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🔥 Smoke hits Congress

Western lawmakers whose constituencies have long dealt with wildfires are using last week’s smoke crisis to propel new legislation, Axios' Andrew Solender reports.

  • Why it matters: The smoke enveloping the Northeast made it ever clearer to Congress that climate change — once seen as a regional issue — is quickly becoming a national one.
  • "For the first time, non-Western members are proactively engaging us on wildfire policy," Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.) told Axios.

Peters, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) plan to introduce legislation to help establish public clean-air centers and distribute air-filtration units to certain households in affected areas.

  • The Cleaner Air Spaces Act, a copy of which was obtained by Axios, directs the EPA to provide grants of up to $3 million to state and local air-pollution agencies and community organizations.

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Fire weather warning

Data: Climate Central. Map: Kavya Beheraj/Axios

Fire weather days — when a volatile mix of low humidity, strong winds and high temperatures make a severe blaze more likely — have increased in number across much of the Lower 48 states during the past 50 years, Axios' Andrew Freedman and Kavya Beheraj write.

  • Wildfire seasons are getting longer and more intense, especially in the West, according to an analysis by Climate Central, a nonprofit climate research group.

Why it matters: More people than ever are living in areas prone to fires, meaning managing wildfire risk is becoming a much bigger challenge.

🔎 Zoom in: Extreme heat and dry conditions are becoming more common as average temperatures rise, leading to more frequent and larger fires that are more difficult to control.

  • Some places, including parts of Texas, California, Oregon and Washington, are experiencing fire weather conditions more than twice as often now than in the early 1970s.

🌡️ The intrigue: Not every region is seeing an increase in fire weather days.

  • Parts of Idaho, North Dakota and South Dakota have experienced a decline in the frequency of fire weather days.
  • The Dakotas have been cooling slightly, which can be tied to agricultural development.


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Tornado-spawning storms may get worse due to warming

America will probably get more killer tornado- and hail-spawning supercells as the world warms, according to a new study that also warns the lethal storms will edge eastward to strike more frequently in the more populous Southern states, like Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee.



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‘My life and my home’: young people start to testify at historic US climate trial

The US’s first-ever trial in a constitutional climate lawsuit kicked off on Monday morning in a packed courtroom in Helena, Montana.



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Tampa becomes the latest Florida city to unveil a climate action plan

It comes days after the feds announced guidance for cities to access tax credits for clean energy products



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Young plaintiffs’ attorney closes Montana climate change trial with call for action

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — An attorney for 16 young plaintiffs urged a judge Tuesday to strike down as unconstitutional a Montana law that prohibits state agencies from considering the environmental effects when it weighs permits allowing the release of greenhouse gases.



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June 21, 2023

St. Greta of Thunberg's failed doomsday prediction



Did you wake up alive today?  No, that's not a joke; it's a serious question.  I ask it because exactly five years ago today, St. Greta of Thunberg, the little child who has led the "climate change" movement across the Western world, promised that, as of June 21, 2023, the world would cease to exist.

In the past, doomsday predictions arose when masses of people faced imminent death (e.g., the Black Death, which killed one third to one half of Europe's population in the mid-14th century) or contemplated natural phenomena they could not explain (e.g., Halley's Comet).

Although one would think that, in the modern era, these predictions would die out, they've only become worse.  To name but a few, we saw Jim Jones, the Y2K panic, and the Heaven's Gate cult (governed not by Halley's Comet, but by Hale-Bopp).  None, though, have been as influential as the cult of Climate Change.

Image by Andrea Widburg using Pixlr AI.

The Climate Change cult began in the 1960s, when scientists, whom we revered, and the media, which we trusted, began predicting that all life would end due to famine, overpopulation, nuclear war, a new Ice Age, ozone depletion, global warming...

In 2019, Mark J. Perry compiled a list of the left's many failed climate change predictions.  Here are a few of the more apocalyptic ones, but you should go to the link to see the entire list:

. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030


8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life (data and graph)
10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent

15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000

19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy


23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’


36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!


39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable


43. 1969: Worldwide Plague, Overwhelming Pollution, Ecological Catastrophe, Virtual Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century


45. 1970: Oceans Dead in a Decade, US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980


49.1989: UN Warns That Entire Nations Wiped Off the Face of the Earth by 2000 From Global Warming

What that list could not include, because the end date hadn't yet passed, was a prediction from a pale, neurotic, mildly autistic, rather dim, and very angry and frightened little girl whose parents were hard-left activists.  I'm speaking about Greta Thunberg, who took the world by storm with her doomsday predictions.

One of Thunberg's most terrifying predictions said that "a top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years."


The date of that prediction?  June 21, 2018, exactly five years ago today.  However, if you woke up alive today, St. Greta of Thunberg was wrong — as wrong as any other doomsday cultists have been over the millennia.

There's an important difference, though, between Greta's cult and all other cults.  Every doomsday cult of the past insisted that individuals must change if they wanted to ward off the end or face final judgment without fear.

The leftists' climate doomsday cult is the first to demand change at the government level.  They insisted that governments give away their citizens' money and implement policies to return their prosperous, safe societies to a pre-modern era of darkness, dirty water, famine, disease, and endless wars over limited resources.

If the end is indeed near, it's not because of fossil fuels.  It's because Thunberg and her ilk were false messiahs, and they have brought us to the brink of civilizational collapse by removing all the pillars of civilization.

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'Excessive' weather events mark summer solstice in the U.S.

"Excessive" is the word of the day in the National Weather Service's forecast for the summer solstice — the term appears seven times, describing record heat and torrential rainfall that different areas of the U.S. are experiencing.



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Amazing isn't it? One EXCESSIVE looming crisis/doomsday after another. Never acknowledgement of oops,the trusted scientists  got that wrong again. Just move onto the next looming crisis. 

And the cult like climate criers follow right behind without ever a question. Climates change and always have, tornados, droughts, torrential rains and floods are hardly new, some years more than others and in infrequent places.

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Oregon’s Multnomah County Sues Big Oil for a Devastating 2021 Heat Wave

It’s been nearly two years to the day since a freak heat wave obliterated temperature records across the Pacific Northwest. Portland reached a blistering 116 degrees on June 28, 2021, with the heat melting streetcar power cables, buckling pavement, and killing an estimated 69 people in Multnomah County. About 800 people died across Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.



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Sweltering heat dome continues to grip south-central US, set to expand

Conditions have been toasty across the south-central United States during a large stretch of June. AccuWeather forecasters say that temperatures will climb between 5-15 degrees Fahrenheit above historical averages through this week, putting daily record highs in jeopardy.


What is a heat dome?

A heat dome occurs when the atmosphere traps hot ocean air like a lid or cap.



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🥵 Heat wave slams South

Wednesday's forecasted high temperatures, as the heat wave expands. Image: Pivotal Weather

At least 45 million people across seven states are under threat from extreme temperatures today, as Texas' brutal heat wave expands.

The big picture: The heat dome responsible for this event is moving out of Mexico and parking itself over Texas this week, Axios' Andrew Freedman reports.

  • This is spreading dangerously hot and humid conditions to the Southwest all the way to the Mississippi Valley.

🔎 Between the lines: Extreme heat is the top weather-related killer in the U.S. during a typical year, and the long duration of this heat wave is increasing the risks as many areas continue to see overnight lows in the 80s.

  • This prevents people from getting overnight relief and can be a big factor in causing heat-related illnesses.


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🌡️ The heat is just beginning

Data: NOAA HRRR, GFS. (Smoke is as of 2 p.m. ET yesterday.) Map: Erin Davis/Axios Visuals

This week's scorching heat wave, along with dangerously poor air quality because of wildfire smoke, is a preview of the compound climate disasters that experts fear will become increasingly common as the planet warms, Axios' Andrew Freedman writes.

🖼️ The big picture: The U.S. heat wave — and heat and wildfires throughout Canada — come as multiple global climate indicators, from ocean temperatures to surface air warmth, set all-time records.

  • This month is likely to be the world's hottest June on record by a large margin — leading into July, which tends to be the planet's hottest month.

What's happening: Since early May, the weather pattern across North America has been unusual, with hallmarks of a warming climate.

  • Over Mexico and Texas, an unusually powerful heat dome is only just now weakening, after shattering all-time heat records.

💬 "Climate change makes U.S. heat waves about 5°F warmer" than they would be in a preindustrial world, Michael Wehner, a researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, told Axios via email.


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Scientists Predict More Extreme Rainfall in Mountain Areas

A global increase of extreme precipitation, well outside the range of natural variability, has been well-documented by scientists. It’s one of the hallmarks of human-caused global warming, and new research published this week in Nature shows that high-elevation areas, including most of the mountains of Western North America, are particularly vulnerable to deluges that can trigger landslides, floods and severe erosion.



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Millions under US heat warnings as record temperatures to continue

Millions across the US have been caught up in dangerous weather conditions over the weekend and are braced for further extreme conditions ahead of the 4 July holiday, as thunderstorms and intense heat continue to affect much of the country.



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Solar-(em)powered: These streetlights illuminate a path towards climate resilience

The necessity for climate-resilient infrastructure is increasingly evident to prepare for the future. Solar-powered streetlights are one such innovation with enormous promise. These lights provide a stable and independent source of illumination by harnessing the sun’s energy, even during power outages caused by extreme weather events. 



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Recent events that indicate Earth’s climate has entered uncharted territory

As a warming Earth simmered into worrisome new territory this week, scientists said the unofficial records being set for average planetary temperature were a clear sign of how pollutants released by humans are warming their environment. But the heat is also just one way the planet is telling us something is gravely wrong, they said.



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83,000 Hawaii homes dispose of sewage in cesspools. Rising sea levels will make them more of a mess

HONOLULU (AP) — The town of Hauula packs hundreds of homes into a narrow strip of land sandwiched between verdant, towering cliffs of the Koolau mountain range and the Pacific. But the stunning views obscure an environmental problem beneath the ground.



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House Republicans move to silence Wall Street in climate fight

While framing criticism of ESG as holding Wall Street to account, House Republicans appear to be picking spots where they’ll minimize friction with the financial services industry.



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US faces deadly floods in north-east and longer heatwaves in south and west

Week of dangerous weather to continue across the US, as July warnings about the climate crisis intensify



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Humans’ impact on the earth began a new epoch in the 1950s called the Anthropocene, scientists say

From climate change to species loss and pollution, humans have etched their impact on the Earth with such strength and permanence since the middle of the 20th century that a special team of scientists says a new geologic epoch began then.



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The heat is on in Florida as climate change lands us all in hot water

We need to treat heat waves the way we treat hurricanes if we want to survive



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