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What Is the Jewish Bible?

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Personally I'd like to know why people, even Jews, call it the "Jewish Bible" when in reality it's the "Hebrew Bible," at least the Old Testament? Now the New Testament is pretty much Jewish except for maybe Luke and Acts!!

How was the Tanach compiled, who wrote it, what is its theological significance, and do archeological finds support its historical claims?

The Jewish Bible, called the Tanach (תנ׳ך)—a Hebrew acronym for its three main sections: Torah, Neviim (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings)—is the primary work of the Written Law. The English word, Bible, is derived from the Greek, ta biblia, or, “the books,” which, in reference to the Tanach, indicates that it is a compilation, in this case, of 24 different books.



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