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🛤️ Congress off the rails

Illustration of the Capitol Dome with hands pointing out from behind it

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios


House members finally reached their August recess this weekend after a string of unusual, and at times contentious, incidents that clouded efforts to avoid a government shutdown — and signaled that they needed a timeout, Axios' Juliegrace Brufke writes.

  • The big picture: The House has had a long year, from January's marathon speaker election to May and June's close call on defaulting on the federal debt — not to mention conservatives' unprecedented tactics to grind the House floor to a halt.
  • Add a surge in personal confrontations and bizarre incidents, and you've got a recipe for dysfunction.

💼 Case in point: Freshman Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) was slammed by members on both sides of the aisle following a profanity-laced encounter involving the Wisconsin Republican screaming at a group of teenage Senate pages.

  • Speaker McCarthy and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) — who have long had a combative relationship — reportedly threatened to fight each other, with Swalwell calling McCarthy a p**sy on the House floor in June, according to The Daily Beast.
  • In another House floor incident, conservative firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) a "little b**ch" after she introduced a competing impeachment bill.

Multiple congressional staffers told Axios it was clear members need to get out of D.C.


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Senate tilting red, House blue for '24

Illustration of the U.S. Capitol over a divided blue and red background with elements of ballots.

Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios


The possibility of a split congressional decision in 2024, with the Senate flipping to Republicans and the House turning over to Democrats, is looking increasingly likely.

Why it matters: By pursuing an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, House GOP leaders are making life awfully tough for their 18 vulnerable Republicans representing Biden 2020 districts. Threats of a government shutdown from GOP hardliners don't help either.

  • Meanwhile, Biden's persistently low approval ratings are making it very difficult for red-state Democratic senators vying for re-election — West Virginia's Joe Manchin, Montana's Jon Tester and Ohio's Sherrod Brown — to win enough split-ticket voters at a time of record polarization.

By the numbers: To win back control of the Senate, Republicans only need to net two seats (one if the GOP presidential nominee prevails).

  • The 2024 Senate map is historically favorable for Republicans: Republicans are aggressively contesting at least eight Democratic-held seats with Democrats hoping — in a best-case scenario — of putting Sen. Ted Cruz's Texas seat in play.
  • But House Republicans are in an equally precarious position. To win back control of the House, Democrats only need to flip a net five seats. A new House race analysis from Inside Elections (subscription) rates 11 seats as toss-ups — seven held by Republicans, and four by Democrats.

Between the lines: House GOP and Senate Democratic leaders are employing two strategies to protect their most vulnerable members.

  • House GOP leaders have encouraged unity within their conference, with Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) trying — often awkwardly — to find a middle ground that can satisfy both the pragmatists and the hardliners.
  • It's notable that politically vulnerable House Republicans haven’t spoken out against the pursuit of an impeachment inquiry against Biden, even though they’ll need to win over Biden voters to secure re-election.
  • By contrast, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is content to let his red-state senators demonstrate some independence from the White House (at least in an election year).

Driving the news: House Democrats have been getting favorable news on the redistricting front, with court decisions boosting their chances of picking up a seat in three Southern states: Alabama, Florida and Louisiana.

  • Democrats also have a reasonable chance of netting several additional seats if New York is ordered to redraw its congressional lines for 2024. The case will be decided later this year.
  • On the flip side, Republicans are expected to gain several seats from North Carolina's GOP-controlled redistricting.

Zoom in: Republicans and Democrats are tied on the congressional generic ballot at 44%, according to RealClearPolitics' polling average, with polls showing both parties are viewed unfavorably by most voters.

  • Biden and Trump are also virtually tied — Trump at 45.6%, Biden at 45% — in the RCP polling average.

The bottom line: The country is deeply divided, which foreshadows the likelihood of split government continuing past next year.

  • Political sentiment has remained remarkably stable over the last year — even in light of major political developments, like Trump's indictments. That's unlikely to change heading into 2024.


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Senate confirms joint chiefs chair

The Senate voted to 83-11 confirm Gen. Charles Q. "CQ" Brown Jr., 60, a career fighter pilot, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — succeeding retiring Gen. Mark Milley as the nation's top military officer.

  • Why it matters: Democrats circumvented Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), who is blocking confirmation of hundreds of military nominations and promotions to protest the Pentagon's abortion travel policy, Axios' Andrew Solender reports.

After Milley retires at the end of the month, it'll be the first time the Pentagon's top two posts have been held by African Americans, with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as top civilian leader.

🏛️ What's happening: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also teed up votes to confirm Gen. Randy George as Army chief of staff and Gen. Eric Smith as Marine Corps commandant.

  • Because of Tuberville's blockade, the military has been forced to operate without Senate-confirmed commandants at the top of three services — Army, Navy, Marines — for the first time.

🥊 Reality check: This doesn't end Tuberville's blockade. Schumer opted to spend floor time to confirm Brown, but can't do so for all 300+ nominees Tuberville is blocking.

  • Asked whether he plans to maintain his hold on other military nominees, Tuberville told Axios: "Oh yeah!"

Gen. Brown's bio ...


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Zelensky's frosty welcome

Nine months ago today, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky secretly left his war-torn country for the first time to deliver an emotional joint address to Congress.

  • The two-minute standing ovation he received — from both Democrats and Republicans — looks like a distant dream compared to what he faced on his second wartime trip to Washington today.

Why it matters: President Biden's vow to support Ukraine for "as long as it takes" is at serious risk of being undermined.

  • The effectiveness of Zelensky's personal appeals has also been challenged, as dozens of Republicans used his visit as an occasion to snub Ukraine's requests and mock its wartime leader.

Driving the news: Led by Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), six Republican senators and 22 House members sent a letter to the White House today opposing Biden's request for $24 billion in additional aid for Ukraine.

  • House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) privately met with Zelensky but denied his request to address a joint session of Congress. "We just didn't have time," the embattled speaker told reporters.
  • Under pressure from conservative hardliners who are refusing to allow a vote on funding the Pentagon, GOP leadership is now considering stripping any Ukraine-related provisions from the bill as Republicans struggle to avert a government shutdown.
  • "There's no money in the House right now for Ukraine," Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), a member of the right-wing Freedom Caucus, told reporters. "It's not a good time for [Zelensky] to be here, quite frankly."

Between the lines: It's not just Republicans who disappointed Zelensky.

  • The Biden administration has opted not to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles known as ATACMS that would allow Kyiv to strike well behind Russian lines.
  • Biden "is not taking it off the table in the future," national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters, but the decision came as a disappointment to Ukrainian officials who were optimistic the request would be met.
  • Back in Europe, the Polish government announced it would stop sending arms to Ukraine as tensions between the two close allies have spiraled over grain imports.

The other side: The White House and the vast majority of senators remain united behind Ukraine, with Biden announcing a new aid package with "significant air defense capabilities" after meeting with Zelensky.

  • The Pentagon also plans to exempt Ukraine operations in the event of a government shutdown on Oct. 1, allowing training on American weapons and tactics to continue, Politico reports.

The bottom line: "There was a single sentence that summed it all up, and I'm quoting him verbatim," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters after meeting with Zelensky. "'If we don't get the aid, we will lose the war.'"


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🌭 Parting shot: Bipartisan BBQ

Photo: Courtesy of Sen. Chris Coons' office

Amid the chaos of Congress, senators sat down today for something they only do once a year: a bipartisan lunch.

Driving the news: Nearly 60 senators had a taste of the South — barbecue from Georgia — in the Kennedy Caucus Room, continuing a tradition started by the late Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) some 14 years ago, Hans reports.

  • This year, Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.), Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were the hosts, bringing in over 400 pounds of brisket, ribs and pulled pork from Bub-Ba-Q in Georgia.
  • "This is literally the only time in the entire year that the entire Senate — Republicans and Democrats — sits down and eats together," Coons told Axios.

What we're hearing: Sports and smack talk dominated the conversations around the bipartisan tables, where senators were encouraged to sit with a colleague from the opposite party — and someone they didn't know particularly well.


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👀 Ken Buck's surprise

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), a Freedom Caucus Republican who voted to oust McCarthy, is quickly building a brand as one of the most unique members of Congress.

What's happening: Buck has made headlines for publicly criticizing the House GOP's decision to launch an impeachment inquiry into Biden, insisting there is no evidence tying Biden to Hunter Biden's business dealings.

Today, Buck told HuffPost he refused to vote for either Jordan and Scalise because they refused to answer whether Biden won the 2020 election fair and square.

  • "If we don't have the moral clarity to decide whether President Biden won or not, we don't have the moral clarity to rule in this country, period," Buck said.
  • "They weren't direct. They evaded the question. I wasn't happy, so I voted 'present.'"


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The old GOP's last stand: the Senate
Illustration of an elephant knocking over a column with its trunk and tusks.

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios


With the MAGA wing of the Republican Party dominant in the presidential race and the speaker-less House of Representatives, the Senate is looking like the last bastion of old-school Republican influence.

  • The party's leaders are looking to keep it that way by quietly boosting the prospects of more mainstream Senate candidates.

Why it matters: Republicans hold solid odds of winning back the Senate in 2024, with a historically favorable map putting Democrats on defense in numerous red-state and purple-state battlegrounds.

  • So far, Senate Republicans — and those working to elect future GOP senators — have been successful in creating one remaining safe space for normalcy in a party that's grown increasingly nihilistic.
  • The odds are growing that Republicans flip the Senate but lose control of the dysfunctional House in 2024.

What to watch: If Senate Republicans have a good showing in the 2024 elections, their majority would likely be powered by traditional conservatives who would fit in well in the pre-Trump Republican Party.

  • That includes the likes of Gov. Jim Justice in West Virginia, military veteran Tim Sheehy in Montana, businessman Dave McCormick in Pennsylvania and former House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers in Michigan.

Driving the news: Some Senate Republicans are growing increasingly optimistic that businessman Eric Hovde will enter the race against Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), giving the party a more credible and well-funded challenger than other right-wing alternatives.

Zoom in: Many of the GOP's touted candidates face right-wing primary challenges — offering a critical test of NRSC chairman Steve Daines' effectiveness in getting electable candidates nominated.

  • Former Detroit police chief James Craig, positioning himself to the right of Rogers in the Michigan Senate race, announced his candidacy against the former congressman this month. Craig's launch video featured glowing commentary from former Fox host Tucker Carlson.
  • Justice is also facing a right-wing primary challenge from Rep. Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.). Trump endorsed Justice this week, giving the governor a clear advantage in the race.
  • Sheehy boasts party backing and numerous endorsements from GOP senators but still faces the possibility of a primary threat from Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.), one of the eight House Republicans who voted to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

Reality check: The overall trendlines are all pointing to the GOP moving in a much more populist and isolationist direction, even in the establishment-minded Senate.

  • At least two-thirds of Republican voters are backing presidential candidates touting the MAGA line — Trump, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
  • Even some of the more traditional candidates have made nods to the rising populism within their party. Rogers, for instance, slammed the Department of Justice as "politically motivated" in a campaign video this month — all but echoing Trump's conspiratorial view of his indictments.
  • Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), chair of the GOP conference, endorsed MAGA favorite Kari Lake in Arizona's Senate race last week.

The bottom line: If the traditional wing of the GOP can maintain its beachhead in the Senate, it would bode well for its ability to still have a strong voice despite the party's MAGA-aligned orientation.

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🇮🇱 House's first act

The House voted 412–10 — with six lawmakers voting present — on a resolution expressing support for Israel and condemning Hamas, making it the first piece of legislation passed in three weeks, Andrew reports.

Details: The resolution, first reported by Axios, affirms the U.S. "commitment to Israel's security, including through security assistance," and calls on all countries to "unequivocally condemn Hamas' brutal war."

  • It also condemns Iran's "support for terrorist groups and proxies, including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad," and calls for "full enforcement" of sanctions on Iran.

Zoom in: Voting against the resolution were Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), Andre Carson (D-Ind.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Al Green (D-Texas), Summer Lee (D-Pa.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Delia Ramirez (D-Ill.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Kentucky Republican Thomas Massie.


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Who is Mike Johnson? New U.S. House speaker belongs to GOP’s religious conservative wing

Before a relatively short time in elected office, new U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana was a constitutional lawyer deeply involved in religious causes.



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U.S. Senate committee advances Biden pick for Israel ambassador

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee advanced Wednesday the nomination of Jacob J. Lew, President Joe Biden’s choice to be U.S. ambassador to Israel.



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After Biden meeting, new Speaker Johnson says GOP won’t abandon Ukraine but will aid Israel first

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden met with new House Speaker Mike Johnson and Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries at the White House on Thursday to discuss his request for nearly $106 billion for Israel, Ukraine and other national security needs.



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🏛️ Speaker pooh-poohs new gun law

New House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told Fox News' Sean Hannity in his first interview as speaker that now isn't the time to discuss legislation to address the scourge of mass shootings.

  • "The problem is the human heart, not guns," he said.
  • "It's not the weapon, it's the underlying problem," he added.

Why it matters: President Biden and Democrats in Congress are urging action following the massacre in Maine that left 18 people dead. The speaker would have a key role in shepherding new legislation.

Johnson said it was inappropriate to discuss gun control "in the middle of the crisis."


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Lawmakers Vote Down Amendment To Avoid Government Shutdowns

(USNewsBreak.com) – Congress narrowly avoided a government shutdown in September, coming through at the last minute with a continued resolution that would keep the government funded while lawmakers worked on the appropriations bills before them. Yet, it was only a temporary stop-gap measure; the prospect of a shutdown remains firmly entrenched unless Congress can pass a funding bill by November 17.


ps:Can't believe these guys! Complaining about shutdowns, not wanting to have or deal with them, but what's even more crazy are the democrats!! They did the most complaining!!!


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Next for a new U.S. House speaker: three-week deadline to dodge a government shutdown

WASHINGTON — Newly elected U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson has three weeks to broker an agreement with Democrats to avoid a partial government shutdown when a short-term spending law expires on Nov. 17.



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🇮🇱 Johnson's IRS-for-Israel offer

In his first major political maneuver since becoming House speaker, Mike Johnson proposed offsetting $14.3 billion in military aid to Israel by rescinding an equal amount in IRS funding, Axios' Andrew Solender reports.

Why it matters: The money for new IRS agents and enforcement in Biden's signature Inflation Reduction Act has long been a GOP boogeyman, with Republicans voting to rescind it just days after taking power in the House in January.

  • Democrats are taking Johnson's efforts to offset the Israel aid — which is not common for emergency spending measures — as an early sign their initial fears about his speakership were well-founded.
  • "Threatening to undermine American national security unless House Republicans can help the wealthy and big corporations cheat on their taxes — which would increase the deficit — is the definition of backwards," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.

The big picture: Democrats and some Senate Republicans — including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — had already expressed concern about the House GOP's opposition to combining the Israel funding with aid to Ukraine, as Biden has requested.

  • McConnell delivered an impassioned speech today outlining the case for supporting Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan: "Think of it as an axis of evil: China, Russia and Iran," he said alongside Ukraine's ambassador.
  • While Johnson's Israel and IRS bill may receive some votes from moderate Democrats in the House, it's likely dead on arrival in the Senate.

Between the lines: The IRS rescission would cut against Republicans' stated goal of saving as much money as they spend by dampening tax collection enforcement, thus diminishing federal revenue.

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Blinken's domestic diplomacy

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the nation's top diplomat, turned his powers of persuasion inward today — laying out the emotional and practical cases for supporting Israel and Ukraine to a divided domestic audience.

Why it matters: The stepson of a Holocaust survivor and one of President Biden's closest confidants, Blinken's appeals represent the latest attempts to corral support for the administration's strategy on two of its defining foreign policy crises.

  • The stakes could not be higher: House Republicans have proposed a standalone bill on Israel aid that doesn't include Ukraine funding — potentially endangering Biden's long-term commitment to Kyiv.
  • The administration's full-throated support for Israel's operation in Gaza, meanwhile, has triggered a furious backlash among young voters, progressives, and Arab and Muslim Americans.

Driving the news: In a hearing hosted by the Senate Appropriations Committee, Blinken's opening statement was interrupted at least five times by protesters — some of whom had painted their hands blood red — calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

  • Blinken acknowledged "the passions expressed" in and out of the hearing room and stressed the need to protect Palestinian civilians — including by funding humanitarian assistance to Gaza as part of an Israel aid package.
  • "We don't have to choose between defending Israel and aiding Palestinian civilians. We can and must do both," Blinken wrote in a Washington Post op-ed this afternoon.

On calls for a ceasefire, however, Blinken made clear that U.S. policy would not change in the short-term — even as the humanitarian crisis deepens and Palestinian casualties spiral in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

  • "A ceasefire, in this moment, would simply consolidate what Hamas has been able to do and allow it to remain where it is, and potentially repeat what it did another day. And that's not tolerable," Blinken said.
  • To underscore his point, Blinken described — in excruciating detail — a scene from one of the kibbutzes where he said Hamas had tortured and executed an entire family: "No nation could tolerate that," he said.

Between the lines: Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who testified alongside him, made the case that Israel and Ukraine are both fighting U.S. adversaries with a common destructive goal and ally in Iran.

  • After his testimony, Blinken crossed the Capitol to meet with new House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), a Ukraine-skeptical conservative who presents the single largest obstacle to Congress approving new funding.

What to watch: The pressure campaign from anti-war and pro-Palestinian activists is unlikely to abate any time soon.

  • The National Muslim Democratic Council issued an ultimatum to Biden and Democratic leaders vowing to "mobilize Muslim, Arab, and allied voters" to withhold support in 2024 from candidates who did not advocate for a ceasefire by 5pm ET today.
  • Blinken will travel to Israel on Friday to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials as the ground offensive in Gaza intensifies.


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🏛 Ambassador confirmation kicks off Israel-packed week

With the Senate finally confirming former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew today as U.S. ambassador to Israel, all eyes are on the House this week as it votes on a raft of legislation related to the Israel-Hamas war.

Why it matters: Several of these bills could highlight and intensify longstanding Democratic divisions over Israel, Axios' Andrew Solender reports.

Legislation up for a vote this week includes:

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🏝️ McConnell's island

Johnson's ascension as House speaker has emboldened the MAGA wing of the GOP and threatened to further isolate Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as the last bastion of establishment Republican power.

Driving the news: McConnell is drawing backlash from conservatives in his own conference for opposing the House GOP's plan to de-link funding for Israel and Ukraine.

  • The 81-year-old Republican leader — who views supporting Ukraine as critical to his legacy — met recently with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to discuss what could pass the chamber.
  • McConnell has called for Democrats to accept border security provisions as part of the emergency package, but said today that "conceptually, Sen. Schumer and I are in the same place."

What they're saying: "We've got to realize that the speaker of the Republican-controlled House is the leader of the party. ... We in the minority of the Senate ought to follow his lead and not to undermine him," Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told reporters.

  • Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) called his fellow Kentucky senator "out of touch with the conservative base of our party."
  • "I think it's notable that [McConnell is] standing with Schumer" over Republicans, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) told CNN.

The intrigue: In yet another example of the brewing discontent, McConnell privately chided Hawley over a new bill aimed at restricting corporate donations to outside political groups — reading off a list of GOP senators who relied on the support of the McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund.


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Democratic fight over Israel escalates

The growing and personal Democratic split over Israel is about to spill onto the House floor, with leaders bracing for a half-dozen fights between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel members of Congress.

  • Why it matters: "Things could not possibly be any worse than they are right now," one House Democrat lamented.

Democratic aides and lawmakers told Axios several of these bills, despite having Democratic co-sponsors, are poised to split the party, Axios' Justin Green, Andrew Solender and Eugene Scott report.

  • The liberal group J Street is pressing House Democrats to vote against a GOP-led resolution condemning "the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations" on college campuses.
  • The group also urges Democrats to vote against new sanctions on Iran and a resolution declaring it "not acceptable" for Iran to have nuclear weapons.

🖼️ The big picture: President Biden's initial response to the Israel-Hamas war sparked some of the harshest criticism he's received from progressives and people of color in his party.

  • Members of the Squad, the high-profile group of House progressives, accused the White House of empowering Israel to retaliate in a way that has put the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza at risk.
  • "I want [Biden] to know as a Palestinian American and also someone of Muslim faith, I'm not going to forget this," said Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the first Palestinian-American woman in Congress, at a recent rally protesting the White House's response.

Nine House Democrats voted against a resolution last week that condemned Hamas and supported Israel, and another six voted "present."

  • The vote sparked intra-party public feuds. Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.) called Rep. Josh Gottheimer a "punk" and "cowardly" after the New Jersey Democrat wrote on X that the Democrats who voted against the resolution supporting Israel and condemning Hamas were "despicable," CNN reports.

What's next: Some of the administration's harshest critics on the Israel-Hamas war could face pro-Israel primary challengers this cycle.


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🏛️ Scoop: New speaker fuels GOP fundraising

New House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) tallied a strong first week for Republicans' grassroots fundraising, Axios' Andrew Solender has learned.

  • The NRCC, House Republicans' campaign arm, had its best online fundraising week of the cycle so far, bringing in $1 million since Johnson was elected last Wednesday, spokesman Jack Pandol said.

Why it matters: Johnson's low national profile raised concerns that he'll struggle to fill the shoes of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a prolific and innovative fundraiser.


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Ukraine and Israel aid must be bound together, two Cabinet secretaries tell U.S. Senate

WASHINGTON — Congress must approve funding for both Israel and Ukraine if it wants to avoid being dragged into a direct conflict with Russia or emboldening terrorist organizations, two top Biden administration officials told senators Tuesday.



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