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Evangelism & The Great Controversy

Gregory Matthews

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In recent times it has been proposed that the SDA Church evangelize by mass mailing one billion copies of the book, The Great Controversy to English speaking people.  The following are my thoughts on this project:

The marching orders for God’s Church in End Time, which I believe is now, are to be found in Matthews 28:19-20 and in Revelation 14:6-12.  The directive outlined in those passages must have a central focus in the individual congregation, as that  is where the action is.  It is on the level of the congregation that individuals are approached by the Holy Spirit and invited to join a group of people who are focused on following Christ into eternity.  It is on this local congregational level that evangelism must take place and methods developed to engage the civil society in the area of the local congregation.

From the perspective of evangelism tailored to local needs, a top-centered evangelism imposed from the top of a centralized authority will never be successful.   As I understand the deployment of an evangelistic effort centered on the distribution of the book The Great Controversy, it is exactly a top-centered effort that is not responsive to local needs.

A successful evangelistic effort, if led by God, will unify this Church.  It will not be divisive.  Under the leadership of God, members will be united.  They will agree on methods and with that unity, God will deliver the results.  The Great Controversy project has begun prior to uniting the denominational membership.  Valid questions are being raised which deserve answers.  Unity cannot come when such are ignored.  Unity is reached in an evangelistic effort, when common agreement is reached, on fundamental issues of methods and application on the local congregational level.  The Great Controversy project has failed in this respect.  It has divided people and groups instead of uniting them.

An evangelistic effort, when blessed by God, will have measurable results.  The distribution of The Great Controversy has been attempted in the past.  I have not been able to discover measurable results for such a distribution.  This should not be surprising as our society today should not be expected to respond positively to the distribution of this book.  Even where the massage is valid, it is not presented in the format of the society in which we live.  I have had to come to the conclusion that the distribution of this book is the least effective means of evangelism that the SDA Church has.

From this perspective, I do not think that we can expect the SDA membership to unite is supporting the distribution of this book.  I understand this.  I would hope that we can develop more effective means of fulfilling God’s commission to us in our time and in our society.



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I recently was invited to sit in on a Zoom presentation where I watched a quite learned Gentleman walked the viewers through his personal experiences as well as the history when Catholics started showing up in America and how the Catholic Church growing affected Protestants and particularly SDA's. it was informative and I did learn some things I didn't previously know - well worth the time. 

One of the things covered was recent efforts to flood areas with the "Great Controversy". This was not viewed by the host in a positive light. It seems some of the reasons were that some of the statements made in the Great Controversy were not grounded in truth but were more conspiracy theory in nature. The Host indicated that these types of statements on Catholicism were commonplace in 19th century Protestantism but as time progressed and people got more educated many of those affirmations could no longer hold water and that is why they started dropping off in Protestant publications - except in Adventist circles where the host claimed to this day there are still Prophetic Seminars being held by Adventists where many of these false affirmations are circulating to predominately an uneducated demographic. 

The host of the Zoom presentation I watched, from my memory, also suggested there are better ways to spread the Adventist message. 


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Spectrum regularly holds Zoom Conferences on Saturdays, of issues of interest to Adventists.  A recent one was on SDAs and Roman Catholics.  They welcomed Gustave to that conference and he accepted.

The host was Reinder Bruinsma, a SDA scholar who has served the SDA church on multiple levels.  He obtained a PhD, from the University of Londan.  His thesis was on SDA attitudes toward Roman Catholics.  

HIs thesis  has been published as the following:

Bruinsma, Reinder. Seventh-day Adventist Attitudes Toward Roman Catholicism 1844-1965. Andrews University Press, 1994, 374 pages.




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11 hours ago, Gustave said:

I recently was invited to sit in on a Zoom presentation where I watched a quite learned Gentleman walked the viewers through his personal experiences as well as the history when Catholics started showing up in America and how the Catholic Church growing affected Protestants and particularly SDA's. it was informative and I did learn some things I didn't previously know - well worth the time. 

One of the things covered was recent efforts to flood areas with the "Great Controversy". This was not viewed by the host in a positive light. It seems some of the reasons were that some of the statements made in the Great Controversy were not grounded in truth but were more conspiracy theory in nature. The Host indicated that these types of statements on Catholicism were commonplace in 19th century Protestantism but as time progressed and people got more educated many of those affirmations could no longer hold water and that is why they started dropping off in Protestant publications - except in Adventist circles where the host claimed to this day there are still Prophetic Seminars being held by Adventists where many of these false affirmations are circulating to predominately an uneducated demographic. 

The host of the Zoom presentation I watched, from my memory, also suggested there are better ways to spread the Adventist message. 


Gustave, RC allies both inside and outside of Adventism have been dismissing the Great Controversy as typical Anti-Catholicism of the times. I have heard this from a Jesuit scholar as well as read it in publications catering to SDA.

In those times there was the Oxford Movement. Its purpose was to reunite Roman Catholicism and the English church. Some of the things EGW wrote about in GC were actually taking place in those days, e.g., the reuniting of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism. John Henry Newman converted to RC, as did other members of the Church of England. This was not just anti-Catholic nonsense EGW was spewing. The great Protestant historians who wrote in that general era, such as D'Aubigne [a Presbyterian], specifically mentioned being opposed to J. Newman. Obviously, the opposition to Roman Catholicism went beyond grammar school educated visionaries and the ill-informed working class.

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Hanseng, without knowing specifically what those great Protestant historians were saying I'll reserve my comments on them for now. 

There have been efforts to reunite the Eastern Church (AKA Orthodox) and I'm not sure it's understood to be a conspiracy - likewise hasn't there been some breakaway groups from the SDA Church in the past and would it be true to say that the SDA Church attempted / pushed for reunification between the parties? 

One of the things that Bruinsma discussed was how when he was in Africa working for the SDA Church in a Press he often worked with the Catholic Press in the area - he said often times each would help the other out if something broke down or ran out of ink. There was a case where the Pope was coming to Africa and something happened to the Catholic Press and so Bruinsma printed all the flyers pertaining to the Pope's visit - Bruinsma said he got into hot water for doing that and nearly got fired because it was considered at that time he was advertising for "The Beast of Revelation". 

Years later someone in the conference asked Bruinsma if he had any regrets of printing those flyers and Bruinsma said YES, I DO HAVE REGRETS ABOUT THAT, I WISHED I WOULDN'T HAVE SUBMITTED AN INVOICE FOR THE WORK. 

From what I could tell Bruinsma loves the Adventist Church but believed circulating material that was inaccurate wasn't the best way to reach people. I did some checking, and it does appear that some things were removed, and some things were re-worded in the Great Controversy because they were factually inaccurate. 

Bruinsma also said that his experience was that SDA's claim Catholics are trying to infiltrate them and are concerned about SDA's when Bruinsma's experience was that the Catholic Church doesn't spend any time at all thinking about SDA's. 

Bruinsma specifically called out Walter Veith and Doug Batchlor as independent ministries who traffic in low brow inaccurate information. After watching some of Matthew Korpman's videos where he reviews some of the things these two guys say I'll just go on record in saying Bruinsma is right about this aspect. Below are a couple examples of what I'm talking about.

Point I'm making is that in the case of Doug Batchelor and Walter Vieth Matthew Korpman demonstrates that "Ancient Aliens" (the t.v. show) is more accurate than these guys.  Watch these three short clips and you will see what I mean.



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The Great Controversy correctly spoke against the movement of certain Protestants toward Rome. Protestant historians of the era were simply reminding people that the papacy was not all warm and fuzzy, however welcoming they might seem. The Oxford Movement in England was just as real as the attempt to establish Sunday laws in America. EGW warned against both.

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Reinder Bruinsma is a solid Seventh-day Adventist.  He has been a congregational pastor.  He  has been a Local Conference President.  He has filled other administrative positions in the SDA Chruch.

The following article reports on a civic honor that  he received:





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Previously reference has been made to Doug Batchelor which may not have been totally clear.  In an effort to clarify I am posting the following:

Doug Batchelor:  Is an authorized SDA pastor serving in the Northern California Conference.

Granite Bay SDA Church:  Is an authorized SDA Congregation, in the Northern California Conference.  Doug Batchelor is their senior pastor.  it is a large congregation and has some distinctive aspects of its ministry.

Amazing Facts:  Is a television ministry, of which Doug Batchelor is the President.  For most of its organizational life it was an official ministry of the Northern California Conference.   However, in late 2018 or early 2019, Amazing Facts officially separated from the Northern California Conference and it became an independent ministry that is not organizationally attached to the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.


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This is what Ellen White wrote about the book, "The Great Controversy":

 "The Great Controversy," Above Silver or Gold.-- The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In its outline of the closing scenes of this earth's history, it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for in The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books.--Letter 281, 1905.  {CM 127.1} 

So why all the fuss against this book?

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Daryl she clearly wrote that it should be circulated in 1905.  Where did she ever say that it should be circulated in 2023, 118 years later.   Would EGW say the same in 2123, 100 years from now?

*   Where did she say that The Great Controversy book should be the primary method of evangelism to people who are not even Christian.?  That is what a mass mailing does. 

*  Personally, I believe that a person should become a Christian before becoming a Seventh-day Adventist.  Evangelism should seek to convert people to Christ prior to converting to Adventism.

*  Going back by memory, as I recall on one occasions when one million dollars was spent in a mass mailing, of The Great Controversy, I was able to find that, as I recall, some nine persons joined the SDA Church.  The  bottom line is that the SDA Church does not have figures that would support using that book in mass mailing evangelism.  That is why I have said that I consider it to be the least effective method of evangelism  that we have ever used.

*   The desire is to mass mail 1,000,000,000 copies of the book.  How much will that cost to print and mass mail--not less than $1,000,000,000.  Take that money that divide it by the number of SDA members and it amounts to about $45.45 per member.   What could happen if each SDA Congregation were given a check of $45.45 for  each member.  So, if you attend a church of 100 members, your congregation is given a check for $4,545. to spend in local evangelism, in a manner that your members thought would be most effective.  So, I attend a church with more members and we receive a check for $22,725.00.  I will tell you, In each case, your small congregation of 100 members and my congregation of 500 members will each receive much greater results from our spending it in our communities in the manner in which we each feel best.  Daryll, that action is in the local congregation.  Each, yours and mine, should know best how to evangelize in our communities.    That is where the money should go, and how it should be spent.

*  You ask what the fuss is about.  The fuss is about wasteful spending of scarce funds. 


The Great Controversy book has value.


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There is a lot of good material in Great Controversy. The chapters dealing with the state of the dead and spiritualism would benefit a lot of people. Years ago, on my bicycle, I noticed a member of the Hell's Angels working on a truck in his driveway. I offered him a copy of the Occult Explosion booklet printed by the VoP. It had an eye-catching cover. After looking at the purple and black cover, with its occult symbols, for a moment, he took it and thanked me.

Some eye catching art work on a smaller book containing the chapters on the state of the dead and spiritualism could be a better option, much more economical. It is Written published a series of pamphlets years ago. Titles such as Psychic Cinerama, A Star in the Night, and Rescue from Orion, with some eye catching artwork, graced the front page. People liked the look of those tracts and many gladly accepted them. I  Can't say that many people's lives were changed by what they read but it was a lot of fun handing them out.

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2 hours ago, Daryl said:

This is what Ellen White wrote about the book, "The Great Controversy":

 "The Great Controversy," Above Silver or Gold.-- The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In its outline of the closing scenes of this earth's history, it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for in The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books.--Letter 281, 1905.  {CM 127.1} 

So why all the fuss against this book?

Hi Daryl, 

Ellen also stated that Uriah Smith's book "Thoughts on Daniel and The Revelation" should enjoy the same circulation effort as "The Great Controversy". 

“The light given was that Thoughts on Daniel and the RevelationThe Great Controversy, and Patriarchs and Prophets would make their way. They contain the very message the people must have, the special light God had given his people. The angels of God would prepare the way for these books in the hearts of the people.”—E. G. White Letter 43, 1899. (Published in The Colporteur Evangelist, 21) 

Instruction has been given me that the important books containing the light that God has given regarding Satan’s apostasy in heaven should be given a wide circulation just now; for through them the truth will reach many minds. Patriarchs and ProphetsDaniel and the Revelation,.”— Sabbath Herald, February 16, 1905. (Republished in The Colporteur Evangelist, 21) 

Part of the light God gave Uriah Smith was to promulgate Christ was a creature, a creation of God Almighty (who was the Father alone). 

I understand that today the SDA Church claims it's Trinitarian, therefore Uriah Smith's book on Daniel and the Revelation wouldn't be appropriate to promulgate in 2023. There are also some oddities in the Great Controversy that are incompatible with the Doctrine of the Trinity. My honest guess is that SDA Scholars know this - mass circulating the Great Controversy today (given the internet) might not be the best idea. 

I don't have a dog in this fight but could see Bruinsma and Pastor Matthews point - there is likely far better ways to advertise than by mass mailing literature that's both expensive AND promotes more questions than it answers. 


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NOTE:  There are some differences between the various editions of The Great controversy.   The 1911 edition is the standard edition.  The 1888 edition or preferred by some in Adventism.


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The 1858 is the original. 

they changed the title to ‘spiritual gifts volume 1’

Just inside the cover you will see the original title. 

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I did not mention the original edition.  I only mentioned the current edition and the one that is preferred by some SDAs.  


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The only issue I have with the Great Controversy is that it is so long most people will not read it.  Myself, I read the entire Conflict of the Ages series, which includes the Great Controversy and four other books.  The first person I led to baptism had found the Adventist church by buying a used copy of The Great Controversy in a used book store.  It was not difficult to lead him to baptism.  If a person will read it, The Great Controversy is an excellent tool for evangelism.  The church I am currently attending, recently went door to door distributing The Great Controversy to everyone in our area that would accept it.

I do believe that when it comes to evangelism, we can get more bang for our buck in other areas.  Most people do not even read the books they buy.  Far less read books given to them for free.  Small group Bible studies seem to be good.  Remodeling an area of the church to be a "Coffee Shop" theme (I prefer Postum Cafe), and using that area for Bible study is effective.  Personal ministries like helping single parents change their oil, are also effective. 

Edited by Dr. Shane
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Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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On 5/29/2023 at 9:45 PM, Gregory Matthews said:

Spectrum regularly holds Zoom Conferences on Saturdays, of issues of interest to Adventists. 

Spectrum has been known to stir up controversy in the church.  I have appreciated some of what they have done but always approach them with caution.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The Great Controversy Project is an evangelistic effort to distribute 1,000,000,000 free copies of the book to people who have not requested it.  The following link takes you to an article that reports on one such distribution and the PR effect this had for the SDA church in the community.



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On 6/1/2023 at 7:34 PM, Dr. Shane said:

The only issue I have with the Great Controversy is that it is so long most people will not read it.  Myself, I read the entire Conflict of the Ages series, which includes the Great Controversy and four other books.  The first person I led to baptism had found the Adventist church by buying a used copy of The Great Controversy in a used book store.  It was not difficult to lead him to baptism.  If a person will read it, The Great Controversy is an excellent tool for evangelism.  The church I am currently attending, recently went door to door distributing The Great Controversy to everyone in our area that would accept it.

I do believe that when it comes to evangelism, we can get more bang for our buck in other areas.  Most people do not even read the books they buy.  Far less read books given to them for free.  Small group Bible studies seem to be good.  Remodeling an area of the church to be a "Coffee Shop" theme (I prefer Postum Cafe), and using that area for Bible study is effective.  Personal ministries like helping single parents change their oil, are also effective. 

I think so, too. Nobody reads..

What I wanted our local church to do is a mail ministry. We could advertise something like Ever wanted to know what the Bible teaches on...? and offer to send them Bible Readigs for the Home.(the made a smaller version It is a good book, and someone could pick it up and read it for a minute, and put it back down andthen read more later.  Laymens ministries doesnt sell them anymore.

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Theophilus, your basic position that evangelism begins at the local level with what the local congregation decides they can accomplish is right on target.


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