flip legislative seats in key states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona.

By the numbers: DLCC brought in over $2.3 million through grassroots donors in the first quarter — a 45% jump over its last record quarter.

  • The new Down Ballot Defenders program is projected to raise more than 20% of the total grassroots fundraising for the cycle.


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Republicans Hatched a Secret Assault on the Voting Rights Act in Washington State

Republican Paul Graves’ work was about to come undone. In the wee hours of Nov. 15, 2021, he and his fellow Republican on Washington state’s independent redistricting commission had finally prevailed on their Democratic counterparts to agree to the maps voters would use in the upcoming election.



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💬 Charted: Election buzz words
Data: Ipsos. Chart: Axios Visuals

"Honesty," "responsibility," "freedom" and "American national parks" are among the country's most unifying words — embraced by 9 in 10 Republicans, Democrats and independents, Axios' Margaret Talev writes from Ipsos findings.

  • "MAGA" and "Second Amendment" are two of the most polarizing.

Why it matters: As election season intensifies, it's not just that words matter — but that voter groups perceive the same words differently.


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🎒 New voting push at community colleges
Illustration of three columns with a microphone.

Illustration: Shoshana Gordon/Axios


A new nonpartisan voting initiative is launching today to juice voter turnout at two-year colleges, Axios' Justin Green reports.

  • Why it matters: Massive attention is paid to registering college students to vote on the campuses of idyllic four-year schools. But voter rates at community colleges need lots of work.

The Community College Commitment includes private companies — Levi Strauss, Lyft and Showtime/MTV Entertainment Studios — partnering with nonprofits, including the American Association of Community Colleges and Students Learn Students Vote Coalition.

  • Giveaways — including a concert from a "well-known, surprise" artist — are on the table.


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Why Are Prominent Republicans Who Despise Trump Voting for Him Anyway?

Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell, and other GOP bigwigs have all lambasted Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election. But partisanship is a helluva drug.



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🗳️ Voter registration hostility
Illustration of a campaign button cracked in many pieces.

Illustration: Maura Losch/Axios


Canvassers attempting to register new voters are staring down unprecedented hostility and harassment while navigating a minefield of new laws ahead of November's election, Axios' Astrid Galván writes for Axios Latino.

  • Why it matters: The rematch between President Biden and former President Trump — along with control of the Senate — could hinge on a small number of votes.

🍊 Zoom in: Florida has cracked down where and when canvassers can register new voters, often fining organizations, Hispanic Federation CEO Frankie Miranda says.

  • Miranda says canvassers have been harassed and assaulted.
  • He told Axios the organization adopted new security protocols for canvassers, including not wearing red or blue.

🌵 In Arizona — which Biden won by a razor-thin margin in 2020, and where conspiracies about the election abound — many businesses no longer allow canvassers to stand outside their stores.


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Working-class voters could sink Democrats
Illustration of descending voting booths forming a negative bar chart.

Illustration: Shoshana Gordon/Axios


The decades-long exodus of white working-class voters from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party has a new jolt: Latino working-class voters are joining the shift, Axios' Russell Contreras reports.

💡 Why it matters: To win key swing states, President Biden needs the support of some dissatisfied white, Latino and Black working-class voters who polls suggest are upset about inflation and some Democratic policies.

  • Working-class voters could also tip tight congressional races at a time when both chambers have narrow majorities.

📊 State of play: Biden's poll numbers have been rising lately. But several surveys indicate he's underperforming among non-white voters without college degrees — a constituency that has long been overwhelmingly Democratic.

  • Republicans now have an edge among Latinos when it comes to dealing with the economy, according to an Axios-Ipsos poll.

Reality check: Democrats still are expected to win more votes from working-class Black and Latino voters than Republicans. It's the margins that are shrinking.


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Georgia Promised to Fix How Voter Challenges Are Handled. A New Law Could Make the Problem Worse.

SB 189, which goes into effect in July, will give Georgia residents more time to contest the eligibility of fellow citizens’ inclusion on voter rolls and make it easier to use questionable evidence in those challenges.



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Legal fights leave question marks over ballot access in presidential battleground states

In Wisconsin, voters don’t yet know whether the ballot drop boxes that were in use in the state for years will be allowed this fall.



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Legal fights leave question marks over ballot access in presidential battleground states

In Wisconsin, voters don’t yet know whether the ballot drop boxes that were in use in the state for years will be allowed this fall.



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Swing voter on Trump trials: "We need an answer"

Most Georgia swing voters think Trump is getting special treatment in his criminal cases, according to our latest Engagious/Sago focus groups of people who voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020.

Why it matters: Trump, who has denied wrongdoing across his cases, has made his criminal indictments central to his presidential bid, casting himself as the victim of politically motivated prosecutors.

  • 11 participants out of 14 said they think that Trump is not being treated like other criminal defendants. Five are registered Democrats, three are Republicans, and six are independents.
  • While a focus group is not a statistically significant sample like a poll, the responses show how some voters are thinking and talking about current events.

The bottom line: Most of those in the focus group want Trump's trials to be resolved before the election, although that is looking increasingly unlikely.

  • "If we're going to hold him accountable, it needs to be before he has the opportunity to possibly get the highest office in the land back, we need an answer, yes or no," said participant Joel M.

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U.S. judge blocks FL’s ban on noncitizen participation in voter registration

Ruling roughly six months before the November general election, a federal judge has declared unconstitutional a state law banning noncitizens from helping to register voters and ordered Secretary of State Cord Byrd and Attorney General Ashley Mood not to enforce it.



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🎰 Feds target election betting
PredictIt's market for: "Who will win the 2024 US presidential election?" Image: PredictIt

Election prediction markets may be forced to shut down before November, the N.Y. Times' Jeff Sommer writes.

  • Why it matters: Betting on pretty much everything is everywhere in America. The one exception: politics.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has ordered a ban on financial exchanges known as prediction markets, "where it's possible to make wagers on who will win the 2024 presidential election."

  • PredictIt — the best-known forum for election wagers — is run by a New Zealand university and a for-profit U.S. partner.
  • Another exchange, the Iowa Electronic Markets, is operated by the University of Iowa's business school and has an academic exemption from the agency's crackdown.

Keep reading (gift link).


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Voters fear violence
A bar chart showing the percentage of Americans who say they do not trust the 2024 election will be free from violence. While Republican and Democrats are similar at 48 and 47 percent respectively, Independents lead them at 55 percent.
Data: Bloomberg/Morning Consult; Chart: Rahul Mukherjee/Axios. Note: Numbers include respondents who said "not much" or "not at all"; states surveyed include Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Arizona.

New swing-state polling has revealed a rare — and alarming — consensus:

  • Roughly equal shares of Republicans, Democrats and independents believe violence could plague the 2024 election, according to a Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll out today.

Why it matters: Former President Trump and his allies have already signaled they will not accept the results of the election if they believe it's "unfair," reviving the type of rhetoric that helped incite the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

🔬 Zoom in: Temperatures are already running extremely high six months ahead of November's bitter rematch.

  • Trump falsely claimed yesterday that President Biden was "locked & loaded ready to take me out" during the FBI's court-authorized search of Mar-a-Lago in August 2022.
  • The incendiary allegation whipped MAGA influencers into a frenzy, with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) falsely accusing Biden of "planning to assassinate" Trump.
  • The claims, which were based on a policy document that outlined law enforcement's authority to use deadly force, prompted the FBI to release a statement stressing that agents followed standard protocol.

Meanwhile, members of Congress were left shaken today when U.S. Capitol Police said they recovered two vials of blood sent to the Republican National Committee headquarters.

🖼️ The big picture: Rising threats of violence are transforming American politics, The N.Y. Times reports.

  • More than 450 federal judges were targeted by threats last year, a surge of 150% since 2019, according to the U.S. Marshals Service.
  • U.S. Capitol Police investigated more than 8,000 threats to members of Congress last year, with recent Israel-related incidents prompting House Democrats to create a task force on member security.


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'10 to 27%' of Noncitizens in US Are Illegally Registered to Vote?

"They are trying to squeeze blood from a turnip," one expert told Snopes of the methods used to reach this conclusion.

A new study found that "10 to 27%" of noncitizens in the U.S. are registered voters.

The claim: House Democrats unanimously voted to allow noncitizens to vote in US elections

Our rating: False


Who can and cannot vote

Learn if you meet the qualifications to vote in federal, state, and local elections.


'143 Democrats' Voted in Favor of Letting Noncitizens Vote in US Elections?

This was the one of several claims seeding doubt about the legitimacy of U.S. electoral processes ahead of the 2024 presidential election.


Viral social media posts accurately reported in May 2024 that 143 Democrats voted to let noncitizens vote in U.S. elections.


Our rating: False

The vote was to revoke a law that allows noncitizens in Washington, D.C., to vote in local elections. Noncitizens are expressly prohibited from voting in federal elections, but municipalities in several states allow them to vote in local elections.


Non-Citizens Are Not Voting. Here Are the Facts.

Let’s have an honest debate about voting in this country — not one filled with misinformation. Voter fraud, including voting by non-citizens, is just not happening like the president says.


Some Noncitizens Do Wind Up Registered To Vote, But Usually Not On Purpose

About five years ago, immigration attorneys started contacting Pennsylvania election officials to report that many of their clients had gone to get a driver's license and, a few weeks later, received a voter registration card in the mail.


More than 2 million people registered to vote so far this year without photo ID in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Texas.

Former President Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Republican influencers all amplified a false claim on social media that suggests 2 million noncitizens have registered to vote without photo ID in three swing states this year. 


Myth about non-US citizen voting spikes as disinformation trend

Illegal immigration on the US southern border is a top talking point among Republican politicians, but some are taking it a step further by promoting disinformation about non-citizens voting in the presidential election.


Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It's a myth with a long history

The false notion that undocumented immigrants affect federal elections has a long history. But this year, due in part to rising migration at the U.S. southern border, the idea could have new potency.


“The millions (of immigrants) that have been paroled can simply go to their local welfare office or the DMV and register to vote.”

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson is promoting a bill that he says will ensure only U.S. citizens can vote. He says that although the practice is already banned, the government has not established safeguards to prevent it from happening.


ps:There are many more factcheck sites! If anyone needs more!!!!!!!!!!


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