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Religion & Public Schools

Gregory Matthews

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When the church needs the state to promote prayer, the ten commandments and the Bible it is an admission that the church has failed. It is also a sign the church has abandoned faith in God and put its faith in princes (Psalms 146:3) When Christians become more confident of their political opinions than they are of Christ and His kingdom they have abandoned their faith in God.

Faith is personal, and Christians should not rely on the state—and that includes conservative judges and lawmakers who have recast religious neutrality as anti-Christian bigotry. 






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When I was in high school   we had time allowed for religious instruction evey fri.  While it was not taught in the school itself a good portion of the students went to their respective churches for religious instruction. Prayer opening student assembly was  accepted . For those that didn't care to participate it was only expected that they show curtesy to those that did. No one was forced or made to stand out if they refused. In today's climate it would never wash.

There was a noticeable difference in the students that signed on for religious instruction and stood for prayer in assembly.

It didn't produce perfect students of course, but generally overall behavior was improved over those that did not take part in religious instruction.

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