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Meta, TikTok and other social media CEOs testify in heated Senate hearing on child exploitation

Sexual predators. Addictive features. Suicide and eating disorders. Unrealistic beauty standards. Bullying. These are just some of the issues young people are dealing with on social media — and children’s advocates and lawmakers say companies are not doing enough to protect them.



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GOP Blames Biden for Border Crisis That GOP Refuses to Solve

As economic concerns like inflation subside, Republicans are looking for a new 2024 message they can ride to the White House and back into unified control of Congress. And the GOP increasingly seems to be settling on a familiar line of attack for an issue that isn’t going away: immigration.



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CEOs in the hot seat

Senators from both parties berated tech CEOs today during a contentious hearing focused on children's online safety, drawing applause from a crowd that included families of kids who suffered abuse online.

  • "You have blood on your hands," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told the tech leaders during his opening remarks. "You have a product that's killing people."
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) said social media companies have hurt children with algorithms that push harmful content.

🏛️ Between the lines: Some of these CEOs have been here before, and they're getting better at fending off lawmakers' theatrics, Axios' Ashley Gold and Maria Curi note.

  • This was Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg's eighth time on Capitol Hill since he first testified in 2018.

🔮 What's next: So far, Congress' bipartisan anger at Big Tech hasn't translated into any new rules that would significantly hurt the companies' businesses or bottom lines.

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Border deal on life support

After four months of intensive negotiations, the Senate is on the verge of abandoning a bipartisan border security deal that Republicans once demanded as a precondition to new military aid for Ukraine, Axios' Stef Kight reports.

Why it matters: The bill text hasn't even been released, as furious negotiators are keen to point out. But the toxic realities of election-year politics — including an intervention from former President Trump — have pushed the deal to the precipice of collapse.

What they're saying: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has used rumors of the bill's contents to pronounce it "dead on arrival," but some Senate Republicans have been holding out hope that the dynamic will change once text is released.

  • Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), the lead GOP negotiator, said he's been meeting with Republicans one-on-one to clear up "misinformation" about the bill.
  • "I go back to the most basic principle of an Abraham Lincoln quote that's my favorite: 'Don't believe everything you read on the internet,'" Lankford quipped dryly to reporters.
  • "The rumors that are swirling about what this does and doesn't do are wrong," said Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), another key negotiator who briefed reporters on specific provisions of the bill today.

The intrigue: Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) even suggested that Russian disinformation could be the source of some online messaging against the bill, telling Politico: "ome people would rather not see funding for Ukraine."

State of play: Senate Republicans emerged from a conference lunch today with no consensus on the path forward — other than the urgent need for bill text to be released.

  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) seemed to open the door to a standalone funding package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan — potentially dropping the GOP's border conditions after months of linkage.
  • "There is bipartisan support here in the Senate for both Israel and Ukraine. Hopefully, at some point, we can get them the support they need," McConnell said.
  • "I'd still like to move forward on the border deal, but … sand's going through the hourglass," Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said about Ukraine and Israel's military needs.

What to watch: Standalone funding for Ukraine would present its own massive hurdles, especially in the House.

  • "Some people said, 'Well, I won't vote for Ukraine if I don't have a border bill.' But now some of those same people are saying, 'I don't like the border proposal,'" Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) mused.
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has threatened to introduce a motion to vacate against Johnson if he allows a vote on Ukraine funding, even though the war effort has broad bipartisan support in the House.

The bottom line: There's a reason it's been decades since Congress has made any substantive change to immigration law. The policy is complicated — and the politics are dicey even in non-presidential election years.

ps: What a weak bunch of republicans, actually they are nothing but trumplicans in republican skins!!!!!


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💰 Coming tonight: Huge tax test

Speaker Mike Johnson's delicate balancing act on the bipartisan tax deal will come to a head in a vote expected later tonight, Axios' Juliegrace Brufke reports.

State of play: GOP whips feel optimistic about the bill, which will require a two-thirds majority to pass under suspension of the rules.

Why it matters: Johnson has faced pushback from conservatives and moderates alike as Republicans seek to pass a substantive bill they can tout on the campaign trail.

  • The Louisiana Republican assured New York moderates today that a bill to address the state and local tax deduction (SALT) would begin to work its way through the House.
  • But after some members said they were told a SALT bill would get a vote this week, one source close to leadership said that it was "subject to buy-in" from other members.
  • Another senior GOP source said the timing would hinge on how soon they can put the bill together and what members need.

The big picture: The bipartisan tax package — which would bolster the child tax credit and research and development deductions for businesses — could face bigger issues in the Senate.

  • Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a former chair of the Senate Finance Committee, appeared to say the quiet part out loud today when he suggested presidential politics would play a role in the bill's fate.
  • "Passing a tax bill that makes the president look good — mailing out checks before the election — means he could be re-elected, and then we won't extend the 2017 tax cuts," Grassley told reporters, incorrectly characterizing the child tax credit provision as a mailed check.


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📺 Hawley secures Zuck apology
Zuckerberg apologizes to hearing room

Photo: Kent Nishimura/Bloomberg via Getty Images


Urged on by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg stood up in the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing room and apologized to the families affected by child exploitation on his company's platforms.

  • "No one should have to go through the things that your families have suffered, and this is why we invested so much," Zuckerberg told members of the audience holding up pictures of their loved ones.

Why it matters: It was the most striking moment in today's testimony by the CEOs of five major tech companies: Zuckerberg, X's Linda Yaccarino, Discord's Jason Citron, Snap's Evan Spiegel and TikTok's Shou Zi Chew.

  • Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said the audience gathered for the high-profile hearing on child safety online was the largest he'd ever seen.
  • Members of the crowd audibly laughed when Zuckerberg testified that "the existing body of scientific work has not shown any causal link between using social media and young people having worse mental health."

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💰 Election threatens tax breaks

A $78 billion tax package that easily passed the House is already running into presidential election-induced trouble in the Senate.

  • Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told reporters he's concerned that passing the bill will make President Biden "look good" during an election year.

Why it matters: The bill includes an expanded child tax credit for millions of lower-income families.

  • It also restores key business tax breaks for research and development.

Days of tension within the House GOP left leadership scrambling to appease grievances about the measure, which ultimately passed 357-70 with the help of Democrats.


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Biden, not Congress, responsible for action on immigration, U.S. House speaker asserts

WASHINGTON — U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday used his first floor speech since taking hold of the gavel more than three months ago to call for immediate action to address undocumented immigration and border security, saying it’s a “moral” responsibility.


ps:If that were the case why didn't the previous presidents do this than??????????

U.S. House Speaker Johnson decries antisemitism, urges protection of Uyghurs in China

WASHINGTON — U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson rejected antisemitism and called on the Biden administration to fully enforce the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act during brief remarks to the International Religious Freedom summit on Wednesday.


U.S. House committee advances impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to floor

WASHINGTON — The U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security early Wednesday voted 18-15 along party lines to send articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the House floor. Republicans argue the charges are legitimate.



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📅 Punxsutawney Hill
Photo: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

"Tomorrow is Groundhog Day," Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), the lead GOP negotiator on the Senate border deal, told reporters at the Capitol.

  • "It feels like today."

What's happening: Legislative text still has not been released for what would be one of the most restrictive border bills in a century, paired with tens of billions of dollars of foreign military aid. But negotiators are in the "very final stages," Axios' Stef Kight reports.

  • Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) told reporters the bill text would be submitted to Senate appropriators this evening, then released as soon as tomorrow as part of a broader funding package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan.
  • In a sign of plans to move quickly, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) canceled a planned recess on Monday and said the first vote will come no later than Wednesday.

What to watch: As we previewed yesterday, the bill is already on life support due to opposition from House Republicans, Trump and his allies in the Senate.

  • "It needs more time than 'read it over the weekend,'" Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) told Axios, warning that a rushed process could kill the deal in the Senate.
  • Then there's the House threat: "Why would we do anything right now to help [Biden] with that 33%?" Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) told CNN, referring to the president's low approval rating.


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👀 GOP's impeachment rebel

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) came out as a "solid no" against impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas today, potentially leaving Republicans with just one vote to spare on the House floor.

  • "It's maladministration. He's terrible," Buck, who's retiring from Congress, said of Mayorkas on MSNBC. "The border is a disaster, but that's not impeachable."
  • "This is not a high crime or misdemeanor. It's not an impeachable offense. This is a policy difference," he later told CNN.

Why it matters: A failed vote on impeaching Mayorkas would deliver a massive blow to House Republicans on one of the few issues — the border crisis — that has united the fractious GOP majority.


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The Senate is headed for a crucial test vote on new border policies and Ukraine aid

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate will hold a crucial test vote next week on legislation that would pair new policies at the southern border with wartime aid for Ukraine and other American allies, leaders pressing ahead despite heavy skepticism from Republicans and some Democrats.



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Child tax credit expanded, business tax breaks get new life in bill passed by U.S. House

WASHINGTON — The U.S. House voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to approve a $78 billion tax package that would expand the child tax credit and reinstate some tax incentives for businesses.



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The real story behind immigration reform.

We can not overcome the division, the hatred, the bigotry if we do not unite as a collective force for good.


Senators reach a deal on border policy bill. Now it faces an uphill fight to passage

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate negotiators on Friday reached a deal on a proposal to overhaul the asylum system at the U.S. border with Mexico, clearing the way for Democratic and Republican Senate leaders to begin the difficult task of convincing Congress to pass a national security package that will include tens of billions of dollars for Ukraine and immigration enforcement, as well as funding for Israel and other American allies.



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🏛️ House's new plan for Israel aid
Speaker Mike Johnson talks with anchor Maria Bartiromo during "Mornings With Maria" at Fox Business studios in Manhattan on Friday. Photo: Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

The House will vote this week on a new $17.6 billion Israel aid package, Speaker Mike Johnson said yesterday.

  • The announcement comes as Senate negotiators are preparing to roll out a deal on a comprehensive package to fund Israel, Ukraine, the Indo-Pacific and border security that House Republicans have already declared "dead on arrival," Axios' Andrew Solender writes.
  • The new House bill could put pressure on senators to abandon the deal.

Zoom in: The House passed a $14.3 billion aid package to Israel in November, shortly after Johnson took office. But Democrats and even some Republicans were upset that its spending was paired with cuts to IRS funding.

  • Just a dozen of the most staunchly pro-Israel House Democrats voted for the bill, many vocally criticizing the IRS piece. It was blocked from consideration in the Senate.

The latest: In a letter to House Republicans obtained by Axios, Johnson wrote that the IRS offset was the "primary objection" Democrats had to the last Israel bill, Johnson argued the Senate "will no longer have excuses … against swift passage of this critical support for our ally."

  • A White House official told Axios the House plan is "a stunt."


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🇮🇱 Johnson's standalone surprise

Speaker Mike Johnson's (R-La.) surprise announcement that the House will vote on a standalone $17.6 billion Israel aid package this week has undercut today's expected rollout of the Senate's border security compromise.

Why it matters: Johnson has already declared the border deal — which would combine immigration reforms with aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan — is dead on arrival.

  • His new attempt to de-link the components of Biden's supplemental national security funding request puts the House on a major collision course with the Senate.
  • "We've been awaiting their action. We cannot wait any longer. The House is willing to lead," Johnson told NBC's "Meet the Press" today, defending his decision and stressing that Biden does not need legislation to take action at the border.

The other side: White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan dismissed Johnson's move as a political "ploy," while House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Democrats would evaluate the standalone Israel package as a caucus on Tuesday morning.


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Border bill DOA
Razor wire near the Rio Grande at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas. Photo: Sergio Flores/AFP via Getty Images

It's remarkably strict, but will quickly die:

  • After months of work, senators proudly unveiled a $118 billion package that pairs tougher immigration policy with aid to Ukraine and Israel. President Biden hailed it as a chance "to secure the border."
  • But House Republicans instantly vowed to block it from a vote. One Senate conservative demanded a change in GOP leadership, Axios' Stef Kight and Andrew Solender report.

Why it matters: The House GOP is caving to former President Trump's zeal to use the border as a campaign issue, instead of taking steps to stem a growing crisis.

  • It's a new risk to Republicans' majority in November, if voters decide they can't govern.

Between the lines: House members in both parties have qualms about undermining the Senate deal, especially aid for Ukraine.

  • Some senators tell us that failing to fund Ukraine could be a historic mistake, empowering Vladimir Putin.

What's inside: The $118 billion package includes $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel.

  • An additional $10 billion is earmarked for humanitarian assistance in Gaza, the West Bank, and Ukraine.
  • The border changes include $20 billion for transportation for deportation, shelters, 4,000+ new asylum officers, more border agents, and anti-fentanyl trafficking efforts.

"I've seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected," House Speaker Mike Johnson tweeted. "If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival."

  • House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) swore the bill "will NOT receive a vote in the House."

🥊 It's not just the House. Some conservatives in the Senate also strafed it.

  • Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) tweeted: "I cannot understand how any Republican would think this was a good idea — or anything other than an unmitigated disaster. WE NEED NEW LEADERSHIP — NOW."

🔭 What to watch: The House and Senate will move in opposite directions this week, as the House votes on a standalone $17.6 billion Israel aid package.

👓 What we're watching: If the Senate passes the sweeping national security package and the House passes the Israel-only bill, the bills could head to a conference committee in an effort to reconcile them.


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McConnell's sinking ship

Former President Trump and his allies have embarked on an aggressive campaign to deliver maximum embarrassment to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) over the border deal he blessed.

Why it matters: Facing a dead end in the House, the Senate's debate over a bill released just 24 hours ago has morphed into a proxy war between Trump and the final bastion of the GOP establishment in Congress.

  • Trump allies — eager "to make Senate leadership sweat" — are counting on all 31 senators who have endorsed the former president to come out against the bill, a source familiar with the effort tells Axios' Sophia Cai.
  • McConnell's original goal was to win over at least half the Senate GOP conference, which has 49 members; after a day of mass defections, support now threatens to drop into the single digits.

State of play: The Senate will vote Wednesday on whether to advance a $118 billion emergency package that pairs historic changes to immigration law with funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

  • Among other reforms, the bill would raise the standard for the first step in seeking asylum and includes emergency authority to automatically turn back illegal border crossers to Mexico when numbers surge.
  • At least 10 Republican votes ordinarily would be needed to overcome a filibuster, but opposition from progressive Democrats likely will drive that threshold higher.
  • Ahead of a GOP conference meeting this evening, McConnell defended the bill on the Senate floor: "Senate Republicans have insisted — not just for months, but for years — that this urgent crisis demanded action."

Over in the House, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and his entire leadership team issued this blistering statement: "Any consideration of this Senate bill in its current form is a waste of time. It is DEAD on arrival in the House."

  • Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), a conservative critic of McConnell, called the bill a "betrayal" and demanded new GOP leadership.
  • "Wouldn't it be nice if Republican leadership in the Senate cared as much about Republicans as they do about [Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)?" tweeted Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).

Between the lines: One unexpected casualty of the MAGA-Mitch proxy war is lead Senate negotiator James Lankford (R-Okla.), whose GOP colleagues have abandoned him in droves under pressure from Trump.

  • "This is a very bad bill for his career. ... The people in Oklahoma ... they are not going to be happy about this," Trump told radio host Dan Bongino today, after falsely claiming he didn't endorse Lankford in 2022.
  • Asked why Trump was attacking him, Lankford told CNN: "I don't know other than he has a different job than I have right now. His job right now is running for president. ... Obviously a chaotic border is helpful to him."

The intrigue: The Border Patrol union — which backed Trump in 2016 and 2020 — endorsed the bill today, calling it "not perfect, but far better than the status quo."

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🗣️Border battle lines

The extreme range of reactions from three influential groups outside Congress helps illustrate why bipartisanship — especially on immigration — is such a tall task in the current political environment:

  • America First Legal, a pro-Trump group founded by former Trump aide Stephen Miller, called it "one of the worst bills we have seen in a long time. It is not 'tough,' and it's only 'fair' to smugglers and cartels who will continue to profit off the disaster [Biden] created."
  • The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has typically aligned itself with the GOP establishment, welcomed the "commonsense measures" in the package and said Congress "cannot afford to ignore these problems any longer."
  • Amnesty International, a human rights group, said the deal contains "the most extreme anti-immigrant proposals this country has seen in 100 years" and accused Biden of pulling from "Trump's playbook of cruelty."


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🏛️ GOP spirals over border bill

The Senate border deal — pretty much dead thanks to former President Trump — has gone over so poorly among Republicans that the GOP's lead negotiator is open to voting "no" on the first vote for his own bill.

  • Why it matters: Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) and other Senate Republicans say they need more time and a chance to change parts of the $118 billion package, Axios' Stef W. Kight writes.

Between the lines: Time is running out. Recess is planned for the two weeks after this. A government shutdown deadline is approaching (early March). And House Republicans are ready for a vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as soon as today.

  • Any significant changes to the bill — which also includes Ukraine aid — risk losing Democratic support.
  • Speaker Mike Johnson insists the bill would be dead on arrival in the House.

Trump and allies have quickly turned Lankford into a MAGA boogeyman, unleashing increasingly personal attacks on him and Republican leadership.

Keep reading.


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The GOP Fears Working With Biden More Than It Cares About Fixing the Border Crisis

Sane Republicans who want to work for the American people know the president brought a good deal to the table. But the MAGAs who work for Trump won’t stand for it.



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House vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas fails, thwarted by Republican defections

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority — for now — after a few GOP lawmakers refused to go along with the party’s plan.



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Border security and Ukraine aid collapses despite Biden’s plea for Congress to ‘show some spine’

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Senate deal on border enforcement measures and Ukraine aid suffered a swift and total collapse Tuesday as Republicans withdrew support despite President Joe Biden urging Congress to “show some spine” and stand up to Donald Trump.



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Congress' epic implosion
Illustration of the Capitol dome opening up to reveal an emergency button with a hand hovering above about to press it.

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios


Chaos has reigned over the 118th Congress from the moment it gaveled in, but the developments on Capitol Hill this week — in both the House and the Senate — have revealed new depths to the dysfunction.

Driving the news: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) officially pulled the plug today on the bipartisan border security deal, acknowledging that pro-Trump Republicans would never allow it to become law in an election year.

Zoom in: The failure of the Mayorkas impeachment, a controversial effort that came after months of pressure from the GOP base, delivered an especially humiliating blow to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.).

  • Three Republicans — Reps. Ken Buck (Colo.), Mike Gallagher (Wis.) and Tom McClintock (Calif.) — joined all Democrats in voting against the first impeachment of a Cabinet secretary since 1876.
  • A fourth Republican flipped to "no" to allow the vote to be brought back up when House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) returns from cancer treatment, but the optics of the floor debacle will sting for some time.

The big picture: House drama aside, former President Trump's dominance over the Republican Party has effectively frozen President Biden's national security agenda and ground Congress to a halt.

  • Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), who has been torn to shreds by Republicans for his role in crafting the border deal, was asked today how it felt to be run over by a bus: "And backed up," Lankford deadpanned.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said it's time for McConnell to resign as GOP leader, delighting MAGA-aligned Republicans who have long despised the Kentucky Republican.

The other side: "It's dispiriting because there used to be a difference between the Senate Republican caucus and the House Republican caucus," a furious Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), the lead Democratic negotiator, told reporters.

  • "There is no difference. They are just as dysfunctional. They are just as tied to President Trump," he said, accusing Republicans of hanging Lankford out to dry and wasting four months of negotiations.

What to watch: With Ukrainian soldiers running low on ammunition, Congress' "failure theater" — as some members have dubbed it — could have global consequences.

  • Some Senate Republicans have floated passing aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan without the border reforms — in other words, the very request Biden made to Congress four months ago.


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