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The U.S. Supreme Court

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Divided Supreme Court rules no quick hearing required when police seize property

WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that authorities do not have to provide a quick hearing when they seize cars and other property used in drug crimes, even when the property belongs to so-called innocent owners.



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Supreme Court sides with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, spurning a conservative attack

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a conservative-led attack that could have undermined the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.



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Justice Alito’s home flew a US flag upside down after Trump’s ‘Stop the Steal’ claims, a report says

WASHINGTON (AP) — An upside-down American flag, a symbol associated with former President Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud, was displayed outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021, The New York Times reported.



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SCOTUS Silently Grinds Democracy Into Powder as Trump Distracts America

While America’s eyes are focused on the ever-evolving life and alleged crimes of Donald Trump, the Supreme Court is eroding democracy and the U.S. justice system.



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Alito under fire
An inverted flag flying at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's residence in Alexandria, Va., on Jan. 17, 2021. Photo obtained by The New York Times

Justice Samuel Alito is at the center of a new Supreme Court ethics controversy:

  • Alito's home in Alexandria, Va., displayed an upside-down American flag — a symbol of the pro-Trump "Stop the Steal" movement — shortly after the Capitol attack of Jan. 6, 2021, The New York Times' Jodi Kantor reports after speaking with a half-dozen neighbors.

Why it matters: Public trust in the court has cratered in recent years. Alito is facing calls to recuse himself from seismic cases this term involving the 2020 election and Jan. 6 insurrection.

  • The cases — which include whether former President Trump is immune from prosecution — will impact the 2024 election, Trump's courtroom calendar and the future of presidential power.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said today that the flag "clearly creates the appearance of bias," and called for Alito's recusal.

Zoom in: Alito told The Times and "Fox News Sunday" anchor Shannon Bream that his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, hung the flag upside down.

  • Alito, who denied involvement, said his wife had been in an altercation with a neighbor who put a "F--k Trump" sign near a school-bus stop. The neighbor then blamed her for the Jan. 6 attack, he said.

Between the lines: Justice Clarence Thomas has declined calls to recuse himself from Jan 6. cases after his wife, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, backed Trump's efforts to overturn the election.


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Supreme Court finds no bias against Black voters in a South Carolina congressional district

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ‘s conservative majority on Thursday preserved a Republican-held South Carolina congressional district, rejecting a lower-court ruling that said the district discriminated against Black voters.



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Brown v. Board warning

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas went after the 70-year-old Brown v. Board of Education ruling today, suggesting the court overreached its authority in the landmark decision that banned separating schoolchildren by race.

Why it matters: American public schools are growing more separate and unequal even though the country is more racially and ethnically diverse than ever, according to an Axios review published last week.

  • The 9-0 Brown decision declared the "separate but equal" doctrine unconstitutional and helped usher in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Thomas attacked the Brown decision in a concurrence opinion today that allowed South Carolina to keep using a congressional map that critics say discriminated against Black voters.

Zoom in: The court "took a boundless view of equitable remedies" in the Brown ruling, wrote Thomas, who in 1991 replaced Thurgood Marshall — the first Black Supreme Court Justice and the lead lawyer in the Brown case.

  • Those remedies came through "extravagant uses of judicial power" to end racial segregation in the 1950s and 60s, Thomas wrote.
  • Federal courts have limited power to grant equitable relief, "not the flexible power to invent whatever new remedies may seem useful at the time," he said, justifying his opinion to keep a predominantly white congressional district in South Carolina.

Go deeper.


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Doctors urge U.S. Supreme Court to include abortion as stabilizing care under federal law

WASHINGTON — Doctors from throughout the country posted a public letter this week, urging the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure health care professionals can perform abortions in every state when that procedure is essential “stabilizing treatment” under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.


U.S. Supreme Court throws out SC racial gerrymandering ruling

A federal court “clearly erred” in determining that South Carolina legislators racially gerrymandered congressional voting lines to keep the coastal First District red, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday in sending the case back to the three-judge panel for further analysis on a separate question.



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NRA can sue ex-NY official it says tried to blacklist it after Parkland shooting, Supreme Court says

WASHINGTON (AP) — A unanimous Supreme Court on Thursday cleared the way for a National Rifle Association lawsuit against a former New York state official over claims she pressured companies to blacklist it following the deadly 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida.



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ProPublica Updates “Supreme Connections” Database With New Justice Disclosures

We updated our “Supreme Connections” database on Wednesday with new entries from recently released financial disclosures from Supreme Court justices, as well as five filings from 2003 to 2007 we had previously been missing.


Reader Tips Propelled Our Supreme Court Reporting. Now Your Info Could Power Our 2024 Election Coverage.

A few hours after we published a story on the luxury travel a billionaire provided to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the email arrived in my inbox.



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Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously preserved access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U.S. last year, in the court’s first abortion decision since conservative justices overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago.


Supreme Court, siding with Starbucks, makes it harder for NLRB to win court orders in labor disputes

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Thursday made it harder for the federal government to win court orders when it suspects a company of interfering in unionization campaigns in a case that stemmed from a labor dispute with Starbucks.



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The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously rejected a lawsuit challenging the FDA's approach to regulating the abortion pill mifepristone, allowing the drug to stay on the market. The ruling is a significant setback for the anti-abortion movement in what was the first major Supreme Court case on reproductive rights since the court's conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. The challenge to the drug had been vehemently opposed by the pharmaceutical industry, which warned that a ruling that second-guessed the regulations for mifepristone could open the door to legal challenges targeting all sorts of medications.


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Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era ban on rapid-fire rifle bump stocks, reopening political fight

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, the rapid-fire gun accessories used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, in a ruling that threw firearms back into the nation’s political spotlight.


Supreme Court throws out Trump-era ban on gun bump stocks

The Supreme Court on Friday overturned the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' (ATF) ban on a gun attachment that allows shooters to fire weapons at nearly the rate of a machine gun.



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Supreme Court Affirms Doctors' Conscience Protections in Unanimous Decision

While the spotlight has been on the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling regarding continued access to mifepristone, an abortion-inducing medication, the unanimous verdict is a significant victory for the liberty of conscience for medical practitioners.

Case: Food and Drug Administration vs. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (Decided 6/13/2024)


In a ruling that will resonate through the annals of medical ethics and jurisprudence, the Supreme Court has reaffirmed the federal conscience protections for medical practitioners. This decision is not just a legal triumph but a philosophical one, ensuring that doctors are not compelled to perform procedures that violate their personal beliefs. This has profound implications, particularly for those with moral or religious objections to treatments like abortions.

Background of the Case

At the crux of this judicial decision lies the FDA's approval and oversight of mifepristone, a drug pivotal in medical abortions. Initially approved in 2000 under stringent guidelines, the regulations governing its use have since been relaxed. This relaxation prompted challenges from several pro-life medical groups and individual physicians, thrusting the case into the limelight.

FDA's Regulatory Changes

In 2016 and again in 2021, the FDA eased the restrictions around mifepristone. These changes extended its use period from seven to ten weeks of pregnancy, reduced the number of required in-person consultations, and permitted non-physicians, like nurse practitioners, to prescribe it. The challengers contended that these relaxed rules could coerce doctors into participating in abortions against their conscience.

Supreme Court's Ruling

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, penning the unanimous decision of the Court, declared that the plaintiffs lacked standing to challenge the FDA. The Court underscored that federal conscience laws, such as the Church Amendments, robustly protect doctors who refuse to perform abortions on moral or religious grounds.

Key Findings


  • Federal Conscience Laws: The Court emphasized that these laws protect healthcare providers from being forced into actions that violate their beliefs. "Federal conscience laws definitively protect doctors from being required to perform abortions or to provide other treatment that violates their consciences." This legal shield ensures that doctors can refuse procedures that clash with their ethical or religious principles without fear of retaliation. 



  • Emergency Situations: The ruling clarified that even in dire emergencies, doctors are not obliged to act against their conscience. "The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (or EMTALA) neither overrides federal conscience laws nor requires individual emergency room doctors to participate in emergency abortions." Federal law remains steadfast in protecting doctors' rights in all contexts, including emergencies. 


  • Historical Precedent: The Court noted that since mifepristone’s approval in 2000, there has been no documented case of a doctor being compelled to act against their conscience due to FDA regulations. "The plaintiffs have not identified any instances where a doctor was required, notwithstanding conscience objections, to perform an abortion or to provide other abortion-related treatment that violated the doctor's conscience since mifepristone's 2000 approval." 


  • Hospital Policies: Hospitals must respect doctors' conscience objections and be prepared to accommodate them. "Hospitals must accommodate doctors in emergency rooms no less than in other contexts." This ruling mandates that hospitals plan ahead to respect diverse beliefs.



The Supreme Court’s decision highlights the delicate balance between public health regulations and individual rights. By affirming federal conscience protections, the Court ensures that healthcare providers can practice in accordance with their beliefs without fear of coercion.

Impact on Healthcare Providers

Pro-life healthcare providers can now be assured that their conscience rights are secure. This decision may also foster more open discussions and strategic planning within healthcare systems to respect the diverse beliefs of medical practitioners.

Legislative Encouragement

The ruling encourages those opposed to FDA regulations or similar policies to seek changes through legislative means. "Citizens and doctors who object to what the law allows others to do may always take their concerns to the Executive and Legislative Branches and seek greater regulatory or legislative restrictions." This underscores the significance of democratic engagement in resolving such conflicts.


The Supreme Court’s ruling on freedom of conscience provisions reaffirms the essential rights of healthcare providers to practice in line with their ethical and religious beliefs. This landmark decision not only protects individual doctors but also promotes a healthcare system that is inclusive and respectful of diverse viewpoints. As the Court indicates, these issues are best resolved through political and legislative channels, ensuring a balanced approach between public health and individual rights.


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US Supreme Court rejects request to hear Florida online sports betting case

The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to hear the Florida online sports betting case Monday, one of the last remaining legal hurdles challenging the Seminole Tribe’s monopoly on online gambling in the state.



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🏛️ SCOTUS bombshells coming
Illustration of a gavel knocking down a line of columns

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios


The Supreme Court is about to drop a string of blockbuster rulings, with abortion rights, gun rights and the Justice Department's case against former President Trump all hanging in the balance, Axios' Sam Baker writes.

  • Why it matters: Two years after overturning Roe v. Wade — and with questions about some of the justices' ethics and impartiality at a fever pitch — the court is squarely in the center of election-year politics.

👓 Zoom in: The next week or so may redefine the limits of presidential power for generations to come.

  1. There's no bigger blockbuster in that mix than Trump's claims of "absolute immunity" from criminal prosecution.
  2. The justices are considering whether to throw out one of the charges against a Jan. 6 defendant. If they do, the same charge would have to be dropped from the federal case against Trump.
  3. The court is debating whether to kill a long-standing doctrine that gives federal agencies an advantage when their policies are challenged in court.

Go deeper: More hot-button issues on the docket.


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Who’s paying the price of the corrupt Court’s relentless power grab?

The corrupt Supreme Court majority is taking power to rewrite the rules in favor of special interests and corporate billionaires — helping the rich and powerful get richer and more powerful — at the expense of the American people.

Tell Congress to fix the Court.


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The Supreme Court upholds a tax on foreign income over a challenge backed by business interests

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a tax on foreign income over a challenge backed by business and anti-regulatory interests, declining their invitation to weigh in on a broader, never-enacted tax on wealth.



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The Supreme Court is turning toward the final, frenzied weeks of its term, readying potential blockbuster decisions on abortion, guns and former President Donald Trump's claims of absolute immunity. The court's most closely watched dispute this year is a case questioning whether Trump may claim immunity from federal election subversion charges. Trump's team says there should be a distinction between official acts by Trump pursuant to his presidential duties and his private conduct. In another closely watched case, the justices will decide what happens when pregnant women show up to the hospital with medical emergencies in states that have strict bans on abortion. The Supreme Court's decisions are expected by the end of the month.


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The Supreme Court upholds a gun control law intended to protect domestic violence victims

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.


The Supreme Court upholds a gun control law intended to protect domestic violence victims

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence.


The Supreme Court rejects a settlement in a water dispute between New Mexico and Texas

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a settlement between Western states over the management of one of North America’s longest rivers.



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How to rein in a Supreme Court? No one has done it like West Virginia

What if, when it comes to the U.S. Supreme Court, Democrats in the U.S. Senate took a lesson from West Virginia Republicans?



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The Supreme Court rules against California woman whose husband was denied entry to US

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday ruled against a California woman who said her rights were violated after federal officials refused to allow her husband into the country, in part, because of the way his tattoos were interpreted.



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High court rules on Tarrant County case
By and
Illustration of four pillars, one made from a tall stack of papers.

Illustration: Shoshana Gordon/Axios


The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday upheld a law that prevents people subject to a restraining order for domestic violence from possessing firearms.

Why it matters: The court says there's a solid historical tradition of disarming people because they pose an immediate threat to someone else's safety.

  • The case, which originated in Tarrant County, is one of few limits on gun ownership to survive at the Supreme Court level.

Zoom in: Zackey Rahimi, of Arlington, assaulted his girlfriend in 2019 and threatened to shoot her if she told anyone, according to court documents.

  • A court granted her a restraining order, which meant that Rahimi was prohibited from possessing firearms.
  • He was later suspected of multiple unrelated shootings. A search of his home turned up two guns and he was arrested.

The intrigue: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals — the most conservative appeals court in the country — initially ruled against Rahimi and upheld the firearms ban.

  • The court later withdrew its decision and said Rahimi won because there wasn't a sufficiently long tradition of suspending Second Amendment rights for domestic violence restraining orders.
  • The case made its way to the Supreme Court, with the U.S. as the plaintiff and Rahimi as the defendant. He wrote in a 2023 letter from jail that he no longer wanted guns.

Reality check: The Supreme Court says the practice of taking firearms from certain people is as old as the U.S.

  • "Since the founding, our Nation's firearm laws have included provisions preventing individuals who threaten physical harm to others from misusing firearms," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.

The other side: Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, arguing that the government should only be able to disarm people after they've been convicted of a crime and not on the basis of a restraining order.


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Things to know about the gender-affirming care case as the Supreme Court prepares to weigh in

The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday that it will hear arguments on the constitutionality of state bans on gender-affirming care for transgender minors.



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