July 5, 2024

Climate change season is upon us!



Summer is here,which means climate change season Indeed, one of the biggest fallacies of our time is the assumption that falsely so-called “climate change” is a provable, global reality that must be accepted as such without question.  The fact that very little of the climate change narrative can be empirically seen or demonstrated is conveniently ignored by those perpetuating the scam

In the recent presidential debate between Biden and Trump, a CNN moderator posed a question to both participants in the debate by preceding it with this statement:


Another persistent challenge was the climate crisis. 2023 was the hottest year in recorded history and communities across the country are confronting the devastating effects of extreme heat, intensifying wildfires, stronger hurricanes and rising sea levels.

Where to begin with this leftist mélange of conjecture, falsehood, and leading statements?


Let’s start with the concept of climate. Climate has been called the long-term average of prevailing weather patterns.  But the political left, which controls the narrative, assumes there is a single, universal, all-encompassing climate — a sort of one-size-fits-all environment — that can easily be boxed up and presented as being identical all over the world.

But can we compare the climate of, say, Antarctica to that of southern Florida?  Of course not — they are two completely different climates, and what’s true for one isn’t necessarily true for the other.  The truth is, there are thousands of climates around the world: regional climates, local climates, micro-climates and even artificial climates.  But the idea that there’s a single worldwide climate is a fallacy.


The second fallacy is that the global climate (which doesn’t actually exist) is somehow changing, or, more specifically, getting warmer due to the activities of man.  But in point of fact, temperatures are not rising in the aggregate, but have remained steady for at least the last 20 years if not longer.

As proof of this, I offer the following chart, which I myself have meticulously recorded in an Excel spreadsheet every day since the mid-2000s.  It shows the daily high temperature of my corner of the southeastern coast of the U.S., and as you can see, there’s no discernible rising temperature trend over the last two decades.




As for rising sea levels, as a 25-year resident of an Atlantic coastal town, I can assure you that none of the local beaches is being inundated by water at high tide — an observable fact in beaches all over the country.


Another point is that CNN’s claim that last year was the “hottest year ever” — the same exact claim that has been made every year for the last few years — is demonstrably untrue.  Note in the temperature chart that the last major spike in summer temperatures for my neck of the woods was in 2009.  That’s 15 years since my part of the country has seen a “hottest year” in the last two decades.

Now, before anyone protests that I’m showing an isolated example, remember that the claim of the left is that the entire globe is getting hotter.  I hasten to point out that my town is a part of that globe, and what’s true for the globe — according to leftist thinking — must necessarily be true for my corner of it.  Clearly, that is not the case.

As an aside, it has never been explained to us exactly how these left-leaning climatologists are collecting and collating their temperature data.  In other words, they’re not “showing us their math,” nor are they explaining to us how they arrive at the conclusion that global temperatures are getting hotter.

For instance, are they using a simple average of every temperature point on the planet?  Every town, city, state, province, etc.?  Or are they using a selective average of just a relative handful of temperature points to make their case?  This of course assumes they aren’t outright manipulating the data, as recent research suggests they are.  But even if they’re being honest, the question remains: how are they averaging global temperatures?  To date, that question has never been answered.

The third fallacy of the climate change falsehood is that, even if we accept there’s a global temperature problem, we’re expected to believe that the governments of the world can collectively solve the problem.

For anyone who remains skeptical that governments are anything other than corrupt and incompetent, I would remind you of the worldwide manufactured crisis we all just passed through just a few short years ago.  I’m referring to the COVID episode.  Before that, it was the two-decades-long War on Terror.

At no time during these last two events have we seen any evidence that government response to an alleged crisis has been anything other than abject failure.  In fact, government policies that were predicated on fixing these phony crises only made matters worse for most citizens.

At the end of the day, the so-called climate crisis is yet another attempt by government to grab more power and tax dollars at the expense of the ever-shrinking middle class.  Even if there was truly a temperature problem, government would certainly have no way of making those temperatures decline.

But since there is no temperature crisis — and hence no climate disaster — the response of government to a non-event will only serve to create major problems for the entire country in the years ahead.

Our task as citizens, therefore, is to resist the climate agenda of the left and refuse to even acknowledge it, let alone comply with any of its demands.  The future of our republic depends on it.